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单词 Unavoidable
1 There are now fears that war is unavoidable.
2 She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.
3 Managers said the job losses were unavoidable.
4 Under the circumstances, a crash was unavoidable.
5 Recession at the time seemed unavoidable.
6 This latest incident makes his dismissal unavoidable.
7 The report claimed that the disaster was wholly unavoidable.
8 The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit.
9 Some mistakes are unavoidable.
10 Yet age does carry an unavoidable handicap.
11 There was some unavoidable noise, but not much.
12 The accident was really unavoidable.
13 They viewed such methods as a necessary evil, unavoidable yet somehow beneath their dignity.
14 For PEPs this is unavoidable, as the rules stipulate that the investment is made in cash.
15 If it is unavoidable then type out the script in double spacing with bold headings.
16 Playback to the whole class may be unavoidable because of time and space restrictions.
17 Where contact was unavoidable their relations were frosted, and formal.
18 The enquiry heard this week that the crash was unavoidable.
19 Some of these things are done to us deliberately while others are the unintentional actions of others or unavoidable events.
20 For any woman seeking power in the public arena, these questions would be unavoidable, doubly so for a feminist.
21 A committee of the sort called for by Cunningham would be a rarity in the Capitol and would have unavoidable political overtones.
22 Meredith was relieved to be spared the embarrassment of unavoidable eavesdropping.
23 However, she was beginning to feel her age and could not face an argument until it was unavoidable.
24 More years of trench warfare and carnage on the Western Front.were now almost unavoidable.
25 It has to be appreciated that, in a complex industrialised society such as ours, some wastes are unavoidable.
26 Buyers often develop strong loyalties to suppliers, preferring not to make changes unless they are unavoidable.
27 Pain and illness are sometimes thought to be the unavoidable consequences of growing old.
28 Some of the reasons for the caring so often falling on the shoulders of a woman may be unavoidable.
29 Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia 
30 Time allowed 05:41 Read in studio A mass meeting of council workers has been told that redundancies are unavoidable.
1 There are now fears that war is unavoidable.
2 She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.
3 Managers said the job losses were unavoidable.
4 Some mistakes are unavoidable.
31 Fogarty avoided fistfights, but when they were unavoidable he packed his nose with the cotton he always carried.
32 This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable.
33 Art, he was now learning, is made not in splendid calm and isolation but in an unavoidable rush of commitments.
34 Recall the dull front-runner, unloved but unavoidable, who plods ahead to victory in his place.
35 Markets produce unavoidable economic cycles of expansion and contraction. 4.
36 In the first world, misfortune and suffering were endemic and unavoidable.
37 Again, opposition from those affected by the new legislation-here, the trade unions is somewhat unavoidable.
38 Fact: Sunscreens are not intended to increase sun exposure time but to increase protection during unavoidable exposure.
39 Sometimes, allusions to physical proximity were unavoidable, but it was never, on any occasion, represented literally.
40 For international traders, changes in the exchange rate are an unavoidable hazard.
41 Therefore, fixed costs are unavoidable; that is they will be incurred whether or not the firm manufactures and sells both products.
42 Some are obviously unavoidable but others could, providing some thought and planning was implemented, be easily overcome.
43 Are the workers' losses of income and economic security natural or unnatural, planned or unplanned, deliberate or unavoidable?
44 All political parties accept that long-term increases in petrol prices are not only environmentally necessary but unavoidable.
45 The unavoidable fact of the matter is that both religion and secularism are stances.
46 Because such potentially distressing events are predictable, but unavoidable, they are an ideal focus for an investigation of coping behaviours.
47 Such postoperative headaches have traditionally been considered an unavoidable side effect of the anesthesia itself.
48 A certain amount of stress is unavoidable in daily life.
49 Quantum mechanics therefore introduces an unavoidable element of unpredictability or randomness into science.
50 But what is unavoidable may still be undesirable, and one might as well say so.
51 In particular, the counsellor can counter the belief that pain and illness are the natural and unavoidable consequences of growing old.
52 In pre-industrial societies philosophers generally asserted that a clear division of labour in political affairs was unavoidable and beneficial.
53 Both of these mechanisms may destroy the chemoattractant but will also cause unavoidable non-specific damage in the immediate vicinity of the neutrophil.
54 Under these controls, what emissions are then unavoidable have to be rendered harmless.
55 So he says dealing with issues of race is unavoidable.
56 This unavoidable routine is a whirlpool through which many an interesting outfit loses all they originally used to gain initial recognition.
57 In this domain it serves, to use the unavoidable cliche, merely as a rubber stamp.
58 Reed said the tax increases were not only justifiable, but unavoidable.
59 At 40, you developed something flabby, disgusting and unavoidable called middle-aged spread and your waist disappeared along with your energy.
60 We were miserably juggling witn the unavoidable.
61 A fatal lot is unavoidable.
62 Is it the predestination and unavoidable?
63 The clash of arguments between them is unavoidable.
64 We explain to everybody that the delay is unavoidable.
65 The other made excuse for unavoidable delay.
66 A meeting , however, is unavoidable and proves awkward.
67 Aging is an unavoidable natural process.
68 Being unavoidable that man is incorrect.
69 But the big bang was an unavoidable traffic jam.
70 Irresistible force: mean objective conditions that are unpredictable, unavoidable or insuperable.
71 Mistakes are unavoidable under some circumstances even for people of fine quality.
72 Because Web applications typically deal with large quantities of data that are easily accessible and sortable, tables are unavoidable.
73 In this case, a text edit control is probably unavoidable even though its use is bounded.
74 I am still pondering the question that I posed to Haldane, because the potential for such contradictory policy imperatives appears unavoidable – never more so than now.
75 In railroad car, air is foul, packed, brawl also with respect to unavoidable.
76 Many unavoidable random spots are always present in the film.
77 A disturbing and unavoidable fact is that just about anyone can stage a shoot-'em-up in any of countless public places in the United States.
78 It is unavoidable that the interference of ambient noise to Satellite Television receiving system.
79 A shakeout is unavoidable and it is being made worse by the worldwide credit crunch.
80 Violent hunger, for example, though upon many occasions not only natural, but unavoidable, is always indecent, and to eat voraciously is universally regarded as a piece of ill manners.
81 Force Majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.
82 But the local economic planner, Wang Jianxin, chairman of the Jiuquan Development and Reform Commission, says adding more polluting coal-fired power plants is unavoidable if you want to be green.
83 At the same time, as a result of limitations of investigation and basic financial data of the project is estimative and forecast able, financial evaluation has unavoidable limitation.
84 The marginalization of individual local city is an unavoidable phenomenon in urban development process.
85 The skewness or bending of Weft yarn is unavoidable in finishing process of printing and dyeing.
86 We will pay the irrecoverable deposits or charges paid in advance in the event of unavoidable cancellation of business travel.
87 I'm regret for what has happened, but minor water stain or scarf marks are unavoidable.
88 Initial consonant error is an unavoidable and common phenomenon during the phonological acquisition process of early Putonghua-speaking children.
89 In practice, error at whiles sll the time seems unavoidable.
90 Death Unavoidable A sailor who was going to set out for India was asked by a landsman , where his father died .
91 Software rot is unavoidable, but programmers who fail to take conceptual integrity into consideration create software that rots so so fast that it becomes worthless before it is even completed.
92 Thus the tasty new banana was spared from an otherwise unavoidable evolutionary dead-end.
93 Petrification is an unavoidable problem in the study of foreign languages and is also the difficult problem to overcome in the process of teaching and learning.
94 Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
95 The awareness and mastering to simulated tone colour in the performance of Chinese piano music works is an unavoidable question.
96 It is most practical, and in most cases unavoidable to use fast spooling NG power plants to complement Wind.
97 So, it is unavoidable to appear the production of art, the vulgarization of spirit.
98 Realizing single production and fine division of work around the world is an unavoidable tendency.
99 It is free that the search looks, but actually unavoidable cost.
100 Conclusion:16-slice spiral CT could be used in noninvasive assessment of significant coronary artery stenoses with high accuracy. The limit was unavoidable artifacts.
101 But different cloth art product, effect of its style, modelling, illuminative will be very different, this is unavoidable give a person dazzling sense.
102 It is nothing, mostly that day is New Year's Day, the first of 2007...evection out ...unavoidable feel some lose...
103 During mine development and coal extraction, it is unavoidable to approach and disclose or touch the aquifers (water body). Mine water flood has been one of the biggest hidden troubles of accidents.
104 Pain is acute chest pain, an unavoidable disease in daily life.
105 Our reaction to software as sentient is both unconscious and unavoidable.
106 As spans increase this will become unavoidable for the internal rooms.
107 Thermal pollution is an inevitable concomitant of power generation-an unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics.
108 It may have been an unavoidable reason , like problems at home or incapacitation .
109 Fender - benders are unavoidable in Taipei,(/unavoidable.html) even when your car is parked.
110 Thermal pollution is an concomitant of power generation - an unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics.
111 If it is unavoidable be-cause of work, cars can be parked on the temporary parking zone.
112 It was his message to the world—and to me—in unavoidable, stick-on, six-color plastic.
113 The establishment of a modern over-the-counter market is an unavoidable way of building a multi-level stock market system in China.
114 As a large transportation company, energy consuming and pollution discharge in an unavoidable environmental issue.
115 Scab is unavoidable in the process of high - pressure digestion.
116 Good demulsibility promotes quick water separation. If water is an unavoidable contaminant, thereby ensuring effective lubrication.
117 Before each commodity send out the goods, has the process specialist's reorganization and inspection, as in packaging, is unavoidable to have some crimple, seek for your understanding.
118 Non-immune health care workers should not be working with infected patients. However, if this practice is unavoidable, N-95 or equivalent masks should be used.
119 Flight delay unavoidable in the air transport. Dissensions caused by flight delays rise at times.
120 A parting is unavoidable, as you are sure to be on his side in this division.
121 Thus, it becomes unavoidable to lower the ratio of self-support properly and solve the troubles of grain supplies and demands through international markets.
122 As an economic entity, the enterprises is a kind of manage money means and a unavoidable working way for seeking survival development in its running process of indebted operation.
123 Naively optimistic, full of good intentions, but despite his good intentions, are still unavoidable in trouble.
124 B: I agree with you. And the regionalism is one unavoidable reason.
125 This contract due to force majeure, what means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.
126 In this essay, in order to perfect it, the model is improved by introducing the concept of avoidable fixed cost and unavoidable fixed cost.
127 Doppler shift is unavoidable in underwater acoustic communications because of relative moving between the transmitter and the receiver.
128 'People spend so much of their time working that it's unavoidable,' says Ms. Taylor, 37, a professional development coordinator at Zoot Enterprises, a Bozeman, Mont., technical-services provider.
129 Besides this, an esthetically unharmonious appearance of the teeth is unavoidable, if clasps are placed in visible frontal tooth areas.
130 I choose 30 sums of stocks in Shanghai Security Exchange From 1999 to 2001, to make a numerical research of the unavoidable risks.
131 Unseemly self-exposures, unpalatable betrayals, unavoidable mendacity, a soup?on of meretriciousness: memoir, for much of its modern history, has been the black sheep of the literary family.
132 Page turning feels quick, despite e-paper's unavoidable lag, and the text is easy to read.
133 Force Majeure as referred to in this contract unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.
134 When we study the medieval England history, Danelaw is an unavoidable issue.
135 Translation is an inter - lingual activity, so fuzziness is an unavoidable problem in the study about it.
136 Like investment of material capital, the human capital investment of the enterprise is unavoidable to face certain risk.
137 As reserved land resources in dynamic growth, the prograding mud flat unavoidable becomes a hot area of reclamation.
138 But, loathe them, they are an unavoidable fixture in business life.
139 It is a subject of current discussion whether this tradeoff is unavoidable and whether the lack of extensional principles in intensional Type Theory is a feature or a bug.
139 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
140 Force Majeure as referred to in the contract ways unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.
141 Maybe greater inequality in pay is an unavoidable megatrend, a leitmotif for the 21 st century.
142 This kind of the cost is unavoidable and continuously changeable depending on the mutative government functions.
143 The assembling error of three-axis turntable is unavoidable during assembling process, which is one of the primary system error sources.
144 The central idea of fatalism is that specific events are unavoidable.
145 China's export of its surplus capital is both unavoidable – because it is diversifying from its US holdings to invest in Japan and Europe – and welcome.
146 Unavoidable things which, while she didn't relish them, had to be endured.
147 Red coral, unavoidable confrontation.
148 Is restrained ten thousand year exceedingly high outthe incantation to live, a world catastrophe again unavoidable.
149 The assertion that the widespread proliferation is unavoidable could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
150 At the same time, it has been firstly put forward that inverse heat flux of metal radiation is a unavoidable heat transfer property in the batch furnace with force...
151 In the system of detecting fine press work, the acquired digital images will be noised unavoidable.
152 Although computer desk, printer, electrograph is unavoidable, but can come with proper plant and adornment bate office environment, to oneself innovation gives a more satisfied space.
153 Since this research only study on one Christian organization, it certainly effect on the result of ratiocination and causing unavoidable inaccuracy.
154 The author thinks that it is an unavoidable phenomenon in the transferring community, the schooling and family education also has to take in hand in this problem.
155 The continuous working and operating mode eliminates the abuse of the unavoidable differences among product batches in intermittent production, and raises the availability ratio of equipment.
156 The conflict between environmental tort and insurability of general insurance has always been an unavoidable problem of constructing environmental liability insurance.
157 As a style of hospital risk and crisis outbreak of nosocomial infection unavoidable in hospitals.
158 Regardless of what system you use and what functional and regression testing you do when your application is deployed for production, you can still get errors that are unavoidable.
159 It's unavoidable that collinear and non collinear interactions in the process of optical parametric generator.




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