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单词 Archaeozoic
(1) Archaeozoic granite reservoir has good reservoir conditions.
(2) Buried hills of Archaeozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras developed well in the west part of Dongying Depression.
(3) In recent years, Proterozoic and Archaeozoic buried hill reservoirs have been explored and developed in Liaohe Oilfield, but it is a problem to interpret these fracture-cavity reservoirs.
(4) The early Precambrian in Jilin province includes the Archaeozoic granite-greenstone belt, early Proterozoic Ji'an Group and mid Proterozoic Laoling Group .
(5) It consists of Archaeozoic and Paleozoic strata in which Cambrian and Ordovician are dominated by limestone. The tectonism and weathering make it become a good reservoir.
(6) The Archaeozoic reservoir of Chengbei-30 is a fractured buried-hill oil pool. The fractures are major reservoir space and fluid course.
(7) Dense Au deposit zone is located in the suture between Archaeozoic Zhongchao ancient land plate and Proterozoic Mongoliasea plate , controlled by NW Fuerhe and Gudonghe lithosphericfractures.
(8) The Proterozoic climate was still warm and wet, but compared with that of the Archaeozoic Eon, the temperature fell a little.
(9) The impact of basic intrusive dyke on hydrocarbon accumulation inside the Archaeozoic buried hill in Liaohe Depression is studied on the basis of logging data, core test and oil testing data.
(10) In the end, the relation between the metallogenesis and the evolution of Archaeozoic and Early Proterozoic earth crust is discussed basing upon the theory of rift.
(11) The early Proterozoic atmosphere and hydrosphere are similar to those of Archaeozoic in being still absent in oxygen.
(12) This paper describes the reservoir distribution in wells and predicts 3-D reservoir distribution of Archaeozoic reservoir in the Chengbei-30 burried hill with 3-D seismic inversion.
(13) It is not appropriate for the newly - established Tianjingping Group ( Arzt ) to be thought as upper Archaeozoic erathem.
(14) Qijia oil field in Liaohe region is the first discovered in an Archaeozoic mixed granite buried hill reservoir with high oil yield.
(15) Shagou deposit mainly lies in the metamorphic rock of Taihua Group, Archaeozoic erathem.




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