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单词 Developed countries
1. The charity works with children in less developed countries.
2. The average human lifespan in the developed countries has increased over the last hundred years.
3. This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries.
4. He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Both these proposals were resisted by the developed countries, most vocally by the United States.
6. Developed countries bear much of the responsibility for environmental problems.
7. United Nations target for developed countries.
8. Birthrates in developed countries are generally very low.
9. One may argue that the developed countries often retain the ownership of new technologies and thus control them.
10. Other developed countries as a group showed growths of 8 percent in exports by volume and of 9 percent in imports.
11. Less developed countries fear that both those initiatives would deprive them of trading opportunities.
12. It was true that less developed countries had seized educational technology; whereas the developed countries had resisted it.
13. In developed countries, it does not work for manual workers, and nowhere can it work for knowledge workers.
14. In most developed countries, cooking would account for less than 5 percent of national energy consumption.
15. This is particularly the case in less developed countries and in the rural or other underserved areas of more developed countries.
16. Developed countries are responsible for most past and present emissions: developing countries will account for nearly all future growth.
17. And women in many developed countries are tending increasingly to adjust by forming non-legal unions that often produce offspring.
18. Some of the more developed countries make lots of arms to sell abroad.
19. The shadow of a greater economic crisis loom large in most of the developed countries in the world.
20. The differences between manual labour and mental labour are diminishing in some developed countries.
21. Up to now automotive aftermarket of China has been enlarging, but the level of Chinese automotive aftermarket still fall behind compared with the developed countries.
22. Third World countries receive a lot of money from developed countries, but the other side of the coin is that they have to spend this money on expensive imports.
23. Heart disease is the biggest killer of men in most developed countries.
24. The United Nations appealed to the people of the developed countries for aiding those of the backward countries.
25. Consequently, the widescale sanatorium service was doomed, an enormously cost effective benefit for both developing and developed countries.
26. Between 1880 and 1890, for example, almost 1,000 electrical apparatus companies were founded in developed countries.
27. In other words, there have been more military coups in underdeveloped than in developed countries.
28. It is clear that Third World countries share many needs and problems of hazardous waste management with developed countries.
29. Factors Affecting Heterosexual Transmission why has HIV transmission failed to rise above the epidemic threshold among heterosexuals in most developed countries?
30. Processes such as population growth, educational expansion, political change and so on, are examined with reference to developed and less developed countries.
1. The charity works with children in less developed countries.
2. The average human lifespan in the developed countries has increased over the last hundred years.
31. Most of the Western world's best sites have now been developed but potential still exists in less developed countries.
32. Not surprisingly, these developments have been most widely exploited among the developed countries where the barriers to integration have been least.
33. This change is also occurring in many other developed countries.
34. The numbers and proportions of those economically active in a sample of developed countries are shown in Table 1.5.
35. Like the Indus River dolphin,[] boto are also sought after by wealthy institutions in developed countries.
36. It directs developed countries to provide an unspecified amount of financial and technical assistance to help developing countries comply.
37. Threshing machines spread where grain was harvested in developed countries.
38. If heterosexuals in developed countries provide such a niche, they will be in serious danger.
39. Life expectancy at birth in the most developed countries at over 80 years is double that of the most disadvantaged countries.
40. Older women in the developed countries suffered unnecessarily from diseases that could have been ameliorated, cured, or even prevented.
41. Yet the latest wheeze among policymakers in developed countries is to alleviate poverty in developing countries with computers and mobile phones.
42. A summary of different approaches to jurisprudence and judicial decision making among developed countries.
43. Millions of jobs are likely to be lost in the developed countries while Third World nations slump deeper into poverty.
44. In the developed countries the effects have been stagnant wages and high real interest rates.
45. Key among them is the problem facing most developed countries of how to fund reasonably comfortable retirements for an increasingly long-lived population.
46. This is the integration of photovoltaics into existing generation and transmission systems in developed countries.
47. Many of the less developed countries have found it difficult to meet the service charges on their loans to the World Bank.
48. In developed countries, an increase in income no longer leads to greater demand for food.
49. Developed countries speak of rapid reaction forces as the future of their military strategies.
50. Life expectation at birth is about 45 years in developing countries and more than 70 years in developed countries.
51. In many developed countries, politicians have at last realised the promise offered by the magnificent achievements of computer hardware engineers.
52. Its leadership would be concentrated in more and more reduced elites from developed countries and in consistent minorities from the underdeveloped.
53. Developing countries often try to emulate experiences of developed countries, but this is not always a good idea.
54. How can we best help less developed countries? That's the really important question.
55. Developed countries should not treat developing countries high-handedly .
56. Based upon the reform experience of western developed countries, this thesis assays and presents the concrete operation about the separation of budget compilation and enforcement.
57. To increase our understanding of the health implications of ageing, particularly in less developed countries, WHO is undertaking the Study on global ageing and adult health (SAGE).
58. Developed countries should take the lead in helping developing countries –they cannot be compared like for like.
59. He analyzed the relationship between multinational corporations and under - developed countries.
60. China will continue to assist the less developed countries in ASEAN with no conditions attached.
61. EBV is most present in adolescent populations in developed countries.
62. At the present time, not only has most developed countries made direct investment in foreign countries, but many developing countries have started to do this. China is no exception.
63. While the bank insurance in developed countries has already entered the third or the forth Chinas, China s bank insurance is still at the preliminary stage of "the distribution agreement".
64. But less developed countries such as Laos or Nepal have had less success on this front.
65. But, put together,[http:///developed countries.html] the two studies suggest rotavirus vaccines can make a real difference in less developed countries.
66. The NCB wants to hear [Word doc]from anyone with a personal or professional interest in biofuels, bothfrom developing and developed countries – the deadline forresponses is March 15 next year.
67. Developed countries can get resources which they are lack of through trade, and developing countries can at the mean time gain their growth in economy.
68. A lot of environmental protection laws including some trade restriction measures have been set down esp. by the developed countries.
69. The American estate tax and gift tax reflect an entire condition of the developed countries.
70. Antidumping has become an important protective trade policy in developed countries, and at same time these countries are the major users in the world.
71. And yet per capita GDP is one-tenth that of the major developed countries.
72. The world's poorest countries, defined by the UIS as less developed countries, have 12 per cent of the world's population and many of its most needy communities.
73. Less developed countries have a comparative advantage in providing services to sex tourists if individuals in those countries have limited alternative forms of employment.
74. First, the paper set forth principal mode of fishery trade friction in the developed countries and China and negative action of fishery trade affected by SPS/TBT since China's WTO entry.
75. Bolivia, in 16 th place, was rated highest among less - developed countries.
76. The graduate system in developed countries has appeared elasticity, multiplicity and flexbility.
77. In developed countries, medical social work a department for medical institutions, assist to preent, make patient instilling, improve health effects.
78. The main objective reason is that some countries, especially the developed countries deviate from the basic principal of anti-dumping and take the anti-dumping law as the tool for trade protection.
79. Our country has obtained the basic technology in the medium-speed maglev technology of train design, but still keeps a longer distance from other developed countries such as German and Japan.
80. From the experience in some developed countries, except for the main stock market, a fully functional and well-regulated OTC market is essential for the development of China's venture capital sector.
81. Especially the developed countries against "social dumping" as the reason, proposed to link trade and labor standards, impose trade sanctions on.
82. In order to harmonize the divarication of developed countries and developing countries in the restrictive clause, the international society has tried times.
83. Facing the great influence of WCT and WPPT, mainly developed countries such as America, EU, and districts made relative response and revised their native laws in order to consist with the treaties.
84. At the end of 1970, the Magnesia-chromite brick is eliminated gradually in the developed countries due to the demand of environment protection, subsequently, the dolomite brick, the M.
85. The obvious alternatives are based on aerobic digestion like those used in developed countries.
86. That is, it tends to be bigger and that is because less developed countries have less developed securities, regulation and laws, and traditions.
87. In most developed countries, average real wages have lagged well behind productivity gains.
88. It was already 100 years history for the overseas project guarantee system, and the market economy developed countries had all established the project guarantee system.
89. In developed countries, cot death is the main cause of death between the ages of one week and one year.
90. The multi-ply parquet as a new wood floor in China is becoming an inevitable trend, but has a wide gap compared with developed countries.
91. Activity - Based Costing and Activity Cost Management ( ABM ) is widely studied and adopted in some developed countries.
92. We made a simple estimate, the CO2 emission from exporting products to developed countries each year accounts for about 23% of the total emission.
93. Modern circulation system ranging from producer goods to finished products has been formed in developed countries and regions in the world.
94. Thirdly, we will continuously promote cooperation with developing countries. We have granted preferential tariff or zero tariff treatment to 41 least developed countries defined by the UN.
94. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
95. In order to avoid the manipulability of Historical Cost Accounting and reduce the resulting agency costs between stock holders and management, many developed countries such as U.
96. The Genii coefficient of the Chinese residents is not only higher than that of the international standards, but also higher than that of the developed countries.
97. Ninety-two percent of the populations of developed countries was vaccinated against Hib as of 2003.
98. In less developed countries, the expansion of markets means they no longer need to bribe or beg government officials for permission to import a television set or spare parts for their tractor.
99. Red raspberry and Backberry belong to Labour intensive industry, compared with developed countries, most of developing countries, including China, have the advantage of developing on large scale.
100. On the base of main modes of spatial relation and spatial structures for population in Metropolitan Area in developed countries , the common and different points are concluded .
101. Therefore on world, each industrial developed countries adopts significant measure to develop the own technical and its estate of numerical control. in recent years(), have gotten fairly big advance.
102. Since the early 1990s, the food bills of the least developed countries have increased five- or six-fold due to lack of investment in the production of food crops.
103. Converter slag is the one of three industrial wastes. Utilization ratio of steel slag is only 50% in China, Which is less than that of developed countries.
104. Higher Education has undergone several hundreds' development in developed countries and they have sound law system compared to China.
105. Pollutant Emission Permit Trading, as a method of environment economy is used in the government administration by market mechanism, by that, there′re a lot of successful cases in developed countries.
106. In recent years, with the world's increasing attention to energy efficiency, the developed countries, such as Japan, have established technical regulation systems.
107. Such an overtly predatory approach to the human resources of often less developed countries is unacceptable, particularly as they have been trained at no cost to the receiving country's taxpayers.
108. In China, it is not practical to apply the same theory and method on car flow using in the developed countries because of our mixed traffic flow and the special road system.
109. Depend on their dominance status on science and technology, the developed countries are trying to monopolise the technology and know-how so as to control international market.
110. Colon and rectal are among the most common cancers in developed countries.
111. The developed countries try to claim that international labor standards should be contacted with international trade(that is the pothook), while the developing countries oppose it stoutly.
112. With a review of the development history of the stock market in the developed countries, it is clear that the institutional investment is playing more and more important roles.
113. The research on the development of visual literacy is mature and systematic in developed countries.
114. The domestic vessel heads made of the exploded metal clad plates of B-3/304 hastelloy is less than developed countries because of the complicacy of fabrication.
115. In the past 100 years time, the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan and other developed countries have completed the conversion of the dual economy.
116. Usually prioritarianism demands more of the developed countries than utilitarianism does.
117. In the worldwide, the legislation of the restrictive clause can be divided into two types, which are legislation in developed countries and in developing countries.
118. The emerging China market makes the country one of the first choices valued by Doubletree just as it does most developed countries.
119. With the rapidly development of stockbreeding in the whole world, law system of the veterinary drugs gradually emerges its limitation, and it obviously drops behind the developed countries.
120. The frothy levels of government indebtedness prevailing in developed countries are certainly not reassuring.
121. In the developed countries, the report says GDP growth is likely to be around one-and-one half percent.
122. China is rich in labor resources while the developed countries have relatively abundant capital.
123. Comparing on a lot of things about law of association in China to some developed countries, such as entrance qualifications of associations, termination of associations.
124. City traffic problems have troubled most industrially developed countries since the commencement of the 20 th century.
125. However, the research on market structure and concentration were mainly focused on developed countries in America and West Europe, compared with CEE and CIS transitional countries.
126. That is routinely sought out during negotiations in developed countries 2moons dil , say analysts and people who have been involved in similar negotiations.
127. While the most extreme cases involve smaller, less developed countries, the same distribution also applies to more developed ones—and with much larger absolute values for GDP loss.
128. Tax preference is an elemental form of less developed countries for encouragement of foreign investment.
129. Logistics costs of developed countries occupies about 10 % of GNP ( Gross National Product ) .
130. The developing countries would undoubtedly be suspicious of rules agreed upon by the developed countries.
131. Income taxation is a major source of revenue in developed countries.
132. But it is no surprise that most confirmed cases outside Mexico are in developed countries with good surveillance for such diseases.
133. Roundworm is rare in developed countries such as the UK.
134. A general statement is made in this paper of the aeronautic and astronautic methods used in developed countries to monitor and extinguish forest fires.
135. Some developed countries are talking about China's total emission, but they seem to forget that China has a 1.3 billion population.
136. However, distribution system in china drop behind developed countries whether in size, facility or management.
137. What happened in the Enterprises of developed countries is investing with its own capital first, then borrowing money from banks or issuing company bonds, and, at last, issuing shares.
138. It may seem that there are more outbreaks in developed countries but perhaps that is because outbreaks in less developed countries are not reported as often.
139. In many developed countries, such as America, Japan, conventional oil vacuum pump has been replaced by dry screw vacuum pump in more and more fields.
140. In many developed countries, 70% to 80% of the population has used some form of alternative or complementary medicine, such as acupuncture.
141. As mortgage-backed security(MBS) is a major form of asset-backed security, asset securitization began with mortgage-backed securities in American and other developed countries.
142. China's cultural industry, compared with developed countries, is still in the initial stage in large part due to the imperfect market of cultural professional managers.
143. Universal network, on - line with the developed countries to strengthen communication and contacts.
144. Nowadays, the environmental accounting study of developed countries expands in depth and researches in application.
145. For the less developed countries, wealth levels are a fraction of these.
146. That in part reflects the surge in capital flooding into the region as investors turn their backs on the uncertainties of developed countries to lock in gains from fast-growing Asia.
147. The rate of taxation links with the input and output of taxation, and the cost of taxation in China is higher than in the developed countries in the world.
148. The experience of western industrial developed countries indicates that tax policy is one of the most effective tools that promote the development of finance leasing.
149. Pollution Transfer" has become the main way in developed countries to deal with the waste and greatly cumber the economic development in import countries."
150. And here are still some shortages to the national standard Triangle bags method, while the Dynamic Olfactometry with high-automation and high-accuracy is commonly used in the developed countries.
151. In general most less developed countries attempt to tax luxuries.
152. Rankings have placed a new premium on status and reputation, with a strong bias towards long-established and well-endowed institutions, usually with medical schools, in developed countries.
153. In developed countries, almost all tubeless tire made of butyl rubber.
154. Whatever you call it, the category still matters ("third world" later became "developing countries" or "less developed countries").
155. Compared with the developed countries, China still has a very low per capita national income.
156. By comparison, the fertility rate in developed countries has been stable, or falling.
157. Prices at those levels could affect economic growth, particularly in less developed countries.
158. To address this imbalance, developed countries must do more in this Round and must be willing to consider sufficient policy space for developing countries.
159. Developed countries have long held that strong patent laws in developing countries would ease technology transfer.
160. Comparing with the yield cure of the western developed countries, the level and shape of the T-bond yield of China is normal.
161. We previously had a traditional model of people moving from developing countries to developed countries, said Sumption.
162. However, it's in less developed countries that rotavirus causes the worst problems.
163. But Roper says that the real work of slowing, and then stopping, global warming needs to come from those developed countries that emit the most greenhouse gases.
164. Human Capital Approach (HKA) was often used to valuate health damages from pollution (or benefits from abatement). It is being replaced by Hedonic Price Method in developed countries.
165. The report says record levels of exports, foreign direct investments and overseas development aid account for the record levels of economic growth in the world's least developed countries.
166. In order to improve the success ratio of the tests, control system of synthetic test has been improved a lot in developed countries by improving the automatic level of control system.
167. Nonetheless, when I've spoken in less developed countries, I find that they're really interested in finance.
168. Although our old refrigerator car company has a clear advantage, but compared with developed countries, market concentration is still not high.
169. Bo wants developed countries to make more efforts to restart and get the talks backtrack.
170. Chile is the first country getting rid of corruption, which not only keeping the highest level of incorruptness in Latin America, but also overtaking some developed countries.
171. In less developed countries, the upfront cost can be much less.
172. In some developed countries, real estate prices remain stable, housing has remained at the basic rate of 60%, 70% of this level.
173. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, established in 1948, succeeded in cutting industrial duties in developed countries from an average of 40 percent to about 4 percent over six decades.
174. In the developed countries, the discount store has become one of the most important retail formats.
175. The point at issue is mainly about whether the relative predominance of cheap labor in developing countries will become"social dumping"to developed countries.




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