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单词 Sniffing
(1) They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing.
(2) His constant sniffing annoys me.
(3) She was sniffing and wiping her eyes with a tissue.
(4) We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.
(5) The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
(6) Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him.
(7) Stop sniffing and blow your nose.
(8) The dog was sniffing at the carpet.
(9) Dogs love sniffing each other.
(10) A dog was sniffing round my heels.
(11) Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.
(12) He took to drinking and sniffing glue.
(13) We don't want journalists sniffing around.
(14) The dog was sniffing the lamp-post.
(15) Drugs, glue sniffing and under-age drinking are prevalent amongst the older teenagers.
(16) The very idea of sniffing glue is repellent to me.
(17) He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth(), following the scent left in the tracks.
(18) A few computer firms are sniffing at the project already.
(19) A couple of plain-clothes men had been sniffing round his apartment.
(20) You were sniffing a lot - I presumed you had a cold.
(21) Sniffing glue is injurious to your health.
(22) His habit of sniffing loudly really disgusted her.
(23) Stop sniffing! Use your handkerchief.
(24) Rex, the dog, was sniffing at the carpet.
(25) For some young people, sniffing is a pleasurable activity.
(26) I became an expert at sniffing out potential humiliation.
(27) I stand on the balcony, sniffing the dawn air.
(28) Chief executive David Prosser said the takeover speculation was wrong and no one was sniffing around.
(29) When I had to go away to university, I was convinced that other men would be sniffing round her.
(30) Her job is to go round the big fashion shows sniffing out talent for a modelling agency.
(1) She was sniffing and wiping her eyes with a tissue.
(2) We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.
(3) The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
(31) Many are killing themselves by sniffing glue.
(32) She won't want the police sniffing around.
(33) Don't look too surprised if you see an experienced bookseller sniffing an old book of very good appearance.
(34) Gesner, sniffing the advance of his adoring fans, suddenly became smug and rather patronizing.
(35) The dog was rushing around excitedly, sniffing at the ground.
(36) Her head went right down and she started sniffing the petunias.
(37) He says the seals breath in the fumes and its really just like glue sniffing for them.
(38) Sniffing sniffing sniffing at her passage through the house, an enraged fascination with the intoxicating trail.
(39) Education in schools, colleges and youth projects to try and prevent young people from sniffing may help to reduce casualties.
(40) Sniffing alone or in dangerous places, such as railway embankments and by canals, can be more risky.
(41) She didn't know whether or not he was sniffing but when I searched his room I found empty aerosols.
(42) In the far distance they stopped, sniffing again, at a pink lump on the sand.
(43) She hugged herself, sniffing from time to time, and tried to catch his eye.
(44) Last year 15 year old Joanna Hughes died from burns, after fumes from the solvent she was sniffing caught fire.
(45) He, the gangling lad, always head and shoulders above his classmates and always sniffing.
(46) Some young people have died as a direct or indirect result of sniffing glue or other solvents.
(47) He'd choked on his own vomit after a session of sniffing aerosols.
(48) I checked the half-and-half in my little refrigerator, sniffing at the carton spout.
(49) The sergeant would go sniffing around so that he showed he knew what you were doing.
(50) Catherine was initially explored by authorities sniffing its possibilities for game or profit.
(51) The number of youngsters sniffing varies from place to place and at different times.
(52) In this Jarman sits, Prospero-like, sniffing flowers as if grasping at a memory of happier times.
(53) Read in studio A fourteen year old boy who was in council care has died after sniffing butane gas.
(54) They had found him quicker than he'd anticipated, sniffing him out through the darkened streets.
(55) There I found a respectable-looking woman of middle age sitting on a sofa, sniffing tobacco.
(56) Every third Tuesday they do the devil dance or the witch sniffing or whatever you want to call it there.
(57) Sniffing moggies often emerged from his plot vacant-eyed and staggering.
(58) He closed the door behind him, sniffing the air with distaste.
(59) But the men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
(60) It is the portrait of a caged animal sniffing the air in search of a scent of meaning in life.
(61) I said, sniffing the food intently, sniffing the air like an alert rodent.
(62) Sniffing is also a cheap and easy substitute for alcohol and can be a pleasurable experience.
(63) She held up her face to the pale sunshine, sniffing ecstatically at the salt air.
(64) The Kurd entered the first of them cautiously, sniffing for wild beasts, then beckoned them in.
(65) They can even distinguish the scent of other human beings by sniffing the ground where they may have walked.
(65) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(66) Does sniffing too many scents desensitize your nose?
(67) Young Thomas stood sniffing revengefully at the fire.
(68) Researchers say the sniffing powers of the African pouched rat can help detect TB in sputum samples more efficiently and at a lower cost than lab technicians using microscopes.
(69) It might help explain why long-snouted dogs are better at scent work, such as sniffing out drugs, than short-snouted breeds, she says.
(70) I observed the doctor sniffing and sniffing, like someone tasting a bad egg.
(71) While, exposed to the substrate of diestrous female, LD and SD male did not differ in the behavior of sniffing and digging.
(72) The collie came across the yard, sniffing around the truck.
(73) However, it adds complexity to tracking network issues that might normally be troubleshot by sniffing the network.
(74) The first signs noted in baby pigs affected with this condition are sneering and sniffing.
(75) A South Korean biotech company on Monday unveiled four Labrador retriever puppies it said were cloned from a Japanese dog skilled at sniffing out patients with cancer.
(76) Joe was a considerate guy , and apologized as Sacker left , sniffing and weeping , either in pain or in frustration .
(77) Rioch knows the big clubs have been sniffing around Andy Walker.
(78) Bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus), such as this mother and her baby, can identify each other by sniffing .
(79) Women may be better at sniffing out biologically relevant information underarm sweat a US study suggests.
(80) The giant wolf sniffing , savoring the scent of the meal to come.
(81) In this paper, the basic theory of technology of Sniffing in WLAN is analyzed , and the general realizable method of sniffing WLAN is obtained. At last, some defendable strategies are proposed.
(82) Almost immediately, it latched onto a scent and jumped into the truck bed, sniffing furiously.
(83) At the very least, your login page should be sent to the user and shipped back to the Web server over a secure connection to prevent an eavesdropper from sniffing the user's cleartext password.
(84) The one animate thing visible was a homeless pup patiently sniffing for a scent.
(85) And although male mice usually spend more time sniffing the odor of female genitals, these mice spent equal time sniffing male and female odors.
(86) And there's plenty of sniffing, swirling and left to be done.
(87) But are just caviling crities or dogs sniffing around, aren't you?
(88) Latency impact - many commercial WAF appliances can be deployed out-of-line in a sniffing mode which provides access and visibility to HTTP transactions without impacting the latency by being inline.
(89) I hear the trains collide, the chains rattle , the locomotive chugging, snorting, sniffing steaming and pissing.
(90) Police brought in a drug - sniffing dog to the house and located more marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
(91) Could malaria-carrying mosquitoes be given a teensy head cold that would prevent them from sniffing out a human snack bar?
(92) The next night the headmistress walked up to Yaming, sniffing.
(93) They did not stampede when sniffing either clean clothes or those worn by Kamba tribesmen, farmers who pose little threat to the animals, Bates said.
(94) The People says Chelsea, Manchester United and Manchester City are all sniffing around their proven marksman.




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