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单词 Corps
1. The corps are assembling near this town.
2. The transport corps is ancillary to the infantry.
3. The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat.
4. She served in the medical corps.
5. He had recently graduated from Marine Corps boot camp.
6. She was commissioned lieutenant in the Women's Army Corps.
7. He served as a lieutenant in the marine corps.
8. He was a soldier of Marine Corps.
9. He's in the Royal Army Medical Corps.
10. A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.
11. He was drummed out of the corps after that incident.
12. The corps are [ is ] assembling near this town.
13. His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.
14. We shall drum him out of the corps for insubordination.
15. She handled travel arrangements for the press corps during the presidential campaign.
16. The press corps was primed to leap to the defense of the fired officials.
17. A corps of technicians is/are accompanying the band on their tour.
18. She was plucked from the corps de ballet to take on Juliet.
19. The Army also remembers how Marine Corps Gen.
20. A veteran of the Navy officer corps.
21. He was one of their best corps commanders.
22. Making fun of the Corps is a mortal sin.
23. I commanded an officers training corps.
24. Khalid al Zayn Ali, the artillery corps commander,(/corps.html) Maj.-Gen.
25. The Peace Corps Volunteers were a study in contrast.
26. Peace Corps officials made no comment to the press.
27. The officer corps was small, young and inexperienced.
28. One week three magazines hit the stands with Peace Corps stories.
29. Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps.
30. David McNeil is travelling with the White House press corps.
1. The corps are assembling near this town.
2. The transport corps is ancillary to the infantry.
3. The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat.
4. He was a soldier of Marine Corps.
5. A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.
6. The corps are [ is ] assembling near this town.
31. The Marine Corps commandant, Gen.
32. Peace Corps officials took this as a sign that the government was indifferent, and unwilling to support Peace Corps activities.
33. The law also gives the Army Corps of Engineers new power to protect water resources throughout the country.
34. A total of 10 Conservation Corps volunteers work at the school.
35. It has no officer corps and has never developed a uniform central system of recruitment and management.
36. In the formative stages of Peace Corps development, there were ample reasons for this imbalance.
37. The Peace Corps goes to considerable expense to provide training programs involving the best qualified lecturers available.
38. For the first time, many students seemed to appreciate the contribution the Peace Corps could make to the development of Ayacucho.
39. The spokesman returned in a state of even greater perplexity to confront the television cameras and assembled press corps.
40. Captain and Mrs Burrows were both full-time officers and totally involved in the life of the busy corps.
41. Suddenly, it was three years later and he was being carried off an Army Medical Corps Hercules air transport.
42. The impact of the Peace Corps has inspired requests from communities and government agencies for well over five hundred more Volunteers.
43. A group of them discussed with a professor their plans to request that the Peace Corps leave Huamanga.
44. It was decided that training was necessary, so the officer training corps were introduced at several universities.
45. The Marine Corps has 24 medium lift helicopters and 12 transport planes based at the station.
46. It also serves as a reminder that I am not recommending a domestic Peace Corps but a literate upheaval.
47. Downing Street's double glazing must have proved invaluable as the camera corps set up camp and squabbled on the doorstep.
48. All Peace Corps officials were considered potential screeners who had influence in the selection process.
49. It was not on a similar list last year, and Marine Corps officials say it is vital to national defense.
50. During the winter months, an above-ground replica of an underground Royal Observer Corps bunker will be erected in the display hangar.
51. Senior Marine Corps officers were preparing to deploy to the Gulf.
52. The three Volunteers assigned to Huamanga had been carefully chosen by the Peace Corps staff.
53. They wore with pride the badge of the timber corps; crossed axes.
54. At 55 he could claim a distinguished record of philanthropic and public service which included setting up the Royal Army Education Corps.
55. The island to which this vocationally heterogeneous unit was assigned is one of the newest and smallest countries receiving Peace Corps assistance.
56. The judges thought that we, the Peace Corps volunteers, had turned these guys on.
57. That was more than the Corps and the Bureau had bargained on.
58. Work with Royal Logistics Corps plays a crucial role in getting supplies and troops in and out of the war zone.
59. Corps investigators were still trying to identify participants in the 1993 incident.
60. This was Mark Rhoads, a first lieutenant in the Signal Corps who had been carefully selected for the assignment.
61. I met a couple of Peace Corps volunteers who walked a kilometre each morning to fetch water.
62. Mr Corps, who lived in Toulouse, was one of Britain's most experienced pilots.
63. She can continue living in her Job Corps dorm while she earns her associate of arts degree.
64. And he appeared in a radio documentary about the Air Training Corps of which he was a member.
65. The breakdown of discipline and morale in the professional officer corps is hardly a state secret.
66. It made it that much harder for the Washington press corps to drop in and snoop.
67. But it made no better sense, Johnson quickly added, for the Corps to build the dam instead.
68. Finally, after deliberation, it was decided to initiate the Peace Corps program despite misgivings about working under a military regime.
69. Hardly anyone noted her arrival in the corps de ballet until she suddenly appeared in the lead role of Symphonic Variations.
70. The Navy had operated Miramar since 1947, when it took over operation of the base from the Marine Corps.
71. The officer corps, comprising about one-half of the men in uniform, is rapidly shrinking.
72. Five air force bases received permission to manage their own construction, rather than paying the Corps of Engineers to do it.
73. The Service Corps of Retired Executives is offering a workshop to show you how.
74. Their average stay in a corps was only two years.
75. Dirks relayed this news to some of his clients, who sold Equity Funding Corps shares before the fraud was publicly disclosed.
75. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
76. He was seconded to the Intelligence Corps as a clerk.
77. More indicative of future trends than this rising from within the officer corps were the activities of the Petrashevtsy in the 1840s.
78. Apple Corps, acting for the three surviving Beatles, is suing Adam Cooper, 29, for breach of copyright.
79. He was in command of the local corps of yeomanry and quickly gathered about ten of them for the defence of Carewscourt.
80. The correspondents of the press knew it long before the corps commanders were informed of the fact.
81. She had first given her life to Him as a child, at the mercy seat in the local corps.
82. Nor did it help matters when teaching aids, promised by Peace Corps / Washington, would sometimes fail to materialize.
83. Approximately 15 people graduate from the federally funded San Diego Job Corps each week, and 15 replace them.
84. The army offered a commission in the quartermaster corps, but Frank proudly refused and gamely enlisted as a private.
85. Robles worked on only one firefighting assignment during his stay with the corps.
86. Educational qualifications for entry into the officer corps had been lower than for other comparable elements of the administration.
87. I even felt this about the two trombones, who did not join the magnificent brass corps until its final chorale.
88. If it demurred, the Corps might waste no time in trying to build it instead.
89. In 1978 he joined the CRS, France's elite corps of riot police.
90. The surgeons of our corps selected for a hospital a large massive stone building....
91. In 1931, the Corps of Engineers finally pronounced the construction of a concrete dam at Grand Coulee feasible.
92. In 1953, the Army Corps of Engineers finished the job by building a flood control channel.
93. Brigadier-General Dan Harel, commander of the Artillery Corps, was appointed head of an army board of inquiry.
94. The Peace Corps provided an opportunity for an escape, a chance for further exploration, a moratorium before final commitment.
95. A single Marine Corps troop carrier costs more than one billion.
96. Jones drummed old-time learning into his chosen corps and, in March 1937, Richard sat the scholarship and passed it.
97. Volunteers with technical qualifications were accepted for the Engineers, Ordnance and the Service Corps.
98. My first political awareness of oppression was when I was discharged from the nursing corps of the army over lesbianism.
99. The ground crews within the Army Air Corps are generally the unsung heroes behind everything we do.
100. She wrote a letter telling him that the Marine Corps had given him a dishonorable discharge.
101. There have been about 80 hazing incidents in the Marine Corps in the last three to five years, Cohen said.
102. The officer corps was reduced by 50%, with many officers retiring on full pay.
103. The invited press corps kept its distance from Holden, leaving him in peace to concentrate on his performance.
104. Six alien companies of the Pioneer Corps accompanied the allied invasion.
105. His rise to Divisional, then Corps Commander followed in rapid succession./corps.html
106. Dozens of professionals and a corps of volunteers, with all the equipment they needed, stood by to treat twelve patients.
107. The Corps was a know-how, can-do outfit, possibly the best of all the outfits that came to town.
108. No army corps commander can ever be sure he has enough authority over his units to contemplate a coup.
109. Indeed, its unspoiled days ended long before the corps turned a shovelful of dirt.
110. The rock retaining wall built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the mid-1930s is to be restored.
111. A further difference between the army and the police was that the professional officer corps had the task of leading the revolution.
112. If the project were determined not to damage critical habitat, then the Corps could move forward.
113. Derrick Smith, remains largely unknown even on this Marine Corps base where he is stationed.
114. The press corps has begun to praise him with faint damns.
115. To General von Zwehl the slaughter of his triumphant corps was particularly galling.
116. But they were no ordinary members of the Washington press corps.
117. The important visitors filed in after them, and then the members of the press corps.
118. These days, the Marine Corps is very choosy about who joins.
119. I was travelling with President Carter's press corps in 1980.
120. During the last year before her furlough one hundred and seventeen new soldiers had been sworn in at the Howard corps.
121. He created a chain of fortified villages and strongpoints and established a corps of mercenary troops to guard them.
122. The media corps were not dressed much better as they tossed on whatever was nearest after being woken from a deep sleep.
123. The Peace Corps defenders argue this harsh analysis underplays the potential benefits to civil society from computers and the internet.
124. For all of its own bureaucratic strictures, the diplomatic corps had the sympathetic ears that Liang was looking for.
125. It was co-signed by eight other Congress members, seven of whom served in the Marine Corps, including Rep.
126. My father had been wounded by a malfunctioning crane while serving with the Corps of Engineers.
127. He was the guy who developed an esprit de corps among the committee members.
128. But there was enough esprit de corps among our group to overcome this discomfort with a minimum amount of grumbling.
129. On the Union side, General Meade assembled his corps commanders for a council of war.
130. Bell started Job Corps last March, standing 6 foot 6 and wearing a scowl.
131. The officer corps had no real connection with the troops.
132. Had Roosevelt not died, the Corps might well have lost the battle.
133. His only real legislative achievement was creation of the Peace Corps.
134. All decisions had to be made by his two corps commanders.
135. I saw for myself what you gain when you build esprit de corps among your salespeople.
135. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
136. During the war he joined the Air Corps and became a pilot.
137. Gen Khan was given command of the Lahore corps, his first corps command and still a powerful position.
138. A Solution: The Job Corps provides room and board to disadvantaged young adults while they complete their studies and learn trades.
139. They now understood why he had meticulously insisted on treating the Peace Corps instructors no differently from any other regular faculty member.
140. Will he give us an idea of the future role of the Royal Corps of Transport?
141. She holds the same rank Schlesinger did when he joined the Marine Corps in 1930.
142. Remember when she invited the press corps in to sample her favorite cookie recipe?
143. Other students have joined a Community Leadership and Services Corps that combines classroom studies with efforts to address community needs.
144. The Naval Air Corps was then in its infancy and sorely needed a strong leader and champion.
145. And this for my money is what Peace Corps is all about.
146. In its structure and methods, the program bears a strong and not accidental resemblance to the United States Peace Corps.
147. I had read a newspaper article on the National Teacher Corps and had sent away for information.
148. When the corps was disbanded it was mentioned in dispatches and Gandhi and several comrades were awarded the War Medal.
149. In Chongqing, Joe sought out contacts who could introduce him to the upper levels of the government and diplomatic corps.
150. They are defeating the purpose of the Peace Corps and they are unhappy.
151. The Job Corps is a vocational training program for low-income youths.
152. During the war lie served in the Royal Corps of Signals and attained the rank of Captain.
153. More than 2, 000 students still wear khaki uniforms to class, though the cadet corps now is coeducational.
154. He departed with authorisation to release all young internees who were willing to join the Pioneer Corps.
155. The innovation of transferring responsibility to an indigenous anti-Communist corps had been started too late.
156. She enrolled in Job Corps last May and is now in the college program.
157. The press corps weren't at all what Kate had expected.
158. Artillery, Engineer, and Signals regiments, and its logistic corps, were tailored to support them.
159. Corps officials say initiation into their ranks is difficult enough without mixing men and women in boot camp.
160. I enlisted in the Women's Army Corps in 1965.
161. Angels of health: angelic healing corps.
162. Climbing is a good exercise for sprit do corps.
163. The regiment had a strong esprit de corps.
164. He's in the quartermaster corps.
165. He was in a green army air corps uniform.Handsome.Angry.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. You've always wanted to join the Marine Corps.
167. Had a strong esprit de corps and work enthusiasm.
168. The corps is assembling near this town.
169. West Coast Corps is a large corporation.
170. the commander of the third army corps.
171. Sharrin closed out their service with the Peace Corps.
172. With the deepening of joint services based on war region, the corps will no longer keep the health support organization, and their health support model will be changed correspondingly.
173. He wrote to the fleet commander to the commandant of the Marine Corps.
174. One army corps lost two thirds of its transport animals.
175. The training will be provided to U.S. advisors who are set to work with the Afghanistan National Army Air Corps (ANAAC), which is acquiring 18 G-222 transport aircraft from the U.S.
176. A ballet dancer who ranks above a member of the corps de ballet and below a soloist and who performs in small ensembles.
177. Authorities refused to investigate the threats, accusing virtually the entire foreign press corps of anti - China bias.
178. This is the place where the Peace Corps was started.
179. Why don't you go ask our friends in the press corps?
180. Guinness soldiers sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, March 23, 1982.
181. Perhaps those owners applied for permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, which shares jurisdiction with the E.P.A. in such matters.
182. International Medical Corps has sent an emergency response team that is currently offering health-care services in Japan.
183. By 130 ABY , the Corps had apparently been disbanded; the stormtroopers becoming part of the Army.
184. Pakistan Army Aviation Corps flies a mixture of fixed and rotary wing aircraft in close support of ground operations.
185. The reason is not complex, which directly benefit from this in today's hedge fund asset management industry, the most active of the Army Corps to grow and develop.
186. His father served in the medical corps during World War II.
187. The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the long - range implications of the journey.
188. Including this new order, a total of 116 Shadow TUAS have been ordered by the Army, Army National Guard, Army Special Forces and Marine Corps.
189. Engineers' gyratory testing machine(GTM) of U. S Corps was invented to solve questions which happened on flexible pavement , once used by the biggest and the most heavy bomber.
190. All these troops passed under the command of the XIIIth Corps Headquarters.
191. Colonel Robert Rice is commanding officer of the Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
192. Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation.
193. At press time, the company has not yet found sources of pollution, while the Marine Corps Logistics Base near the town also was found in water 3 times higher than normal perchlorate.
194. Did not vote on a September 2007 Senate resolution calling on the administration to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization.
195. The competition will be at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms,(http:///corps.html) Calif.-- a vast installation in the Mojave Desert region east of Los Angeles.
196. But for each of those and one year more, God has smiled upon The corps, from the Barbary Coast to the Eastern Sand, by sword, by gun, or by bare hand.
197. Peace Corps volunteers left Sierra Leone in nineteen ninety-four because of civil war. But now they are back.
198. Your Marine Corps would actually allow these models to serve?
199. The best option left seemed to be enrolling in law school and joining the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University of Arkansas.
200. The management and maintenance of readiness medical equipments is the key of the examination and treatment for the military field medical corps.
201. Somewhat more information is known about the T - 18 in the 9 th Mechanised Corps.
202. Army Air Corps, serving in World War II and eventually reaching the rank of Major.
203. According to the Russian military press corps, "the missile accurately hit the training target."
204. When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.
205. In Qingdao People's Hall recently, Artists from National Pushkin Corps de Ballet of Russia put on a performance again which intoxicated hundreds of Qingdao audience.
206. I served 22 years in the United States Marine Corps.
207. US Marine Corps Lt. Gen. John Allen will become commander of allied forces in Afghanistan, replacing Gen. Petraeus.
208. Before shipping out to Europe with the Army Air Corps during World War II, my father loaned his buddy $20.
209. Royal Army Medical Corps. , 14th Field Dressing Section, 15th Field Dressing Section and 38th Field Hygiene Section.
210. Additionally, he is a graduate of both the United States Air Force Command and Staff College and the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College.
211. Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.
212. On the following day, Smith was annoyed by an order from Almond that removed the 1st Korean Marine Corps ( KMC ) Regiment from his operational control.
213. Each rescue aviation corps must before the typhoon approaches assures airplane's security, seaworthiness.
214. LITENING AT systems are currently deployed with the U.S. Air Force Reserve Command, Air National Guard, Marine Corps, Air Combat Command and coalition forces.
215. Building on the family's long military legacy, Jim, 20, is a private first class in the U.S. Marine Corps, and he recently returned from serving in Iraq.
216. I therefore organized my Street Arab detective corps, and sent them systematically to every cab proprietor in London until they ferreted out the man that I wanted.
217. Journalistic practices unacceptable aboveground press; an aboveground corps of 20,000 priests in Poland.
218. A well camouflaged Marine is giving silent instructions to a Marine Corps jungle-trained dog on the front lines of the beachhead in Bougainville, Soloman Islands, on Jan. 13, 1944 during World War II.
219. Benjamin Busch served as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps and deployed for two combat tours in Iraq.
220. And the distrust between American military and Saigon press corps was the inducement to it.
221. Short - range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work.
222. As part of the plan, the Army Corps of Engineers built roads, canals and water-control systems throughout South Florida.
223. The Distinguished Service Cross is equivalent to the Navy Cross (Navy and Marine Corps) and the Air Force Cross (Air Force).
224. You might first want to join the Marine Corps or some religious order so you can get control of yourself. It makes no sense to invest, make money and blow it .
225. He would like to be an officer of high rank at the US Marine corps.
226. Myra stayed with him past curfew and is thrown out of the corps de ballet.
227. The morale of the corps had improved markedly since March 1.
228. The memorial honors all members of the United States Marine Corps who died in battle since the American Revolution.
229. I hope to join the Peace Corps and do, uh,(http:///corps.html) research or field work in India.
230. The Roman Empire's police system, set up by Augustus, contained the elite-Huskarl, urban corps and salvage corps . Its main task was maintaining social order and security in capital areas.
231. "We were still civilians. All of our training was to make [Army] Air Corps pilots," Tedeschi said.
232. It was established in the United States in nineteen sixty - four as a Peace Corps for businesspeople.
233. Went to Inner Mongolia 1969 corps, had turned year, spring came.
234. The Pakistani military has preferred to leave policing militant activity in the tribal areas to the Frontier Corps, a locally recruited paramilitary force.
235. By gathering information into a digital view of the battlefield, MIDS provides greater situational awareness in combat for the U.S. Navy, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and for U.S. defense partners.
236. South African outdoor classroom. Image courtesy of the U.S. Peace Corps.
237. Building an integrated information system is necessary to realize interconnection and interoperability between multi-army corps, improve the quality of information and real-time share ability.
238. An American flag, folded in a crisp triangle, according to honor guard protocol, rests on a window ledge (Mr. Feinberg was in the Reserve Officers Training Corps in college).
239. Mitchell expedition , formerly manager of the Channel Islands sanctuary and a captain in the NOAA Corps.
240. The Ministry of National Defence has recently embodied the troops in army corps.
241. Penalties would be imposed on U.S. banks if their foreign subsidiaries are doing business with the Revolutionary Guard Corps or any of its companies or affiliates.
242. Pyongyang's eight cinemas are said to be frequently closed due to lack of power; when open, they screen domestic propaganda movies with inspiring titles such as The Fate of a Self-Defence Corps Man.
243. Space corps should be composed of space - to - space, space - to - ground and ground - to - space units.
244. The attack was aimed at an official of the Frontier Corps, a federally controlled paramilitary force that is battling militants.
245. SAIC will serve as the program support integrator for the Marine Corps Counter Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (CREW) Program, company officials said Sept. 10.
246. During the Persian Gulf War, the General served as the Deputy for Operations for the Marine Corps.
247. These inelasticity are a challenge that manages economy to corps, and this kind of challenge is all-around, of deep administrative levels.
248. Millepied, 32, a native of France, was invited to become a member of New York City Ballet's corps de ballet in 1995.
249. The casket of US Marine Corps LCpl. Francisco Jackson rests at the bottom of his grave at the Rosehill Cemetery on October 30, 2010 in Linden, New Jersey.
250. President John F. Kennedy created the Peace Corps in 1961.
251. Once the BF-1 has completed its inaugural flight, the US Department of Defense is expected to release funding for the purchase of six F-35B aircraft for the US Marine Corps.
252. It was difficult in several instances for non-Navajos to instruct the recruits in Marine Corps activities; a few marine instructors were unable to cope with the typical Indian imperturbability .
253. When the Marine Corps Band performs the 1812 Overture, the musicians “use very large bass drums to simulate cannon fire, to very good effect,” said Ressler.
254. I and many Americans appreciated, particularly, your references to the American Army Air Corps pilots who flew across the hump of the Himalayas to bring assistance to China during World War II.
255. A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army or Marine Corps that is below private first class.
256. In the foundation's first appearance at the Marine Corps Marathon as "Team Travis," Looney was a teary-eyed guest speaker.
257. Army Air Corps trained Bomber pilot and Flying Tiger Vice Squadron Leader and fighter ace.
258. Swiss-born Cardinal George Cottier, a prominent Vatican theologian, who presented the encyclical to the Rome press corps, smiled as one reporter asked about the kind words.
259. Northrop Grumman is using Curtiss-Wright's VPX-based embedded computers for the Marine Corps Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar program, otherwise known as G/ATOR.
260. The eldest of three siblings whose father worked for the Inland Revenue, James left school at 16 to work in a tax office herself, and in 1941 married Ernest White, of the Royal Army Medical Corps.




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