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单词 Augite
1. Chaoshan gold deposit is directly related to augite diorite.
2. The effect of gangue minerals (serpentine, olivine and augite) containing magnesium onpentlandite flotation has been studied in this paper.
3. Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite, with a composition relatively colse to the diopside - hedenbergite join.
4. Augite monzonite crystallized at high-temperature and over-hypabyssal conditions. The water-deficient, highly viscous magma was favourable to the formation of the volcanic dome.
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5. Latites contain plagioclase feldspar ( andesine or oligoclase) as large, single crystals (phenocrysts) in a fine-grained matrix of orthoclase feldspar and augite.
6. The study of petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry suggests that augite latite and augite monzonite are cognate, belonging to the upper and root parts of the volcanic dome respectively.
7. Thyon volcanic rocks are classified as alkali basalts, with pyroxene megacrysts, and deep-seated mantle xenoliths such as augite and peridotite have been observed in some basaltic layers.
8. Chaoshan gold deposit is located at the Shizishan ore-field in Tongling, Anhui Province and the host rock is the Baimangshan augite diorite.
9. The groundmass has the same mineral components as phenocryst, and is composed of plagioclase, augite and olivine.
10. The Baocun and Chaoshan gold deposits in Shizishan are field are of skarn type, and their intrusive rocks are Baocun quartz diorite and Baimangshan augite quartz diorite respectively.
11. The rock stack is made up of various sized black or dark grey olivine, augite basalt, amphibole and andesite.
12. The Xunyi tea dust wares belonged to Yaozhou ware system, the flux in the glaze was fairly high, the main crystal phases were augite and anorthite.
13. Electron microprobe analyses show that the clinopyroxene comprises mainly diopside, with minor augite in skarn.




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