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单词 Soviet union
1. Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.
2. The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
3. The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.
4. Nazi Gemany levied war upon the Soviet Union.
5. The Soviet Union began to break up in 1991.
6. The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.
7. The Soviet Union was suddenly revealed as a paper tiger.
8. The Baltic republics were annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940.
9. With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.
10. Until about 1991, the Eastern bloc was the Soviet Union and the communist countries of Eastern Europe.
11. In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.
12. The British spy, Kim Philby, defected to the Soviet Union/defected from Britain in 1963.
13. The Soviet Union broke up after only a few years of liberalizatian.
14. Stalin was the unquestioned ruler of the Soviet Union from the late 1920s until his death in 1953.
15. Lithuania fractured the Soviet Union by declaring its independence.
16. He defects to the Soviet Union.
17. Relations with the Soviet Union were normalized.
18. The Soviet Union was originally founded on Socialism.
19. The Soviet Union fell apart in 1991.
20. That arrangement collapsed with the Soviet Union.
21. Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
22. The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.
23. A number of writers and musicians defected from the Soviet Union to the West in the 1960s.
24. The Politburo was the locus of all power in the Soviet Union.
25. These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union.
26. Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. It's too early to assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
28. Russia, Georgia and Ukraine are three of the successor states to the Soviet Union.
29. The newspaper Pravda was the official organ of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.
30. On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Soviet Union and China.
1. Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.
2. The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
3. Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
4. The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.
31. Robert Conquest on the Soviet Union.
32. The regime was subservient to the Soviet Union.
33. However, the disappearance of the Soviet Union will have very disturbing consequences.
34. Compared to other sports in the Soviet Union, rugby is a very poor game.
35. The athlete-trainer had a successful business, a big name, a wife and a child in the Soviet Union.
36. First, the breakup of the Soviet Union has created a situation without accountability for warheads, missiles and uranium.
37. Court officials said Gorby, former leader of the collapsed Soviet Union, had no special rights to boycott the trial.
38. Mass Media: As of yet, there is no national contemporary music paper in the Soviet Union.
39. This was the first Gordon Bennett race where balloons could travel over the airspace of the former Soviet Union.
40. The anti-Yeltsin Duma approved a resolution in mid-March calling for restoration of the Soviet Union.
41. Mikhail Gorbachev's Soviet Union had once seemed the enlightened exception, but now only proves the bloody rule.
42. Sure, the Soviet Union wanted to shove pins into its rival from as close up as possible.
43. The Soviet Union also provided a small experimental nuclear reactor, which was sited at Yongbyon.
44. The Soviet Union, in preparation for manned landings, then concentrated on landing automatic unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface.
45. The Soviet Union is falling to pieces; a bloody struggle for those pieces can not be ruled out.
46. A treaty was urgently required and strenuous efforts should be made to secure participation and cooperation with the Soviet Union.
47. Malykh said Mayak was built to produce weapons for the former Soviet Union.
48. Fearful of returning to what was then the Soviet Union, she applied for asylum, a request that was denied.
49. To this day the privatization of agriculture has yet to occur in tlie agricultural areas of the old Soviet Union.
50. In August the Soviet Union announced that it would cease producing rail-mounted strategic nuclear missiles from the beginning of 1991.
51. Economic policies kept the Soviet Union and Japan at arm's length during the Cold War.
52. The current Polaris nuclear submarine fleet carries 192 nuclear missiles, aimed at the heart of the former Soviet Union.
53. The Soviet Union, however, once loaded the missile with a 1-megaton nuclear warhead.
54. The balance of trade with the Soviet Union is to be paid in dollars, though loans are promised to cover that.
55. The Soviet Union today is more dependent on the world market, and world resources, not less.
56. According to Western reports,[Sentence dictionary] officials in Xinjiang had acknowledged the impact of rising nationalist sentiment across the border in the Soviet Union.
57. But you and I know the Soviet Union is a going concern.
58. When Carter left office, relations with the Soviet Union were worse than they had been when he was inaugurated.
59. It provides a useful point of departure for a historian of the present-day civil rights movement in the Soviet Union.
60. A British woman is waiting to hear how she can reclaim a family estate inside the former Soviet Union.
61. The former Soviet Union had started to withdraw its warships and aircraft from Cam Ran in 1989.
62. Second, there was the isolated position of the Soviet Union in trying to establish socialism in a backward country.
63. Previously its goal had been state sovereignty within a reformed Soviet Union.
64. Joint army-police patrols From Feb. 1 soldiers joined police in patrolling the streets of major cities and towns throughout the Soviet Union.
65. On April 26, 1986, a nuclear accident occurred at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union.
66. The Soviet Union could affect the situation through skilful action with serious consequences for the whole strategic situation.
67. The Soviet Union could soon choose to follow these precedents.
68. Trade between the United States and the Soviet Union had fallen off sharply.
69. For in the Soviet Union nuclear energy is a potent symbol of high technology and modernity.
70. For the Soviet Union, the return to any nation of territory occupied during the war would create a dangerous precedent.
71. During the first Cold War years, the capitalist block was indeed seeking the downfall of the war-exhausted Soviet Union.
72. According to the Treaty, non-signatories would have to pay hard currency for their imports from the new Soviet Union.
73. The republics By the end of August, the majority of republics had declared independence from the Soviet Union.
74. The Soviet Union had a near-record grain harvest of 236m tonnes.
75. It suggests there was an Oxford spy ring in the 1930s which passed secrets to the Soviet Union.
76. This would clear the way for the creation of a multiparty system in the Soviet Union.
77. There was some degree of goodwill toward the Soviet Union as a wartime ally.
78. Its political system was not foisted upon it by an outside power like the Soviet Union.
79. The former Soviet Union was the world's biggest tea drinker in 1990, taking over 230,000 tonnes.
80. The Soviet Union can never be a party to the Treaty, and material breach gives no rights to non-parties.
81. Western delegations had visited the Soviet Union during September to research the economic situation.
82. If the United States should invade now, the Soviet Union will have the right to attack.
83. Something that bonded them closer than a shared hatred for Communism and the Soviet Union.
84. The church was most alarmed by groups flooding into the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
85. A third aftershock of the Six-Day War took place half a world away, in the Soviet Union.
86. Indeed[/soviet union.html], the Soviet Union continues to decline sharply in importance.
87. They used to swap aluminium ore for shiploads of them imported from the Soviet Union.
88. It seemed to me he never appreciated what a mess the Soviet Union was and based on what rotten foundations.
89. In the Soviet Union it is difficult to disentangle political from administrative controls.
90. And so he overlooks liquidation of twenty million people in Soviet Union.
91. Where a great imperial system survives, as in the Soviet Union, the railways retain some semblance of their former power.
92. The demise of the Soviet Union a decade and a half later ended the threat of Soviet militarism.
93. Mr. Flannery Is there not a grave danger of the former Soviet Union lapsing into anarchy?
94. In any one year the Soviet Union could choose to substitute up to 750,000 tonnes of any one commodity for another.
95. Within the former Soviet Union there remains a large military force.
96. The Soviet Union used to produce about 150,000 tonnes of tea a year, making it one of the biggest growers.
97. This westernmost part of the Soviet Union used to draw little attention, except from spies.
98. The arrangement ended on 1 January when the Soviet Union ceased trading with its former allies on a convertible rouble basis.
99. But why should some one murder him decades later because he betrayed his country and worked for the Soviet Union?
100. He further stated that the military threat from the Soviet Union was at its lowest level since 1945.
101. Even in the final years of the Soviet Union, the managers were stepping into the void created by waning party power.
102. His press secretary even said that the Soviet Union was still a superpower - not at all what the cheerleaders think.
103. For the first time that anyone can remember, the Soviet Union has been buying at the London auction.
104. About their own camps, by contrast, the Soviet Union was able to exercise a sustained Orwellian denial.
105. For more than 70 years, the former Soviet Union was a one-party state.
106. The new SA-10 surface-to-air missile, being installed across the Soviet Union, can also shoot down cruise missiles.
107. The population figures estimated by Dolgikh on the basis of this survey have become widely accepted in the Soviet Union.
108. Energy crisis Periodic power cuts were imposed from Oct. 29 after electricity supplies from the Soviet Union were suddenly suspended.
109. In the Soviet Union, in 1965, he was sentenced to seven years in a labor camp.
110. The institution of nomenklatura in the Soviet Union is important in maintaining a unity of political command.
111. Other foreign relations Relations with the Soviet Union cooled considerably during 1990.
112. The defence doctrine pointed out the risks to the country posed by regional conflicts in the former Soviet Union.
113. Autarky: Coordination between enterprises from different sectors and ministries is notoriously poor in the Soviet Union.
114. No one knows what effect the introduction of commercial fares will have on air travel in the former Soviet Union.
115. Not so in the Soviet Union, where some 60,000 are reckoned to be installed.
116. The play had been neither published nor staged in the Soviet Union.
117. We were fearful that a halt or a delay would result in other unfortunate occurrences in the Soviet Union.
118. Wildlife in the Soviet Union is exploited in all manner of ways.
119. In the Soviet Union there was a pattern of swings between single and collective leadership in the post-Second World War period.
120. Within the former Soviet Union,[http:///soviet union.html] the central planning system collapsed.
121. They kicked him out of the Soviet Union two years ago.
122. The statues came tumbling down all over the Soviet Union.
123. Althusser's analysis implies that the Soviet Union and capitalist societies do not differ in degrees of democracy or political freedom.
124. He reached high rank and for bravery was made a Hero of the Soviet Union.
125. And a split is what is needed if democratic politics is to develop in the Soviet Union.
126. In May the Soviet Union proposed the abolition of 75 percent of the existing stocks of weapons and offered unimpeded inspection.
127. The bottom line was that in the Soviet Union, as in every other nation state in history, money talked.
128. Ethnic unrest is spreading throughout the south-western republics of the former Soviet Union.
129. Both were believed to have originated from the Soviet Union and had been smuggled through Czechoslovakia.
130. The fact that Aharon had just returned from the Soviet Union gave him a certain cachet among the leftists.
131. As relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated the Western zones began to be seen as a potential ally against Soviet expansion.
132. The Soviet Union extended all the way from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.
133. In the Soviet Union the early post-revolutionary years saw a flowering of creativity.
134. Thus in its latter years the Soviet Union was constitutionally a mainstream presidential system.
135. It is not condemning Gorbachev to point out the confusion surrounding the dismantling of the Soviet Union as a political entity.
136. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the collapse of most local industries.
137. The regime was given strong backing by the Soviet Union but failed to gain widespread popular support.
138. But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep, the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges.
139. At one extreme lies the Soviet Union which has over 100 national air quality standards and few emission standards.
140. The nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union was scattered among four new countries with few safeguards.
141. The Soviet Union swiftly condemned the invasion, saying it was a blow to growing warmth in US-Soviet relations.
142. Time and again action by the Security Council was blocked by the veto power of the Soviet Union and other permanent members.
143. In the 1960s, the Soviet Union built the Sovetskaya Rossiya, a whaler the size of an aircraft carrier.
144. The Soviet Union has previously accepted this point during talks about limiting strategic arms.
145. It also contained a clause which effectively provided for its continued validity should the Soviet Union be dissolved or reconstituted.
146. The economy of the Soviet Union leans heavily toward a centrally planned economy.
146. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
147. Personnel changes confirmed the new liberalism in the Soviet Union and the attempt to break links with past behaviour.
148. The three men were accused of having spied for the Soviet Union.
149. The Soviet Union has the potential to be one of the richest nations on earth.
150. Two uranium-fuelled Cosmos satellites from the Soviet Union burnt up re-entering the atmosphere around 20 years ago.
151. As recently as 20 years ago the Soviet Union was netting more than 10,000 tonnes of sturgeon a year.
152. The Soviet Union could not be easily categorized as either presidential or parliamentary.
153. Most cases are in the tropics, with a new outbreak in the states of the former Soviet Union.
154. Not only that, the coal miners throughout the Soviet Union went on strike.
155. The Tigrayans had no such difficulties, and had no hesitation in condemning the Soviet Union as imperialist.
156. If the allies wasted time, the Soviet Union would establish effective control.
157. The Soviet Union tested its own hydrogen bomb within a year, and the nuclear arms race escalated further.
158. In the Soviet Union there was a very close association between party and government bureaucracies.
159. After the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, the protests escalated into war.
160. The new agreement with the Soviet Union is for one year, rather than five as in the past.
161. It called on the Soviet Union to honour its international commitments.
162. The attempt to hold it together at gunpoint may succeed only in blowing the Soviet Union apart more violently.
163. Many athletes from the former Soviet Union now represent their home nations.
164. But the Soviet Union managed to fashion the only try of the game at Hellfire Corner.
165. Under what conditions is western aid being given to the former Soviet Union?
166. By 1970 the U.S. had overtaken the Soviet Union in space technology.
167. The formal dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991 did not automatically change any of that for the better.
168. In the former Soviet Union, the KGB was used to intimidate those who disagreed with the Communist Party.
169. Nicolas Werth's excellent 235 pages on cycles of violence in the Soviet Union is the most compelling section of the book.
170. The military in the Soviet Union tended to be shrouded in even more secrecy than most other Soviet institutions.
171. The deadlock also reflected the general feeling of uncertainty on the international stage engendered by events in the Soviet Union during August.
172. On 12 July 1953, when the Soviet Union exploded its first hydrogen bomb, equilibrium was restored.
173. We could have reduced nuclear weaponry then, had we seen the Soviet Union in those terms.
174. This may become an especially acute problem for a newly installed revolutionary regime, for example the Soviet Union.
175. The pact is widely seen as one of the environmental fruits of glasnost in the Soviet Union.
176. Nevertheless relations with Moscow were not impeded by the bewildering internal developments within the Soviet Union.
177. The Soviet Union and the U.S. signed a treaty reducing long-range missiles.
178. Political upheaval in the Soviet Union damped demand in that market.
179. Republican rhetoric had consisted of unrestrained hostility to the Soviet Union and emphasized permanent war with Communism.
180. After World War II, Stalin had become a godlike figure in the Soviet Union.
181. At the same time the prospects for political and economic stability in the Soviet Union continue to fade.
182. But this is not an Administration which thinks as one, as we learned during the ongoing arguments about the Soviet Union.
183. And the authors tapped newly available materials about the Soviet Union.
184. He also vowed to maintain ties with the United States while continuing to improve relations with the Soviet Union.
185. With minor exceptions, the Soviet Union fell apart in peace.
186. The rest followed easily enough, and today she has ten houses in the former Soviet Union.
187. I do think there is something unique about the Soviet Union that I wish to find out for myself.
188. She has spent six years poring over hundreds of documents turned over to the fund when the Soviet Union collapsed.
189. Between 1953 and 1955, the United States could have effectively destroyed the Soviet Union with little likelihood of serious reprisal.
190. Mr. Sainsbury All the major export credit agencies are reviewing cover for the Soviet Union.
191. I was glad that that was recognised by Mr. Baker on his recent visit to the Soviet Union.
192. The country's main benefactors are the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc - which can supply guns but not bread.
193. Permanent official contacts were established in the same month with the Soviet Union and a Soviet ambassador to the Vatican was appointed.
194. The U.S. spent a lot of money trying to catch up with the Soviet Union in space exploration.
195. The food crisis was not the result of any incapacity by the Soviet Union to grow enough food to feed its population.
196. For the most part members of the Non-Aligned Movement, many of these states maintain good relations with countries hostile to the Soviet Union.
197. Will he exercise influence on the Soviet Union to accept its moral responsibility?
198. Leonid Brezhnev ruled unchallenged in the Kremlin over what was still the Soviet Union.
199. In the last 50 years, our strategic forces made quantum jumps in effectiveness that surpassed anything the Soviet Union could do.
200. the countries of the former Soviet Union.
201. Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in 1941.
202. We are Siamesed to the Soviet Union.
203. The republics federated to become the Soviet Union.
204. Especially from the end of 40s of 20 century, along with the end of World War II, research on the periodization has developed rapidly in the former Soviet Union.
205. The Soviet Union denied and subsequently blamed on the Nazis. Meanwhile, the revelation led to the end of diplomatic relations between Moscow and the London-based Polish government-in-exile.
206. To August 10, the Department of the Soviet Union back to the east coast of the Don, in the outer defense of Stalingrad enceinte ,[Sentencedict] to stop the German advance.
207. Q: Is it true that in the Soviet Union people donot need stereophonic equipment?
208. It would legitimatize renewal by the Soviet Union and therefore accelerate the nuclear arms race.
209. This paper introduces the research results and field applications in this respect in the former Soviet Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
210. This request came on the heels of a twelve-page letter from Rajavi to “Dear Comrade Gorbachev” in which he began by praising the Soviet Union’s efforts “against imperialist adventurism.”
211. She GREece professional dance school dance, also won scholarships to the former Soviet Union countries Dance Academy in Leningrad.
212. All of us salute the brave cosmonauts of the Soviet Union.
213. Food production in the Soviet Union plunged dramatically in the early 1930 s.
214. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria sold the guns to rebels in Congo, Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers and the Hutu militia, which was responsible for the Rwandan genocide.
215. In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.
216. President John F. Kennedy wanted America to beat the Soviet Union to the Moon.
217. The world revolutionary united front, with the Soviet Union at its head, defeated fascist Germany, Italy and Japan.
218. And though China is a geopolitical competitor, it is not a mortal enemy of the United States as the Soviet Union was (unlike Nikita Khrushchev, Mr Hu has never promised to "bury" the West).
219. Only China, the Soviet Union and Canada surpass Brazil in contiguous land area.
220. The subsequent expropriation of Yukos by the bureaucrats has turned Mr Khodorkovsky into a symbol of property rights, just as Andrei Sakharov became a symbol of human rights in the Soviet Union.
221. These factionalist styles are closely related to the negative impact of the proletarian literature movements in the former Soviet Union and Japan.
222. The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies.
223. The Soviet Union, it appeared, had solved this problem through "forced saving"; the Third World, some argued, could fill the "saving gap" with foreign aid.
224. The Soviet Union persecuted thousands of members of the Greek Catholic Church - Ukraine's largest Catholic church - for supporting Ukrainian nationalists battling Soviet rule.
225. Snake : And deploy them all over the Soviet Union?
226. Eastern - bloc nations are well - documented conduits of technology to the Soviet Union.
227. SALT I began a process of serious and sustained arms control discussions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
228. The capitalist powers want to snuff out socialism in the Soviet Union.
229. When you are skinning your purchasers , you should depart some rind on to grow so that you can rind them repeatedly. Nikita Khrushchev, Statsman of the sometime Soviet Union.
230. Contemporary Chinese culture consists of traditional Chinese culture, Marxist culture through the Soviet Union and Western liberalistic culture.
231. Between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union there is a profound friendship.
232. The story begins around 1967, when Leonid Brezhnev, leader of the Soviet Union,() decided to stage a spectacular midspace rendezvous between two Soviet spaceships.
233. The assignment entailed helping integrate the occupied territory into the Soviet Union.
234. China's ace spiker Lang Ping rises high in a game against the Soviet Union.
235. By the time Mikhail Gorbachev initiated perestroika and glasnost in the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was all but bust.
236. In 1928 to escape the Soviet Union,[] into the Frunze Military Academy to learn.
237. The PDRY established close ties with the Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba, and radical Palestinians.
238. Exertions to ensure security were aimed at a conclusive settlement with the Soviet Union.
239. In the narrowest sense, a superpower has the military might to force the world to acquiesce to hegemonic resolve (for example, the Soviet Union).
240. He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union.
241. The other country that took greatest advantage of China was czarist Russia and later the Soviet Union.
242. In the former Soviet Union, corruption scandals can spark usurpation.
243. Whereas the Soviet Union and America built separate economic spheres, globalisation has bound the American and Chinese economies intimately together, to mutual advantage.
244. Dwight Eisenhower took advantage of the fears about the Soviet Union to build the interstate-highway system.
245. The AK-47 was designed through a contest. Why did the Soviet Union take that approach?
246. And 1961 Ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev defects from the Soviet Union to the west while his dance troupe is in Paris.




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