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单词 bother
释义  both·er1 /ˈbɒðə $ ˈbɑːðər/ ●●● S1 W3 verb  1  make an effort 作出努力 [intransitive, transitive usually in questions and negatives]DO something/TAKE ACTION to make the effort to do something 费心,麻烦,因…操心(not) bother to do something He didn’t bother to answer the question. 他懒得回答这个问题。not bother about/with He didn’t bother with a reply. 他懒得回复。(not) bother doing something Many young people didn’t bother voting. 许多年轻人都懒得投票。don’t/didn’t/won’t etc bother ‘Do you want me to wait for you?’ ‘No, don’t bother.’ “要我等你吗?”“算了,不用麻烦了。” Why bother to go abroad, when there are so many nice places here? 这里有这么多好地方,干吗还要费事去国外?2  worry 担心 [intransitive, transitive]WORRIED to make someone feel slightly worried, upset, or concerned (使)担心,(使)生气,(使)苦恼 Being in a crowd really bothers me. 我很讨厌人多。 It was very noisy, but that didn’t bother me. 很吵,但是我不在意。bother aboutespecially British English especially British English I try not to bother about what other people think. 我尽量不去管别人怎么想。it bothers somebody that/how/when It really bothered me that he’d forgotten my birthday. 他把我的生日忘了,我很不高兴。3  annoy 使恼怒 [intransitive, transitive]DISTURB to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something 打扰,烦扰 Danny, don’t bother Ellen while she’s reading. 丹尼,埃伦看书的时候不要去打扰她 。 Would it bother you if I put on some music? 我放点音乐会你介意吗?bother somebody about/with something It didn’t seem worth bothering the doctor about. 好像不用去麻烦医生。4  somebody can’t/couldn’t be bothered (to do something) especially British EnglishNOT DO something used to say that you do not want to make the effort to do something, or that you are not interested in doing something 某人不想费心(去做某事),某人没兴趣(做某事) It was so hot I couldn’t be bothered to cook. 天气这么热,我都懒得做饭了。 I should be revising, but I just can’t be bothered. 我应该温习功课,可就是不想去做。5  cause pain 引起疼痛 [transitive] if a part of your body bothers you, it is slightly painful or uncomfortable 使疼痛 My back’s been bothering me. 我一直背痛。6  sorry to bother you spokenATTENTION used as a very polite way of interrupting someone when you want their attention 对不起打扰你一下 Sorry to bother you, but Mr. Grey is on the line. 对不起打扰您一下,格雷先生打电话找您。7  frighten 吓唬 [transitive]HURT/CAUSE PAIN to upset or frighten someone by talking to them when they do not want to talk to you, trying to hurt them, touch them sexually etc 骚扰,烦扰 Don’t worry – my dog won’t bother you. 别担心,我的狗不会咬你。 If he starts bothering you, let me know. 如果他来烦你就告诉我。8  not bother yourself/not bother your head NOT DO somethingto not spend time or effort on something, either because it is not important or because it is too difficult 〔因不重要或太难而〕不为…操心[伤脑筋]not bother yourself/not bother your head with/about Cliff didn’t want to bother himself with details. 克利夫不想过问细节问题。9  bother it/them etc ANNOY British English spoken old-fashioned used to express a sudden feeling of annoyance about something 真讨厌〔表示厌烦〕 Oh bother it! The thread’s broken again! 噢,真讨厌! 线又断了!→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbother• Just because you live alone does not mean that you should not bother.• And it was then she finally asked me a question that has bothered her for twenty years.• Something's bothering him but I'm not sure what.• You know the story by heart.-Then why did you bother in the first place?• Will you stop bothering me? I'm trying to watch a program.• The only thing that bothers me is how I'm going to get from the station to the farm.• What bothers me is that you didn't feel you could talk to me or your father about it.• Actually, my back hasn't been bothering me.• Because employers do not bother, the papers can be produced cheaply, so more illegal immigrants come in.• None of which may initially bother the Western Koi-keeper, whose main concern is to provide good water quality for his fish.• Irate customers who bother to complain to their local water executives will be told the rises are no higher than were forecast.• You don't hand your homework in on time, or you don't even bother to do it.• I have challenged the prospective Labour candidate in Harrow, West to do so, but he has not bothered to reply.• Sorry to bother you, but could you help me one more time with the copier?• Will it bother you if I play some music?• "Why didn't you ask me for help?" "I didn't want to bother you."• You shouldn't let little things like that bother you.• Excuse me, Miss, is that man bothering you?Why bother• And cheap too! Why bother?• I could check my calendar. Why bother?• Judged on these grounds, the new proposals from the Basle Committee seem to make sense. Why bother?• Less and less. Why bother?• We now turn to consider why a counter-strategy should be mounted against this loss of a universal citizenship. Why Bother?• Tough guy or sweet guy? Why bother being Hollywood if you end up with such an identity crisis?bother about• U.S. officials no longer bother about diplomatic politeness.bother2 noun  1  [uncountable] especially British EnglishPROBLEM trouble or difficulty that has been caused by small problems and that usually only continues for a short time 麻烦,不便,困难 SYN trouble It’s an old car, but it’s never caused me any bother. 这是辆旧车,但从来不给我添麻烦。bother with Joe’s been having a bit of bother with his back again. 最近乔的背部又有点不适。 ‘Thanks for your help.’ ‘It was no bother (=used to emphasize that you were happy to help someone) at all.’ “谢谢你帮忙。”“没什么。” My mother hardly ever went to the bother of (=the effort of) making cakes. 我母亲几乎从来不会费心去做蛋糕。 Are you sure the station is on your way? I don’t want to give you any extra bother. 车站真的顺路吗? 我不想给你添麻烦。 I should have phoned the shop first and saved myself the bother of going there. 我应该先给商店打个电话的,就省得跑一趟了。something is more bother than it’s worth (=it is too difficult to be worth doing) 某事太麻烦不值得做2  a bother especially British EnglishANNOY a person or job that slightly annoys you by causing trouble or problems 难对付的人[事] I hate to be a bother, but could you show me how the copier works? 对不起,麻烦一下,你能告诉我复印机怎样用吗?Examples from the Corpusbother• New husbands could be a bother sometimes.• I can pick up a letter there without any bother.• It was enough bother having to share my mum and my dad.• It was not so much that she distrusted banks as the bother for the visit.• Still keeps all the lights out at night in case the bother starts again.• Unfortunately the bits in between are hard work and ultimately are not really worth the bother.saved ... the bother of• Because there was neither carriage nor honeymoon Harry was saved the bother of providing sacks of rose-petal confetti.bother3 interjection British English informal  ANNOYused when you are slightly annoyed 讨厌,坏了 Oh bother! I forgot to phone Jean. 哎呀坏了!我忘记给琼打电话了。Origin bother1 (1600-1700) Perhaps from Irish Gaelic bodhar “deaf, bothered”both·er1 verbbother2 nounbother3 interjectionChineseSyllable   do to to effort the make Corpus




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