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单词 Tortious
1 Suggested approach An employer can incur tortious liability in respect of his employees in one of three ways.
2 The tortious principle gives protection to the ultimate consumer of a product where the product has caused physical damage.
3 The nature of the contract, contractual and tortious liabilities and the use of exclusion clauses will be considered.
4 Tortious behavior is the reason of damage consequence.
5 A lawsuit brought on a tortious act shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the tort is committed or where the defendant has his domicile.
6 As to the ordinary brand, it is tortious only when it is registered malevolently.
7 Tortious to common clone website, also can inform against to branch of inspect of public security net and communication management department.
8 Article 29 A lawsuit brought on a tortious act shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the tort is committed or where the defendant has his domicile.
9 Doctrine of liability fixation for tortious act in China includes principle of liability with fault and principle of liability without fault.
10 To define the tortious conduct in theory and prescribe it in legislation is a problem related to torts law and the entire legislation system of civil law.
11 Seting up accelerated judgement for invalidation procedure involved tortious lawsuit of Utility Model patent right.
12 Bearing that in mind, it is tolerably clear that conduct which is itself tortious is always unlawful means.
13 Here the discussion is confined to more general types of tortious liability, such as that arising from negligent acts or omissions.
14 The infringement upon credit often costs indirect losses of the victims and the tortious person should make due compensations so as to protect the interest of the principal of credit.
15 What should be clearly defined is the confirmation and responsibility of tortious liability concerning sunshine interests violation on the basis of re-examination.
16 Medical liability includes the default liability of medical contract and tortious liability, the court respecting the patient's right of choice agrees with the contract law.
17 First, it is desirable to define the nature of liability about false statement as tortious liability.
18 The historical development of the responsibility rule of the tortious liability of the salvor is briefly reviewed by historical analysis in Chapter Two.
19 Analyzing and handling the different situation of coincidence of tortious liability and default liability reasonable will play an important role in protecting the legal interests of clients.
20 It is necessary and possible to establish a legal system of spousal tortious liability in China.
21 With its further development, there are more and more infringement disputes, especially the tortious act of authorship, which has gradually become the point at issue in theory field.
22 Medical accident should also include medical error besides liability accident and technical accident. The legal nature of medical accident is tortious liability.
23 But there exist certain shortcomings in these theories and practices. So they can't settle the question of the coincidence of the liability for breach of contracts and the tortious liability thorough.
24 For the particular protection for the well-known brand, it is tortious if the domain name or its main part are copied, imitated, translated or transliterated from other well-known brand name.
25 The administrative department of copyright under the State Council may investigate and punish a tortious act of national influence.
26 Most of our content is collected from Internet, please contact us when some of them is tortious , we will delete it.
27 There is much false, disloyal information on the network, it is fraudulent action even, we pay close attention to closely, a few righter also tortious undertook investigating.




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