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单词 Sea level
1. The village is 1,000 meters above sea level.
2. The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level.
3. The village is well below sea level.
4. The top of Mount Everest is 8848m above sea level.
5. The city is 2500 feet above sea level.
6. Most of the great cities are near sea level.
7. The village is about 1500 metres above sea level.
8. Which and what is its height above sea level?
9. Experts are predicting that the sea level will rise, flooding many low-lying areas.
10. Even modest elevations of sea level therefore can threaten many major population centers.
11. Global sea level was 120 metres below the present level during the Ice Age.
12. Many islands are below sea level and only the levees prevent them from vanishing.
13. C., are mostly close to seven meters above sea level.
14. The sea level will rise by about 14 inches instead of 39. -AP.
15. If predictions are correct, the sea level may increase more than four inches.
16. The city is a height of three hundred feet above sea level.
17. The animal lives in lakes near Mexico City, at a height of 6,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level.
18. Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level.
19. We're probably at an elevation of about 13,000 feet above sea level.
20. Scientists are particularly interested in observing the thawing and freezing of the polar icecaps in order to assess changes in sea level.
21. Near the sea the glaciers scraped out their valleys well below sea level.
22. Maybe Panamarenko has anticipated a greater rise in the sea level than global warming suggests.
23. In most island arcs only a relatively small proportion of the individual volcanoes actually rise above sea level.
24. Water and air also act to transport the debris,() most of which ends up near or below sea level.
25. Despite the fact that Johannesburg is situated some 5,000 feet above sea level, I felt comfortable.
26. The aft tank pump feeds the engines via an accumulator to give thirty seconds of full-power inverted flight at sea level.
27. Then, too, the ocean is so deep that its volume is six times greater than all land above sea level.
28. The kibbutz is situated in an arid spot hundreds of feet below sea level, a feature highlighted in tourist brochures.
29. The blast wave is much too weak when it reaches sea level to blow out the flames.
30. Water added to the oceans from melting of land-based ice is the other important contributor to the predicted increase in sea level.
1. The village is 1,000 meters above sea level.
2. The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level.
3. The city is a height of three hundred feet above sea level.
31. Together the two motions should, they believed, reflect sea level throughout the ages.
32. Today, much of the land alongside the rivers is below sea level.
33. It was in his opinion a piece of architectural magic, suspended twenty feet above sea level.
34. Once at sea level, smooth soapstone slabs had to be traversed for some distance to reach the cliff.
35. The presence of major population centers very close to mean sea level has been much discussed in connection with global climate change.
36. The land itself is relatively free from trees, low, flat and well beneath sea level.
37. The seniors continue to the nine foot high cairn, 1,345 feet above sea level and 316 feet below the actual summit.
38. And then there is that tsunami deposit found three hundred meters above sea level on Lanai!
39. These raised marine deposits point to possible consequences of a global rise in sea level resulting from climatic change.
40. Over time, the islands have sunk to the point where many of them are well below sea level.
41. At sea level we would have got a different picture as the man-eating breakers punched against the rocky coast.
42. The house is at 620 feet above sea level and the farm is on a gentle east-facing slope.
43. Air pressure at sea level equals 1.03kg per square centimetre.
44. That wave peaked at nine stories above sea level at Yoshihama.
45. Damage is light, and there are no deaths or injuries because the residents live well above sea level.
46. Here the land rises to a thousand feet or more above sea level.
47. The cryptocorynes grow in well lit or only slightly shaded areas up to 50 meters above sea level.
48. Set 3,100 feet above sea level, Schluchsee is a real suntrap overlooked by the Black Forest's highest peak, Feldberg.
49. Without mountain building and other vertical rejuvenation all land would eventually be reduced to sea level.
50. I really like things having to do with sea level, being a paleontologist.
51. Because they were five thousand feet above sea level the climate was marvellous, apart from the wet season.
52. Much of it is below sea level and only innumerable drainage ditches prevent it from reverting to its natural state.
53. Next, explosive activity will start, blasting ashy material in jets a couple of hundred metres above sea level.
53. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
54. Some have been sighted more than thirty feet in length, cruising almost a kilometre above sea level.
55. Pot-growing and planting in good soil near sea level made all the difference.
56. Across the globe, sea level varies by hundreds of feet.
57. The survey was carried out against a background of growing concern as to the implications of climate change on sea level rise.
58. To be sure, their calculations were only global averages, and sea level varied from ocean to ocean.
59. Indeed the feeder pipe almost certainly extends down to a large magma reservoir well below sea level.
60. The melting ice caused a rise in sea level.
61. Trucks took it from Virginia to California; a ship took it from California to Chile; a truck again took it from sea level to an elevation equal to the base camp on Mt. Everest.
62. During the last glacial period the sea level was low and the terrestrial matters transported into the southern SCS increased and the ecologic environment in the studied sea area deteriorated.
63. The diagenetic environments with respect to TST are mainly marine and mixed-water environments, and the latter will transfer toward to the continent with the sea level continuously rising.
64. And collective effects of endogenetic and exogenic forces such as geologic structure, volcanic activity and sea level change controlled the origin and evolvement of the sub-order geomorphic types.
65. The Tsingtau signal station was placed at the Dietrichs Mountain, 100 meter above sea level.
66. Greenland depends thick ice before it can process at high sea level.
67. The pressure of fluids within the pores of a reservoir, usually hydrostatic pressure, or the pressure exerted by a column of water from the formation's depth to sea level.
68. The actual equipotential surface of the earth that corresponds to sea level is called the geoid.
69. Star trails above the Annapurna mountain range captured from base camp in the Annapurna Conservation Area in Nepal, 4, 130 metres above sea level.
70. The height of a thing above a reference level, especially above sea level or above the earth's surface.
71. The highest shell roof is 67 metres above sea level.
72. "The sea level rise is a much slower thing, so it will take a long time to happen, but we will lock into it, based on the peak level of [carbon dioxide] we reach in this century, " Solomon says.
73. Suzhou, at the bottom of a shallow saucer-shaped plain with Lake Tai at its center, is low and even. Average height is 3.5m-5m above sea level.
74. Battling fierce winds, sub-zero temperatures and treacherous ice, Hillary and Norgay pressed on to the summit, 29, 028 feet (8, 848 m) above sea level.
75. The Strontium isotope composition of marine autogenetic minerals can reflect the sea level fluctuation trend during the minerals deposited.
76. Understanding these sandbars is critical to study of beach erosion and climate-related sea level rise, but the surf zone is a notoriously hostile research environment.
77. What's more, even within the areas of the WAIS that lie below sea level, there are localized spots that poke above it, and these too would be relatively safe.
78. Iceberg from shelf ice collapse to ocean gives a certain impact on the global sea level rising.
79. Vinification : The grapes of the Nero d'Avola variety are cultivated in Sicily, Trappani province 250 meters above sea level, harvested and selected by hand.
80. The car will also break the low-altitude air speed record and be the fastest manned vehicle at sea level in the world.
81. The air pressure at sea level is nearly 15 pounds for each square inch.
82. The summit of South America's Llullaillaco Volcano has an elevation of 22,110 feet above sea level, making it the highest historically active volcano in the world.
83. During the last interglacial period, 125, 000 years ago, some of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets melted too, raising sea level by 24 feet compared to today.
83. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
84. The divergent Mid-Atlantic Ridge rises above sea level at Thingvellir, with the North American plate to the west and the Eurasian plate to the east.
85. PRESSURE The air pressure at sea level is nearly 15 pounds for each square inch.
86. Why don't Tibetans feel lightheaded this high above sea level? It's in the genes.
87. The project will be built on a polder, a recessed area below sea level where flood waters settle from heavy rains.
88. The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile’s port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3, 050 meter (10, 010 feet) above sea level.
89. Asmara is located on a stony plateau, 7, 700 feet above sea level. It is essentially a city above the clouds.
90. The Langkawi sky-bridge in Malaysia is suspended at 700 metres above sea level and spans 125 across the mountains, offering magnificent views of the Andaman Sea and Thailand's Tarutao Island.
91. While the lowlands are sinking, the sea level is rising.
92. Even the weight of the skyscrapers contributes to the progressive engulfing of Bangkok. The soils descend from 1.5 to 5.3 cm each year, and a big part of the megalopolis is already under sea level.
93. People living near coasts will face new risks as they adapt to climate change and sea level rise. That's according to Gary Yohe, an economist at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.
94. As a result, sustainable development of society and economy of coastland will be directly influenced by the disaster effects of sea level rise.
95. There are disputes on transgression and high sea level in academe since holocene.
96. Before leaving, the scientists decided to test the equipment they would use to detect airborne nitryl chloride on the cruise by sampling the air in Boulder, a mile above sea level.
97. First, the defmation and status of height datums is introduced and some problems on the local height datums established by the mean sea level, which is defined by the tide gauge data, are discussed.
98. God resident Guan township government building, elevation 1180 meters above sea level.
99. Even the term 'biodiversity' suffers from this weakness, lacking the concreteness of concepts such as sea level rise.
100. Bolivia's president Evo Morales controls the bal during a soccer match against alpine guides at 6000 meters above sea level, at the snowcapped Sajama dormant volcano in western Bolivia, June 12.
101. The carbon-fiber aircraft reached a maximum speed of 68 knots (groundspeed), an average speed of 23 knots and a maximum altitude of 8, 564 metersabove sea level, a statement said.
102. Vineyard: selected grapes cultivated at between 300 and 400 metres above sea level trained by the Guyot system on clay soil.
103. The Qinghai - Tibet Plateau is the world's highest plateau, averaging over 4000 metres above sea level and covering an area of 200,000 square ...
104. This suggests the seasonal removal of some of the ocean's weight at continental margins as sea level drops could be triggering eruptions around the world, says Pyle.
105. A barometric altimeter indicates height above sea level or some other selected elevation.
106. The outer coast of the tidal inlet is shell sand bar created in higher sea level period and is reformed by current hydrodynamical processes.
107. The township, 240 - 1665 meter above sea level, surrounded by mountains, ravines aspect, topography, geomorphology old.
108. The sea level changes of Holocene in Shanghai region are discussed in this paper based on the spore - pollen and microfossil analysis of Zhaoxiang core.
109. That water is typically thought to run off into the ocean and contribute to sea level rise, but Loisel thinks the porous sphagnum moss that makes up most peat may be drinking in the excess moisture.
110. The issues of transgression and high sea level display the interaction of water and land.
111. During the deposition of the Benxi Formation of Carboniferous, four cycles of relative sea level changes could be identified based on the study of sedimentary facies and community palaeoecology .
112. Glaciologist Dorthe Dahl - Jensen says that means the sea level could rise sooner than anyone expected.
113. His plane continued soaring at 5000 metres above sea level.
114. The Qinghai - Tibet Plateau is the world's highest plateau, averaging over 4000 metres above sea level and ...
115. It is 2,300 metres above sea level, so a given volume of air contains only about one-third as much oxygen as it would at sea level.
116. We at the wind farm, which is more than 4 meters above sea level heights.
117. Like other people who lived "on the hill, " 7 600 feet above sea level, I was a nuclear scientist and a soccer dad, an outdoorsman, an active participant in this special scientific world.
118. Based on the spectrum of Mean Sea Level (MSL) and the relation model between two tidal stations, the mathematical model for hydrographic datum transfer are studied.
119. Aeromagnetic data downward continuation to sea level instead of marine magnetic survey data can improve use capability of survey data.
120. Occasionally flies the small sea gull which 12 leaves home, they play in sea level play.
121. At the World Expo we demonstrate that the Dutch are able to live below sea level and that our country is a global player in some fields as a result of creativity, innovation and wilfulness.
122. The drive to the summit travels from ocean views in Bellingham through temperate rain forest before reaching the parking lot at almost 5, 000 feet above sea level.
123. Located 2.700 m above sea level, this cool skywalk is one of the most popular destinations in Styria, Austria.
124. Numerous sea level fluctuations in the Pleistocene glacial epoch caused a complex stream system with meandering stream channels to develop.
125. The sedimentation rate (SR) of the middle Okinawa Trough of the last glacial period is mainly controlled by the sea level change and the wetness of the source area.
126. Geodetic measurements of sea level variations, analysis and interpretation, identification of various cause.
127. The 5th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, slated for 2011, will have an entire chapter devoted to the subject of regional differences in climate change and sea level.
128. Perched on the Mongolian steppe, around 1, 300m above sea level, Ulaanbaatar has often been described as the world's coldest capital city.
129. Iceberg transferred from shelf ice collapse to ocean gives a certain impact on global sea level raising.
130. Still, that doesn't mean the exact relationship between temperature and sea level rise evident in the salt marsh data will hold as climate change accelerates in the future, Miller cautioned.
131. Even a one-meter rise in sea level would inundate half of Bangladesh's rice-growing land, forcing the relocation of 40 million people.
132. Wuguan marine erosion physiognomy has important geognosy significance in the study of structural movement and the changes in sea level in period of Holocene Epoch.
133. World-wide glacial event in an ice age not only contributes to eustatic sea level changes but also penetrates to the shelf carbonate environments and sedimentation coeval low latitude area.
134. The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate the effects of high frequency components on the determination of secular trend of relative sea level(RSL).
135. At sea level, sun - loving lizards abound and a giant tropical stick insect lurks in spiky bushes.
136. Origin of major mountain tea survey showed that most of them concentrated in Chashan 200-600 meters above sea level.
137. More important will be figuring out how sea level rise is going to vary from one region to the next around the world -- and what we're going to do about it, said glaciologist Eric Rignot.
138. Follow in Aussie comedian Paul Hogan's footsteps, prefame - he worked as a rigger on the 'Coat Hanger', the world's largest steel-arch bridge; its summit is 134m above sea level.
139. Continued deposition of silt along the coast is crucial in counteracting the rise in sea level.
140. The rise of sea level, the increasing occurrence of storm tide, the aggravation of saline intrusion and serious environmental pollution along the river are four major types of marine disasters.
141. Tian Hengshan 72 meters above sea level, Southeast and Dans associative, rock was also red ocher, belongs to the Sinian ferruginous quartzite.
142. It showed that, storm tide, rise of sea level and ground subsidence are the main natural disaster.
143. In the case of rise of sea level, the land-ward density induced current near sand bar enhances, the stagnation point moves upstream that makes the turbidity maximum zone move upstream.
144. Photo shows a mile below sea level from a ruptured oil pipeline continue to emerge.
145. Ten thousand years ago, the area of Glacier National Park was covered by ice up to one mile below sea level.
146. Known as the "low countries" because much of the land is now below sea level, many of the country's largest cities are kept dry only by huge walls holding back the sea.
147. The loess along south Liaoning seashore derived from Bohai seabed during the last glacial period when sea level was low was transported and deposited by northwest wind in a short distance.
148. And because the ocean bottom near the epicenter thrust upward, the planet's water now has less room, causing the sea level to rise by about a millimeter.
149. During the Trias period about 180 million years ago, Yunnan was a land above sea level where many gymnosperms grew.
150. We wouldn't make it all the way – young legs get pretty tired on a steep mountain trail in the thin air two miles above sea level – but it didn't matter.
151. Whole communities in Vanuatu, Tuvalu and the Bay of Bengal have already relocated because of sea level rise, and 16 million Egyptians may also have to leave their homes.
152. Formation of glacier worldwide is all related with high sea level and high latitude.
153. The main peak is 5596 metres above sea level, still a virgin peak so far and most probably will never be conquered afterwards since the surface of Mount Yulong is severely efflorescent.
154. The Rocky Mountains rise over 3000 metres above sea level.
155. The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate effects of high frequency components on determination of secular trend of relative sea level (RSL).
156. Apparently, the formation of Mount Yulong glacier is due to its high sea level.
157. Lake Namco in Tibet is the world's highest - lying saltwater lake, rising 4718 metres above sea level and covering an area of 1940 square < ...
158. That steady accumulation of muck traps tiny organisms called foraminifera,[http://] plant matter and other substances that form a natural record of sea level rise.
159. The main hazard is that it cause the icecap melt away in the South Pole and the North Pole, causing the rise of the sea level.
160. The summit of South America's Llullaillaco Volcano has an elevation of 6, 739 meters (22, 110 feet) above sea level, making it the highest historically active volcano in the world.
161. The bittern still faces threats, including sea level rise, where freshwater sites along the coast could be inundated by saltwater.




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