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单词 Economic statistics
1 When economic statistics are first published they grab headlines and put markets in a flutter.
2 The publication of the economic statistics was awkwardly timed for the Government.
3 Economic statistics: Labour market statistics: average earnings.
4 The term can cover economic statistics and political news as well as military information.
5 The lack of economic statistics has made life difficult for economists and money managers for the past few weeks.
6 For one thing, government economic statistics have fallen victim to the fiscal paralysis in Washington.
7 Economic statistics are losing their credibility and capacity to depress.
8 He might have been talking of economic statistics.
9 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
10 Handbook of energy and economic statistics in Japan.
11 Economic statistics are, of course, of critical relevance to financial markets.
12 Most economists believe China's economic statistics are susceptible to political manipulation.
13 He says economic statistics are mixed, noting that not long ago , they all pointed downward.
14 Economic statistics largely consists of the aggregation and tabulation of facts relating to economic life.
15 The economic statistics alone show the relationship is far more nuanced.
16 We should improve the social and economic statistics from the perspective of scientific development.
17 However, some experts point to other economic statistics to argue that China's money is undervalued.
18 Perceptions of Britain's economic performance and prospects were obviously influenced by objective economic factors and by government manipulation of economic statistics.
19 The short, bitter election campaign is dominated by some unexpectedly useful economic statistics and a serious Tory gaffe over immigration.
20 Historically the marked increase in the flow and quality of economic statistics was a valuable outcome of the war effort.
21 This should induce students to be more skeptical about economic statistics in general.
22 It also suggests Greece's economic success was partly a mirage created by misreported economic statistics.
23 Article 2 As a component part of the national economic statistics, customs statistics are statistics prepared by the customs on import and export trade in goods in accordance with law.
24 So far, there has been little encouragement from recent economic statistics.
25 Thus, econometrics is by no means the same as economic statistics.
26 They retain considerable autonomy and power, and have a self-interested reason to manipulate economic statistics.
27 Article 2 The customs statistics is the statistics made by the customs on import and export trade in goods according to law, and is the component part of the national economic statistics.




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