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单词 Mound
1. There's a mound of papers on my desk.
2. The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them.
3. There is a mound of papers on my desk.
4. I've got a mound of paperwork to do.
5. It was easy to pick holes in the mound.
6. They piled stones on top of the mound.
7. They banked the earth into a mound.
8. The waiter appeared with a huge mound of spaghetti.
9. Wind swept the snow up into a mound.
10. The soldiers went at once to the mound and began to stick their bayonets through it.
11. The pitcher toed the mound, wound up and threw a fast ball.
12. The church stands on a high mound just outside the village.
13. I scratch my face to feel a bloodless mound.
14. An earthen mound forms an even more direct imitation.
15. The mound becomes a temporary shrine.
16. The hay was in a great mound.
17. He had enjoyed the visit to the burial mound.
18. The way ahead was over a mound of sand.
19. Mound banana mixture in bottom crust, using slotted spoon.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Augie moaned, then turned over the mound to Ronny.
21. A mound of leaves is the perfect place for a hedgehog to hibernate.
22. With two out, he stumbled from the mound and landed on his throwing hand and came out of the game.
23. Cigarette ends growing into a mound similar to a cairn over a dead hero.
24. You will see it as a great mound becoming visible at the bottom of a steep slope that you are descending.
25. The castle was built on top of a natural grassy mound.
26. But at that point hope is cruelly dashed, for the food he supplies is that terrible mound of quails.
27. As the full horror of the explosion unfolded, the Halifax building society was reduced to a mound of rubble.
28. A group of prisoners was carefully picking foreign bodies from a mound of rice before cooking.
29. Four minutes later, after a brief transit over pillows spotted with small white anemones, we arrive at another low mound.
30. They lowered Virgil into his grave and shoveled in the dirt and made a nice mound over him.
1. There's a mound of papers on my desk.
2. The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them.
3. There is a mound of papers on my desk.
31. This is where that small mound of lava on Bezymianny comes in.
32. The Grand Hotel was now just a mound of rubble.
33. Gophers, which travel via underground tunnels, make a fan-shaped mound of dirt.
34. The man burst into the kitchen carrying a great mound of kindling which he dumped in a pile by the door.
35. Even after I took the mound, people kept walking by, standing, talking, and laughing behind home plate.
36. Children with poor appetites are often put off when faced by a large mound of food on their plates.
37. Season and cool. 3 Mix the fresh herbs into the white rice and mound up on an attractive serving plate.
38. In Wagon Mound the kind of damage that needed to be foreseeable was fire damage.
39. The male now carefully monitors the temperature of the mound by prodding his beak into it.
40. All Saint's church stands on a conical mound of earth in the village and is an ancient edifice.
41. A feature of much interest is a large mound named Giants Hill, now planted with trees.
42. The vegetation within, protected from the dry air, begins to decay and the mound starts to warm.
43. The blueberry pie came with a mound of whipped cream on the side.
44. There was a mound of earth that had evidently been dug out of a ditch.
45. You can also use a circle of wire netting, shaped like a mound, to cover the top of the container.
46. The elongated, slightly oval hummock could hardly be called a grave, more a burial mound.
47. His head was crushed, and the stone coldly fitted back into its mound.
48. Massage the mound at the base of the thumb very well.
49. She was covered with a blanket, so frail that she scarcely formed a mound.
50. For some megapodes, two brothers cooperate to help a female build her mound.
51. They built a town on a small mound between the two rivers.
52. Mound the moistened couscous on a serving platter and form a large well in the center.
53. When the eggs hatch, the young struggle slowly to the surface of the mound, emerging ready to fend for themselves.
54. Each male constructs a layered mound of two tons of leaves, twigs, earth, and sand.
55. One unkempt mound bore a glass with a Harp Lager insignia, filled with greenish water.
56. Until the excavations began, all that was visible of Norwich Castle was a stone keep on a large mound.
57. Mussina appeared in total control on the mound, cool and efficient.
58. A sunny south-facing mound will lose more precious moisture to evaporation than a shadier northern slope.
59. He began throwing off a mound last week and will gradually increase his work while building arm strength.
60. The pie was topped with a mound of freshly whipped cream.
61. And the great mound of caviare - ignored on its melting bed of ice.
62. Meanwhile, the indestructible burial mound would shrug off the tempest like a great, ageless whale.
63. Andre Berry switches on a standard domestic vacuum cleaner powered by a petrol generator to collect material to repair an historic mound.
64. There is only one tall stone standing now and no white cross on the cairn-like mound of loose stones.
65. The mound of coins continues to grow as the little Kool Aid tycoons and garbage financiers continue to amaze and to amass.
66. It stands on a small mound at the junction of the two villages.
67. First high winds blow Stu Miller off the mound, forcing a balk, at Candlestick Park.
68. To remove such a sacred mound would cause much distress to a great number of people.
69. The bulk of the mound towered over Mungo, intimidating him.
70. He threw off a mound for about six minutes, twice between starts.
71. Late bluebells grew in profusion on the tumbled remains of the great mound.
72. Cranes nest on the ground, building a mound of vegetation usually in the middle of a swamp.
73. His thumb slid over the swelling mound outlined beneath the silk, trailed over the ripening bud at its centre.
74. Sulfide outgrowths that look undeniably like Moose antlers project out from the main mound.
75. Presently they came to a stone wall, beyond which was a huge symmetrical mound.
76. Margarit's attention is sharply focused, however, as she brings on stage a small mound of straw.
77. To make the sandwiches, mound the salad mixture into the pita pockets and serve at once.
78. Epidermal cells have been thrown up into a small mound at the site of closure.
79. Form mixture into mound and make large well in center.
80. Gaston and Mound are right that in taxonomy, as in science in general,() the drive comes from individuals.
81. Opposite her, piled up on a chair, was a great mound of presents.
82. At the end of the day, there was a little mound of ash behind his seat.
83. Garlands of fresh bay were looped around a table containing a silver platter with a two-foot-high mound of Beluga caviare.
84. I often lay on the grassy mound that created a giant step between our house and the one next to us.
85. He pressed the snow to make a mound, a burial mound.
86. Pat focuses the color camera on the flow, and I make a quick sketch of the mound in my notebook.
87. Thursday the Royal Burial Mound and the other burial places and the port and the primeval forest.
88. Then, his eyes seeming to skip the mound of her stomach, he looked at her face.
89. The diameter of the north mound is about seventy yards and that of its southern fellow some eighty-four yards.
90. He lay on his stomach on a small mound and parted a dead gorse bush.
91. Instead we did the trail just south of Reykjahlid, climbing a lava mound overlooking the great lake.
92. Form mixture into mound and make large well in center. Add egg yolks and cream to well.
93. And maybe the one in the burial mound had been dropped by some one else entirely?
94. Top with a small mound of tortilla chips and serve at once.
95. In front of him was a mound of concrete blocks, dust, jagged glass and twisted metal.
96. Nevertheless, Alexai Ybreska gazed upon the weed-festooned mound with a beam of satisfaction.
97. The tour also visits several conservancy preserves, including newly acquired Watson Brake Mounds, one of the oldest mound complexes known.
98. Robyn blinked back unexpected tears and leant forward to place a log carefully on to the mound of hot red twigs.
99. Just inside, a mound of debris spills across the floor: A toppled file cabinet.
100. From this he deduced that the mound had been reused as a place of burial on many separate occasions.
101. Slides would be built over a mound, so there's no danger of children falling from a height.
102. From the mound, he heard voices of people singing, as if at a banquet.
103. Combat Bonus A charging war boar is a bad-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle and bone with pointy tusks and sharp teeth.
104. Baseball also has become an endless exercise in hitching, pulling and staring in the batter's box and on the mound.
105. Wheelbarrows of mud are carted from one site to help form a containing mound for a pond at the other end.
106. Drogo built his castle high upon the mound at Skipsea Brough surrounded by ditches and earthworks.
107. The floor was one huge mound of twitching corpses, over which rank after rank of the creatures advanced.
108. To serve, line bowl or platter with spinach leaves, mound salad on top, and sprinkle with remaining cup cilantro.
109. Animals, Manshin Ahjima said, hand over her mouth, as she stepped over a fresh mound of human dung.
109. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
110. An ancient grave mound; a barrow.
111. The children are playing on the mound.
112. The table was a mound of paper and books.
113. King Kwangkaeto 's burial mound remains desecrated and unattended.
114. The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth.
115. He sat on a grave mound.
116. a Bronze Age burial mound.
117. They have a southpaw on the mound.
118. The mound can be used as our screen.
119. It is an ancient burial - mound.
120. The wind swept up the sand into a mound.
121. There's a mound of books on my desk.
122. Its grave mound no tombstone, only a dazzling grass.
123. This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a moraine—a mound formed by the accumulation of sediments and rocks moved by the glacier—on the other.
124. From the fourth side the bones had been thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon the earth, forming at one point a mound of some size.
125. Any lone massive oak he finds growing from a low clover - covered mound marks a crematorium.
126. The kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art.
127. Encouage him to climb over a little mound of dirt or log.
128. Pitching coach Ron Guidry jokes with him too, riding Wang harder the better he does on the mound.
129. Its results show that DN mainly originated from irrigable land first, mound and hill second.
130. The influence of red imported fire ant(RIFA) on ant community in different distances around separate mound in mowing wasteland was studied in this paper.
131. Running up to a slope then raising my head on a sudden , a mound was visible among the mountain peaks at a come-at-able distance. away. Base on my instinct, I was sure that was just Yang Col indeed .
132. An erosion-resistant marine ridge or mound consisting chiefly of compacted coral together with algal material and biochemically deposited magnesium and calcium carbonates.
133. The smell of musth and urine , of fresh death, hung over the mound of the corpse.
134. There was a tarp on the mound, but I went out there to sit anyway.
135. Comb - like breakwater and rubble mound breakwater with pressure - relieving inverted - L breast wall are innovations of breakwater structures.
136. As I lie in the shelter of a burial mound, out of the bitter wind (as two tangle-fleeced sheep have discovered before me), the shades of Neolithic worshippers creep through the grass.
137. Although be standard epicurism person, but feeling letting a person " fleshy mound mound " .
138. The glans begins at the tip of the shaft and continues under the surface to where the other end connects to the suspensory ligament at the pubic mound.
139. We will examine the issue of wave - seabedrubble mound vertical breakwater interaction through flume test.
139. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
140. The genesis of mud mound (also called as micrite mound), which is mainly composed of lime mud, only a few bioclast, has still not been resolved.
141. At this time, horizontal Anne's fort of summit of mound has already rotated a instruction, the facing British army's debarkation tall ship shoots.
142. But now with the setback, the hurler won't even throw off a mound until somewhere from late June to early July.
143. Her appearance, her dress, her bearing, also be round mound mound, do not have arris to do not have horn, do not have so called appearance.
144. Crematoriums should be gotten rid of, cremation should not be encouraged. There should be green burials: no burial mound, no engraved tombstone or any other trace of humanity.
145. "The less exciting interpretation is that it's just a peculiar Bronze Age barrow"—a type of burial mound—he said.
146. In a moment, the four pirates had swarmed up the mound and were upon us.
147. He did not seem to notice a small cornfield where someone had dug a burial mound of fresh red dirt.
148. The visible parts where the clitoris begins are found at the point—the junction or front commissure—where the edges of the outer lips meet at the base of the pubic mound.
149. Then instinctively his hand left the stone and rested upon the low mound of turf.
150. The mound in question, dubbed Comanche Outcrop and visible near the top of the above image, appears to contain unusually high concentrations of elements such as magnesium iron carbonate.
151. The pitcher stands on the pitcher's mound. The hitter stands at the home plate.
152. Even if it's just thrusting and grinding so that your pubic region presses on her mound during sex.
153. She carefully spoons pre - cut ruby red strawberries onto the mound of golden corn flakes. Pouring ivory-white milk over the concoction, Mother smiles to herself.
154. She had tufty brown hair on her head and on her crotch, and if you used your fingers like forceps and reached up that mound of brown fluff, you could retrieve the tiny plush fetus.
155. One of 19 AS550s in Brazilian army service, it sustained substantial damage to its main rotor and Turbomecca Arriel 1D engine as it came to a rest on its side against a mound of earth.
156. This suggests that the mound is just a trash heap of construction material, stuff that was thrown away or not used up when a house was being built.
157. The paper shows that the altitude of the shell mound relics can be used as the upper limit of the rare flood water level, and this is examined by geomorphological method.
158. On the pitcher's mound and at the home plate, respectively.
159. The catcher called a time - out and trotted to the pitcher's mound for a conference.
160. Another ancient treasure that will benefit from the Ambassadors Fund is the late Bronze Age tumulus, or burial mound, of Kamenica in southeastern Albania.
161. After all, you could output a mound of data that remains totally unreadable and unsearchable.
162. From now, in can see the mother only is in the field the alone grave mound, with grave mound in willow tree.
163. Workers then assembled the oven and placed it onto an earthen mound.
164. Analysis, the Cabinet Office vice minister of the use of close relationship with the House of Representatives Ozawa mound a macro, followed the focus on party unity cabinet personnel policy.
165. You must stop juggling the bustimes mound and settle on a fixed timetable.
166. Barrow a large mound of earth or stones placed a burial site.
167. A broad, low-lying, typically crescent-shaped mound of sandy or loamy matter that is formed by the wind, especially along the windward side of a lake basin.
168. This article analyzes and summaries the design and construction enclosing the mound type sand cofferdam.
169. Reflecting sunlight also colors the outer edges of the mudflow silver and highlights the texture of the growing mound over the vent at the center of the volcano.
170. Villagers in the Mexican state of Veracruz discovered the tablet sometime before 1999, while quarrying an ancient Olmec mound for road-building material.
171. They all ducked behind the mound as they heard the explosion.
172. Vulval structures—the pubic mound with its coarse pubic hair, and hairy outer lips—do have sensory receptors, but not in the dense quantity that clitoral structures have.
173. With this ritual, the necromancer revives a Mound King and binds him to his service.
174. Once when Confucius was passing near the foot of Mount Tai in a chariot, there was a married woman weeping at a grave mound, and dolorously too.
175. The period of tripe mound of barley is the morphological symbol to complete the vernalization phase and start ear initiation, but the wheat is in double ridge.
176. Even her mother - in - law's grass - covered grave mound became a source of comfort.
177. The habit that most person walks is ' mound ' calcaneal, this is incorrect, ... if who always exerts oneself to do sth. mound calcaneal walks, in can turning into very quickly, spend fat-witted.
178. What he loved was Moyer's combativeness on the mound, his ability to squirm from seemingly dire predicaments.
179. I pulled my camera and the clothes issued by the military headquarters out from under the mound of the debris, and I got dressed.
180. This solution describes a spreading of a ground water mound.
181. The catcher called a time - out and ran to the pitcher's mound for a conference.
182. The article discusses the basic characteristic, distributive law, grade and stage of large grave mound in the Ning-Zhen area and the social background reflected.
183. I thought of myself saying that when I was running out to the mound, Torre said. 'You never know when a line drive is going to get one of your pitchers, ' and there it was.
184. "Over there", his figure pointed to a grave mound that was under the pine-tree which I had kissed last year.
185. I ordered my driver to push forward to get a better angle on the attackers when an insurgent peeked over a mound of dirt and fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the back of my Bradley.
186. Both the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and the Circular Mound Altar are round, each standing on a square yard, again representing Heaven and Earth.
187. This paper studies the wave motion in rubble mound breakwater by discarding the homogeneous assumption.
188. The remains of a great circle of standing stones surround the mound.
189. Why am I standing in a parking lot with hundreds of other people staring silently at a mound of sandstone partially buried in a sun-baked desert?
190. I found myself standing before a fireplace, warming my hands over a mound of glowing coals.
191. In the old days, many baseball pitchers liked to chew the cud on the mound.
192. The outer edge of each inner lip flares and continues toward the pubic mound (mons veneris in Latin, or Mound of Venus), forming a protective hood over the glans.
193. In these hidden caverns, where sunlight never penetrates, the workers make their contributions to a giant compost heap,() adding their leafy harvest to a growing mound of mulch.
194. Once or twice under the foothills I glimpsed the mound of a kurgan, broken open like the lips of a volcano – the burial-place of a tribal chief, perhaps, or the milestone of some lost nomad advance.
195. Nominal western Zhou kings' mausoleum could be divided into two kinds. One is memorial mausoleum which grave mound were heaped up by later generations.
196. The barrel of his bat flew towards Clemens's feet at the pitcher's mound.
197. Children who can see a king's castle in a mound of sand or a delicious dinner in a mud pie are learning to think symbolically.
198. Mound Fire: Construction of a mound fire can be accomplished by using simple tools: a garden trowel, large stuff sack and a ground cloth or plastic garbage bag.
199. Black middle-class neighborhoods are hollowed out, with prices plummeting and homes standing vacant in places like Orange Mound, White Haven and Cordova.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 5:29:26