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单词 auburn
释义  Related topics: Colours, Hair & beautyau·burn /ˈɔːbən $ ˈɒːbərn/ adjective  CCDCBauburn hair is a reddish brown colour 〔头发〕红褐色的,茶色的 —auburn noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusauburn• She wears a dark hat, its swath of auburn feather trailing down her back.• Beautiful auburn glitter at the bottom of the glass.• Larger and larger she loomed, with a strand of auburn hair come loose and flashing independently in the sunshine.• A lot of big, gorgeous intimidating auburn hair one found in magazines.• Next to him was a compact woman with straight auburn hair.• She ran her hand approvingly through her wavy auburn hair.Origin auburn (1400-1500) Old French auborne “blond”, from Medieval Latin alburnus “whitish”, from Latin albus “white”; probably influenced by brun, an early form of brownau·burn adjectiveChineseSyllable  brown colour a is reddish hair auburn Corpus




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