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单词 Pentagon
1. He outlined the pentagon in red.
2. Draw a pentagon, a regular five-sided figure.
3. The Pentagon refused to divulge what type of plane it was.
4. The Pentagon is the nerve centre of the US Armed Forces.
5. This decision will ensure that the Pentagon Papers never see the light of day.
6. The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically.
7. Pentagon spokesman Williams says those talks are coming along quite well.
8. The Pentagon is aiming to cut US forces by over 25 per cent in the next five years.
9. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education and the Pentagon.
10. Two methods for construction of the regular pentagon.
11. The Pentagon had no immediate comment on the letter.
12. The Pentagon doesn't expedite - they demand immediate compliance.
13. Folding of square, pentagon, ellipse,() spider and tetrahedron.
14. The Pentagon study does propose personnel reductions from programmed levels.
15. Now, the Pentagon may cast Aegis ships as part of a ballistic missile defense network favored by Cohen.
16. Someone at the Pentagon leaked a letter from the Secretary of Defense.
17. He went to the Pentagon in 1969 as undersecretary and then secretary of the Navy in the Nixon and Ford administrations.
18. In particular, he said the Pentagon would have to spend up to $ 1 billion per arsenal ship for the missiles.
19. ValuJet approached the Pentagon in August 1995 to be included among the airlines certified to carry Defense Department personnel for official travel.
20. Unless you are a military fan, the Pentagon tour isn't very exciting.
21. And, she noted, the Pentagon was still investigating troop exposure to nerve gas before and during the ground war.
22. The Pentagon is prepared to build an emergency camp for refugees.
23. The Pentagon prepares to blow the plane out of the sky even though it means killing the 400 passengers.
24. The Pentagon is currently drawing up a new list of project proposals, to be evaluated by a scientific advisory committee.
25. Even the Pentagon don't know or won't divulge what type of plane it was.
26. Some Army units were informed, the Pentagon said, although the troops who actually blew up the depot were not.
27. A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon.
28. It also sounded a changing of the guard at the Pentagon: the politician replacing the manager.
29. The notion of lasers in space has captured the imaginations of planners at the Pentagon and the White House.
30. Missiles are there, all present and correct as listed by the Pentagon.
31. You must have some friends at the Pentagon or somewhere in the military.
32. From Pentagon, specialists in office supplies, there's a first prize of £2,000-worth of the latest office furniture.
33. Pentagon officials say they have already had some success reducing the risk that nuclear materials will fall into the wrong hands.
34. The final version endorsed current Pentagon policy allowing women in combat in certain circumstances, a position endorsed by Dole.
35. That is hardly surprising: the Pentagon has told both firms that it would tolerate closer ties but no full merger.
36. Congress plans to trim $200 million from the Pentagon budget.
36. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
37. They are completely regular solids: each has all of its faces repeating a regular polygon, triangle, square or pentagon.
38. Louis Johnson came to despise the Alsops and ordered Pentagon reception desks to inform him whenever they set foot in the building.
39. Someday this operation would be studied at the highest levels of intelligence in Langley and the Pentagon.
40. But the public consensus for a Pentagon blank check collapsed with the Cold War.
41. According to the latest Pentagon estimate, each new F-22 could cost $ 198 million when development and production costs are calculated.
42. Pentagon also offers computer-aided design to make the most of your office space.
43. Mr Cheney promptly slapped him down for speaking out of turn, which had more to do with Pentagon power play than strategy.
44. Maury Maverick managed to pry out of the Pentagon the religious affiliations of the 220 who died that day in Beirut.
45. The Pentagon and its computers keep coming up with cleaner models of warfare, while the world gets messier.
46. The regular pentagon, in association with the hexagon, has been credited with magical powers throughout recorded history.
47. After that, the Pentagon has the option to renew it annually over the next eight years.
48. The best way to end this type of corruption in the Pentagon is to forbid military retirees from working for military contractors.
49. Grigg's book gives us insight into the workings of the Pentagon.
50. The Pentagon tried everything-even hiring psychics to find more tunnels.
51. In 1984 alone, the Pentagon suspended 453 other companies for violating procurement regulations.
52. Jay Johnson, a naval aviator, that all negative findings by evaluation boards must be reviewed at the Pentagon.
53. The Pentagon subsequently revamped and greatly enlarged its team looking into the issue.
54. Donald Peterson said at a Pentagon news briefing as heavy snowfall continued to hamper search and rescue efforts near Vail, Colo.
55. Nearly every government contractor befriends and hires Pentagon employees and bends the rules wherever possible.
56. Carter ordered the Pentagon to prepare a contingency plan for military action to rescue the hostages.
57. The Pentagon claims Kevin Lee Poulssen, 28, stole military secrets.
58. It laid to rest the charges of unreliability and less-than-advertised performance that have long dogged the Pentagon.
59. Those who shared his belief in the ultimate weapon, Pentagon chiefs and Congressional hawks, put pressure on the President.
60. Pentagon officials declined to discuss their views and referred questions to the White House.
61. It fell to Pentagon officials to publicise this crucial information.
62. And the Navy wants the vessel cheap -- by Pentagon standards at least.
63. Many are determined to avenge the slaughter in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
64. The Pentagon ordered up cruise missile attacks from two of the six cruise-missile equipped warships on patrol in the Persian Gulf.
65. Pentagon officials acknowledge using two Stealth fighter bombers to drop 2,000 pound bombs.
66. And in November,[http:///pentagon.html] the Pentagon announced its decision to buy all 120 C-17s.
67. There appears to be close coordination between the Pentagon, the White House and Congress on this point.
68. Although she had enjoyed glowing public notices as the first female three-star general, Kennedy has her critics inside the Pentagon.
69. Increased military intrusion into civilian life, with many normal police functions usurped by the Pentagon.
70. In some office in the Pentagon, they are waiting to pick his brains.
71. The Pentagon has asked the armed services panel to end its extra review of officers who attended the convention.
72. But the Pentagon contends that aircraft and ships are wearing out and need to be replaced.
73. The Pentagon opposed the forced discharges, but Congress preferred to pander to the social and religious right.
74. Despite the statement, an embarrassed Pentagon decided to pretend ignorance.
75. And how many more will the Pentagon sacrifice to stave off further criticism of its gender policies?
76. Zlatoper has held several Pentagon posts, including military assistant to the secretary of defense from 1983 to 1985.
77. Aside from being a costly super weapon during an era of Pentagon cutbacks, the F-22 has serious competition.
78. A six-month Pentagon review recommended in December that the program be curtailed to combat a projected $ 15 billion overrun.
79. All the fighter planes the Pentagon wants to build would cost up to $ 16 billion a year, he says.
80. For example, the square has four-fold symmetry, the pentagon has five-fold, the hexagon has six-fold symmetry.
81. New Scientist, of all journals, must be aware how totally unscientific the Pentagon version of these matters is.
82. And the growing burden vexed both soldiers and civilians in the Pentagon.
83. The Pentagon did not set an upper limit on troop deployments during the war.
84. But investigators found the supporting accounts by Kennedy's friends and colleagues to be specific and persuasive, Pentagon officials said.
85. He and the Pentagon continued to call for very high levels of defense expenditure.
86. A Pentagon survey of 90, 000 soldiers last year found six in 10 claimed to have been sexually harassed.
87. The alternative for Clinton is to adopt a slower approach supported by the Pentagon and many in the White House.
88. It was discovered that he had been passing secrets on to the Russians whilst working at the Pentagon.
89. Bush's tax cuts and the slowing economy mean that Pentagon policy choices will have to be made this year.
90. But voices in the Pentagon and in Congress are likely to be far less enthusiastic.
91. Submarines have become a favorite of Pentagon commanders who have given the boats new missions.
92. The Pentagon said in a prepared statement that it had sought bids from 190 contractors but that only three submitted proposals.
93. His people at the Pentagon pored over aerial photos and pinpointed targets 10, 000 miles away.
94. The Pentagon laid down strict conditions regarding the export of these weapons.
95. Prueher reported that Cohen made his views known in a meeting with Pentagon officials last week.
96. All the magic of the pentagon is transferred to this solid.http:///pentagon.html
97. Our carpenter is aboard the Angelina, building a cradle for the bomb according to the specifications the Pentagon gave us.
98. In Congress there have been bipartisan allegations of a Pentagon cover-up.
99. I decided on a course of what the strategists over at the Pentagon call Massive Retaliation.
100. Calls to the Pentagon press office were unanswered last night.
101. Within a decade, she was making momentous decisions about the Pentagon Papers and Watergate.
102. Dole says he will not touch Medicare, and he wants to throw more money at the Pentagon.
103. They marched innocently off to the Pentagon to try to levitate it and put flowers in rifle barrels.
104. The Pentagon, with a panel of independent experts about to follow, is reviewing national military strategy.
105. Last week, an opposing group of retired officers joined the battle on the side of the Pentagon.
106. This trend went hand-in-hand with another, that of investing heavily in the making of high-technology weaponry for the Pentagon.
107. The words could be engraved over the entrance to the Pentagon today.
108. Although Pentagon spokesmen said they saw no need for further strikes soon, officials said privately that more were on the way.
109. A Pentagon spokesman refused to comment.
110. a spokesman for the Pentagon.
111. About 33,000 ships transited the Gulf of Aden last year, according to Pentagon data.
112. Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene "others" —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.
113. Covert action was deniable; a Pentagon program would not be ( Bob Woodward ).
114. According to Pentagon Spokesman Bryan Whitman, that is not a problem.
115. Across the Potomac River is the Pentagon, a strange, low, five - sides building.
116. The Pentagon says bad weather is hampering the allied air raids.
117. Three different planar structural modes of 5 approximants have been put forward by using pentagon, decagon, flat hexagon and boat-shape respectively.
118. The Pentagon says five others went to Afghanistan and one to Morocco.
119. From the standpoint of the American authorities, the Australian is a serious threat to national security -- something the Pentagon has even put in writing.
120. Are you in direct contact with the Pentagon or are you talking to some liaison?
121. It is noted that novel patterns of pentagon and heptagon are formed in some special parameters.
122. The headquarters for the U.S. armed services is the Pentagon.
123. Ms. Dory, who has held senior Pentagon posts since the Clinton administration, said she had seen a "sea change" in the military's thinking about climate change in the past year.
124. At the Pentagon, spokesman Bryan Whitman says Defense Department inquiries offer a different conclusion.
125. Since the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) initiated what it calls the prime vendor program, the Pentagon has been encouraged to buy from a cherry-picked group of manufacturers.
126. The potential change caused by the Pentagon for Chinese space program's increasing concern.
127. So how did you jump from the puclic defender's office to the pentagon?
128. The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control.
129. Recruitment is also strong for the Army National Guard,[] according to Pentagon figures.
130. But Brian Whitman, the Pentagon spokesman, says the Defense Department did not release the photos officially.
131. According to figures released by the Pentagon in February, almost all of the employees in the merit system got raises or bonuses in 2009, with the average total reward of 8.35%.
132. Well, admitted Saxe, the Pentagon is already trying to recruit her.
133. According to documents released by the Pentagon on March 14, Mohammed also admitted to plotting to destroy suspension bridges in New York, like the George Washington Bridge.
134. Foreign visitors often are surprised to discover that more than 100 accredited journalists freely roam the corridors of the Pentagon in search of news, unescorted even in time of war.
135. There must have been stand-down orders, and these could have come only from the highest levels of the Pentagon and the White House.
136. The building will contain more office space than any other building in China and nearly as much as the Pentagon, but, as skyscrapers go, it is on the short side, with just fifty-one floors.
137. In the List Entries box, enter the names of the shapes: Circle, Triangle, Square and Pentagon.
138. Even today, it is an impressive technology, and one that was nurtured for years by America’s tax dollars — it originated as a program in the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
139. While benefits of the poor and elderly are to be cut, the Pentagon is trying to forge ahead with its $1 trillion F-35 fighter purchase.
140. The opaqueness of China's military buildup "increases the potential for misunderstanding and miscalculation, " the Pentagon warned last month in its annual report to the U.S. Congress.
141. According to the Pentagon, five nations including the United States, France, Britain, Canada and Italy are participating in the strikes, and the coalition has 25 ships in the Mediterranean.
142. The Pentagon is another name for the Department of Defense.
143. He said he stood over a Xerox machine for hours, carefully making copies of each page of the Pentagon papers.
144. Pentagon officials stoutly deny Mr Hersh's more scary allegations anyway.
145. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, an arm of the Pentagon that oversees U.S. foreign military sales, must formally notify lawmakers of a potential arms deal.
146. The Pentagon is watching China's aircraft - carrier ambitions with bemused interest.
147. Our chart shows Auriga for around midnight, when the pentagon - shape figurine hits zenith.
148. At the Pentagon, however, senior naval officials appear smugly confident that the Chinese would turn tail once the U. S. carriers show up like the cavalry.
149. An early plot plan for a new War Department headquarters , with its irregular pentagon shape.
150. A new Pentagon report to Congress puts the spotlight on the U.S. military's critical dependence on materials known as rare-earth metals and recommends alternatives to Chinese sources of supply.
151. The Pentagon said it had no plans to reinvestigate the alleged abuses because its troops passed on reports of such incidents to the Iraqi authorities at the time.
152. Chuck Armentrout , chief of the military force policy division at the Pentagon.
153. The Pentagon says it started using AC130 gunships and A10 attack aircraft against Col Gaddafi's forces over the weekend.
154. The pentagon is an infinite occult symbol — it is the center of a pentagram and a pentagram fits perfectly inside a pentagon.
155. The Pentagon says only an " unclassified " e - mail system was breached, and has not identified the suspects.
156. Love is not a strategic defense mechanism nor the best kept secret at the Pentagon.
157. Wired's Danger Room blog reported that it was the 145th Predator strike in Libya, according to the Pentagon.
158. The Pentagon earlier played down the confrontation, striking a more low-key tone than during the incident two months ago.
159. Psychics may not hold much credibility among scientists, but the Pentagon spent roughly $20 million testing extrasensory (ESP) powers such as remote viewing from 1972 to 1996.




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