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单词 confrontational
释义  con·fron·ta·tion·al /ˌkɒnfrənˈteɪʃənəl◂ $ ˌkɑːn-/ adjective  ARGUElikely to cause arguments or make people angry 故意寻衅的,容易引起冲突的 a confrontational style of management 对抗式的管理方式Examples from the Corpusconfrontational• In an attempt to improve his image, Stevens has decided to be less confrontational.• The New Zealand attitude is becoming increasingly confrontational and commercial.• Geoff is too confrontational at times.• She moves from these accessible images to searing self-portraiture, head-on pictures of herself that are almost confrontational in their honesty.• True, the Senate is a less confrontational place than the House.• His reasoned and reasonable tone had contrasted strongly with the confrontational stance of his colleagues.• Some are worried that Beier's confrontational style will upset his staff.• Stern is a radio and TV talk show host known for his confrontational style.• Stanley is very confrontational with Blanche and slightly rude.• Rather than being openly confrontational with his parents, he just quietly-and perhaps unconsciously-refused to comply with their demands.con·fron·ta·tion·al adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus cause likely arguments or to make angry people




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