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单词 Bipartisan
1. The Bill before Congress has bipartisan support.
2. There was a bipartisan agreement on the need for discussions.
3. Kentucky last had a bipartisan ruling coalition in 1920.
4. Y., who is chairman of the bipartisan commission.
5. Almost all those provisions command bipartisan support.
6. It also has received bipartisan congressional support.
7. Bipartisan is altogether different from nonpartisan.
8. It passed the Legislature with strong bipartisan support.
9. Clinton wants a bipartisan commission to resolve the problem.
10. There is growing bipartisan support for lifting them altogether.
11. A bipartisan tax bill will have to bridge big differences between the parties on capital gains tax cuts.
12. Clinton has urged bipartisan congressional passage of a major campaign finance bill co-sponsored by Sens.
13. So far, according to a bipartisan commission monitoring the law, only 12 million workers have taken advantage of the provisions.
14. Two years ago, an independent bipartisan panel on tax reform chaired by Sen.
15. The bipartisan Concord Coalition, a Washington-based interest group on budget balancing issues, has run newspaper ads against the Dole plan.
16. The law itself, according to the bipartisan commission, is a source of continuing illegal migration.
17. That move won bipartisan applause from the House panel members Wednesday.
18. Afterward, the two sides may create a bipartisan panel to seek a longer term solution.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. At the same time, the bipartisan groups from the House and Senate, led by Sen.
20. The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
21. Another issue before Congress that will require bipartisan cooperation is campaign finance reform.
22. Rather, what seems to be happening is a tug-of-war over where exactly the bipartisan centre stands.
23. Christopher Shays of Connecticut, Republican sponsor of the leading bipartisan bill.
24. But the greatest problem, as revealed by a recent report from a bipartisan commission, is on the nation's farms.
25. One piece of legislation that has gained momentum amid the concern about workers is a bipartisan bill sponsored by Sen.
26. To stress the urgency for ratification, Clinton assembled a bipartisan coalition of supporters including Republicans such as retired Army Gen.
27. But in 1989, when the minimum wage was last raised, Dole joined the strong bipartisan support for the action.
28. This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill.
29. During the campaign, Clinton acknowledged the need to fix the programs and said it should be done in a bipartisan way.
30. Clinton said he offered the deal as a sign of bipartisan cooperation.
31. The Senate is already close to a bipartisan agreement on those programs, according to Sen.
32. On campaign finance reform he called for enactment of bipartisan legislation by July 4.
33. Clinton and others in Washington have talked of establishing a bipartisan commission to study Medicare.
34. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., has been moving in a low-key, bipartisan direction to look at campaign financing improprieties.
35. He also proposes a bipartisan commission to examine the issue as the best politically possible way to change the system.
36. The House has not yet considered the farm bill where a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Rep.
37. The President's choice of a middle-of-the-road Republican with a strong record of educational reform received considerable bipartisan approval.
38. Next came the inaugural luncheon and a new round of insincere bipartisan pieties.
39. They might remember also that without bipartisan accommodation the graduated income tax never would have become a constitutional amendment.
40. Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.
41. The vote was 306-108, with the majority Republicans solidly supporting the bipartisan bill and Democrats split.
42. A bipartisan reauthorization bill to overhaul the act, authored by Sen.
43. Administration officials said Wednesday that a bipartisan commission is one of several options the president is considering.
44. Clinton, who will officially address the governors Tuesday, said he hoped to reach bipartisan consensus, particularly on Medicaid.
45. He previewed the coming Congress, hoping for bipartisan consensus in trade, taxes, defense.
46. The bill is the first campaign reform measure in 25 years with bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
47. The dispute has left the bipartisan efforts to reduce the deficit in, at least temporary, tatters.
48. One thing Congress apparently can do in a bipartisan spirit is to make a fool of itself.
49. A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.
50. If we can have such an assurance we shall be able, for once[/bipartisan.html], to say that the Bill has bipartisan support.
51. Suggested it would take a bipartisan commission to find answers for long-term imbalances in Social Security and Medicare.
52. In Congress there have been bipartisan allegations of a Pentagon cover-up.
53. Bills with bipartisan sponsorship have been introduced in both chambers to repeal this pointless cruelty.
54. A bipartisan commission had worked for more than a year to produce the blueprint for the legislation that the House passed.
55. Former colleagues tell me the bipartisan reform bill, sponsored by Sens.
56. Jim Chapman, D-Texas, is expected to pass the House on Friday with bipartisan support.
57. Until recently, this enjoyed bipartisan support in Washington.
58. Therefore, we propose holding bipartisan talks on an equal rooting.
59. But we have bipartisan models that both Democrats and Republicans love if they could stop lobbing grenades and talk about policy.
60. Mr Bush turned down bipartisan calls to woo Iran and Syria.
61. This translates into a lot of political pressure on Congress. With all the House Republicans and over half of the Democrats signed on as co-sponsors, HR 1207 has enormous bipartisan support.
62. Hopes for by paterson a bipartisan compromise on health care appeared appear to be fadedfading.
63. Those bipartisan efforts have crushing resistance from both political parties.
64. Hopes by partizan for a bipartisan compromise on health care appeared appear to be fadedfading.
65. Opponents of SOPA are nervous is that the bill and its counterparts in the Senate have bipartisan support; SOPA's 24 co-sponsors in the House include 14 Republicans and 10 Democrats.
66. And he has already mentioned his hopes of setting up a bipartisan commission on entitlement reform.
67. I asked the Republicans to work with the White House and the Democrats in the same spirit that had produced the bipartisan welfare reform bill in 1996 and the Balanced Budget Act in 1997.
68. A bipartisan commission on NCLB has issued a slew of proposals.
69. Instead, he apparently intended the pay freeze announcement as a peace gesture to Republicans the day before a bipartisan summit.
70. The American Organization of Nurse Executives this week joined other national nursing organizations in applauding bipartisan legislation to address a critical shortage of nursing school faculty.
71. He has repeatedly stated his bipartisan intentions, flexibility, and openness to compromise.
72. The origins of the faith - based idea were bipartisan.
73. On that score, it's worth recalling that the vaunted bipartisan "stimulus" of last February has been a miserable failure.
74. The Presidents gave bipartisan gravitas to the campaign, and we needed all the help we could get.
75. There is growing bipartisan support in Congress for changing those rules.
76. “Corruption and ineptitude are bipartisan, but Dems at the moment seem to have the edge in criminality and incompetence,” observes Doug Muzzio of Baruch College.
77. The United States has woefully underfunded its national infrastructure, according to a bipartisan congressional commission, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission.
78. The pledge to be bipartisan is being eclipsed by the desire to act quickly.
79. The Great Britain is the earliest country with bipartisan system in its form of government.
80. In 1968,[] a bipartisan congressional vote also supported a surtax when President Lyndon Johnson belatedly asked for taxes to pay for the war in Vietnam.
81. It'seeks a bipartisan solution of the MX question through the Scowcroft Commission.
82. The bipartisan Baker - Hamilton report gives Mr Bush an excuse for making just such a pivot.
83. He also began the hard job of reinventing himself as a bipartisan president.
84. This has to be a bipartisan plan, and just at the leadership level.
85. Meanwhile, a Senate committee last week approved a bipartisan bill that would prohibit brand-name drug manufacturers from using settlement agreements to keep generic equivalents off the market.
86. Which living person do you most despise? Hey, I'm bipartisan.
87. Proposals targeting China's currency policy have bipartisan support in both the House and Senate, and lawmakers plan to turn up the heat on the issue at a series of hearings this month.
88. In most states the power of the bipartisan machines had been shattered or at least curtailed.
89. Sometimes CBO strays and tries to be bipartisan, rather than nonpartisan.
90. Hopes for by - partying a bipartisan compromise on healthcare appeared appear to be fadedfading.
91. But he foolishly failed to embrace a long-term budget solution put forward by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission, which he himself appointed.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:43:03