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单词 Burma
1. Burma is northeast of Sri Lanka.
2. The borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma all converge at this point.
3. We of course wanted to recapture Burma.
4. Kyat is a basic unit of currency in Burma.
5. They have vetoed action against Burma in the past.
6. Their trade in Burma was managed from Pulicat.
7. Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns.
8. Clearly action taken by authorities in China and Burma to combat illegal logging in Kachin state has had a significant positive impact.
9. Female singers in the former Burma are traditionally more conservative and cautious, seldom veering from well-worn romantic ballads.
10. According to Burma military experts, 40 to 60 percent of the national budget is allocated to the military.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. China aid Burma with a built mini foundry shop of which both foundry technology and equipment selection have been described in details.
12. It is also found in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Indo-Chinese Peninsula, the Philippines, and Japan.
13. North Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar/Burma, Laos and Vietnam.
14. The Union of Burma, which was peaceful and stable for nearly 20 years, is now engaged in an internal war under the new so-called civilian government.
15. In ancient Burma, Theravada Buddhism kept a close relationship with the royal power.
16. It then moved east across India Nepal Burma Bangladesh Bhutan China Japan and the Pacific.
17. Importer , Exporter & Manufacturer of Burma Teak Parquet & Strip Flooring Timber , Teak logs.
18. Her letters paint a wonderful picture of her life in Burma.
19. A man prays toward a column of Buddhist monks in Rangoon(), Burma.
20. The directors of the company had issued orders for liquidation of the Burma venture.
21. Hunter-gatherer groups classified as pygmies live in various regions, including Africa, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Andaman Islands, which lie southeast of Burma.
22. The UN Security Council has been silent on Pakistan, in contrast to the stance it has taken recently over Burma, says the BBC's Laura Trevelyan at the UN.
23. The Bengal Tiger or Royal Bengal Tiger is a subspecies of tiger found through the rainforests and grasslands of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, India and Nepal.
24. The Irrawaddy is published in both English and Burmese, with a primary focus on Burma, although other Southeast Asian countries are also covered to a lesser extent.
25. The NNPP has fought for autonomy under the Union of Burma since 1957.
26. This is the common banana's weird cousin (Ensete superbum) and grows in India, Thailand and Burma.
27. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) says it has sent the first UN convoy of aid overland into Burma, and a planeload of shelter supplies has been flown in from Dubai.
28. The abbot was forty-six years old and from central Burma, the heartland of the sangha, or monkhood.
29. America shipped load after load of scrap iron to Japan, while Britain considered blockading Burma Road.
30. The national region of south of Yunnan province is next to Vietnam, Laos and Burma, lt has an important military position.
1. Burma is northeast of Sri Lanka.
2. Her letters paint a wonderful picture of her life in Burma.
31. A river of Burma flowing about , '09 km (, 000 mi) southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. It is the chief river of the country.
32. Of the 173 nations in the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index 2008, Burma ranked 170th, behind every other country except the "unchanging hells" of Turkmenistan, North Korea, and Eritrea.
33. Named after the Hindu monkey god Hanuman, these lanky, long-tailed monkeys are found in the humid forests, swamps, and even urban areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar (Burma).
34. A city of central Burma on the Irrawaddy River north of Rangoon.
35. Phan now works at the Burma Campaign UK, raising awareness of the plight of the country's ethnic minorities.
36. A mineralogical investigation of platinum - group metal placers from Burma was made by electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA ).
37. ASEAN members are Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
38. The fruit of annual plant of Asian origin, the black gram, or urd bean, isa widely popular bean in India, Burma, and Pakistan.
39. The Burma Road was a major route by which the United States was supplying China with munitions as part of the Lend-Lease Act.
40. "I believe China must have a hand in the alliance's decision, " commented a Burma watcher from Thailand.
40. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
41. But the trumpeted improvement in external ties includes next week's groundbreaking Burma visit by the US secretary of state, the first such since John Foster Dulles travelled there in 1955.
42. Bangladesh, Borneo, Burma, China ( Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan ), India, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
43. At the Quebec Conference in August 1943, Allied leaders agreed on an early 1944 date for a counteroffensive into Burma.
44. In this paper, main structure features, performance, parameters, and test conditions of depressed bottom container cars and caboose cars exported to Burma are introduced.
45. The opium trade is equal to 30 percent of Afghanistan's legal economy, and from Burma to Bolivia, Moldova to Guinea-Bissau, drug kingpins have become influential economic and political actors.
46. Tibeto - Burman languages spoken in northernmost Burma and adjacent China and India.
47. The delimitation of the northern bounder between China and Burma in 1960 didn't mean that the Chinese government had recognized the legitimacy of the McMahon Line.
48. It was decided by history condition that the Kuomintang government dispatched troops in Burma, and it was inevitable result of Japan southing.
49. The Overseas Chinese youth in Burma organized a wartime work team.
50. The musical group "The Student Loan" visited Burma in 2009, and the musical group "Maya Azucena Band" visited in 2008.
51. Htan Dah said that in addition to present staff, there were visitors from other offices and NGOs, plus staff currently "inside"—in Burma.
52. Louise Arbour drew attention to the natural disasters in China and Burma, also known as Myanmar.
53. Jadeite is fine variety of jade coming from Burma, and is fine grained, hard and durable.
54. Opposition to damming the Irrawaddy River in the country's northeast had been low key, not unusual in Burma.
55. And China made a similar effort to block a proposed UN commission of inquiry into war crimes committed in Burma, which had the strong support of the US and several EU member states.
56. Burma can exploit gas 3.8 trillion stere, petroleum 2 billion barrel.
57. It took more than two weeks after Cyclone Nargis devastated the Irrawaddy Delta before ASEAN members could persuade Burma to meet to discuss aid for the storm's victims.
58. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has long had a policy of engaging with Burma, even when many countries have criticized its military government.
59. When I learned about her story, then I learned about Burma and how repressed they are by this military junta that leads Burma - that is the government.
60. On Monday, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will meet in Singapore to discuss how to increase aid to Burma, which is a member.
61. In 1974, 12 years after seizing power from a civilian government in a military coup, Gen Ne Win retired from the army and proclaimed himself president of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma.
62. This success enabled him to claim the allegiance of central Burma.
63. The United Nations has cleared an area at an airport in the capital of Thailand for transporting aid to cyclone survivors in Burma.
64. Freed of overseeing Chinese operations in Burma, Wedemeyer also relinquished the role of Chinese lend-lease administrator.
65. Because the Nu is an international river —it flows into Burma on its southward journey to the Andaman Sea —development plans fall under state secrecy laws.
66. But behind the bonhomie and poems of friendship, China's relationship with its impoverished southeastern neighbor and erstwhile ally formerly known as Burma is deeply troubled.
67. Following the 1967 riot against minority Chinese living in Burma, the ruling Chinese Communist Party provided military and logistic support to Communist Party of Burma (CPB) troops.
68. The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, Including the Whole of the Indo-Chinese Sub-Region.
69. This is a natural, pure and A grade Burma jade jadeite carved into Kuan Yin sitting on the lotus with a bottle in hand.
70. Muslim vessels could still collect the produce of Burma and Bengal.
70. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
71. Burma can exploit natural gas 3.8 trillion stere, petroleum 2 billion barrel.
72. A river of Burma flowing about1,609km(1,000mi)southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. It is the chief river of the country.
73. The generals lifted the state of emergency today in three of the five worst-affected states, and also in parts of Rangoon and Irrawaddy, and announced that there was no immediate food crisis in Burma.
74. After years of off-and-on fighting that started in 1948, when Burma gained independence from Great Britain, the government reached cease-fire agreements with 17 groups beginning in 1989.
75. He told of a young woman from Burma who immigrated with her family and, upon entering college, identified with fellow Muslim students and began wearing a hijab (traditional headscarf).
76. U.S. Senator Jim Webb, who won the release of an American prisoner in Burma, says the United States must develop new ways to bring about political and economic change in the isolated state.
77. Bush also said the Commerce Department is tightening its export control regulations for Burma.
78. In the contemporary era China has established good-neighbour and friend, peace and cooperation bilateral relations with Burma, and will further the course during the 21st century.
79. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, and China.
80. Unfortunately, even the news from the mass media is dwindling whereas the current situation in Burma should draw our outmost support and attention.
81. We wish our people to decide the right thing for the sake of Shan State and the Union of Burma or the regime will keep controlling the country and oppressing our people for years.
82. Burma borders on India.
83. After Japan attacked Burma, Burma became a strategic area essential for contending.
84. Burma Road and Stilwell Road go through the boundary lines.
85. That truth, for example , guides our new approach to Burma.
86. In water-logged Burma, now known as Myanmar, World War II crews built dozens of bridges, while under constant attack by the Japanese.
87. A river rising in the hills of northern Burma and flowing about , 58 km (720 mi) generally south to the Irrawaddy River.
88. The Taiwanese spy network is believed to be still active in Burma, particularly in Rangoon, Mandalay, Myitkyina, Lashio and in border towns.
89. Burma artillery battalions use 110 mm and 105 mm heavy mortar.
90. A boy bathes in a mist - shrouded river in Nanyung, Myanmar ( Burma ).
91. Did you know in Burma you get seven years in prison for telling jokes?
92. The six point statement said KIA was fighting for restoration of a real federal system with political means by ending the regime in Burma, said KIA.
93. The conquering Japanese armies had halted at the great mountain ranges that separate Burma from India.
94. Based on the investigation, inclusions in jadeite from Burma are divided into four types.
95. Sapphires are found in India, Burma, Ceylon, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Brazil and Africa.
95. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
96. A young worshipper navigates the labyrinthine corridors of a Buddhist temple at Bagan, Burma.
97. After their advance through Burma, the Japanese at India's eastern gate.
98. The South China Sea has already been declared a "core national interest," and deep-water ports are projected in Pakistan, Burma and Sri Lanka.
99. IN MOULMEIN, IN LOWER BURMA, I was hated by large numbers of people--the only time in my life that I have been important enough for this to happen to me.
100. Chiang deployed nine Chinese divisions from Yunnan Province, including several of his top units, equipped with the first lend-lease supplies, to defend Burma.
101. Laos lies between China, Burma , Thailand , Cambodia, and Viet Nam.
102. That has been particularly true when it comes to Burma.
103. Nesser says she never planned to open a school stateless children from Burma.
104. She said a North Korea - Burma military connection destabilizing to the region.
105. Fatty acids was determined from neem oil ( neem tree seed fat ) in Burma by GC - MS .




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