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单词 gas chamber
释义  Related topics: Crime & lawˈgas ˌchamber noun [countable]  SCa large room in which people or animals are killed with poisonous gas 〔用于毒死人或动物的〕毒气室Examples from the Corpusgas chamber• Like a gas chamber, it overwhelms.• They knew Amelia was too skinny to avoid the gas chamber.• If some one had a wound, or looked too weak or too sick, they were selected for the gas chamber.• Both died in the gas chamber.• In California all three candidates for governor have promised to keep the gas chamber busy.• Ronald Reagan appointee, was on the panel that unanimously upheld the gas chamber ban Wednesday.• Only three other states still use the gas chamber, Laurence said.ˈgas ˌchamber nounChineseSyllable  animals people large which are or room a Corpus in




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