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单词 wide-ranging
释义  ˌwide-ˈranging ●○○ adjective written  VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDSincluding a wide variety of subjects, things, or people 范围大的,广泛的 a wide-ranging discussion 内容广泛的讨论 wide-ranging proposals to improve the rail network 改善铁路网的各种提议Examples from the Corpuswide-ranging• The latter part of the wide-ranging agreement has not yet been consummated.• Such accounts provide detailed and wide-ranging analyses of the psychological and related discourses around these objects.• Her criticism was wide-ranging and sometimes contradictory.• Our discussions were wide-ranging and substantive.• Urban politics itself is also a substantial subject and it too has received wide-ranging and systematic attention.• Arguments for controlling or reducing the size of public expenditure are wide-ranging but not always convincing.• The finished product rests in a glorious pop tradition not usually associated with a wide-ranging career like Young's.• It will mean that wide-ranging corporate risks will be able to be placed with just one underwriter.• Given all this, however, the successors of Ecgfrith preserved and maintained a secure realm within what were still wide-ranging frontiers.• Climate change is likely to have a wide-ranging impact on human health.• A wide-ranging inquiry into the qualities and styles of leaders.• a wide-ranging investigation• A wide-ranging survey found growing dissatisfaction among workers.ˌwide-ˈranging adjectiveChineseSyllable  including of subjects, wide variety Corpus things, a




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