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单词 Sterilisation
(1) The sterilisation of the gut by the washout can even prevent the cleavage.
(2) Chemical sterilisation is not practicable and the terms sterilisation and disinfection should never be confused or used as synonyms.
(3) But sterilisation is the ultimate means of ensuring effective population control.
(4) Sterilisation may be the ideal method of birth control for couples who are sure they have completed their family.
(5) Where possible[http:///sterilisation.html], heat sterilisation is the method of choice.
(6) He says: "The heightened monetary sterilisation operations suggest that appreciation pressure on the renminbi is intensifying.
(7) During the sterilisation procedure the radiation dose should be measured.
(8) Medical advances in recent years have made male and female sterilisation simpler and more acceptable to many people.
(9) How does one educate these people into birth control, a vasectomy or sterilisation?
(10) However, the administrative and medical infrastructure in many parts of the country is still not adequate to cope with the vast implications of nationwide compulsory sterilisation.
(11) To ease the agony of the thousands who have lost the only children government policy allowed them to bear, doctors are to provide free treatment to reverse sterilisation procedures.
(12) The reading of the independent temperature indicator should be routinely checked against the chart recorder during the sterilisation period.
(13) The result is the Multi-annual Cat Plan 2011-2016, which says sterilisation is necessary "to halt the increase in the numbers of strays and cats collected in shelters".
(14) Said cap can be attached either to a feeding bottle or to a pacifier to enable the sterilisation thereof in a microwave oven.
(15) Because the water used in these treatments holds living fish, conventional methods of decontamination and sterilisation cannot be used.
(16) We are of the view that where a state legislatures, in the exercise of its own powers, decide that the time is ripe and it is necessary to pass legislation for compulsory sterilisation, it may do so.
(17) The pill the choice of most women, followed by condoms and sterilisation.
(18) Countless adjustments over the past 30 years have created a mind-bogglingly complex system that touches on everything from contraception and sterilisation to pensions and tax incentives.
(19) The snag is that money-supply growth would explode without sterilisation, which is now close to its limit.




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