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单词 Full-scale
1. The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.
2. Latest reports are of a full-scale military invasion.
3. A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.
4. In December they launched a full-scale onslaught on the capital.
5. A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
6. The investigation turned into a full-scale Communist witch hunt.
7. The conflict could escalate rapidly into a full-scale war.
8. This incident has fuelled fears of a full-scale war.
9. The police made a full-scale search of the area.
10. He's writing a full-scale history of 19th century France.
11. A full-scale security operation is now under way.
12. The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.
13. Local fighting threatens to escalate into full-scale war.
14. A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry.
15. He said a full-scale dispute involving strikes would be criminal.
16. A full-scale cut-off of US aid would be a disaster.
17. The government will conduct a full-scale inquiry into the crash.
18. The authorities are planning to launch a full-scale investigation into the crash.
19. We haven't got to the stage of a full-scale military conflict.
20. This weekend's fighting is threatening to burst into full-scale war.
21. This time the fighting escalated into full-scale war.
22. Full-scale mining is due to begin early next year.
23. Full-scale prevention trials will then start.
24. There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.
25. It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.
26. Observers have warned that the violence could escalate into full-scale armed conflict.
27. The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.
28. The earlier protests had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution.
29. What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot.
30. Isolated attacks in the north-east of the country have now turned into a full-scale uprising.
1. The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.
2. Latest reports are of a full-scale military invasion.
3. A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.
4. In December they launched a full-scale onslaught on the capital.
5. A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
31. Many of these difficulties can be anticipated and corrected by testing the questionnaire in field conditions prior to the full-scale study.
32. The day after their arrival they got a full-scale historical briefing on Danu.
33. Police initially believed the pair had died in the fire - but within three days a full-scale murder hunt was launched.
34. Seven of their 1:20 scale models have been chosen for exhibition and two have been combined to provide the full-scale installation.
35. It's easy to install and monitor, and provides simple networking facilities without the expense incurred in implementing a full-scale network.
36. As minister of defence, he has instructed the army to step up training and preparations for the contingency of full-scale war.
37. Hanson is said to be gearing up for a further full-scale foray into our industrial base.
38. The project is intended to lay the groundwork for a subsequent full-scale study.
39. The discovery sparked a full-scale search by more than 50 police and frogmen in Harpenden, Herts.
40. Business is in full-scale revolt against its plans to change industrial relations laws and give more power to unions.
41. Their return was a precondition of the anticipated full-scale constitutional negotiations.
42. Mountain rescue teams continued the hunt overnight, and a full-scale search resumed at first light.
43. Minor agreements were signed on cultural and scientific co-operation and a consular convention in preparation for a full-scale treaty.
44. The outcome raised expectations of full-scale negotiations on a new power-sharing constitution.
45. Full-scale commercial provision by big companies is one possible model of market-based welfare.
46. Work includes full-scale experiments, wind tunnel studies and computational fluid dynamics.
47. Democrats are now engaged in a full-scale legislative blockade, stopping all bills with objections and threatened filibusters.
48. By late afternoon, a full-scale battle had broken out with rockets and grenades exploding regularly and bullets thudding into the walls.
49. Further questions about the rights of paedophiles, transsexuals and bisexuals in relation to the centre were mooted,() but full-scale debates never materialized.
50. Hunting him down and destroying him for ever can become a full-scale adventure in itself.
51. East Berlin is being rebuilt and restored at vast expense as a full-scale capital and show-window.
52. But it was 6 September before all the Allied left-wing armies could turn about and launch a full-scale attack on the invaders.
53. The acute danger of any use of nuclear weapons is that this could escalate to a full-scale strategic exchange between the superpowers.
54. But the glimmering of understanding they now have is perhaps the one thing that makes another full-scale war less likely.
55. Full-scale life-size reconstructions give visitors the best idea of what the site was like in the past, however.
56. All we had to do now was satisfy ourselves that there was enough wreckage to warrant returning for a full-scale excavation.
57. And, oh yes, a full-scale Martian invasion has been added to the sacred text.
58. The measure is not only the first full-scale law passed by the Supreme Soviet in its new incarnation as a professional legislature.
59. By the end of the course you will have prepared every kind of dish from sandwiches to a full-scale dinner.
60. She went down on her hands and knees to sketch out a full-scale dia-gram of the barrel she wanted.
61. 3000 troops were sent to prevent the disturbances from developing into a full-scale civil war.
62. Without such a safeguard, a small group of ill-informed or zealous officers from either side could start a full-scale nuclear war.
63. All this adds up to a full-scale revolt against status quo medicine by the largest group of health professionals.
64. Its inquiry could be followed by a full-scale Monopolies and Mergers Commission probe.
65. It was the tail end of the season and there was no time for a full-scale tour.
66. There is a possibility of a full-scale financial crisis, like the great crash of 1929.
67. Harassed by James's emissaries, Paul at last returns to Jerusalem, where a full-scale dispute ensues.
68. Flexibility is the keynote and is a feature often recommended in pilot studies preliminary to a full-scale study.
69. His actions had triggered full-scale rebellion by the hybrids and by the vaster Stealer brood of true-seeming humans.
70. Before anyone knows what's happening, a full-scale war has developed.
71. They had even absorbed and beaten off a full-scale attack on their street distribution structure by a powerful enemy.
72. The country is on the brink of full-scale civil war.
73. They set themselves the task of creating a full-scale replica of it using the original Roman techniques.
74. Marillion are now looking like the full-scale international merchants of pomp they've always aimed at being.
75. This probably sounds like a run-up to a full-scale attack on Oxford and academic knowledge.
76. A fibreglass O2SU Kingfisher replica was also constructed for inclusion on the full-scale battleship Arizona replica being constructed.
77. However, in 1990 the government launched a full-scale economic restructuring package for which it sought World Bank support.
78. There was always the possibility of an obscure clash escalating into full-scale conflict.
79. A week later there arrived a check sufficient to launch a full-scale book donation program in Czechoslovakia.Sentencedict
80. Full-scale reconstruction is under way.
81. He made a full-scale model of a car.
82. There is some warrant for holding back on full-scale aid.
83. A follow-on contract for full-scale production of the AESA RBE2 radar is due to be signed in 2009 as part of the fourth tranche order of 60 Rafales, he said.
84. Completed the Utsunomiya Plant with the cutting-edge machines provided, which resulted in establishing the hydraulic oil filter and oil cooler full-scale production system.
85. By 1932 Japan had established the puppet state of Manchukuo in China's northeast, and in 1937 began a full-scale invasion of China.
86. Because of the size effect of concrete structure, the mechanical behavior of concrete scale model and full-scale model is not the same.
87. Then, in the fall and winter of 2008, they set about building the full-scale re-creation at a restricted-access Northrop Grumman testing facility in California's Mojave Desert.
88. As a life practice, leisure can meet the need of human's self-fulfilment, it can mold human individuality and promote human full-scale development.
89. The first full-scale theatrical production of the musical will make its debut in Vienna on 26-02-2005.
90. Through a full-scale experiment on the spherical cast-steel joint of reticulated shells of the Chongqing Olympic Stadium, stresses on the cast-steel joint were obtained.
91. A full-scale model of the Bloodhound supersonic car was unveiled in Bristol, UK.
92. Following these reports, the Air Staff had to postpone full-scale production.
93. This Paper Presented the assimilable organic carbon(AOC) removal efficiency obtained from small-scale and full-scale studies by conventional water treatment process.
94. In order to obtain distribution of bending moment along PCC pile under lateral load, full-scale model tests were carried out using large test tank developed by Hohai University.
95. At the same time, a full-scale model test was operated in China to make sure that the construction plan was feasible.
96. Article 3 The MOFTEC shall, on the basis of a full-scale investigation, determine an individual dumping margin for each responding exporter or producer.
97. On the basis of the test of full-scale cruciform specimens under low-reversed cyclic load, its load-bearing capacity under shear force was studied.
98. There is still no full-scale study about the law system of administration of turnverein in China.
99. With a full-scale model, tests the contamination exclusion effect of the air distribution mode and the result is satisfactory.
100. As China's nuclear-powered attack submarine programme entered full-scale development in the late 1960s, the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine programme was also given go-ahead.
101. The Vietnam War lasted for many years has brought to American society, a full-scale crisis, the United States launched a large-scale anti-war movement.
102. This paper studies the planning of triple-circuit single pole, designs new type for it, and proves it by full-scale experiment so that good layout and safety.
103. Indeed, a spokesman for Sanofi's own vaccine unit, Sanofi Pasteur, says it could probably produce both types "in parallel" for a time, before ramping up full-scale production of a swine-flu vaccine.
104. A full-scale analysis of input impedance of the operational amplifier under the state of differential input is given here.
105. There are many impressive, full-scale Network Management Systems (NMS) or Network Monitoring Systems that do notable SNMP monitoring, but this article is not about those systems.
106. And by full-scale experiment, the stress on test points of the cast-steel joint is obtained.
107. I notice that Quine and Davidson's holistic programs happen to provide such a background sufficient for a full-scale theory of predication, which I shall work out in Chapter Four.
108. The sludge characteristics in a full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket(UASB) reactor treating avermectin wastewater are investigated in the process of sludge granulation without carrier.
109. Avoiding full-scale fatigue testing, this paper predict main blade fitting fatigue life of helicopter Z8 by stress severity factor method according to material data.http://
110. By means of the full-scale model on the shaking table for simulation earthquake action, the researches have been on the anti seismic ability of stone curtain wall connected by anchors.
111. FEM analysis and model updating technique can to replace most of the full-scale test.
112. China boasts the world's largest outdoor film studio, called Hengdian World Studios, which includes a full-scale mock-up of the Forbidden City.
113. Africom also war-gamed a full-scale conflict in the Gulf of Guinea.
114. The photograph above shows a full-scale model of JWST with telescope team members at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
115. Based on these full-scale burst test data, the failure pressure were computed by ASME B31G, DNV RP-F101 and PCORRC, respectively. The computation errors were showed in the charts.
116. Even in 1977, with nuclear arsenals near their Cold War height, the U.S. Defense Department of Defense predicted a maximum of 265 million casualties from a full-scale U.S.-Soviet nuclear war.
117. Aim at such cosmically opportunity and challenge, full-scale and scientific analytical study about online bookstore's development in our country is the most urgent situation.
118. "Operation Optimization for full-scale Plant", "Robust Product Design" and "New Tecnology of quality engineering" which I am in charge of the research and development has been applied many factories.
119. As Hu concluded his trip, Japan and the U.S. began the ongoing "Yama Sakura" exercises, a mock-up deployment to repel a full-scale invasion of Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan's four main islands.
120. The 200 inch size was chosen so that advertisers could display full-scale images of cars or life-sized people.
121. Only India produces more. China boasts the world's largest outdoor film studio, called Hengdian World Studios, which includes a full-scale mock-up of the Forbidden City.
122. The type of shear connectors selection test and full-scale model test for the anchorage zone segment of Jintang Bridge, which is under-construction, were the project background.
123. Computer simulation is the key to comprehending and controlling the full-scale industrial plant used in the chemical, oil, gas and electrical power industries.
124. Since it is hard to perform a full-scale model test, numerical analysis becomes an important basis and also one of the most difficult and pivotal problems in design.
125. The technique has already been used for small-scale dental and facial implants, and researchers are now bringing it to full-scale limb prosthetics.
126. At present, because the full-scale model test is difficult, the studies on full-scale model are less.
127. This thesis sets out to make brief introduction of the full-scale model test and test result of the anchorage zone of the pylon.
128. Based on Suifen River Cable-Stayed Bridge, the clear numerical analysis and reliable full-scale model test for the anchorage zone segment on the tower were carried out.
129. Full-scale burning test and numerical simulation were carried out to investigate the mechanical exhaust in large space fire with one-side unsymmetrical air supply.
130. Cesium-137, with a half-life of 30 years, is another dangerous substance emitted in a full-scale nuclear meltdown.
131. His "psychodrama" argument blossomed into a full-scale criticism of the Clinton Presidency.
132. And after repeated attempts, we arrived at a full-scale model of the"error-stress-ball effect", which clearly illustrated the appearance, building, result and influence of the effect.
133. The full-scale model tests of unstiffened steel tubular X-joint under axial force, bending and torsion conditions are presented in the paper.
134. Based on a series of loading tests of full-scale model DX piles cast-in-situ, the bearing behaviour and load-transferring mechanism of tension DX piles are studied.
135. In simulation test, the same test can be made times without number and results of test are more full-scale and exact.
136. The end of integration of nature and virtue lies in molding the moral model and realizing full-scale and unstrained development of man.
137. For stability calculations, use the full-scale output values of RD and CD.




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