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单词 Drachma
1 In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.
2 Yes, it's goodbye to the franc, the mark, drachma , peseta, lira and many of the other currencies which now confront visitors to Europe.
3 ICAP executives say their drachma project could be used as a roadmap for how to prepare for an outcome involving multiple currencies exiting the euro.
4 This meant going from one bank to another, a bag brimming with wads of crisp drachma notes.
5 The word "dram" translates into English as "money", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.
6 The existence of the euro means that there are no George Soros-type speculators able to organise runs on the lira, peseta or drachma.
7 ICAP's executives say their preparations have focused on defining the relationship between the drachma and other currencies and how currency pairs might be quoted.
8 In its extreme form, this proposal also calls for the reinstatement of the drachma, because moving to the less valuable currency could restore Greece's economic competitiveness.
9 Analysts also say the seriousness of the crisis will depend on whether Greece stays within the euro common-currency zone or is forced to leave it, and return to the drachma as its national currency.
10 Nomura has advised clients to check the fine print of their euro-denominated bonds to ascertain whether they could be converted into local currencies, such as the drachma, which could quickly plunge.
11 The firm has been testing technology that would allow dealer banks to trade the drachma against the dollar and the euro, the executives said.
12 The Germans are happily spending deutchmarks again, the Greeks are back with the drachma.
13 Depositors would rush to pull their money out of Greek banks to protect their savings from being converted into new drachma.
14 A new D-mark would be expected to rise against the now-abandoned euro; a new drachma or punt would trade at a big discount to its official changeover rate—a devaluation, in effect.
15 Some have been even banking on Greece exiting the euro so that they can then use the billions of euros squirrelled away outside the country to purchase the assets for knock-down drachma prices.
16 C alls for Greece to ditch the EU, restore the old drachma, then devalue it are mistaken.




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