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单词 Binding
1 The panel'sdecisions are secret and not binding on the government.
2 The judge said the document was not legally binding.
3 The decision is binding on both parties.
4 The contract wasn't legally binding.
5 The agreement will be legally binding.
6 This agreement shall be binding upon both parties.
7 He is binding a new book.
8 She hurriedly untied the ropes binding her ankles.
9 The contract was not signed and has no binding force.
10 Both sides in the dispute have agreed to binding arbitration .
11 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty.
12 The books were binding.
13 The decisions of the European Court are binding on the United Kingdom.
14 A document signed abroad is as legally binding as one signed at home.
15 The satin binding was nice to the finger tips.
16 Chopping wood, sawing logs, binding firewood.
17 In other words oxygen binding is reversible.
18 Hepatocytes also express non-integrin, matrix binding proteins.
19 Binding contracts should require equal commitments from both parties.
20 They are the justification for its binding force.
21 They should not be given legal binding force.
22 An elegant morocco binding, with the royal arms.
23 The school district and teachers agreed to binding arbitration.
24 But the new measures are not legally binding.
25 We used seven twists in binding on the phylacteries.
26 Equilibrium binding experiments were done under standard assay conditions.
27 Further, it is not binding on this court.
28 Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding.
29 His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.
30 The Teamsters do not have the usual grievance-step procedure, ending in a final, binding arbitration by a neutral third party.
1 Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding.
2 The panel'sdecisions are secret and not binding on the government.
3 The agreement will be legally binding.
4 He is binding a new book.
5 The contract was not signed and has no binding force.
6 A document signed abroad is as legally binding as one signed at home.
31 Guard a narrow strip of paper or linen pasted to a single leaf to allow sewing into a section for binding.
32 Wires upon wires wove around him, binding him to his amplifiers.
33 They are really promises - promises intended to be binding, intended to be acted on, and in fact acted on.
34 Talks resume next week in Bonn on legally binding emission reduction targets that Washington has rejected.
35 As far as Mr Vlnas and the National Gallery are concerned the contract remains legally binding.
36 The normal exercise of political authority is by the making of laws and legally binding orders.
37 But the state Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 140 contains a lifetime ban, a decision binding on federal courts.
38 However, if the additional constraint is binding, the median voter would no longer be able to choose E 1.
39 Add a border or binding down the leading and bottom edges of curtains for a real interior designer touch.
40 Iron nuclei have the largest binding energy per nucleon; hence neither fission nor fusion can release further energy.
41 Home Properties said it will pay a total of $ 830, 000, according to binding agreements for the three parcels.
42 The fore-edge painting could, of course, be combined with a vellum or Etruscan calf binding.
43 If they can come to a binding agreement, the prisoners will both profess their innocence and be sentenced to two years.
44 And remember, any document you sign abroad is as legally binding for you as if you signed it at home.
45 The decisions of this court are binding on all inferior courts trying civil or criminal cases, including divisional courts.
46 Law can not fulfil this function unless the decisions of the legal institutions are binding or non-optional.
47 I conceive that the promise would not be binding for want of a previous request by the testator.
48 We can therefore choose the depth to which we probe by using appropriate electron binding energies.
49 The plan itself does serve as a binding mechanism to reduce ambiguity, but not too much should be expected of it.
50 However, at high concentrations of intracellular calcium, all calmodulin binding sites are occupied.
51 Adoption is different from novation and also appears to be distinguishable from merely acting as though the contract were binding on the company.
52 The sheer weight of dicta amassed was intimidating, but Mr. Ashworth conceded he could find no authority actually binding on me.
53 As a result, he wanted to renege on his binding letter of intent, which he signed.
54 Explain whether this is a legally binding contract and whether or not Wilson Decorators must supply materials and receive £800. 4.
55 The binding is reversible so that factors that decrease the protein concentration will increase the ionized fraction of calcium in the blood.
56 In general there was the invocation of one or more deities to bear witness that a binding contract was being undertaken.
57 For these reasons we intend to perform future studies on DNA fragments containing isolated actinomycin binding sites.
58 To make it legally binding the protocol requires ratification by countries with at least 55 % of the developed world's emissions.
59 Then, Clinton also intervened, without appointing an emergency board, by appealing to both parties to agree to binding arbitration.
60 First, some accept its authority and obey its instructions because they are binding on them.
61 It is a half-way house, an intermediate commitment with no binding promises for the future and a built-in escape route.
62 Paclitaxel prevents cancer cells by binding to cell components called microtubules.
63 The programme is not binding on any of the signatories but is likely to influence the lending and spending of Western donors.
64 This enzyme. labeled complex competes with free unlabeled drug in the serum sample for the binding sites on the antibody.
65 But there is already a head of steam in parliament to make the proposed voluntary takeover code legally binding.
66 I would abjure my art then and there, leave off cursing, leave off binding fast and loose with spells.
67 FIG. 1 Binding of anti-cadherin monoclonal antibodies to cadherins expressed by epidermal Langerhans cells and keratinocytes.
68 Nevertheless, it is likely that the qualitative features of DNA binding are the same.
69 The structure was held together with ropes binding the beams to the vertical posts.
70 Purely procedural rules may be binding by reference to the rules in force at the time when the procedure is applied.
71 Negotiation: contractually binding conclusions are worked out in joint negotiation committees.
72 First it denies it the right to impose certain obligations, denies that some laws if enacted will be binding.
73 Collate to gather separate sections or leaves of a book together in the correct order for binding.
74 At present it is not possible to draw any definite conclusions about the binding mode of CytR.
75 As with core levels, there are various approaches to the computation of valence level binding energies.
76 The hope is that these peptides might compete with the virus proteins for binding to the receptor molecules.
77 The successful bidder is under a binding contract to purchase the relevant property.
78 It would hear appeals involving assessments, chaired by a lawyer, and decisions would be legally binding.
79 The draft orders are again the subject of consultation, following which parliamentary approval turns them into legal binding requirements.
80 Therefore, this could hardly be regarded as a binding precedent.
81 Minimally, the binding of protein to this element should alter the chromatin structure of the promoter.
82 One of these binding proteins, IGFBP-1, is of particular interest because of its known relationship to metabolism.
83 A legally binding agreement to implement this 14-page political declaration was scheduled to be drawn up in the first half of 1992.
84 Janzen offers something besides going to court: mediation and arbitration services that are just as legally binding.
85 Thus, these two positions may be important for sequence specific DNA binding of CytR.
86 Data are expressed as mean percentage of T cells binding from three replicate wells; lines represent standard errors.
87 This suggests that the cleavage pattern is largely determined by the binding selectivity.
88 Mammalian cell receptors can have high solute binding affinity, but also allow for rapid on/off binding kinetics.
89 The drug in the serum sample and the enzyme. labeled drug compete for the binding sites on the antibody.
90 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms an integral part of the treaty.
91 Under the Arab League Charter a resolution passed by a majority of votes was binding only on member states voting in favour.
92 After the First World War Binding rejoined the family business.
93 Other mistakes do not affect the binding force of the directives.
93 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
94 When an employee is working without a formal employment contract, the terms of an employee handbook may be contractually binding.
95 It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
96 An offer is something which is clearly intended if accepted to form a binding agreement.
97 Decisions of the House of Lords are binding upon all other courts trying civil or criminal cases.
98 However, in many cases the parties may create a binding contract by agreement on the three matters already identified.
99 Their decisions are binding on industrial tribunals and have had a significant impact on managerial practices by major employers.
100 The electricians appeared to accept the kind of binding agreements which he had vainly sought from the print unions.
101 Nitrite affects the fish by binding with the blood and preventing it carrying as much oxygen as normal.
102 With him she was free of any binding love or duty.
103 The choice between the two roads can not, in my opinion,() be made simply by reference to binding authority.
104 Other matrix components are associated with the binding and presentation of cytokines.
105 The functional characteristics of these two strong promoters suggest that they are not optimized for a tight and stable RNA polymerase binding.
106 On March 11 it voted to proclaim itself a sovereign body whose decisions would be binding and not subject to government authority.
107 Statutory regulations binding on both parties required crawling boards to be used on fragile roofs.
108 Aforementioned principles and provisions are binding on all Member State authorities, including the courts.
109 The last concerns the way the existence of a binding authoritative directive affects the reasoning of the subjects of the authority.
110 But the poorer nations would also have to accept binding targets for cutting emissions.
111 This calls for the adoption of much stricter and legally binding standards.
112 In the past some local authorities used this opportunity to impose conditions binding contractors to council policies.
113 The transient nature of the binding may be because this sequence is recognized on account of its structure without additional hydrogen bonding contacts.
114 But no such agreement will be binding on third parties save to the extent that they have knowledge thereof.
115 The results corroborate the role of these proteins in pheromone transport and elaborate the structural basis of ligand binding.
116 There are several stages at which binding of the oligonucleotide could inhibit virus production.
117 It is a characteristic of both adjudicatory and regulatory bodies that they produce a binding determination of the issue before them.
118 Mana put a huge amount of money into their boot and binding, but it flopped in the market.
119 The soundboard on the Bergh Apton example was similarly strengthened by a metal binding strip.
120 Consequently, there is little need to prevent cheating by making the government's announced monetary policy constitutionally binding.
121 It will culminate Wednesday, the first day that binding letters of intent may be signed.
122 Where the receiver enters into a new contract this will be binding on the company.
123 But Equitable was set on the Halifax deal and has signed a binding contract for the first half of its proposals.
124 It was held there that the parties had made a binding contract,(http:///binding.html) albeit with the price still outstanding.
125 Elderly patients have decreased protein binding of AEDs resulting in a higher unbound fraction.
126 The electronic frontier requires its pioneers to be resourceful in defending themselves in the absence of binding rules and regulations.
127 The quality of the paper and printing has been improved noticeably in recent issues, including the cover and binding.
128 Since their directives are binding even when mistaken, they do then make a difference.
129 They also want financial aid and technology transfer to be included in binding agreements.
130 In that way, you're tying the supplier to a legally binding contract.
131 The story of his binding makes clear that he remains so, and that he must be accepted as such.
132 These, unlike regulations, do not necessarily have immediate binding force.
133 They want secession from the union, not a new treaty binding them into it.
134 Entry to this competition implies acceptance of the rules as final and legally binding.
135 The highly conserved globular domain is essential for the binding of H1 to the nucleosome.
136 If he had answered the right question in the wrong way, his decision would be binding.
137 Not every statement made in the course of a judgment is binding as part of the ratio decidendi of the case.
138 There were indications last week that Yeltsin had dropped his insistence that this be a legally binding document.
139 Remember that sometimes immoral or unjust laws may be authoritatively binding, at least on some people.
140 His decisions are binding on both parties, subject only to the High Court on a point of law.
141 Platelet binding falls after the menopause and rises in women using the Pill.
142 Thus a high oxidation state is associated with a high binding energy, as expected.
143 Then, before she realised what was happening, he fastened her in the double stirrups, binding her hands and feet.
144 The introduction to the heads will specify that the clause is binding on both parties and is not subject to contract.
145 It aims at binding the members of the community together in a libidinal way as well and employs every means to that end.
146 On arrival at Sheerness naval barracks Binding was told to train them himself.
147 The President could issue decrees which would be binding throughout the country.
148 Kinship is binding and permanent but permits no choice of personnel, the individual must accept the relatives he has.
149 Yesterday's meeting of the borough planning applications sub-committee approved plans for the 48 hectare golf course subject to certain legally binding conditions.
150 This ritual suggests the pagan belief in the baptism by blood rather than water as being more binding.
151 In doing so I did not of course mean to deny that sometimes immoral or unjust laws are not authoritatively binding.
152 But how can I know what the categorical imperatives binding on me are?
153 The arms races between parasites and their hosts are all about these binding proteins.
154 Ligand binding to the EGF receptor therefore seems to be integrally associated with liver cell proliferation.
155 Loose leaf a method of binding which allows the insertion and removal of pages for continuous updating.
156 The public covenant is underwritten by an emotional covenant, partly unconscious, and binding in its claims.
157 It is binding without any need for agreement on the part of the parties affected.
158 These are small proteins capable of binding hydrophobic molecules with high affinity and selectivity.
159 Chanel's royal blue silk quilted Husky with grosgrain binding and gilt buttons. 8.
160 Was not the question whether Beer's promise not to take proceedings was binding? 6.
161 Would the promise of a complete stranger to pay a mother to maintain her illegitimate child be binding on the promisor?
162 So he hopes to come up with a special X-ray stain binding to human nerve endings.
163 The goal is to write a legally binding treaty that would be signed in December by as many countries as possible.
164 They instruct people how to take binding directives, and when to acknowledge that they are binding.
165 But they are resisting pressure to refer the disputed 6.5 percent pay rise to independent binding arbitration.
166 A warranty becomes legally binding once you've paid for your machine.
167 Reasons which authoritative directives should, but fail to, reflect are none the less among the reasons which justify holding the directives binding.
168 Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
169 In any case, the argument was quite remote from Lenin's preoccupation with binding up the wounds of national estrangement.
170 You must also sign a written contract and receive a copy of it for the contract to be legally binding.
171 And the body and headstock binding is simple white plastic, to avoid detracting from the overall look.
172 What is needed to make the contract binding and valid is our signature, a commitment of faith.
173 Two open arrowheads delimit the putative binding region with the dystrophin-associated glycoproteins.
174 A Regulation is binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states.
175 When a director dies, without a legally binding agreement his or her shares will not automatically to the surviving directors.
176 From that moment, there is a binding exchange of contracts.
177 Later Binding was involved with the rigid airships R23 and R31.
178 The binding of the enzyme-labeled drug to the antibody causes a steric alteration that results in decreased enzyme activity.
179 It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
180 The bunch pulled out by the weathercock had left the rest of the twigs loose in their binding.
181 Binding sites for ET-1 and its receptor mRNA are found in the airways and pulmonary vasculature of various species including man.
182 As soon as a contract becomes legally binding, performance ceases to be optional, thereby curtailing individual autonomy.
183 Aromatic residues lining the binding pocket are shown in purple.
184 By the 1970s, that binding force began to weaken and it has been gradually unravelling ever since.
185 Although these communications are not legally binding, they do give member states strong guidance on legal and taxation issues.
186 Corepressor binding does not cause significant structural change in the protein, though it greatly increases the affinity for the operator.
187 These are generally applicable and binding in their entirety, and have direct effect upon all member states.
188 The ultimate foundation of a free society is the binding tie of cohesive sentiment.
189 Regulations, directives, and decisions have in common that they are binding legislative Acts.
190 The octamer site binds both the constitutively expressed transcription factor Oct-1 and a novel cervical octamer binding protein.
191 We therefore examined whether these novel bleomycin cleavage sites were also good binding sites by DNase I footprinting.
192 This tighter fit enables caffeine to plug the receptor, thus preventing adenosine from binding.
193 A soluble form of this protein could bind to the virus and prevent it from binding to human T cells.
194 Gathering the operation of inserting the printed pages, sections or signatures of a book in the correct order for binding.
195 Differences in the vegetation cover can affect erosion by direct protection of the ground and by binding the soil mantle together.
196 The fit between CypA and the binding edge of CsA is excellent and centres round the protruding side chain of MeVal-11.
197 There are many dangers in trying to make such a document legally binding on those would have to take care of us.
198 Up until now most advanced snowboarders have firmly resisted anything except a non-release binding.
199 The snakes multiplied, swarming over her, binding her more tightly to the chair.
200 It is erroneous to believe that the decisions of one age should be binding upon another age.
201 Sport is a binding force between generations and across borders.
202 The binding is sober and solid.
203 This regulation is binding on everybody.
204 Medicare is the binding commitment of a caring society.
205 Perl code for drawing torus using OpenGL binding.
206 Short for binder utility, an operating - system program that performs binding.
207 The award of the arbitrator is binding and the practice is frequently used in the US.
208 The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on both parties.
209 The binding energy of the deuteron can be found experimentally.
210 Definition: A "binding" connects an instance data node to a form control or to a model item constraint by using a binding expression as a locater.
211 Your completed binding rule should look like Figure 15 below.
212 Co. , Ltd. is devoted to research and manufacturing the loose-leaf binding machines and consumables.
213 She had believed it was all legal and binding enough.
214 Specific binding is found in tissues where muscarinic receptors are demonstrable pharmacologically.
215 This drug lowers cholesterol levels by binding fats in the intestine.
216 Waferboard of wood, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other organic binding substances, unworked or not further worked than sanded.
217 Enterprise plans to be augmented by a native elliptic binding package.
218 Consequently, they are binding on both the agency and the private party.




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