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单词 Eruption
1 The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous.
2 It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius for some years.
3 There was a violent eruption of anti-government feeling.
4 The volcano is in eruption.
5 The recent outbreak/eruption of racial violence in the area is very troubling.
6 The eruption of the volcano covered states as far away as Montana in a fine layer of ash.
7 The eruption had covered the town with a fine layer of ash.
8 The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere.
9 The extinct volcano's eruption would mean a cataclysm for the city.
10 The temple was destroyed in the violent eruption of 1470 BC.
11 It stung, that eruption of uncomprehending idiocy.
12 It's quite clear that the eruption was totally unexpected.
13 The volcanic eruption on Krakatoa had an explosive power equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT.
14 The most recent exodus followed a June 25 eruption that killed 10 people and left nine missing and believed dead.
15 After this final fatal episode the eruption dragged on for many months, lasting well into 1903.
16 The last major eruption occurred 1, 100 years ago, when mudslides cascaded on to areas now inhabited by millions of people.
17 The massive volcanic eruption could affect the climate of the whole planet.
18 The eruption of Mount Pinatubo produced a massive cloud of dust.
19 The response of the world's climate to the eruption confirmed predictions of high sensitivity to such events.
20 As recently as 1977, an offshore eruption sent a 1,[]000-metre column of burning methane gas into the air.
21 Nor did she see the sudden eruption into the alehouse of two more men.
22 The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption.
23 Volcanic ash showered down on the town after the eruption.
24 The volcano is still active, as evidenced by the recent eruption.
25 They could be likened to the dynamic force of a volcanic eruption.
26 It is theoretically possible that this activity could trigger an eruption, but highly unlikely, he said.
27 Others held that meteorites were more immediately terrestrial in origin, being akin to volcanic bombs ejected by violent eruption events.
28 Their campsites, graves, and houses had been buried and protected by a volcanic eruption.
29 A word here in passing about what actually goes to make up a typical volcanic eruption cloud.
30 Instantly hardening, it has effectively blocked an estimated 50 percent of the force of the eruption coming from a new fissure.
1 The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous.
2 The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption.
3 It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius for some years.
4 The extinct volcano's eruption would mean a cataclysm for the city.
5 The temple was destroyed in the violent eruption of 1470 BC.
31 The characteristics of the various types of volcanic eruption are considered in the general texts mentioned above.
32 The volcano eruption forced the U.S. to abandon Clark Air Force Base.
33 It said that temperatures could be expected to rise now that ash from the Pinatubo eruption was dissipating.
34 When Robbie lost her temper, it was a sudden eruption, short-lived and always followed by remorse.
35 We're talking about the combined and simultaneous effect of a massive thermonuclear detonation, a volcanic eruption and an earthquake.
36 From behind the scenes, a scalding eruption sends the poor receptionist scuttling out again.
37 Most of the difficulty stems from the fact that an eruption is an extremely complex phenomenon.
38 No one knows the height of the tsunami caused by this eruption.
39 The eruption itself offers interesting problems and opportunities in dating.
40 Two things stem directly from the location of a submarine eruption.
41 There will be rotating images on screen of some of the exhibits and a time-lapse sequence of the Vesuvian eruption.
42 An important general moral arises from the long dispute over the date of the Thera eruption.
43 The rash first appears as areas of erythema and is followed by the typical vesicular eruption.
44 This time around, Dirk Pitt is nursing injuries sustained during a volcanic eruption.
45 It is not prickly heat, it is more likely to be Polymorphic Light Eruption, an allergy to the sunshine.
46 That hot-spot eruption lasted some 2 million years before petering out to a more modest flow.
47 The eruption buried the Late Bronze Age town of Akrotiri on the island and there were also marked effects on islands nearby.
48 There had been no let-up in Mount Etnas eruption, C vouchsafed.
48 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
49 Perhaps the loss of sunlight was behind a small eruption of quarrels and pointless practical jokes.
50 It was these, not so much the explosions perse that made the Krakatoa eruption the most lethal on record.
51 Other scholars, however, believed that the effects of the Thera eruption would have been widely felt.
52 And other triggers, such as very heavy rainfall, can create a sudden flow weeks or even months after an eruption.
53 Volcanotectonic faults that controlled the eruption pattern may also have influenced the subsequent fault control of the West Cumbrian Permo-Carboniferous basins.
54 A family attempts to cope with the eruption into their lives of an unruly aunt.
55 They rose sharply, for example, during the eruption of Monte Nuevo in 1538.
56 A global pall of dust raised by the eruption reddened sunsets everywhere on Earth for several months.
57 The trees were blasted by the volcanic eruption.
58 His urticaria eruption resolved 3 hours later.
59 A few days later, Vesuvius was in violent eruption.
60 Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.
61 Signs of dangerous social eruption, actually were few.
62 Clinical manifestations of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption.
63 Pompeii disappeared after the volcano eruption.
64 The island was convulsed by the eruption.
65 Eruption in freeze-dry has important effect on the quality of medicine shope.
66 How much advance notice would there be of an eruption?
67 B. earthquake, volcanic eruption, tidal wave following earthquake or seaquake, windstorm, flood, overflow of the sea, tidal wave, landslide, subsidence, collapse.
68 Conclusion:Incidence of epidermolysis bullosa type eruption ought to be observed...
69 The so-called Oruanui eruption was the most recent volcanic event to score the maximum 8 on the VEI – 10 times bigger than Tambora, and 100 times bigger than Krakatoa.
70 Eight cases of oral syphilitic eruption in secondary syphilis are reported.
71 The eruption of volcano makes many people lose their lives.
72 Since the initial eruption of violence in Mazar-i-Sharif on Friday(), about 20 people are estimated to have died.
73 The Federal Aviation Administrationimposed a no-fly zone around Mt. Redoubt during an eruption as recentlyas last year.
74 The entire Pompeii city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A . D .
75 Although this volcano began by erupting lava, the eruption actually began on the edge of the icecap during March.
76 The eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia 1985 triggered a massive mudslide.
77 Coincidentally, the masterpiece was inspired by the powerful volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.
78 The discrete event control system(DECS), as a kind of discrete event system(DES), has its own characteristics such as simultaneous eruption, being multi-valued,[] and having time sequence.
79 The volcano became active during the glacial period.The last eruption was in 1986.
80 There are obvious changes in the S-shaped active filaments relevant with the flare before and after the flare eruption, and all of the filaments disappear at last.
81 A car is shown submerged in ash in this May 20, 1980 photo from Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington State.
82 The main side effects of interferon were fever, chill and skin eruption.
83 Tsunami: A great sea wave produced especially by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.
84 But without a large prominence eruption, we will not have a magnetic storm here at Earth that drives the brilliant aurora.
85 RESULTS: The ADRs of acanthopanax were characterized by drug fever, anaphylactic shock and drug eruption etc.
86 Around the same time, a massive volcanic eruption in the Wrangell Mountains in Alaska occurred, blanketing the area in a layer of ash, up to a foot deep, called the White River tephra.
87 Scientists predicted this 2006 eruption of Mount Merapi, but many mystically minded locals refused to leave.
88 The volcanic eruption at Santorini 250 years later destroyed the palaces again, although Knossos was rebuilt for a new dynasty.
89 The eruption has also caused problems for animals in Iceland. The volcano left ash and sharp, glass-like rocks all over the countryside.
90 The eruption killed seven people, said the Eritrean government, and other reports indicate that thousands were affected in both Eritrea and Ethiopia, though news from the region is sparse.
91 So eruption of volcanoes is one way of producing igneous rocks.
92 In a small way , this eruption also threatened America's war effort in Europe.
93 Concern has responded to several disasters over the years, including the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo and the subsequent lahar flows, which lasted for more than five years.
94 The result is "contention, " Mr. Crisafulli and other researchers wrote in "Ecological Responses to the 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens, " a collection of research papers.
95 The skin eruption is of value in suggesting the diagnosis.
96 But advanced instruments and a two-month heads-up allowed researchers to finally confirm the "teeny little sparks" during a recent eruption of Alaska's Redoubt Volcano.
97 People first spotted the noctilucent clouds a few years after the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa super-volcano in Indonesia created spectacular sunsets from ash in the atmosphere.
98 The interconnection of volcanism and plutonism is the focal point in the study of magmatic activity, development and evolution from intrusion to eruption .
99 Objective: To measure changes in angular position and eruption status of mesially impacted mandibular third molars (M3) during 3-year follow-up period.
100 The first Kentucky Derby was run at Churchill Downs on 5-17-1875, and the famous eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano in Washington occurred on 5-18-1980.
101 The science of forecasting a volcanic eruption has significantly advanced over the past 25 years.
102 As volcano eruption is deemed to be an uninsurable risk(), there are few studies to turn to.
103 Though the next eruption will likely follow a similar path, thousands of homes, shacks of hand-hewn eucalyptus boards and sheet-metal roofs, have been built directly atop the old flow.
104 This article presents a clinical case with two tuberculate type supernumerary teeth who is under long term follow up until succeeding permanent central incisors eruption.
105 As an essential and important type of volcanic activity on earth, phreatomagmatic eruption is characterized by groundwater-related explosive eruption and subsequent base surge deposit and maar lakes.
106 Interference with the eruption of impacted permanent incisors by odontoma is occasionally detected but difficult to manage in children and adolescents.
107 The tensions are real, the threat of a violent eruption constant.
108 There was no sign the offshore eruption posed any danger to residents, he said, with trade winds blowing gas and steam away from the island.
108 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
109 Their services are vital in the immediate aftermath of a severe natural event such as an earthquake, hurricane, cyclone or volcano eruption.
110 Victim of Mount Vesuvius, Herculaneum, Italy, 1994 A reddish-brown skeleton, belonging to a victim of the infamous Mount Vesuvius eruption, lies partially uncovered in the ancient city of Herculaneum.
111 Niacin deficiency can also cause an eczema type of skin eruption with brown pigmentation, largely on the face, forearms and legs.
112 Scarlet fever like or measles like type was the most common eruption type, while urticaria type, erythema multiforme type and fixed type were next to it.
113 A trend of thought ascribes the Bushveld Complex to eruption from more than one center.
114 Earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, high tide, typhoon rain - storm or similar hazards of wind or water.
115 The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatau , a small, uninhabited island located west of Sumatra in Indonesia.
116 That plan was inspired by watching what happened after the eruption of the Mount Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines in 1991.
117 A whirlwind computer animation sequence gives you a ride through the center of the earth to see the process of the geological forces that cause a volcanic eruption of earthquake.
118 Volcanic eruption facies and flooding facies are extensively developed in the Sihetun area, west Liaoning.
119 Space observations have revealed a 3 to 8 percent depletion of the ozone layer following the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.
120 There is no such thing as a maculopapule, but there may be both macules and papules in an eruption.
121 And the eruption order of 3 disease is similar also, all be facial, truncal , limb ordinal eruption.
122 It'seems that another eruption could be right around the corner.
123 Human tooth development is a reciprocal and consecutive process, which includes bud, cap, bell stages, tooth root development and tooth eruption.
124 There is a link to the Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory (MEVO). Moreover a Mount Ruapehu eruption information page is contained with downloadable movies and images from the 1996 eruption etc.
125 The Minoan civilization disappeared suddenly at about the same time as the volcanic eruption.
126 Definitions, etiology and pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and clinical manifestations of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption.
127 Coincidentally, it is thought that the masterpiece was inspired by the blood red skies caused by the powerful volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.
128 Thousands of trees in the North Fork Toutle River drainage area are shown blown down by the force of the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens, seen on Aug. 22, 1980.
129 A bridge collapsed in Buenos Aires and a volcanic eruption in Jakarta.
130 Results Their eruption time, tetter distributing, fever time and syndromes and so on of the adult varicella patients were different from those of the infant varicella patients.
131 Dermatitis herpetiformis (Duhring's disease) presents with intense pruritus and a vesicular eruption. It is associated with a usually asymptomatic gluten-sensitive enteropathy.
132 The eruption of French Revolution and the development of the revolutionary situation make Schiller think over such a question: how to avoid the unfree ways to obtain the goal of freedom?
133 Some tabloids have taken the snowless peak as a sign that an eruption was imminent, but scientists said there was no basis for concern.
134 A great volcanic eruption with the characteristics of Plinian eruption as happened in Changbai Mountains 800 years ago.
135 Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.
136 Mount St. Helens in eruption on May 18, 1980 showing the violence of the eruption in contrast with the apparently quiet countryside, Mount Adams in background, right.
138 Objective: To detect Coxsackie B viruses (CBV) for patients with morbilliform maculopapular eruption in spring.
138 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
139 Furthermore, we show that gases sampled immediately after the eruption have metal concentrations that are orders of magnitude higher than those of gases emitted during periods of quiescence.
140 Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.
141 Conclusion: Marsupialization is an effective method to treat the eruption cyst; tooth eruption rate correlated with the size of cyst.
142 Only then like this, in the exercise pseudomorph condition only then can approach the accident condition gradually, when true crisis eruption, only then possibly maximum limit reduces the loss.
143 On May 12, 2004, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite captured this image of a hydrogen sulfide eruption in progress.
144 The Italian city of Bombay perished in a violent volcanic eruption.
145 Dense clouds of ash were generated during the volcanic eruption.
146 In this 1980 photo, a worker at an auto dealership in Moscow, Idaho used a blower to remove ash from the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state, more than 350 miles away, from a car.
147 Methods: The clinical data from 23 cases of bullous epidermal necrolysis type drug eruption in our hospital over the last 12 years were analyzed retrospectively.
148 Objective: To analyze the clinical features and therapeutic effects on bullous epidermal necrolysis type drug eruption in order to improve clinical management of the disease.
149 Vesuvius is a volcano with a long history of deadly eruption.
150 Results The chief transfuse reactions are fever and cutaneous eruption.
151 One of the authors, the epidemiologist and disease modeller Neil Ferguson, who sits on the World Health Organisation's crisis committee for the eruption, said the virus had "full pandemic latent".
152 In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.
153 A solar flare created a spectacular eruption on June 7 (pictured).
154 But it was the Pinatubo eruption that provided a modern-day example of geoengineering's potential.
155 Is there any other way of producing igneous rocks besides the volcanic eruption?
156 the skin eruption period where the various stages of the eruption appear on the face (in 95% of cases), on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (75%) and on the body nearly simultaneously.
157 Volcanic eruption is the most dangerous, the most terrible natural disasters on earth.
158 Therefore, the cooling was probably caused by a volcanic eruption.
159 Mo-Xuyou is central reflect and extensive eruption of Feiming anxiety for existence, as a text of "schizoid", whose protagonist narration and words are all split.
160 Conjunctivitis from erythema multiforme a skin eruption, can also cause Blindness.
161 Differentiation , diagnosis and cautions of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption.
162 Paleoclimate evidence suggests that the Toba eruption, which occurred during the last ice age, emitted lots of sulfur dioxide--vastly more than Mount St. Helens did.
163 The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines had a cooling influence, as the volcano threw off veil-like emissions.
164 At times an unusual skin eruption may be a clue to some internal disorder that may not be obvious.
165 He has prepared deadly weapons of mass destruction that can steamroll the whole human race in case of eruption of a global warfare.
166 When an eruption in 1977 drained the crater of its lava lake, Nyiragongo flooded 20 square kilometers in an hour and killed around 70 people.
167 Most of what is known of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD comes from the writings of Pliny the Younger.
168 The skin eruption became persistent and spread to involve her whole face.
169 The eruption opened a 500-meter (2,000-foot) fissure,[ ] and also produced lava fountains that built several hills of bubble-filled lava rocks (scoria) along the vent.
170 Its most recent eruption began in 1992 and ended in 2002.
171 For reference, the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo in the Philippines had a VEI equal to 6.
172 With the time of being in the army and cumulative sun-exposure period, the prevalence of tanning, photoaging and polymorphous light eruption increased, while the prevalence of sunburn decreased.
173 The eruption of Mount Pinatubo was 10 times as powerful as the eruption of Mount St. Helens and two times as disastrous as the eruption that buried Pompeii.
174 Methods: The serum samples were collected from 56 patients with morbilliform maculopapular eruption. The target DNA of CBV was detected by RT-PCR and restriction enzyme analysis.
175 Conclution More mesially inclined maxillary molars are likely to be associated with third molar eruption.
176 If you want to see what geoengineering might look like, go back to 1991, to the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, in the Philippines.
177 Granular parakeratosis (GP) is an uncommon, benign cutaneous eruption of intertriginous areas that represents a distinctive clinicopathologic entity.
178 The skin eruption mainly located in trunk and body folds. They all showed typical histopathology and immunofluorescence test was negative.
179 This new image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) shows in great detail a solar prominence taken from a March 30, 2010 eruption.
180 Protein contact dermatitis is a unique occupational dermatitis with a characteristic episodic, eczematous , itchy vesicular eruption mostly on the hands of food handlers.
181 The most clinical types of eruptions were scarlatina form, urticaria, form erythema multiform and fixed eruption.
182 The final extinction of that vast people which had been in eruption for twenty-six years--such was the dream.
183 Cleveland Volcano, located in the Aleutian Islands southwest of Alaska, failed to produce an eruption and the plume of ash detached from the volcano two hours after it formed.
184 Volcano expert Geoff Wadge explains how the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters helped manage a volcanic eruption in Montserrat.
185 The eruption of active volcano is a dreadful natural phenomenon.
186 Understand the differentiation and diagnosis of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption and other therapies.
187 There had been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air.
188 Then a lake formed,(http:///eruption.html) probably after an eruption blocked some rivers or streams.
189 The hotel building forms just part of part of the Abraj al-Bait complex, a Gotham City-like eruption of seven huge towers, conveniently sited a stone's throw from the Great Mosque.
190 A centuries-old illustration shows Etna's deadliest known eruption, which sent rivers of lava streaming into the Ionian Sea in 1669.
191 In this area the sheets could have originated from a separate center of eruption.
192 The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A . D . spelled the doom of Pompeii.
193 The Chilean government says towns destroyed a volcanic eruption will be rebuilt 10 km away, Reuters reported.
194 We reported two newborn infants in whom generalized skin eruption was noted at birth, characteristics of erythematous papules and pustules.
195 In the case of Vesta, telescopes have spied evidence for the eruption of lava (basalt) on its surface.




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