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单词 Spotlight
1. She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.
2. The spotlight followed her round the stage.
3. The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.
4. This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.
5. They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
6. Webb is back in the spotlight.
7. She stepped into the spotlight and began to sing.
8. The affair is now out of the spotlight.
9. The spotlight faded and the house lights came up.
10. Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.
11. Education is once again under the spotlight.
12. The documentary turned the spotlight on the low wages paid to manual workers.
13. The captain had to share the spotlight with the new young star.
14. A sharp white spotlight beamed down on a small stage.
15. A new report has turned the spotlight on the problem of poverty in the inner cities.
16. He stepped into the spotlight to the wild applause of the crowd.
17. This issue will come under the spotlight at tomorrow's meeting.
18. Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources.
19. These revelations threw a spotlight on the shakiness of the economy.
20. The report has turned the spotlight on the startling rise in street crime.
21. She was happy to share the spotlight with her sister.
22. The issue will come under the spotlight when parliament reassembles.
23. Phase 1 puts exploration and production in the spotlight.
24. Several actors are under the biographical spotlight.
25. Spotlight 39. Single copies free.
26. Wick eschewed the spotlight before Christmas last year.
27. The Profitboss puts the spotlight on revenue.
28. That propelled her-and them-even further into the spotlight.
29. Public scrutiny had brought civil servants out from the backroom and into the spotlight.
30. The quality of food in the shops is back in the spotlight.
1. She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.
2. The spotlight followed her round the stage.
3. The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.
4. This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.
5. They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
6. Public scrutiny had brought civil servants out from the backroom and into the spotlight.
31. Johnson stepped into the spotlight to make his speech.
32. Compact disc prices under the spotlight.
33. The spotlight was a torch, tied to a stanchion.
34. Vaught likes the spotlight as much any other person.
35. But one top economist viewed the Government's decision to spotlight manufacturing as another U-turn.
36. As Barker turns the spotlight back on to our own attitudes, Border Crossing asks questions we can only answer for ourselves.
37. He has closed the greenhouses and turned the spotlight back to fisheries.
38. Our list here isn't comprehensive, but simply aims to spotlight some of the new homes on the market.
39. Suddenly she found herself under an intense media spotlight, enduring a 24-hour guard until she was 16.
40. The June 1992 cover story put the spotlight on the banks and their image.
41. An hour later, it was Mr Bush's turn in the spotlight.
42. But instead, recent years have seen a resurgence and the spotlight is once again on vaccination.
43. Just one lone ancestor standing in the spotlight without anyone or anything else the current generation can blame.
44. And she sympathises with her having to live her life in the full glare of the spotlight.
45. There is a vast range of mathematically calculable improbabilities way outside the range of the spotlight.
45. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
46. The glare of the media spotlight has made it very difficult for Dr. Ho to do his work.
47. But this had never required him to put himself in the spotlight.
48. The experts claim it's not a vintage year, so the spotlight has shone firmly on the models.
49. He left the public spotlight to his wife, Pamela, whose notable salon nurtured a generation of assorted celebrities.
50. The Equitable debacle has brought renewed accusations of mis-selling and turned a spotlight on the effectiveness of regulation.
51. His production opens with a darkened stage, lit only by a spotlight on a tiny, fragile rod puppet.
52. This latest book turns the spotlight on the human aspects and it offers excellent entertainment.
53. Slowly, quietly, far from the public spotlight, new kinds of public institutions are emerging.
54. Lou had stood in darkness apart from a single spotlight.
55. Take the spotlight off the superficial, and perhaps the substance will have a chance to shine through.
56. The national spotlight is one Bush has attempted to avoid since taking office in January 1995.
57. None of us reckoned on the combined firepower of the national spotlight, powerful political opponents and, yes, our shortcomings.
58. This Spotlight describes the process of tapping into parents' views and of taking account of these.
59. It gives us a chance to be more in the spotlight.
60. Whenever you feel yourself getting worked up, spotlight the fear.
61. And Primus, unfortunately for him, later was thrust into the spotlight.
62. The weakness of these controls throws the spotlight on the Police Complaints Authority composed of lay persons.
63. Meanwhile, first-term Mayor Bill Campbell is struggling to preserve sanity and decorum as Atlanta prepares for the world spotlight.
64. As she looked up into the spotlight and the rope ladder unfurled she thought the Chinooks had come for her.
65. Once Raymo saw a slender man standing in the spotlight in front of the sandbags.
66. Contemporary records suggest she possessed neither classic beauty nor a great voice: simply the built-in spotlight of the incandescent star.
67. A spotlight on them in this company and they would feel like tax inspectors.
68. A host of other defence deals have now come under the spotlight.
69. Suddenly, Stairway to Paradise is echoing through the theatre and I am stepping into the spotlight sliding faster and faster.
70. Miguelito looked across at her and smiled, the white teeth showing in the darkness, even without a spotlight.
71. The piece evolves from narcissistic poses, with each dancer in a spotlight, two of them sprawling across folding chairs.
72. Arthur Rackham: A life with illustration, puts the spotlight right back where it should be.
73. Putting the records immediately on the Internet means an immediate public spotlight.
74. During 1992-1993 the spotlight on the I-way propelled the Internet from a virtual unknown to a chic media clich.
75. During my ascent, the spotlight expands,(Sentence dictionary) dissolving into a soft glow that eventually engulfs the entire stage.
76. The winners in 1992, 1980, 1976 and 1968 were unencumbered by political duties as federal officeholders in the national spotlight.
77. Let the eyes hold the spotlight and keep lips muted with soft pink or peach.
78. Actually, it is Perot himself who is demanding the media spotlight again, now that Sen.
79. Many people are trying hard to be invincible, and most of the time they fail invisible, while few find their spotlight. But the remarkable person is one, who can be both invincible and invisible at the same time. Anthony Liccione 
80. Spotlight on Fallbrook It's currently lambing season, which ends in May.
81. She had to perform for them with the spotlight on her and she knew that no trick would be good enough.
82. The spotlight is shining briefly on this beautiful, blood-soaked country, and we should not avert our eyes.
83. Either they must draw back from the spotlight and forfeit their privileges or pick their partners based on purely practical criteria.
84. Scheme praise: Two community schemes came under the spotlight in Middlesbrough yesterday.
85. A hunter shines a spotlight on a group of kangaroos, called a mob.
86. Campaigners hope that the spotlight thrown by the Etireno has forced the industry to confront some of these issues.
87. The national spotlight was on us - and it appeared to most of us that we'd missed an open goal.
88. Politicians, uncomfortable in the spotlight, publicly back some sort of reform package that might take away a few of their perks.
89. The only option may be a single mercury vapour or metal halide spotlight, with no option for extra support lighting.
90. The incident, caused by his impaired mental condition, cast a spotlight on the dearth of psychiatric facilities in the state.
91. This will enable us to put the spotlight on those inner city LEAs and schools which are failing their pupils.
92. Yet he is the first to realise that the world's media spotlight will, once again, be on Redgrave.
93. Tom Hayden recalled the foment in Chicago 28 years ago that propelled him as a young radical into the national spotlight.
94. At last Nahat was up against the backdrop with the spotlight breathing down his neck.
95. Her mentor, Jim Teyechea, pushed Nogales' plight into the national spotlight, before he died of bone marrow cancer.
96. This is a spotlight that is as harsh and cruel to the loser as it is flattering to the victor.
97. Small businesses that normally die unmourned and alone are now being cremated under a spotlight.
98. That's the flneur, caught in the spotlight, blushing perhaps but with a wry smile playing around his lips.
99. Sports channel Sky Sports is looking to increase its coverage of athletics because of Barcelona and the spotlight falling on track and field.
100. Accordingly, this book shines a spotlight on the Centralism precepts, and on the practices they yield.
101. A giant helicopter was hovering overhead, its spotlight trained on the field below.
102. You will need to send a photograph to Spotlight, too.
103. Art criticism seems more likely to remain in the shadows, out of the spotlight of academic controversy.
104. Whether such efforts will succeed constitutes the worldwide drama that is unfolding largely outside the spotlight but will shape the next century.
105. The fact that the shadow economy is coming into the spotlight of open publicity is encouraging.
105. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
106. But its spotlight circled seas at least a half-mile from him, never coming close.
107. The spotlight cast shadows that curled on the sculpted sides of the motor launches.
108. Tatum had stayed out of the spotlight to bring up their three children Kevin, six, Sean, five and one-year-old Emily.
109. Modern-day racers are under the public spotlight and any slip-up can land them in serious trouble.
110. Monday, with the final decision in perhaps the final trial, maybe the spotlight would finally be off Brentwood.
111. AIG furor puts spotlight on retention bonuses.
112. He likes to be in the spotlight.
113. She is tired of being in the spotlight.
114. A spotlight pierced the darkness.
115. But the spotlight was outside the Assembly hall.
116. Even spotlight - shunning stars find themselves sucked into festivities to plug their work.
117. Using the power of the Spotlight search engine (also added as a part of Mac OS X 10.4), Smart Folders are essentially saved searches.
118. You can also create an AmbientLight which will produce a directionless light, or a SpotLight if you want to focus on a particular part of your scene.
119. Wenzhou folk houses in Shanghai has been in the spotlight. but a little while ago called " disinvestment " hearsay is a seething hot.
120. His moment in the spotlight led to spells on loan at Hereford United and Stockport County before he returned to Melwood to become a regular in McMahon's team for the 2009-10 season.
121. Let China make some mistakes. It'll take the spotlight off of us.
122. In longevity news, the spotlight frequently passes from one group to another: Georgian yogurt eaters, Japanese pensioners, the Pennsylvania Dutch.
123. But in recent years the issue has returned to the spotlight, largely due to growing interest in the so-called global knowledge-based economy.
124. They featured modified scout armor, with breathing tanks, flippers, and a helmet-mounted spotlight.
125. Diminutive spotlight and enchase the small bulb within the ceiling, can use dash forward show the china that display, potted plant or it is the picture that you dote on is made.
126. When I looked out into the backyard, I could see a spotlight hanging down from a tree. Under the light, I could see that my husband had set up a table saw.
127. The dangers of China's boozy cadre culture are back in the spotlight after one official died and another fell into a coma in separate incidents last week.
128. CiN Weekly : Beijing had the spotlight then. Are you noticing more attention on your music?
129. Meanwhile Greece will be in the spotlight especially its bond syndication.
130. He stole the spotlight, one reporter wrote, "with the studied nonchalance of an old vaudeville trouper."
131. This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you.
132. Earnings have stolen the spotlight from broader economic reports this week as 113 of the 500 companies in the Standard and Poor's 500 index report third-quarter results.
133. The economy will come under the spotlight today at the conference of the Trades Union Congress.
134. Sliding spotlight SAR is a novel mode of SAR imaging, which can improve azimuth resolution by controlling the speed of antenna footprint to increase coherent accumulation time.
135. After the extensive news coverage of this momentous event,(http:///spotlight.html) the study of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA was thrown into the public spotlight.
136. "?Pop crooner Barry Manilow explores the perils of life in the spotlight on his new album, "15 Minutes. " Barry Manilow's new album "15 Minutes" deals with the negative consequences of fame.
137. The Kilroy-Silk debate has thrown the spotlight on an age-old dilemma - how can you uphold free speech while preserving social order? Something always has to give.
138. Now Spotlight will work on your entire disk except on this Stitcher?
139. He wanted to be in [ to hold ] the spotlight.
140. Part-timer Anne Abreu, a San Mateo, Calif., insurance specialist, knows her schedule puts her 'under the spotlight,' she says.
141. The products mainly consist of LED solar energy lamp series, lamp bulb series, LED surface plate lamp series, spotlight series, ceiling lamp series, lamp filament series, etc.
142. I, like many other children, craved the spotlight yet also feared it.
143. That dream , which may not be too far off, puts the insula in the spotlight.
144. At center, tar patties and tarballs—normally brown or black—near Pensacola Beach, Florida, glow orange-yellow under an ultraviolet spotlight.
145. Dead almost 40 years, J. Edgar Hoover returns to the spotlight as the Clint Eastwood biopic "J. Edgar" opens in theaters this week.
146. A Houston resident used a low-voltage pin spotlight to illuminate a garden pond and waterfall under an exterior wall.
147. The recent shooting down of a police helicopter in Rio de Janeiro has cast the spotlight on to places such as Pedro Juan Caballero, along 16, 000km of "dry border" between Brazil and its neighbours.
148. It is possible that North Korea's hardline sabre-rattling shines a spotlight onto internal power struggles inside the hermit kingdom.
149. Jay Sean's recent success stateside two million copies of Down sold has pointed the domestic spotlight his way like never before.
150. But it is this laid-back lifestyle that has attracted international attention. At least, a quiet village within Gaochun county has come under the spotlight.
151. However, dating under the spotlight rarely leads to long - lasting love.
152. An effective algorithm of feature extraction for spotlight synthetic aperture radar images is presented.
153. Now that Mr. Jobs is gone, many people expect that attention will focus on his wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, who has largely avoided the spotlight, but is expected to oversee Mr. Jobs's fortune.
154. What we most expect from William and Kate is another generation of the House of Windsor, so time away from the spotlight is good.
155. Signal properties of spaceborne spotlight SAR were discussed. The relationships of centroid Doppler, Doppler bandwidth and PRF(Pluse Repetition Frequency) with squint angle were analyzed.
156. The public awareness campaign about cervical cancer was brought into the spotlight by the death of the reality television star Jade Goody, 27.
157. A group with ties to the Ku Klux Klan then kidnapped and lynched Frank in a highly publicized event that turned the spotlight on anti-Semitism in the US and led to the founding of what organization?
158. The tiny state of Bahrain was thrust into the international spotlight this month when its regime violently suppressed pro-democracy protests.
159. The star of the exhibit will be Guy the Gorilla, once an idol at London Zoo, who is returning to the spotlight 33 years after his death (and a visit to the taxidermist).
160. Khalif may be an unlikely candidate. But few of the women on the ballot are striding gung ho into the spotlight.
161. Spotlight search is located to the left of the main home screen.
162. With a much remembered final "au revoir," Giscard stood, made an exit and left an empty chair in the spotlight.
163. We are under the spotlight, we shall try to deserve the expectations and to give satisfaction to our fans.
164. Before becoming prime minister in late 2008, his last turn in the spotlight came as budget minister in the 1990s, when he had the task of ushering the Belgian franc out and the euro in.
165. Then the spotlight centered on us , and a silence fell as we started to play.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. Plus , new features like'Cut , Copy & Paste ', MMS, Spotlight search and more.
167. All this has thrown an uncomfortable spotlight on the insular and opaque JSA.
168. Being from a family that produced great actors, it's no wonder that she quickly found her way into the spotlight.
169. He added that the forward in under the spotlight at the moment and said he had been given assurances by Balotelli that he will behave himself during the run-in to the end of the season.
170. But why is Barry Anger returning the spotlight to that wacko?
171. But our engineers work in a three-star hotel, not very flashy, not on the spotlight, and I only promised them to raise their salaries twice a year.
172. The wrong structure is indeed a guarantee of nonperformance; it produces friction and frustration, puts the spotlight on the wrong issues, and makes mountains out of trivia.
173. But when the spotlight was turned on only the more methodologically rigorous studies, a potentially harmful association was found.
174. The royal bride-to-be is under a worldwide spotlight ahead of her April 29 wedding to Prince William —with special focus on fashion, what she'll wear for her big day.
175. The likes of Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie may monopolise the media spotlight, but judged in terms of bank balance alone, they pale into insignificance when compared with Harrison Ford.
176. A new Pentagon report to Congress puts the spotlight on the U.S. military's critical dependence on materials known as rare-earth metals and recommends alternatives to Chinese sources of supply.
177. In Bistatic spotlight SAR design azimuth resolution is a key factor.
178. A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage.
179. A modified frequency scaling algorithm to process the high squint spotlight SAR data is presented.
180. At first glance, the spotlight - hogging boss seems the villain.
181. Its lampshade adopts high - Intensity , heatproof glass lens which has good spotlight and long distance of radiation.
182. There seems to be a divine spotlight on the Decalogue, as if God wanted to say to Israel, "Here are the really important and crucial commandments;"
183. It's another important island in the region as it has come into the spotlight as a campaigner for equal recognition of Torres Strait Islanders' rights.
184. Now, however, it has shot into the spotlight for another reason - property derivatives.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:10:45