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单词 personal exemption
释义  ˌpersonal exˈemption noun [countable] American English  the amount of money that you can earn each year before you must pay income tax 个人免税额Examples from the Corpuspersonal exemption• For example, a married couple with two dependents would be permitted an $ 8000 personal exemption.• Each individual in a household is also allowed a personal exemption of $ 2000.• The personal exemption was nearly doubled to $ 2,000 in 1989 and then indexed for inflation.From Longman Business Dictionarypersonal exemptionˌpersonal exˈemption noun [countable]TAXACCOUNTING the amount of income that each person can have each year without paying tax on itSYN BrE personal allowanceThe basic personal exemption would increase by more than the rate of inflation.ˌpersonal exˈemption nounChineseSyllable  that money each Business earn can amount the year of you Corpus




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