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单词 Occasions
1 We had met on two previous occasions.
2 It was the first of many such occasions.
3 I've met him before on two previous occasions.
4 He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions.
5 I've met him on several occasions.
6 Lars enjoyed the warmth and gaiety of these occasions.
7 On all occasions he referred to us as lads.
8 Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions.
9 They met on several occasions.
10 I've seen Jana with them on several occasions.
11 They have been seen together on two separate occasions.
12 We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.
13 There were occasions when we slipped up.
14 On the rare occasions when they met he hardly even dared speak to her.
15 I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health.
16 On many occasions demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.
17 On two occasions she had peeked at him through a crack in the wall.
18 State occasions always centred around the king himself.
19 The police were called out on 24 separate occasions.
20 I've met her on several occasions recently.
21 You mustn't chatter nonsense on serious diplomatic occasions.
22 We sell cards and notepaper for all occasions.
23 She wore the identical dress on both occasions.
24 She has proved her worth on numerous occasions.
25 Her conduct occasions me great anxiety.
26 Only they who fulfill their duty in everday matters will fulfill them on great occasions
27 Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.
28 Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions.
29 They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions.
30 His mother complains that he makes excuses to chicken out of family occasions such as weddings.
1 We had met on two previous occasions.
2 It was the first of many such occasions.
3 I've met him before on two previous occasions.
4 He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions.
5 I've met him on several occasions.
6 Lars enjoyed the warmth and gaiety of these occasions.
7 On all occasions he referred to us as lads.
8 Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions.
9 They met on several occasions.
10 I've seen Jana with them on several occasions.
11 They have been seen together on two separate occasions.
12 We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.
13 There were occasions when we slipped up.
14 On the rare occasions when they met he hardly even dared speak to her.
15 I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health.
16 Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.
17 On many occasions demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.
18 On two occasions she had peeked at him through a crack in the wall.
19 They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions.
20 His mother complains that he makes excuses to chicken out of family occasions such as weddings.
21 She wore the identical dress on both occasions.
22 He has watched a video replay of his fall on numerous occasions.
23 In a modern army, cavalry regiments use armoured vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions.
31 On several occasions they came within inches of death.
32 I only wear a tie on special occasions.
33 On other occasions she can be charm personified.
34 The Queen's coach is only used for state occasions.
35 He tends to get emotional on these occasions.
36 He was violent towards his wife on several occasions.
37 I have stayed there on a number of occasions.
38 He had attempted to kill himself on several occasions.
39 He has been late on numerous occasions.
40 She had committed adultery on several occasions.
41 My mother attempted suicide on many occasions.
42 Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?
43 It happened on three separate occasions.
44 She tried to commit suicide on several occasions.
45 We have discussed these plans on numerous occasions.
46 I have a suit for special occasions.
47 He was attacked on two separate occasions.
48 She had met Zahid on two separate occasions.
49 Geoff had been unfaithful to her on many occasions.
50 The 32-page catalog is chock-full of things that add fun to festive occasions.
51 As a racing driver,[] he was involved in many serious crashes and had cheated death on several occasions.
52 He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions.
53 The two occasions she tripped up tell you nothing about how often she got away with it.
54 The two leaders have worked together on numerous occasions .
55 There are strong arguments for holidays at Easter and Christmas because these are special occasions.
56 Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions.
57 Witness x stated that she had seen Cooper on repeated occasions.
58 Taking her with me on official occasions has been a challenge.
59 I've met her twice but only on formal occasions .
60 The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most glittering occasions in the movie world.
61 He distinguished himself on several occasions in the civil war.
62 His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions.
63 I've been invited to an Asian wedding. What happens on such occasions?
64 I only saw Helen on the rare occasions when I went into her shop.
65 The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions.
66 On occasions Mr Parry was seen to wring his hands as he struggled with his emotions.
67 I only ever use that on special occasions so it's as good as new.
68 On two occasions she was accused of stealing money from the company, but in neither case was there any evidence to support the claims.
69 I've heard him be rude to her on a number of occasions.
70 It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.
71 On all such occasions, the king stands in the wings, oiling the wheels of diplomacy.
72 It is the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.
73 In a modern army,cavalry regiments use armored vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions.
74 The good china was used only on special occasions .
75 He's always asked to these occasions by reason of his position.
76 He has watched a video replay of his fall on numerous occasions.
77 In a modern army, cavalry regiments use armoured vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions.
78 On several occasions she had remarked on the boy's improvement.
79 I have a suit but I only wear it on special occasions.
80 I can think of at least three occasions when he arrived late.
81 I have on several occasions voiced my objections to the plan to management.
82 Mr Davis has been asked on a number of occasions.
83 I called on three different occasions[http://], but he was out.
84 This should be carefully checked on all occasions.
85 On occasions such as this, and also on occasions such as coffee breaks, exam supervision and staff booze-ups.
86 Rocket fire closed the international airport on two occasions at the end of the month.
87 Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
88 On occasions a feral cat will move into a burrow and have a litter down there.
89 As secretary to the Lord Great Chamberlain, he has responsibility for ceremonial duties on state occasions.
90 For example, his best known prediction made in 1949 that crystal growth is mediated by dislocations has been confirmed on many occasions.
91 Graduation Day is one of those big occasions when everyone wants a souvenir photograph.
92 I have already had several occasions to remark that binary oppositions are, in Derrida's phrase, violent hierarchies.
93 Wild Angels have bred in the tank quite happily on numerous occasions.
94 She could certainly bubble over on Occasions but it was never a one-woman show.
95 He is a fair-minded bloke on occasions - at least he has been to me.
96 The company secretarial department of the firm can and have acted in this role on occasions.
97 A young man was beaten on two occasions but never arrested for anything.
98 Too much need not be made of this, and the Roman calendar will suffice for all but the quite rarest occasions.
99 And on most of the occasions when they had been alone together he hadn't let a chance slip by.
100 Inevitably occasions will arise when this choice faces all working nurses who have young children.
101 Two of the T-Birds will be kept in airworthy condition for the Museo do Ar, flying on special occasions only.
102 On both occasions the solicitor had acted without authority and the transactions were frauds on the bank.
103 Chilperic and Guntram united against him, but Sigibert forced Guntram to abandon the alliances on two occasions.
104 Such occasions arise with the use of it and there.
105 But Ben Macdhui has been known to give walkers more than they bargained for on several occasions.
106 The result was a bitter disappointment for Wimbledon who could have scored on three occasions in the first half.
107 A valuation may on occasions be necessary because of the interaction of holdover relief and other capital gains tax reliefs.
108 Thrift has nearly killed her on several occasions, through the agency of old sausages, slow-punctured tyres, rusty blades.
109 When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness. Bob Hope 
110 But Michael Foot was a formidable orator and on occasions he could coin a phrase which captured the mood perfectly.
111 There are reasonable approximations of bicarbonate and alkali secretion for each subject on separate occasions.
112 On occasions when talking about the case[/occasions.html], I have been asked what advice I would have given to Profumo.
113 Encourage anyone who wishes to help at mealtimes. Aim to make mealtimes and refreshment breaks social occasions.
114 Agents say they met on numerous occasions with Earp in his office in the boiler room.
115 On these occasions the children, suitably primed, could be paraded before their admiring parents.
116 On some occasions, a kid goat was also offered as atonement for the sins of the Hebrews.
117 In her spare time she makes and decorates cakes of different shapes and sizes for all occasions.
118 Occasions arise when there is no time for niceties, and Schubert was usually to the fore at such times.
119 Between then and 1872 Millend was advertised for sale by auction on several occasions.
120 On both occasions, he won court appeals that returned him to office.
121 The 69-year-old man, from Elsdon Street, handed over the cash on odd occasions over the past year.
122 On some occasions lands were taken by colonial officials without the blessing of their authorities.
123 Or rather, they photograph you only on formal occasions: birthdays, weddings, Christmas.
124 I quote it to the Head whenever suitable occasions arise.
125 On some occasions, this marked cooling effect extended a distance of several hundred kilometres from the burning oil wells.
126 That he had on previous occasions overcome his antipathy to women is suggested by remarks he made to others.
127 The Government's repugnance for that organisation and everything it stands for has been made absolutely clear on repeated occasions.
128 Meanwhile his birth comes to seem more and more impossible and Abraham on several occasions brings everything to the brink of disaster.
129 On both of the previous occasions, the area was evacuated and isolated until the storm blew itself apart.
130 I recollect having urged Wigg on many occasions to limit the ambit of the Profumo affair.
131 Yet on several occasions when running out of defence he turned down blind alleys.
132 On several occasions we spent weekends working furiously hard in small groups at drafts of attainment targets and programmes of study.
133 On the few occasions when the wind was not blowing a gale, the fog descended like a shroud.
134 He held the post of special adviser to the Communist party central committee, and appeared at ceremonial occasions.
135 When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness. Bob Hope 
136 On several occasions she was admitted to the hospital and spent several days there undergoing traction to ease the pain.
137 There were of course occasions when Franz's great sword was laid aside, other instruments being required for the administration of justice.
138 His background has been catalogued on many occasions and trawled by the man himself with the single-mindedness which characterizes all his causes.
139 There may also be occasions when you need to have a copy of the signature of the addressee.
140 Harry Pryce led the band and Andrew Allan produced,[http://] except on occasions when I was asked to handle the production.
141 Significantly, he follows the use of conducteur by recalling more recent occasions on which he beat time.
142 Indeed, on some lines, bridges were built on almost all occasions.
143 Scoring the log One easy way is to calculate the percentage of possible occasions when a particular activity or environmental condition applies.
144 Genuine international concern over the possibility of all-out war breaking out was expressed on a number of occasions.
145 On both occasions, Professor Jones stood firm against complaint and censorship.
146 On other occasions a high settlement has been desired as part of a strategy of political alliances.
147 This may well be one of those rare occasions when light aircraft pilots have the opportunity to shape something that affects them.
148 There may on occasions be sound educational reasons for adopting a style of interaction in which unfocused questions predominate.
149 On such occasions, the books are obtainable half - priced.
150 He was always composed ; his manners, except on one or two occasions, were impeccable.
151 In the heart of the Anatolian steppe, dervishes still whirl on festive occasions in mystic union with God.




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