1 Plans are afoot for an informal dance or ceilidh.
2 Individual concerts and ceilidhs can be booked in advance.
3 After the wedding a large reception and evening ceilidh was held at the Glynhill Hotel.
4 I treated myself to a night in the Ceilidh Place.
5 Years ago they used to have ceilidhs in Village school, and lots of things, but no longer.
6 There have been ceilidhs, concerts, choral group plays - the list is long!
7 There were ceilidhs round the peat fires and on the fine days we explored the moors and sea cliffs.
8 The Scottish ceilidh (pronounced KAY-lee) began as a gathering where people shared music and told stories.
9 Ceilidh, a kind of dancing party with folk music. Typical Scottish folk dances include jigs, reels and "the Gay Gordons".