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单词 challenge
释义 Word family  noun challenge challenger adjective challenging challenged ≠ unchallenged unchallengeable verb challenge adverb challengingly  Related topics: Lawchal·lenge1 /ˈtʃæləndʒ/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL noun  1  STH difficult 困难的事 [countable, uncountable]DIFFICULT something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting 挑战,具有挑战性的事物challenge of The company is ready to meet the challenges of the next few years. 公司已准备好迎接今后几年的挑战。the challenge of doing something I relish the challenge of rebuilding the club. 我从重建俱乐部的挑战中获得乐趣。face/take on/accept etc a challenge (=be ready to deal with one) 面对/接受等挑战 Martins now faces the biggest challenge of his career. 马丁斯现在面临他事业上最大的挑战。meet a challenge/rise to a challenge (=successfully deal with one) 迎接挑战 a new and vibrant initiative to meet the challenge of the 21st century 一项迎接21世纪挑战的令人兴奋的新举措intellectual/physical challenge the intellectual challenge of postgraduate research 研究生研究工作在智力上的挑战2  question STH 质疑某事 [countable]ACCEPT when someone refuses to accept that someone or something is right and legal 〔对某人或某事的正确性、合法性等的〕质疑challenge to a direct challenge to the Governor’s authority 对总督权威的直接质疑challenge from The president faces a strong challenge from nationalists. 总统面临民族主义者的强烈质疑。pose/represent/present a challenge (to somebody) The strike represented a serious challenge to the government. 此次罢工是对政府的严峻挑战。mount/launch a challenge They decided to mount a legal challenge to the decision. 他们决定对这项判决提出上诉。3  competition 竞争ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something [countable] when someone tries to win something or invites someone to try to beat them in a fight, competition etc 挑战,〔比赛等的〕提议,邀请challenge for They are ready to mount a challenge for the championship. 他们准备发起挑战争夺冠军。 They threw down the challenge that he couldn’t wash 40 cars in one hour (=invited him to try to do it). 他们激将他,说他不可能在1小时内擦洗40辆汽车。 The prime minister narrowly avoided a leadership challenge last year. 去年首相侥幸避过了一次对他领导地位的挑战。4. stop 停止 [countable]ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something a demand from someone such as a guard to stop and give proof of who you are, and an explanation of what you are doing 喝停盘问5. in law 法律方面 [countable]SCT law a statement made before the start of a court case that a juror is not acceptable 〔开庭前〕反对某人任陪审团成员的声明n COLLOCATIONSverbsmeet a challenge (=deal with one)Here are a few tips to help you meet the challenges of university life.face a challenge (=have to deal with one)The company still faces some challenges.accept a challenge (=try to deal with one)He was ready to accept new challenges.take on a challenge (=accept one)The new headteacher has taken on the challenge of improving the school.present/pose a challenge (=be a difficult one)These changes pose a real challenge to farmers.provide a challenge (=be an interesting one)Her new job provided a real challenge.rise to a challenge (=deal successfully with it)It was a difficult project but we rose to the a challengeChildren enjoy a challenge so the work should not be too easy.adjectivesa big/major/huge/tremendous challengeBuilding the tunnel presented a major challenge to engineers.a serious challengeAt the moment we are facing a serious environmental challenge.a real challenge (=a difficult one)On Monday, Sharapova faced her first real challenge of the tournament.a formidable/daunting/tough challenge (=a very difficult one)How to deal with waste is a daunting challenge for the west.the biggest challenge of somethingThis could be the biggest challenge of his intellectual/physical/technical etc challengeI love the physical challenge of climbing.Examples from the Corpuschallenge• Overcoming a natural resistance to change is a challenge faced by many companies that want to progress.• His biggest challenge with this unit will be motivation.• Our city challenge and other inner-city initiatives were enthusiastically received by local authorities and the private sector - particularly in the north-east.• How to preserve that involvement in an egalitarian context is one of the great challenges of modern society.• Deceptively strong, he can surprise opponents by riding heavy challenges.• It was an interesting challenge and I responded with alacrity.• Her legal challenge has been taken over by another prospective Citadel cadet, Nancy Mellette.• Holyfield accepted Lewis' challenge to fight for the title.• In grade school, Clint was a real challenge to all of his teachers.• Each lawyer may issue up to six challenges.• I like the challenge of learning new things.• This chapter has concentrated on the challenges of bureau work.the challenge of doing something• He loves the area and the fans, loves the challenge of trying to craft a winner out of dubious ingredients.• If you are primarily interested in the challenge of leadership, you might begin with Chapters 11 and / or 4.• In facing the challenge of drug abuse, the media have never been less monolithic.• It is only by offering women real choices that we can begin to meet the challenges of Hindutva.• It was enough to see off the challenge of unlucky Wimbledon in this replay at Selhurst Park.• Like all agencies operating in a squeezed market, it faces the challenge of achieving corporate growth.• So I knew I wanted a partner to share the challenge of having a business.• That was one of the challenges of his life.challenge to• The court will hear a challenge to a ban on write-in votes.threw down ... challenge• It was they, not we, who threw down the challenge.Related topics: Lawchallenge2 ●●● S3 W3 AWL verb [transitive]  1  question STH 质疑某事ACCEPT to refuse to accept that something is right, fair, or legal 质疑〔某事物的正确性、合法性等〕,对…表示怀疑 a boy with a reputation for challenging the authority of his teachers 一个以挑战老师权威而出名的男孩challenge a view/an idea/an assumption etc Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists. 类似这样的观点遭到环境保护主义者的强烈质疑。 They went to the High Court to challenge the decision. 他们就这项判决向高等法院提出上诉。challenge somebody to do something I challenge Dr. Carver to deny his involvement! 我看卡弗医生敢不敢否认此事与他有关!2  competition 竞争ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to invite someone to compete or fight against you, or to try to win something 向…挑战;邀请〔某人〕比赛 → challenger, darechallenge somebody to something After lunch, Carey challenged me to a game of tennis. 午饭后,凯里邀请我和他比一场网球。challenge for Liverpool are challenging for the title (=in a position where they could win). 利物浦队要挑战冠军。3  STH difficult 困难的事DIFFICULT to test the skills or abilities of someone or something 考验…的技术[能力];激发;激励 SYN stimulate I’m really at my best when I’m challenged. 我遇到挑战时状态最好。challenge somebody to do something Every teacher ought to be challenging kids to think about current issues. 每一位老师都应激励学生思考当前的问题。4  stop SB 使某人停下PROVE to stop someone and demand proof of who they are, and an explanation of what they are doing 喝停盘问〔某人的身份、意图等〕 We were challenged by the security guard at the gate. 我们在门口被保安人员拦住盘问。5. in law 法律方面SCT law to state before the start of a court case that a juror is not acceptable 〔开审前〕反对…担任陪审团成员 —challenger noun [countable] Lewis is his main challenger for the world title. 刘易斯是他争夺世界冠军头衔的最大挑战者。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuschallenge• We were challenging all the traditional methods of testing for poisons.• That claim has been challenged and much debated, but it seems to hold up.• Guards were ordered to challenge anyone entering the building.• Many doctors have challenged the accuracy of his findings.• Owner Fred Davies is challenging the council after being refused permission to convert the ailing hotel into a nursing home.• Billboard companies say they will challenge the new law in court.• The beatitudes are counter-cultural, because they correct and challenge the ways in which we understand happiness.• I challenge this assumption, and question the push into Putumayo.• He's a good choir director - he really challenges us.challenge ... decision• The local presbytery agreed, but 10 area churches challenged the decision.challenge somebody to something• She challenged him to a race and won.From Longman Business Dictionarychallengechal‧lenge /ˈtʃæləndʒ/ noun [countable]1ACCOUNTINGa careful check of the cash and shares etc held by the employees of a company, as part of an official check to discover if there has been any dishonesty2something difficult that you feel determined to solve or achieveNow the company’s challenge is to work out a plan to settle its $1.5 billion in debts.Population growth is the most formidable challenge facing the nation.3a refusal to accept that something is right and legalThe suit is a major challenge to Georgia’s election laws.Origin challenge2 (1200-1300) Old French chalengier “to accuse”, from Latin calumniari “to accuse falsely”, from calumnia; → CALUMNYchal·lenge1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1challenge2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  something strength, or skill, ability, Business tests that Corpus




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