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单词 Attended
1. Success attended her efforts .
2. Around 350 delegates attended the conference.
3. PC Michael Potter attended the scene.
4. He was attended by a numerous retinue.
5. Nearly all the members attended the conference.
6. He attended in his official capacity as mayor.
7. The service was attended by Christians of all denominations.
8. Treatment with medicinal herb is attended with good results.
9. The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
10. The gala evening was attended by royalty and politicians.
11. About 1,000 people attended the rally in Hyde Park.
12. Many attended the opening of the new sports centre.
13. A crowd of about 15 000 attended the concert.
14. He remained at home and attended to the business.
15. Over two hundred people attended the funeral.
16. She attended all the lectures in the series.
17. All the local clergy attended the ceremony.
18. Prevention and cure are both attended to.
19. The secretary attended upon the chairman.
20. They attended day and night on the dying man.
21. Only 12 people attended the meeting.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Mark's whole family attended his graduation ceremony.
23. Three hundred delegates attended the Liberal party congress.
24. The fire brigade attended the blaze.
25. As part of the treatment, he attended 15 weeks of after-care.
26. The ceremony was attended by many of the surviving veterans of World War II.
27. He attended Eton, the most exclusive private school in Britain.
28. We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else.
29. Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva.
30. I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student.
1. Success attended her efforts .
2. Around 350 delegates attended the conference.
3. PC Michael Potter attended the scene.
4. He was attended by a numerous retinue.
5. Nearly all the members attended the conference.
6. He attended in his official capacity as mayor.
7. The service was attended by Christians of all denominations.
8. Treatment with medicinal herb is attended with good results.
9. The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
10. The gala evening was attended by royalty and politicians.
11. About 1,000 people attended the rally in Hyde Park.
12. Many attended the opening of the new sports centre.
13. A crowd of about 15 000 attended the concert.
14. He remained at home and attended to the business.
15. Over two hundred people attended the funeral.
16. She attended all the lectures in the series.
17. Prevention and cure are both attended to.
18. The secretary attended upon the chairman.
19. They attended day and night on the dying man.
20. Only 12 people attended the meeting.
21. Mark's whole family attended his graduation ceremony.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Three hundred delegates attended the Liberal party congress.
23. The fire brigade attended the blaze.
24. As part of the treatment, he attended 15 weeks of after-care.
25. The ceremony was attended by many of the surviving veterans of World War II.
26. He attended Eton, the most exclusive private school in Britain.
27. Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva.
28. I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student.
29. The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries.
30. The conference will be attended by Ian Taylor, Joe Sellars and A.N. Other.
31. The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries.
32. The conference will be attended by Ian Taylor, Joe Sellars and A.N. Other.
33. Are you being attended to?
34. Hundreds of people attended the funeral.
35. No fewer than five hundred delegates attended the conference.
36. He attended two rallies last year.
37. He attended every meeting without fail.
38. Above two hundred people attended the meeting.
39. Many of the local dignitaries attended his grandfather's funeral.
40. The candidate's campaign was attended with too much ballyhoo.
41. They duly attended our meeting.
42. The nurse attended the patient daily.
43. She attended one meeting only, if I remember rightly.
44. The banquet was attended by 200 guests.
45. Stipe attended yesterday's news conference to lend his support.
46. The meeting was attended by upwards of 500 people.
47. Several presidents attended the funeral.
48. They regularly attended at church.
49. She attended on the wounded soldier day and night.
50. It was embarrassing how few people attended the party.
51. A number of celebs attended the party.
51. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
52. Several foreign dignitaries attended the ceremony.
53. Christians of all denominations attended the conference.
54. I attended the classes/seminars/lectures for a month or two.
55. About 5,000 people attended a rally calling for peace.
56. Thousands attended the beatification of Juan Diego.
57. No fewer than 2,000 delegates attended the conference.
58. The wedding was attended by close family only.
59. Plenty of top brass attended the ceremony.
60. Everyone in Personnel has attended a media skills workshop.
31. They duly attended our meeting.
32. Several presidents attended the funeral.
33. Some higher officials attended the celebration rally.
34. They attended faithfully to their duties.
35. The Queen attended a gala concert at the Royal Festival Hall.
36. They attended a sneak preview of the winter fashion collection.
37. They attended morning , noon and night on the dying man.
38. All the family attended the baptism of the first grandchild.
61. We attended evensong as well as morning service.
62. She attended lectures only sporadically.
63. Both commissioned and non-commissioned officers attended.
64. The Lord Mayor attended a state banquet last night.
65. The princess attended the opening night of the opera.
66. They later attended the inauguration of the University.
67. Are you being attended to, Sir? .
68. The work was attended with much difficulty.
69. The funeral was attended by friends and relations.
70. She had attended a racially mixed school.
71. Your request will be carefully attended to.
72. Hundreds of people attended the famous director's farewell concert.
73. Dr Smith attended her in hospital.
74. She attended a school for the educationally subnormal.
75. His parents attended the passing-out ceremony.
76. The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries.
77. More than 15, 000 Liverpool fans attended Saturday's game.
78. Over 300 mourners attended the funeral.
79. I attended the conference as an observer.
80. The doctor attended her immediately with a brief examination.
81. The retainers attended their lord.
81. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
82. He attended his lectures and took copious notes.
83. He attended college on a drama scholarship.
84. He swam with them, piggybacked them and attended them.
85. The negotiations were attended by representatives of several states.
86. Many of the local dignitaries attended the funeral.
87. The flower of the nation's youth attended the meeting.
88. At best a few hundred people attended the meeting.
89. All the customs formalities have been attended to.
90. The late prime minister attended the ceremony.
91. The students all attended, bar two who were ill.
92. The Queen was attended by her ladies-in-waiting.
93. They had attended university together and often mixed socially.
94. Some higher officials attended the celebration rally.
95. A huge number of people attended.
96. They attended the dinner at the chairman's invitation.
97. He attended evening classes at the local college.
98. More than 200,000 people attended Carter's inaugural.
99. Some thirty people attended the funeral.
100. A nurse attended to his needs constantly.
101. The mission was attended upon by many risks.
102. The Princess was attended by her ladies-in-waiting.
103. They attended faithfully to their duties.
104. 200 attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year.
105. The event was well attended.
106. He attended a testimonial dinner in his honour.
107. The king fared forth, attended by all his servants.
108. They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania.
109. Very few students ever attended his lectures.
110. No fewer than thirteen foreign ministers attended the session.
111. The king fared forth,(Sentencedict) attended by all his servants and many carriages.
112. A week later, Sara and I attended open house at Ted's school.
113. She attended a convent school and went to Mass each day.
114. The number of people who attended fell short of expectations .
115. It was, by a long way, the worst meeting I have ever attended.
116. It's going to date me now. I attended that school from 1969 to 1972.
117. An unlikely assortment of rock stars and politicians attended the charity concert.
118. She attended a cancer support group at her local hospital.
119. Publishers and writers from 13 countries attended the seminar .
120. The Queen attended a gala concert at the Royal Festival Hall.
121. As a journalist he attended every murder trial of note.
122. They attended a sneak preview of the winter fashion collection.
123. The young princes attended a private showing of the new Disney film.
124. Over a hundred and fifty people attended the meeting .
125. Mother attended to the baby while I went to the dance.
126. A lot of practical details needed to be attended to all at once.
127. He regularly attended auctions.
128. I attended the meeting in my capacity as chairman of the safety committee.
129. The princess attended a charity function in aid of cancer research.
130. Last night he attended a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.
131. They attended morning , noon and night on the dying man.
132. Mr Thomas was taught by the Catholic nuns whose school he attended.
133. During the first week, the evening meetings were poorly attended.
134. Over 80,000 people attended, making it the biggest sporting event in the area.
135. Many diplomats attended a naval review to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.
136. I would like to thank everyone who attended our charity evening for supporting the event.
137. He attended the party in the name of his father.
138. I attended the College of Arts and Sciences at New York University.
139. The President was attended by several members of his staff.
140. Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage.
141. Many difficulties and dangers attended upon his single-handed voyage round the world.
142. More than 100 people braved the elements and attended the rally.
143. Radiotherapy combined with some medicine is usually attended with good results.
144. He carefully attended to the wounded soldiers day and night.
145. The report caused needless anxiety to women who have attended the clinic.
146. The funeral was attended by the singer's friends and admirers.
147. The meeting was attended by top diplomats and military top brass.
148. We attended a sneak preview of the winter fashion collection.
149. Bloomsday has turned into a carnival, attended by thousands of people who know little about James Joyce.
150. Don't worry, everything will be attended to in good time!
151. If I was living my life over again I wouldn't have attended so many committee meetings.
152. Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference, attended by 450 delegates.
153. The talks were attended by observers from eight Arab countries and Israel.
154. On his deathbed the General was attended by several doctors.
155. Political and royal personages from many countries attended the funeral.
156. Jack had attended these meetings as a matter of routine for years.
157. Many people from the art world attended the painter's funeral.
158. Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour.
159. The principal and the vice-principal of the college both attended the meeting.
160. She summed it up as "the most brilliant lecture I've ever attended".
161. If you had attended to my advice, you would not be in a sea of troubles now.
162. He was attended, as are all heads of state, by a full panoply of experts.
163. 200 people attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year.
164. The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society.
165. Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of the two boys.
166. The meeting was attended by the usual old party hacks.
167. All the family attended the baptism of the first grandchild.
168. As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.
169. The audition was attended by a score of young hopefuls.
170. They had a quiet wedding only a few friends attended .
171. Other senior officials also attended the summit.
172. Karl attended college after military service.
173. A successful evening attended by over eighty children.
174. There were five people altogether who attended the presentation.
175. No high-profile celebrities attended the service.
176. How many students attended the Marischal College?
177. President Herrera and his cabinet attended the ceremony.
178. Twenty-four people attended including and from the Albion Maltings.
179. More than 1000 people attended the conference.
180. Subsequently 6 or 8 members attended each meeting.
181. Hathaway and her two surviving children attended the service.
182. Her family attended her funeral today.
183. An enjoyable party attended by only 18 children.
184. We attended ground-school classes in aerodynamics, weather, and maintenance.
185. We attended a dinner at Le Mandrie.
186. He attended a technical college for engineering studies before moving to Los Angeles in 1982.
187. Nichols' brother, James, also attended the proceedings, which continue Wednesday.
188. On the first Sunday in May, he attended services at Trinity Church, walking the six blocks to and fro.
189. Early the next morning Benjamin attended mass in the abbey church then roused me.
190. Teenagers from at least six local schools attended the event which was aimed at students thinking of a career in technology.
191. Brooks attended to every detail of his churches and Mackmurdo later acknowledged his debt to him as an exemplar of methodical thoroughness.
192. They were refused admission to a public school attended by white children solely because of their race....
193. She subsequently attended the genetic counselling clinic, and was very anxious about the situation.
194. He had attended church, had a family, helped in the underground railroad, fought in the Civil War.
195. The conference, attended by 189 countries, opened on Monday and will run until July 20.
196. My second milestone was Sholay. My role though small, required detailed study. I was given the specially made costume and wig and also books of World War II which ex¬plained Hitler’s various gestures. I was even made to go through a trial attended by the writers as well, to ascertain whether I fitted into the role or not. The film was a super success and till date, people remember my dialogue, "Hum Angrezo ke zamane ke jailor hain". Asrani 
197. The best students, who attended one of the few selective schools, received the equivalent of a high-quality prep school education.
198. And so his victory parade was attended by almost nobody but himself.
199. Fifteen writers and publishers from 13 Third World countries attended the seminar.
200. An acid house party attended by children as young as 12 was broken up by police yesterday.
201. The mechanics lost out, and the place became a research institute funded by subscribers who attended lectures.
201. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
202. She said she attended a party with him earlier in the evening and then went to a nightclub with him.
203. In 1971, for a 10-day crusade in Oakland, about 360, 000 people attended.
204. They claimed that the report showed that women who attended Bristol were twice as likely to die as women who did not.
205. We attended a funeral in Richmond on the first day of school a year ago.
206. She attended Wellesley College where she was the first student to deliver the graduation address.
207. It was from here, in 1959, that she effectively attended an Oswald Mosley rally.
208. My philosophy being that members who attended the meetings or functions which I attended will know I was there.
209. These meetings were well attended and were known as conventicles.
210. Archbishop Winning celebrated the Ash Wednesday Mass attended by about 200 students.
211. Picton-Howell's main mission in life was to record faithfully the minutes of the many meetings she attended.
212. Burke also attended the board meeting, but made no public comment.
213. He was quite open about lessons learned and gained the admiration of all who attended.
214. Around 50 retired employees attended the party and were treated to a three course dinner served up by committee volunteers.
215. In 1902 he attended staff college, and was posted in 1903 to the staff of the Somaliland field forces.
216. One of the frequent mass meetings attended by workers was taking place.
217. I attended all my lectures and got the best grades.
218. The event was well attended with people queuing at 9.00 am despite the atrocious conditions.
219. Over the past few months seven candidates have attended different courses.
220. Some time ago I attended a lecture on psychotherapy for people who have a catastrophic illness.
221. Mr Turnbull adjourned the inquest, which was not attended by relatives of the victims, to a date to be fixed.
222. Indeed, I wondered if we had attended the same event.
223. Over 50 attended the function, but what was so encouraging was the quality of the prospective members that attended.
224. In the centre is the Saviour attended by two archangels.
225. Over 100 guests attended his retiral dinner at the Normandy Hotel, Renfrew.
226. The consequence of this for the curriculum must be that within all subject areas both aspects must be attended to.
227. Only close family members attended the service, some of whom say that his body showed signs of torture.
228. Several of these women attended our neighbourhood project, which is run by local people.
229. How many courses or conferences have you attended or even seen advertised that mention children in their titles?
230. He stressed the normality of the children who attended it.
231. More than a thousand people attended the reception at the house on Park Lane that the Phippses had taken for the season.
231. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
232. Feminists threw their weight behind Mrs Killea's campaign, and hundreds of students attended a rally in support of abortion rights.
233. Many villagers attended his funeral, with his team mates in football gear as pall bearers.
234. Nearly 1, 400 Republicans attended a state committee dinner last February.
235. Managers and supervisors applauded the new approach and eagerly attended the financial training sessions.
236. I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers. Woody Allen 
237. Vice President Al Gore even attended a ground-breaking ceremony in June of 1994.
238. Neither of the brothers spoke during their 13-minute appearance at the court which was attended by Miss Larkin's father, Kevin.
239. Despite their early start, they still attended the dinner laid on by the Flanders rugby authorities.
240. However, I also attended the village evening school, which was organized by an ancient relation of Mr Wopsle's.
241. A further 150 employees attended external training courses during the year.
242. Within the United States alone I attended services in 263 seven different languages.
243. It would be well to describe an actual class I attended in Vienna.
244. But few who attended today's ceremonies were in any doubt they were witnessing the end of an era.
245. At the other end of the scale there were no wives in Speyside who had either attended or wished to attend.
246. The Duchess of York attended the charity reception, along with her two daughters.
247. The prime minister was among the 300 people who attended the funeral.
248. A further 70,000 people attended a candle-lit ceremony on June 4.
249. D., said at a news conference also attended by Sens.
250. I went to national and regional conferences and attended all sorts of local workshops.
251. Ceremonies are the first thing to be attended to in the practice of government. CONFUCIUS 
252. The Business Skills Seminars for small businesses were attended by over 2,300 people during the year.
253. There is an increasing number of KungFu, Judo and martial arts clubs attended by even young children.
254. If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
255. Raducanu attended the official dinner that followed the international but then left his team-mates.
256. After that there were cheques to be attended to and put aside to await Silas's signature.
257. Live theater drew 9 percent, nearly double the 5 percent who attended sporting events.
258. The Edinburgh conference was attended by media practitioners, theologians and teachers.
259. The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer. Henry David Thoreau 
260. In the 15 previous years, two residents of Kenilworth-Parkside had attended college.
261. Scene: On the airplane home, you wrote a short report discussing the conference you just attended.Sentence dictionary
262. Paul, and a delegation attended every grand opening of new track for miles around, of which there were many.
263. After the final curtain he went to the local hospital to have the wound attended to.
264. A Los Angeles Times reporter attended the event after purchasing a $ 42 ticket made available when a reservation was canceled.
265. In the education department, more than 10, 000 students attended nine school performances.
266. More importantly, the report caused needless anxiety to all the women who have attended the centre.
267. The workshop was attended by 25 participants from academia and industry.
268. The couple were spotted doing a raunchy snake dance in a nightclub after Peta attended a riotous party he threw.
269. Edward's parents sent their condolences, attended the ceremony at chapel and graveside, and Mrs Thomas visited the widow.
270. The conferences was attended by more than 300 delegates from most of the agency's 113 member states.
271. George Bell, retired, fatigued, soon to die, attended the conference against the advice of his doctor.
272. Perhaps they had attended the same college: the college whose colours were cerise and silver.
273. At the meetings I attended there were never more than 20 local residents present, most of them women.
274. She had attended an interview, at her boyfriend's insistence.




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