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单词 Copyright
1, He has the copyright of his book.
2, The film exploited his image and infringed his copyright.
3, Who owns/holds the copyright on this article?
4, The book is protected by copyright.
5, Who owns the copyright of this book?
6, The publisher has the copyright on all his books.
7, The material can be copied without infringing copyright.
8, He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry.
9, Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author.
10, They sued her for breach of copyright.
11, The family still holds the copyright on his works.
12, Copyright is vested in the author for 50 years.
13, They were sued for breach / infringement of copyright.
14, The database will be protected by copyright .
15, Ownership of copyright can be transferred.
16, The songs remain in copyright.
17, The word 'original' is liberally interpreted in copyright law.
18, His work is no longer protected by copyright.
19, Who owns the copyright on this song?
20, The agreement assigns copyright to the publisher.
21, His work is now out of copyright.
22, Databases are generally protected by copyright.
23, Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author.
24, Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying.
25, Copyright protects your work from being commercially exploited by someone else without your consent.
26, A backup copy of a computer program does not infringe copyright.
27, To order a book one first had to get permission from the monastery that held the copyright.
28, A phrase jumped out at me in a piece about copyright.
29, The Author hereby warrants that the Publisher is the owner of the copyright.
30, A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, buildings, machinery,(http:///copyright.html) specialist knowledge or copyright material such as music or computer software.
1, He has the copyright of his book.
2, The film exploited his image and infringed his copyright.
3, Who owns/holds the copyright on this article?
4, Who owns the copyright of this book?
5, The publisher has the copyright on all his books.
6, The material can be copied without infringing copyright.
7, He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry.
8, Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author.
9, A backup copy of a computer program does not infringe copyright.
10, To order a book one first had to get permission from the monastery that held the copyright.
11, A phrase jumped out at me in a piece about copyright.
31, It is a copyright library and receives three copies of all books published in Britain.
32, The poem is still under copyright, so you have to pay to quote it.
33, By publishing the book, they were guilty of infringing copyright.
34, She threatened legal action against the Sun for breach of copyright.
35, There is general agreement that copyright is a good idea.
36, This material is copyright.
37, These programs are, of course, protected by copyright.
38, What are the penalties for violating a copyright?
39, We have also to be very careful about copyright.
40, To do so would breach copyright laws.
41, What is needed is an extension of copyright laws to cover on-line materials.
42, To a small parish church with few resources, the laws of copyright may seem somewhat overbearing.
43, Until quite recently, most music publishing agreements assigned all rights in a song to the publisher for this full copyright term.
44, Can teachers make photocopies of published materials without violating copyright laws?
45, Qualitatively substantial parts of the program code are incorporated in the new program - definite infringement of copyright. 7.
46, Does an employee own a copyright on works produced on the job?
47, Additional damages are also provided for as they are for copyright infringement and the unregistered design right generally.
48, It was held that the defendant had infringed copyright by copying the two-line moving cursor menu.
49, However, the law allows for copyright protection on compilations when they involve some originality in the selection and arrangement of information.
49, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
50, Individual craft items with a discernible artistic quality will be covered by copyright.
51, Essentially, copyright law does not prevent this as long as the original program is not copied or adapted.
52, Time allowed 00:21 Read in studio Detectives have seized around five hundred suspected pirate videos in a joint operation with copyright investigators.
53, Some computer inventions have to be protected by copyright rather than patents.
54, Some businesses are attaching electronic copyright stamps to their work, and the bill would make erasing these stamps illegal.
55, Lawyers said courts in recent years have generally narrowed the copyright protections for software, but the rulings are not uniform.
56, Descriptions or drawings of ideas are also afforded some protection under copyright law.
57, Remedies for infringement are as for copyright but there are no criminal penalties for secondary infringements.
58, If a teacher makes copies of software for students, he or she is infringing copyright.
59, The system was designed to prevent plagiarism, and to establish copyright over the thesis contents.
60, Where a copyright notice is required, is a copyright lost if the author does not follow these procedures?
61, Now it's the independent labels' turn to sue the music service provider for copyright infringement.
62, The industry released the figures after a federal court ruled this month that the service helped users to violate music copyright laws.
63, He said that the publisher got the copyright in each song written by the defendant for one shilling.
64, The sealed letter is dated proof of your copyright to be opened in court if some one claims your idea.
65, An author who does not register a copyright will not be able to maintain a suit against anyone who makes unauthorized copies.
66, At supper there arc copyright sheets of songs once sunk in the tunnels and a release of air as nylon haversacks flatten.
67, A federal court ruled this month that Napster helped users to violate music copyright laws.
68, The principle of copyright remains sound, but invoking it in cyberspace may be like invoking trespass laws in the Old West.
69, Who owns the copyright when there is more than one author?
70, Lotus argued that the command menus were a creative product and deserved the same copyright protection given to musical scores and books.
71, This game shamelessly rips it off in a way that would have most copyright lawyers drooling.
72, There is a typical example among writers, seeking to protect copyright and to negotiate general contract conditions.
73, The total fee of 5,000 is in outright purchase of the copyright of the material.
74, Unless stated otherwise, you have to assume all text, graphics, scripts, programs and applets are copyright.
75, Apple Corps, acting for the three surviving Beatles, is suing Adam Cooper, 29, for breach of copyright.
76, However, this does mean that your organisation must own the copyright of all the pictures you send out.
77, Copyright is waived for non-commercial educational use of the book.
78, Moral and economic rights are bound up in the concept of copyright.
79, It needs to be borne in mind that the computer program will be protected by copyright law regardless of the patent situation.
79, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
80, Even if copyright protection of computer programs is developed by the courts to become stronger, the Act does contain safeguards.
81, This is in order that copyright holders may receive proper benefit from the performance of their material.
82, Creators of artistic works have a legal right to copyright.
83, Entries will remain copyright of the entrant but can only be returned if they are accompanied by a large stamped addressed envelope.
84, Oxford has almost unparalleled library facilities in the Bodleian, which is a copyright library.
85, It is only at the end of the term of copyright that what has been protected passes into the public domain.
86, The scope of the copyright protection, however, is not always clear.
87, The 4-4 tie upholds a federal appeals court decision in Lotus's copyright infringement lawsuit.
88, They may say that reproduction is a breach of copyright.
89, In other words, should copyright extend to non-literal elements which are not directly perceivable?
90, He admitted a further 17 charges involving the breach of computer software and video copyright law.
91, Copyright in chapters for a scientific textbook are often bought for sums that would hardly cover the cost of typing.
92, In general, the photograph will be protected by copyright which will be owned by the publisher or perhaps a freelance photographer.
93, It requires Member States to protect electronic databases under copyright law.
94, The judge left it to counsel to submit suggestions for appropriate relief for the limited infringement of copyright.
95, Trade sanctions have been threatened and copyright has been made a high-profile issue in international negotiations.
96, For a work which is specially commissioned or purchased, you may agree to transfer the copyright.
97, When a painting, sculpture or other item of craftwork is sold the ownership of the copyright remains with the artist.
98, The company writes to the culprits, invoking the copyright laws as it reads them.
99, The threshold for copyright protection in the United Kingdom is low compared to some other countries.
100, Zenith did not know of the existence of Acme's program - no infringement of copyright. 2.
101, The situation in Oxbridge and London is clearly less serious, since there the copyright libraries are to hand.
102, If software programs were covered by patent rather than copyright legislation, there would be ways round these difficulties.
103, They look for potential copyright infringement and verify names, phone numbers and addresses included in scripts.
104, This will include newspaper cuttings and the references referred to above, although taking care not to breach copyright laws.
105, Neither the federal copyright law nor guidelines mentioned above apply to copying computer software, and such copying is not fair use.
106, In such an example, the photographer will own the copyright of the photograph and the artist copyright in the original work.
107, The copyright disputes were brought to public attention when the Register ran a story detailing Mr Millington's plight.
108, Publications are not available for loan, but photocopying within the terms of copyright law is available.
109, An endorsement like that may make Mr Koons forget all about losing his six-figure copyright infringement suit.
110, There is always the risk that some third party will claim, for example, to have copyright in the Vendor's works.
111, If their copyright music becomes a record and is sold, royalties become due.
112, According to the then-prevailing legal opinion, a copyright notice would have tainted its trade secret protections.
113, Last April, Kantor identified 38 countries who either denied protection of intellectual property or supported copyright and patent piracy.
114, They took out copyright on lyrics that had not even been written yet.
115, He puts it flat on the table and opens the cover and shows me the copyright.
116, A software licence does not grant an interest in the copyright but gives permission to use the software.
117, The case will establish whether the syntax of computer languages can be held copyright.
118, Copyright comes into force immediately on completion or publication of the work and does not normally have to be recorded or registered.
119, Teachers may create lesson plans, books, and other teaching materials that they wish to copyright.
120, Contractual arrangements should be made with respect to freelance workers and the ownership of the copyright in anything they produce. 2.
121, Drawings are prepared for most designs and drawings are protected by copyright as artistic works, irrespective of artistic quality.
122, The copyright vote was by no means an isolated case.
123, Artists obtain certain rights, collectively known as copyright, on the origination of any artistic work.
124, In a New York case, a federal district court found that a nonprofit educational service agency was guilty of copyright violations.
125, In some respects, the decision strengthens copyright protection for computer programs.
126, Generally, however, printed circuit boards will be protected, through their preparatory drawings, by copyright.
127, Registration and deposit are also necessary before a court can take certain actions against those who violate a copyright.
128, Was this snobbery or some more mundane consideration of copyright?
129, In Britain, copyright exists as soon as a song is recorded on to tape or written on manuscript.
130, These three important exceptions to copyright infringement are described and examined below.
131, Copyright is subject to two international conventions by which reciprocal protection is granted between members.
132, The plaintiffs argued that Sony was liable for copyright infringement because it supplied the means for infringement.
133, You get the feeling that there they have the copyright on Christmas.
134, For example, in some cases the bill would make it illegal for Internet users to access information not protected by copyright.
135, A literal copy of a computer program infringes copyright if made without the consent of the copyright owner.
136, And the same is true of theft, including theft of copyright.
137, As a musician it is worthwhile to deal both with copyright and performing right.
138, The deposit of a thesis in a library gives no guarantee of copyright protection.
139, This company has a proprietorship of the copyright.
140, Where will fair use system of copyright be directed?
141, Include a copyright statement at the bottom of page.
142, The newspaper put a copyright slug over her story.
143, Tension between copyright protection and information dissemination tightened again.
144, The copyright is a kind of immaterial assets.
145, The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief.
146, He retained the copyright of his book.
147, Copyright was a by - product of the Renaissance.
148, The state - controlled Xinhua news agency called it China's biggest software copyright infringement case.
149, The disparity was made all the worse by the absence of an adequate international copyright.
150, Digital Library during the construction of the first face is authorized by the copyright information resources.
151, This protection of users' rights is accomplished with a device called a copyleft: The software license claims copyright protection and prohibits distribution unless the user is granted these rights.
152, This article observes that imposture in Copyright Law is the infringement of the right of signature of authors.
153, Sharpening that progress and right are aware of with society's ceaselessness, that the judge is confronted with the difficult, complicated copyright dispute already is fact.
154, The Digital Economy Bill would be at odds with the way the European Commission handles enforce copyright infringements.
155, Copyright, trade mark privileges encroach right the legal damages have not stipulated lower limit etc.
156, DOCUMENT PROCESSINGAND WORK FLOW In general, the flow of work consisted of finding the work, checking copyright, input via typing or scanning spell checking, proofing, and proofing again.
157, As the licenser and licensee, the legal subjects in the copyright license contracts under the network environment have new characters.
158, We're not responsible for any potential copyright infringement claims caused by your action.
159, The library hopes to extend the digitisation scheme by scanning books out of copyright dating from the early 20th century.
160, He told Le Monde newspaper that the deals involved "excessive confidentiality, impossible exclusivity and casual --even leonine --clauses on copyright."
161, The market is subject to fierce competition, users are averse to paying for content and rampant copyright violations make monetisation in their home market more difficult than in the US.
162, Costa Rica becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
163, With the growth of network and multimedia technology[], the copyright protection becomes more and more important.
164, The Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA) was enacted to adapt the Copyright Act to the Berne Convention.
165, What's more, this algorithm is a unilateral and nonreversible watermarking arithmetic, so it can provide genuine copyright protection to digital image.
166, The non - physical assets of a company such as patents, copyright, a brand name, goodwill etc.
167, The article mainly narrated the signification and approach of document delivery participating in constructing literature resource, emphasized that it was essential to comply copyright law.
168, The copyright administrative authorities may confiscate their illegal income or impose a fine on them.
169, Nowadays, copyright protection is being strengthening, while public knowledge face the danger of being personalized and propertied .
169, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
170, For 2-dimensional designs, on the other hand, such as fabric prints or wallpaper, you do not lose copyright protection after publication and sale of the product.
171, The foundation stone of copyright is the balance of interests between authors and the public, which has been break in digital age.
172, Then comparison to zero watermarking was made to proof the copyright. The result indicated this method is very good to solute the contradictory question of robustness and imperceptibility .
173, The boundlessness and joint share of information of the Internet are challenging the nature of territory and exclusivity of traditional copyright.
174, Statement: Mark have made copyright protect, usurp will look into legal responsibility.
175, Kelley's lawsuit cited violations of artist's rights protections under the US Visual Artists Rights Act (Vara), which is part of US copyright law.
176, Therefore copyright fare use system is designed and periodically revised to equilibrate the antinomy.
177, The court granted the plaintiff an injunction restraining the defendant from breaching copyright.
178, The digital watermark technology is one kind of effective digital product copyright protection and the data security maintenance technology which appears in the recent ten years.
179, The copyright of the words, pictures and video documentation on this website belongs to Yu Changren. Excerption is welcome and please note the derivation!
180, The copyright owner shall deliver the work time limIt'specified in the contract.
181, It's not the first copyright infringement lawsuit against China's online video sites.
182, The creation of copyright is a kind of brain work of humans.
183, The author firstly uses John Locke's labor theory of property as the theoretical foundation and uses the economic approach to expound the rationality in private right protection of copyright.
184, And over the years, the Copyright Clause has become a flashpoint for just such abuse.
185, The refuse to accept the nature of copyright for compilation of facts reflects in the concernment of the construction of creation for a work for the would-be author.
186, Money has not been divided, it is meddlesome to nature of everybody of broad music copyright.
187, The protection of folklore an unresolved issue in copyright law.
188, The reproduction of copyright material without the permission of the copyright holder is banned by law.
189, Following the enactment of the Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance in May 1998, optical disc manufacturers are required to take out a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.
190, The technical tactics embody aspects as practicing digital copyright protection technology and applying advanced browser software.
191, After three years' fight on the copyright, the Tetris finally belonged to the nintendo and become the facia game, and the original edition had sold out for 30 million pieces.
192, The case of actinozoan copyright violating draws much attention in the field of the internet and the press.
193, In the currency of legalizing the second liability system of copyright, our country should set up unattached second liability rules in lawmaking on copyright.
194, As at December 31, one copyright licensing body was registered with the Director of Intellectual Property.
195, Non-current assets also can be intangible assets, such as goodwill, patents or copyright.
196, The rigid standard of Olympic Games video has said palpability is on copyright issue, video website will face more problems.
197, The algorithm resilient geometric distortion is an important research direction in copyright protection.
198, And reverse engineering of software is sometimes used to create code under a different copyright (though usually a clean room design is introduced instead of direct decompilation).
199, On the part of the picture information source, we do not assume any responsibility, such as your copyright violations, after receiving the notice, we will be working 5 days to delete!
199, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
200, Berne Convention is the most important and most effective world copyright protection convention.
201, Emma Thompson's latest film project – a love triangle featuring the 19th century poet and critic John Ruskin – is reported to have been placed in jeopardy by a New York copyright case.
202, The mark - the letter C that's associated with the symbol for copyright, but with a slash through it - is meant to make it clear that the material is free to reuse.
203, The rapid development of modern technology has made document delivery much more convenient than ever, with various service types, but problems of copyright also arise.
204, To protect the copyright of large raster maps, a fast robust digitalwatermark algorithm is proposed.
205, Pledge on Property Rights in a Work, taking advantage of exchangeable value of Copyright , is one form of the usage of Property Rights in a Work.
206, Accordingly, our law should give definitions to act of tort and non - infringement of copyright.
207, This is an Act to amend the Copyright Act, 1963, and the Patents Act, 1992, and to provide for related matters.
208, A Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.
209, Our manifesto is to reform copyright laws and gradually abolish the patent system.
210, This paper discuses the copyright problem in the digital age. It analyzes the interests of the writer, bookman and the common. For the balance, it puts forward concrete suggestions.
211, So the typically under-copyright law if you scribble something on a piece of paper, you automatically have a copyright to that.
212, It's not dead yet, but it's gasping for breath, while all copyright business follows nervously in its wake, wondering who's going to be the next to keel over.
213, Reformatting of material to make it accessible should not be considered an infringement of copyright and should be considered as reasonable access.
214, The publisher sold the copyright on the novel to a movie producer.
215, If the book publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stocks of the book are exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.
216, HOW is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant.
217, Applying the modern cryptographical technology constructs two digital copyright protection schemes.
218, This paper proposed a new image copyright protection key scheme based on zero - watermarking concept.
219, I was flabbergasted when I learned that Congress had copyright duration extension high on its agenda.
220, In addition, we have made rapid development in the importation of copyright.
221, This paper introduced the developing of software copyright , expatiated the patent trend in software industry, and at last it analyzed the internet, copyleft and service.
222, That content in our Copyright Law is similar basically with Berne convention.
223, Copyright law of China which was emended twice has been much perfect, people's awareness of Copyright law is improving too.
224, Turn on this option to store the default credit and copyright identity in the XMP and the IPTC tags.
225, Involve issue of the following law: 1 copyright 2 reorganize advantageous position 3 former writers are witting authority.
226, Panama becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
227, If the publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stock of the book is exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.
228, In Figure 44, the status line of the host application shares the bottom line of the screen with the copyright.
229, In this section, the article discusses the legal disputes about infringement of copyright and trade mark right and unfair competition caused by the abuse of network links.
230, Double-check the spelling of your name and details of your address so there are no disputes about the proper copyright ownership.
231, This article talks about law compensation for infringement of copyright in cyber environment.
232, And inbeing interviewed, we discover, copyright issue, still be among them core topic.
233, Digitalizing the literary and artistic works with copyright must be authorized by their authors, but the current system of authorization has become an obstacle to the development of digital libraries.
234, It is illegal to take copies of a copyright work.




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