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单词 Police station
1. He was taken to the police station for questioning.
2. The suspect is detained at the police station.
3. The pickpocket was brought to the nearby police station.
4. He works in the nearby police station.
5. She was taken to the police station in handcuffs.
6. You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.
7. Your car was stolen at the police station! How ironic!
8. The terrorists blew up the police station.
9. At the police station, I was charged with assault.
10. They dragged him off to the police station.
11. Policemen and policewomen work at a police station.
12. He was sent over to the police station.
13. Please give me police station.
14. The police station was terribly mobbed.
15. Their house abutted the police station.
16. The police station was blown up by terrorists.
17. He was a constable at Sutton police station.
18. He rang up the police station.
19. His apartment is three blocks away from the police station.
20. The terrorists had planted a bomb near the police station.
21. At the police station a charge sheet was made out.
22. He went to the police station and spoke to the duty officer.
23. The suspect was taken to the police station for questioning.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. The alleged victim made the complaint at a police station in York.
25. On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.
26. Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station.
27. I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.
28. The police have detained the suspected thief for questioning at the police station.
29. He spent a night in the cells at the local police station.
30. The arrested man will almost certainly be kept at this police station.
1. He was taken to the police station for questioning.
2. The suspect is detained at the police station.
3. The pickpocket was brought to the nearby police station.
4. He works in the nearby police station.
5. She was taken to the police station in handcuffs.
6. Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station.
7. I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.
8. You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.
9. Your car was stolen at the police station! How ironic!
10. The police have detained the suspected thief for questioning at the police station.
11. They have detained two men for questioning at the police station.
31. He was bundled into a car and driven 50 miles to a police station.
32. I took the watch I found to the police station but nobody has put in a claim for it.
33. The police station is a mile ahead up the hill just follow your nose.
34. Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station.
35. An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.
36. The demonstrators were carted off to the local police station.
37. The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station.
38. The film had been shot in a decrepit old police station.
39. The police stopped her and took her off to a police station.
40. The crowd tried to smash down the door of the police station.
41. A very helpful woman gave me directions to the police station.
42. The police have taken the suspect to the police station.
43. It is claimed that the officers tortured a man to death in 1983 in a city police station.
44. They have detained two men for questioning at the police station.
45. You'd better come along with me to the police station.
46. We spoke to the duty officer at the police station.
47. They arrested the men and frog-marched them to the local police station.
48. The suspect was taken to the nearest police station for questioning.
49. The bomb destroyed a police station and badly damaged a church.
50. Yesterday they continued the search, digging up the back yard of a police station.
51. Three suspects were taken in for questioning at Hereford police station.
52. Visitors to the police station should report to the station sergeant.
53. Parking outside the police station on double yellow lines is just looking for trouble.
54. The court laid the young thief under an obligation to report to the police station once a week.
55. Terrorists bombed the police station in revenge for the arrests.
56. An incident room was set up at a police station near the site of the crash.
57. He arrives at the police station.
58. Cuts to police station opening hours.
59. Inspector Brian Jaggs outside Braintree's new police station.
60. The interview-rooms were away from the main police station.
61. The Scheme will ensure that all solicitors' representatives who give police station advice do so to an agreed standard of competence.
62. They say he may strike again and they're appealing to anyone who recognises this picture to contact their local police station.
63. A police station, so help me, is a piece of the action.
64. On July 31, for instance, unidentified fighters attacked a police station in Bendery, killing two people.
65. Mr Hayes is being kept at Newham police station for questioning.
66. At the police station Rita sat on a wooden bench and answered questions.
67. If you wish to report an offence that was committed abroad, arrange to do so through your local police station.
68. When he left the cathedral he inquired of a policeman where the nearest police station was.
69. We were kept in the police station for a couple of days and then we got remanded to Low Newton.
70. Johnson is now being held at a police station in London.
71. Her car was stolen from outside the police station, which is pretty ironic.
72. The old police station is now the health centre with four doctors and several community nurses.
73. Anyone finding them should hand them in at a police station or to any officer he said.
74. Death probe: An inquest will open soon to establish how a 37-year-old man died while in custody at Darlington police station.
75. Few people were out around Snowdrop Street and Marsh Lane police station(), the scene of the disturbances the night before.
76. There were 48 mistakes of this sort in crime sheets written by police constables at the same police station.
77. The Pushkin police officers had intended to take her to St Petersburg police station when they discovered she was a foreigner.
78. A police spokesman said yesterday some dialled 999 while others rang Darlington police station direct.
79. The Street Duties sergeant at the police station had given him a hard time.
80. Evidence is generally stored in a guarded locker in the police station until it is needed in court.
81. He was taken straight to West Drayton police station and charged with possession of drugs.
82. Police are appealing for anyone who can assist them to contact the Pollok police station.
83. A 19-year old man from the Basildon area was last night helping police with their inquiries at Clacton police station.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
84. That thought had occurred to me before I was hauled off to Southwold police station for the interrogation.
85. The summons on New Year's day to the Mount Darwin police station.
86. The Chubb connects the electronic warning system to Guy's Marsh police station.
87. A police station adjacent to the jail was simultaneously attacked by the rebels, its occupants disarmed and its telephone wires severed.
88. Many houses some distance from the blast which was close to the nearby police station were badly damaged.
89. Some one must have buried them when they were too frightened to hand them in to the police station.
90. Around 12 people were killed when a car bomb exploded outside a police station in the Chechen capital, Grozny.
91. Or take the scene in a New York police station as portrayed in a television comedy.
92. I was horrified to find out later that in fact he had not collected her from school but from the police station.
93. They took us to the police station and then to a battered women's house at about 2 a.m.
94. They said I might have to go down to the police station and be interviewed there later in their inquiries.
95. The perplexed driver took him to a police station - which then contacted Steve.
96. Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting, but they let me out of the police station.
97. The men, all under 25, were questioned yesterday at Middlesbrough police station before being released on bail pending further investigations.
98. They cruised all night through the streets of Gary, and went from police station to police station.
99. Search at the police station should not be undertaken as a matter of routine but only where justified under Lindley v. Rutter.
100. Anyone wishing to contact the community team can do so by telephoning Rhyl police and asking for St Asaph police station.
101. Daley sat in the house, out of sight, but giving orders to the corner police station by phone.
102. Now would you mind calling round at Love Lane police station.
103. He was taken to Cowley Police Station and released after two hours when Police realised his role was entirely innocent.
104. But there was no room there and the 22-year-old had spent the last six days in Middlesbrough police station.
105. Now, seeing the sober blue gleam from the Police Station she went in.
106. He had never been inside a police station, had never met a private detective, had never spoken to a criminal.
107. Phone calls to the local police station began a few minutes later.
108. The 17-year-old alleged victim made the complaint at a police station in Brixton, South London, on Saturday.
109. He raised them now at the two shaken women who sat facing him in the interview-room at Stowbridge police station.
110. Twenty travellers are staging a protest outside a police station demanding the return of their vehicles.
111. A car bomb exploded at a police station in Burgos on Aug. 17, severely injuring one person.
112. He was accordingly arrested and taken to Vine Street Police Station where he duly provided two specimens of breath in the intoximeter.
113. During the car journey to the police station he continued to admit being concerned in the one robbery.
113. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
114. We will look first at problems arising during the field-work, before describing the nature of Easton and its police station.
115. The information should be sent to the communications department at Darlington Police Station, where it will be kept on computer file.
116. The three women living there took refuge at a police station 100m down the road.
117. Mayor Brown exhorted the Mission police station to patrol the park every day.
118. Mr. Bell was taken to a police station in Liverpool and detained in police cells overnight.
119. They had last gone through the pointless business in the visitors' room of a police station.
120. The police station is in a private home that the Communists expropriated in 1948.
121. I sat in the road during a demonstration and got hauled off to the police station in Newbury.
122. The council hopes to use the County Buildings in Regent Street, the town's former police station.
123. After a conversation with two traffic wardens and taking their advice I went to the police station and reported my loss.
124. She managed to push a silent panic button linked to the police station while doing so.
125. The gangs burned dozens of homes and business belonging to Madurese, many of whom sought shelter at a police station.
126. Officers handcuffed him and hauled him to the police station.
127. At one time there was a police inspector and a police constable at the police station.
128. I have been to every Metropolitan police station, from Islington in the north to Bow Street in the west.
129. I broke a window at the new police station in Reading.
130. The police station is a madhouse most of the time.
131. Marchers who had cameras were forced to surrender their film, Fiim was also confiscated at the police station from those arrested.
132. About 10 hours after the shooting the defendant attended the local police station with his attorney.
133. Officers at Huyton police station were inundated with offers to give Champ a home.
134. I drove to the nearest police station, handed in the knife and told the desk sergeant my story.
135. He was arrested at 6 a.m. and detained at a police station until his interview began after noon.
136. The basement behind formed the firs fire station with its antediluvian engine, and opposite was the police station.
137. More than 200 residents were evacuated to a nearby police station.
138. Mr. Evans, I must ask you to come with me to the police station.
139. But in the end she agreed to go with the Pitts to the local police station to express concern about the absentees.
140. When Findlay arrived at the police station the superintendent ordered that he be held incommunicado.
141. But the youngsters were found dead in their beds after she walked into a police station at the weekend.
142. The hall had suddenly begun to resemble a police station.
143. A 28-year-old man was later arrested and was last night helping with inquiries at Witham police station.
144. Next stop was the local police station to get another certificate to say that I had no previous convictions.
145. I have been asked to send a copy of this letter to the local police station dealing with the accident.
146. Miss Thomas was laid out on a pavement and the police were summoned from a nearby police station.
147. At the police station they asked me the same questions all over again.
148. Three bodies were recently discovered at Simrudu police station,(http:///police station.html) close to where the 15 villagers were murdered.
149. That's why they want to reassure them of their treatment at the Police station.
150. And officers - some armed - were put on guard at Aylesbury police station.
151. Rioters created a diversion by setting fire to vehicles close to the police station.
152. Your local police station should be able to mark your bike for you.
153. The familiar blue lamp of a police station appeared in the morning twilight.
154. Inspector Clive Butler, 38, was a sergeant at the island police station, before beginning at Braintree at the weekend.
155. The murder inquiry based at Mere Way police station now involves sixty officers.
156. Cop shop: Police have opened their own cop shop at Darlington police station to sell personal attack alarms and security devices.
157. Their homes will probably have a hotline to the local police station in the event of any signs of vigilante action.
158. But she turned up safe and well at dawn when she walked into a mobile police station just yards away.
159. In Mr Warren's case, the intoximeter at the police station did not function correctly and so samples were required.
160. Interview. he sez they went to several addresses but then the driver surrendered himself at the police station.
161. He had entered the police station in a storm of self-righteous protest and had been by turn hectoring, belligerent and spiteful.
162. The drama unfolded at 7am when officers gathered for an operation briefing at Stanley Road police station, Kirkdale.
163. The pickpocket was haled into the police station.
164. The constable conducted the suspect to the police station.
165. Everyone caught the thieve to the police station.
166. They were brought to the police station in chains.
167. Aunty NG daitun police station immediately to the police.
168. It was thought he might have resisted arrest, but in the event he accompanied the officers to the Police Station, as meek as a lamb.
169. You should go due north to find the police station.
170. Officers responded to a robbery call at the main branch of the Wells Fargo Bank across from the Yuma Police Station around 1:30 p.m. Saturday.
171. And I was glad to visit it again today. Moreover, first time visiting Central Police Station and Former Central Magistracy as well.
172. Henry is on the black list at the police station.
173. In Maiduguri, a bomb attack at a police station alarmed voters,(/police station.html) although no one was killed.
174. May I apply for my ID card in the local police station here?
175. On no consideration must he be seen visiting the police station.
176. Of course. You need to register it with the police station to get a license and dog tag for it.
177. The enforcement of the ruling shall be assisted work unit and the local police station.
178. They were killed in double suicide car bomb attack at a police station.
179. Thief is forced over shoes over boots, go accordingly police station.
180. At present, the forest remains still preserved in Harbin Police station medical examiner the room.
181. At the Van Nuys police station, Jack persuades the Desk Sergeant to let him talk to Penticoff. Just then Agent Mason shows up with every intention of stopping Jack.
182. In order to register a handgun, however, it must be brought in to the police station.
183. He took her to the police station and placed her in a holding cell.
184. The Czechs are very proud of a new police station and footbridge they have constructed.
185. The other woman accompanied her to the police station on Aug. 20 just to support her but then told the investigating officer on duty that she, too, had had sex with Assange, Aftonbladet reported.
186. Early one morning the sub-inspector at a police station the other end of the town rang me up on the phone and said that an elephant was ravaging the bazaar.
187. All we came from the 6th police leaving here is a troublous matter, so we should look after this.
188. In Miami, Florida, it is illegal skateboard in a police station.
189. And despite the city's efforts to get day laborers off the street, dozens wait for work at an unsanctioned 9 site just yards from the police station.
190. As I passed the town's small and pokey police station on the opposite side of the road, I walked by a small, white, old-fashioned car parked up on my side of the road.
191. The thief kept his mouth shut in the police station.
192. Please come to the police station with me for identity verification.
193. The woman, Monju Begum, then took the penis to the police station in a polythene bag to present as evidence.
194. A police station in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri has been destroyed in an attack blamed on the Boko Haram Islamic sect.
195. Bridget Pickett , who spoke to reporters at the Wilshire Division police station, where Brown was booked.
196. But a member of the player's entourage firmly denied the report, saying that Essien had been taken to a police station to provide a blood sample after an inconclusive breathalyser test.
197. Police station employee is in suffer below assistance of police precatory organization, the information on monitoring website, forum.
198. Pakistan's domestic satellite channel ARY News spoke to Bibi in the police station where she is being held in the southern city of Karachi.
199. Newsbeat asked how he felt about the police station bomb.
200. They complained that they had been trapped inside the police station, but in fact most were seen escaping over the adjacent roofs to safety in nearby buildings.
201. John as caught for picking and stealing , and was dragged to the police station.
202. At last, Officer Orangutang took him to the police station.
203. Seeping through the squalid air of the police station, the sour smell of dirt and disinfectant.
204. The witness reported hearing what sounded like explosions and said he had heard that a police station in the opposition-minded Souk al-Juma suburb had been raided.
205. Liu Li male male , 31 years old, Hatie Police station Control center police.
206. her uncle, Om Prakash, told reporters in televised remarks outside a police station in the Indian capital following his arrest.
207. Take the passport lost certificate, which got from the local police station to the embassy in China to apply a new passport or apply a temporary certificate of identification.
208. Eventually theand the mouse the jar on the floor of Thorpe Wood police station.
209. Behind them rises the bombed-out ruins of a police station, a sign that government officials are not welcome in the area.
210. I always buy my newspapers at the shop next to the police station in which cards, magazines, and fancy goods are displayed.
211. The prisoners were taken to a building in a nearby village—possibly a police station in Antu, which was near the pickup point.
212. You need to register it with the police station to get a license and dog tag for it.
213. Response: After always installing policeman of police station community to investigate, with house appoint meeting and street talk things over, send two people toward bughouse cure.
214. A teenage Chinese witness to a racially motivated assault is being driven to the police station. A quiet reminder of the dangers of inter-communal suspicion and conflict.
215. But the smart money goes to the low-budget drama of the original: Arnold Schwarzenegger's cyborg killer crashing into a police station after the desk sergeant gives him the runaround.
216. The day before yesterday morning, the Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Branch security police station last terminal on the contact work in Ningbo Yin, Xiao Jie, Hunan people.
217. But pond local police station Instructor Liu told the reporters, this extermination document is he the most flagitious case which has seen since the police 20 years.
218. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Parthenon in Greece, the downtown police station in Venice.
219. Police in Tunisia have shot dead two people who were among a crowd which attacked a police station in the northern town of Kef.
220. Please be informed that the floor plan of the Central Police Station (CPS) Compound is available in HKIA Premises to members who are interested in bidding the curatorship for viewing and inspection.
221. In the Xixi local police station office at Chen Mou to obloquy.
221. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
222. When the local police station, Xiaowen Xing can not hide in the circumstances, the active account of his own son sold to repay gambling debts of the fact that.
223. In computer security, pertaining to an alarm reporting system connected to a police station.
224. The suspect was marched to the police station for interrogation.
225. The 1800 rule stipulated than any Parisienne wishing to dress like a man "must present herself to Paris' main police station to obtain authorisation".
226. WPC Day, who is single, is part of a 999 response team based at the town's Gablecross police station.
227. The local police station will have permanent population registered at fixed period.
228. He said the Yaqshid District police station had been held by insurgent groups.




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