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单词 Psych
1 We both knew we had to psych ourselves up for the race.
2 They are like heavyweight boxers, trying to psych each other out and build themselves up.
3 I'm a psych major now.
4 After work, it is hard to psych yourself up for an hour at the gym.
5 His attempt to psych out the other competition seemed to work.
6 Both athletes were trying to psych each other out before the race.
7 I could psych out the captors, and I could put out orders that would frustrate them and keep them off balance.
8 Occasionally, nowadays, Irene is around to psych him up before he goes in there.
9 If the episode was staged to psych me out, it worked.
10 Psych! Ha-ha, just messing with you.
11 Cyrus Grissom: According to my last psych evaluation, yes.
12 While his classmates are bombarding the Psych professor with last-minute questions, he's watching the second season of Arrested Development on Netflix.
13 When taking exams, street-smart people are likely to get better grades than their knowledge merits because they can "psych out" the test.
14 As Gary Ablett's reserves psych themselves up for tonight's trip to Manchester United, we continue our series taking a closer look at our second string youngsters.
15 Psych , I joke , I joke, I kidd, I kidd.
16 And orderly sits Michael down inside the psych ward's TV room. Michael, still displaying the same vacant stare, now wears a white jumpsuit.
17 Another orderly walks around the psych ward TV room, handing out pill cups.
18 I psych out every time I enter an examination room.
19 Originally, dad early psych out my mind, oneself conceals a box.
20 Objective To analyze clinical feature of psych otic disorder after craniocerebral minor injury.
21 We went our separate ways, both recognizing that we had to psych ourselves up for the race.
22 If it's not schizophrenia , what else presents with psych symptoms?
23 They are the most effective but doesn't some razzle-dazzle psych you up?
24 After Marco Polo establishes his namesake effect, he does NOT have to psych out each individual writer after himself.
1 We both knew we had to psych ourselves up for the race.
2 They are like heavyweight boxers, trying to psych each other out and build themselves up.




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更新时间:2024/7/3 17:41:45