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单词 little people
释义  ˈlittle ˌpeople noun [plural]  1  POORall the people in a country or organization who have no power 平民百姓,小老百姓 It’s the little people who bear the brunt of taxation. 税负压力最大的是平民百姓。2. the little people RFimaginary people with magic powers, especially Irish leprechauns 小仙子;〔尤指爱尔兰传说中的〕矮妖精Examples from the Corpuslittle people• What Fussell is looking for are the records of the little people, to discover what the war was like for them.• During recess, I checked whether the big people were bending low to listen to the little people.• Because here, I thought, is where it starts, with the little people, in the local-union halls.ˈlittle ˌpeople nounChineseSyllable  or in country the people Corpus all a




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