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单词 Masculine
1 She looks rather masculine in that suit.
2 She has a rather masculine voice.
3 There are three genders in German: masculine, feminine and neuter.
4 She has a very masculine voice.
5 He has an aggressively masculine approach to these questions.
6 The French word for 'sun' is masculine.
7 That's a typically masculine attitude!
8 Hunting was a typically masculine occupation.
9 That suit makes her look very masculine.
10 The ceremony is exclusively masculine.
11 He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.
12 'He' and 'him' are masculine pronouns.
13 The word for " book " is masculine in French.
14 The Duke's study was very masculine,[] with deep red wall-covering and dark oak shelving.
15 Is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites ?
16 The French word for 'sun' is masculine - 'le soleil', but the German word is feminine - 'die Sonne'.
17 Men, their height, their masculine authority, never bothered Maggie.
18 Her big beaky nose gives her a masculine look.
19 Violence is an extreme form of traditionally masculine behaviour.
20 He has their virtues translated into masculine form.
21 This extremely masculine religion appealed to the Roman army.
22 There was no outlet for raw masculine energy.
23 In Jacobean drama masculine identity requires masculine ratification.
24 And what of the masculine/feminine dichotomy?
25 There was an aura of masculine occupation - neat, but unmistakably masculine.
26 His arrogance made him virile and masculine, his stubbornness gave him the character to administer his centuries-old responsibilities.
27 She laughed often; a great sudden masculine sound, jerking her arms as if elbowing the air out of the way.
28 They're nice curtains, but I'd prefer something a little more masculine.
29 In most languages adjectives have slightly different spellings for masculine and feminine.
30 Not the quick, rubber-heeled footsteps of a professional nurse but heavy, masculine footsteps.
1 She has a rather masculine voice.
2 They're nice curtains, but I'd prefer something a little more masculine.
3 In most languages adjectives have slightly different spellings for masculine and feminine.
4 The ceremony is exclusively masculine.
5 The word for " book " is masculine in French.
31 Boys must replace this early identification with a masculine one.
32 The nature of the masculine economy of self-representation makes it blind to another economy that takes a fundamentally different approach.
33 First of all, is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites?
34 Language is masculine: It operates according to a masculine economy of representation.
35 They are also quite keen on marijuana, feel most masculine during sport and are least inclined to admire Nigel Mansell.
36 They also had slightly more positive attitudes towards science and scientists and were less likely to define them as exclusively masculine.
37 In this chapter I will give examples of masculine and feminine positions from which a text can speak.
38 They include substantive conclusions about what would be different in philosophy if it were influenced by feminine rather than by masculine assumptions.
39 This situation would make the use of the masculine form in this instance highly marked.
40 From a very early age, lower-working-class boys engage in rough, exclusively masculine forms of play, free of adult supervision.
41 This emphasis on the triumph of masculine order is the context of Book V's final cantos.
42 Some languages categorise not only living things as masculine or feminine, but inanimate objects as well.
43 Women's liberation is the liberation of the feminine in the man and the masculine in the woman. Corita Kent 
44 If one liked that uncompromisingly masculine type of good looks, she thought, trying to tell herself she did not.
44 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45 Even today, men tend to do such masculine tasks as car maintenance and yard work.
46 Men who are currently sexually inactive do not feel masculine during sport.
47 Feminist campaigns around the state effectively unmasked the unofficial masculine culture of politicians, experts and administrators.
48 Rather criminal activity as officially recorded is by and large a masculine activity, but one in which women do participate.
49 In understanding male power it is important to understand that masculine oligarchies exclude not only all women but most men.
50 It was appropriate that he should end his days in the masculine fastness of an Elizabethan almshouse in London.
51 A small number of nouns which refer to professions have masculine and feminine forms, with the suffix -ess indicating feminine gender.
52 Her laugh was a gleeful, exuberant shout, her deep voice making it almost masculine.
53 He wanted to say he was sorry but his masculine pride wouldn't let him.
54 His bone-structure showed strength, yet his mouth had a masculine sensuality that should have carried a health warning.
55 He stuttered nervously before managing to answer herand when he did, he used the masculine form of address.
56 But at least it would be better than letting herself be drawn in by his very potent brand of masculine attraction.
57 She was unsurprised to find a long silk bathrobe neither masculine nor feminine hanging on the back of the door.
58 Ludovico slowly slid her down his body and she kissed the skin of his torso, excited by its masculine smell.
59 It is, in any case, impossible to define a consistent set of masculine interests served by such stereotyping.
60 His attitude to those languid undergraduates at Bridget's party, and to writers, was not a conventionally masculine one.
61 You may be wondering why I called the various machines by masculine names.
62 Adopting this traditional masculine style doesn't mean having to sacrifice your femininity.
63 The principal feminist challenge to psychology's predominantly male subjects and masculine subject matter is, again, an egalitarian one.
64 But cognitive theories' rationalism is male-identified, drawing on dominant conceptions of the masculine nature of logical, coherent thought.
65 Masculine, feminine and neuter are labels for formal properties and have nothing to do with what a word actually means.
66 Whisky is still, to many Englishwomen, a man's drink, tough masculine tipple.
67 So maybe the men are discovering their feminine sides while the women are discovering their masculine sides.
68 They were not only demeaning their own masculine code of honor, but that of others.
69 The instant she saw him, leaning with careless masculine grace against the wall, Isabel's throat tightened.
70 For several seemingly interminable seconds no one moved as the coolly brooding glance subjected her to a flagrantly masculine appraisal.
71 The role of education in a patriarchal society is, therefore, to transmit a dominant ideology: that of masculine superiority.
72 Their goal is to be masculine men and feminine women.
73 First and most obviously perhaps, it shows how homophobia is often integral to a conventional kind of masculine identity.
74 His was a dark, autocratic face,[] with clear-cut features that held an austere masculine beauty.
75 The masculine and feminine positions delineated here are related to polarized versions of the two self-strategies described in previous chapters.
76 A floral shirt softens this masculine look and a riding skirt flatters fuller figures.
77 As if in answer to her wish she heard a heavy, masculine tread on the uncarpeted stairs outside her door.
78 Nature has been banished, technology and its concomitant values reign over a harshly masculine world.
79 I heard from Bridget there's some kind of row going on about masculine endings.
80 It is not until women learn to read that they internalize the masculine schema.
81 But there was nothing quaint about the masculine form that adorned it.
82 Science's masculine image makes it more appealing to boys who are likely to be less emotionally mature.
83 The masculine strategy involves relying on the phallic power to obtain recognition to compensate for this break.
84 All she could smell was the clean masculine scent of Guido's skin.
85 At the most obvious level there are different dress codes to denote masculine and feminine genders.
86 Developing your body and your soul, exercise and suffering, were both facets of a supremely masculine fortification of the spirit.
87 Other male roles, other styles of masculine identity, must be learned or created.
88 Then, when he was five or six years old, he entered a masculine world and his formal schooling began.
89 To what extent do girls act as brakes on, or motivators of, delinquent behaviour in masculine adolescent gang-culture, for example?
90 The quadrature that Lacan describes is that of masculine identity.
91 And in so far as we can use gender imagery for these things the Logos is a masculine principle ....
92 There was only one masculine face.
93 He looked at her with masculine approval.
94 Right nostril is masculine, heat, competitive and force.
95 She has a very masculine laugh.
96 Yet backstage the goings-on were still distinctly masculine.
97 He likes to show off his masculine physique.
98 You have a masculine good sense.
99 Bull, ram, king and actor are masculine.
100 Host is the masculine noun for hostess.
101 Only revealed the masculine reproductive organ Baidu manager not to delete my diary. Good?
102 The early poetry of Ted Hughes, the last English Poet Laureate of the twentieth century, is well known for its masculine and wild style.
103 Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman.
104 Do not get fooled by the symbol of this Zodiac sign! Although it is a feminine sign, the Virgo man is a complete man, with all his maleness and masculine charms!
104 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
105 The first part is quite feminine; soft and sensitive; while the second Polonaise is quite masculine. powerful and full of force.
106 With a faceted design philosophy, the Zizm watch forgoes curves for hard lines and edges that are at once modern and masculine, sharp and futuristic.
107 What meaning is the RHD in blood test is masculine gender?
108 A chart of person face face perusing Qu premier sees the abdomen that the some Han masculine nowise cover up black action and really was subjected to not small impact.
109 Time masculine semination , because inhaled a moment ago the secretion, the seminal fluid is diluted, and has one?
110 Our new manager is a middle - aged masculine looking woman.
111 Their sentiment is so great all the majestic and masculine uprightness between earth and heaven.
112 Ht to the next—unlike here, where the corncob and the string bean remain locked in their rigid masculine roles.
113 The boldly illustrated book, with its images of the colorful circle furniture and of the visionary zippered-jersey masculine sportswear, is a monument to the Pierre Cardin oeuvre.
114 The hydraulic force by which masculine will-power is defeated by feminine water-power.
115 This encouraged me, but the theory was blown by such masculine nouns as murder, toothache, and Rollerblade.
116 It is different from the masculine principle onlooking way begins from the feminine onlooking and the understanding localization, divulging the emotion using the photography technique.
117 Adolescence is a liminal state, between childhood and adulthood, between the feminine and the masculine.
118 This con ten is the syzygy motif, and it expresses the fact that a masculine, element is always paired with a feminine one.
119 Instead, George Lewis Jr's sonics are masculine and upfront, while his lyrics are strung together with sly digs and cruelties.
120 Eck suggest that this may be, in part, a reaction to taking on the active, consuming, masculine role, something they're not supposed to do.
121 This kind of mycoplasma may cause the uropoiesis, the genital tract infection, like non-gonococcus urethritis, feminine vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, masculine prostatitis and so on.
122 Mr Beall added that expressions of pride also exaggerate typically masculine physical features, such as upper body size and muscularity.
123 From Masculine Individuality to Feminine Environmentalism: An Ecofeminist Interpretation of Willa Cather's O Pioneers!
124 In Japan, they consider masculine an edgy haircut lots of colors, dressing crazy like a star.
125 Produce this type of color more masculine, positive psychological impact and uncertainty.
126 The river chart also attempted to describe this kind of condition, diverged to outside, was Masculine line; Also has to contract to in, possibly is Negative line.
127 Experts say the findings indicate that smiling men do not appear to be as strong, powerful or masculine as those who glower or who seem arrogant.
128 In Jungian psychology, the masculine inner personality as present in women.
129 Through to 1 example 82 year old of old age masculine spontaneity aeropleura nursing, sincerely feels the importance which the psychology nurses.
130 The place she lives in , her masculine character and Romanism fortify this inclination , which is also proved in her masterpiece , Wuthering Heights .
131 English nouns can be divided into four categories: masculine, feminine, common and neuter.
132 According to the researchers, stubbly men offer women the best worlds — not too strongly masculine, but mature and with the potential to grow a full beard.
133 With the masculine fruitless gene, females instinctiely lunge to the exclusion of their usual maneuvers.
134 Famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed the concept of the “animus” to better understand the inner masculine side of women.
134 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
135 Many women still regard an all - black look as too masculine, heavy or even funereal.
136 The researchers determined that in damselfly populations with a high ratio of andromorphs to males, these females evolved more masculine features.
137 The artistic humanities channel evening 11:10 will broadcast that suits the masculine looker-in the large-scale historical drama "Zhenguan To govern".
138 Jake finally discovers the pretention of masculinity after he commits iconoclasm, and reconstructs his masculine identity on the basis of genuine heroism.
139 Masculine military style jacket, a black tux complete with a slim, ruffled(), satin shirt.
140 Masculine: Describes wines with more masculine qualities: firmness, power and strength.
141 The river chart also attempted to describe this kind of condition, diverged to outside, was Masculine line(Spot); Also has to contract to in, possibly is Negative line (Spot).
142 An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation.
143 He was clad tonight in white tie and tails, a masculine fashion she had seen only in magazine illustrations.
144 The opera singer has a deep, booming , masculine voice.
145 This gives to feminine masochism a quite different import which can only be laid hold of by clearly grasping first what must be posited at the beginning, namely that it is a masculine phantasy.
146 Those who dissolve two negative is strong bottle, had better be to use masculine gender to come peacemaker, ining that case is namely become the man should pay responsibility to go mediatory .
147 Masculine effect was broad to square silhouette . Men's wear consisted ofa shirt, doublet and hose.
148 For example, the combination of masculine features, large chins , and dominant brow ridges can create an impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling to cooperate, Little said.
149 It has covered masculine and feminine elements Yi Li extremely profoundly as well as is making widely known the cosmic inventory structure style profoundly.
150 It seems to be an oversimplification to say that the positive emphasis is masculine, while the negative emphasis, with a decrescendo toward the climax, is feminine.
151 Such dissonance is related to conflict between the masculine and feminine or the body and soul.
152 Chakras 11 and 12 work together to retain balance between the masculine and feminine sides of the form along with one's life dance, or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity.
153 Then, unhampered by rigid, traditionalist notions of what was masculine or feminine, he put on Grandma's nightclothes and crawled into bed.
154 Before one can embody divine union, the masculine and feminine must cease to be at war with one another within.
155 Like human viral hepatitis, murine Helicobacter hepaticus infection produces inflammation and HCC with a masculine bias.
156 In 1982, Bruce Feirstein published the bestselling "guidebook to all that is truly masculine", Real Men Don't Eat Quiche.
157 Women to fully display the charm of women, gentle, delicate, dependent, self-willed characteristics: male full display masculine men, integrity, strong, courageous, chivalrous, warm character.
158 Masculine health direct relation family, society's harmony and stable, should arouse the entire society'
159 His features are strong and masculine, with an Austrian lip and arched nose, his complexion olive.
160 This Blue Seais a scarce soft color among northwestern masculine sights.
161 Previous time meets, converses are not many, this is normal, explained you are do not like pestering the masculine honest woman comrade.
162 This section man fashion wrist watch exclusive successful man, is the world of wrist watch a series of masculine the representative works of temperament.
163 The Puer also has an "angelic hermaphroditic quality where masculine and feminine are perfectly joined".
164 Vagina is masculine as well,[] while the word masculinity is feminine.
165 Does not have other nervous system masculine bodies to draft, simultaneously the electroencephalogram is normal, on the myoelectrograph demonstrated the muscle fiber trembles and fasciculation wave.
166 He often painted Jane Morris — his best friend's wife, whom Rossetti was in love with and having an affair with — and as his paintings developed, they became more and more masculine.
167 And one made knottier by the idea that some foods are masculine (hamburgers, steak), while others (yoghurt, quiche) are strictly for girls.
168 It would appear that my sister is a poor judge of masculine charm.
169 The motif of using the sheep to punish the jealous woman shows a strong tendency of masculine superiority culture. The dissoluteness of man sugge...
170 Instead, Lewis' sonics are masculine and upfront, while his lyrics are strung together with sly digs and cruelties.
171 Tears: The hydraulic force by which masculine will-power is defeated by feminine water-power.
172 Japan's traditional, female-dominated art of flower arranging is returning to its masculine roots, for an entirely modern reason: it's become a way for male employees to prune away their stress.
173 She presented an intriguing combination of feminine looks with a masculine mind.
174 Meanwhile, it has an outstanding effect for nervous prostration, cardiovascular diseases, masculine sexual dysfunction and gynecopathy .




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