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单词 Puzzling
1. The spelling of English is often puzzling.
2. He was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.
3. His very last paintings are perhaps the most puzzling.
4. She's been puzzling over his strange letter for weeks.
5. The old general was puzzling over the old map.
6. It's a rather puzzling film.
7. Gary found her reaction puzzling.
8. His letter poses a number of puzzling questions.
9. This whole business is very puzzling.
10. We are puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.
11. I've been puzzling over all the figures(), trying to find what happened to the missing money.
12. Management are still puzzling about/over how the accident could have happened.
13. This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.
14. I must admit, it's puzzling in the extreme just how these books found their way here.
15. Scientists are puzzling over the results of the research on the drug.
16. She loved the advertisements especially, so gorgeously puzzling.
17. It was an eye-opener, and it was puzzling.
18. Locke's remarks are just as puzzling.
19. Here they still appear as regrettable or puzzling distractions.
20. There is something rather remarkable and puzzling about this description.
21. I was puzzling over the wording of the second paragraph when the phone rang.
22. The puzzling question is why Walker compromised her portrayals like this.
23. Only two questions remained unanswered - the puzzling absence of any sect heavies and Grant's worrying non-return.
24. Puzzling over this, I nearly miss a water rail which scuttles off down a drainage ditch towards the loch of Westsandwick.
25. In especially difficult or puzzling cases, a more specialized evaluation may be conducted by an occupational or physical therapist.
26. If you pin people down, they will tell you some puzzling things about stress.
27. All the standard items, but there were a couple of puzzling additions in a childish hand at the bottom.
28. But there's something else, something more conclusive to link them, but it's more puzzling, too.
29. Mr. Kemp is entitled to his opinions but why he chooses to express them in such flippant and dismissive manner is puzzling.
30. Yet most of these developments fall outside the scope of our expectations and often appear to be puzzling anomalies.
1. The spelling of English is often puzzling.
2. He was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.
31. Detectives puzzling over a motive say the girls were not sexually assaulted.
32. She wished he would stop talking, because something one of them had said had stirred the memory of a puzzling moment.
33. The age and original purpose of this road, like that of many similar green lanes, are puzzling.
34. If we are indeed in such a digestive, living-with-it, period it would explain something which is otherwise puzzling.
35. First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.
36. It must be said that there is something slightly puzzling about a new company attacking on three fronts at once.
37. Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
38. And from time to time there was a puzzling new gurgling sound which we had not noted previously.
39. But this week your hopes could be raised then dashed by a series of puzzling, even infuriating, developments.
40. As she walked, her mind was still puzzling over the mystery of Moloch's peculiar ecology.
41. Flavia spent most of her day puzzling about the stranger.
42. Jan's decision not to take part in the race was very puzzling.
43. Don't you think it's puzzling that no-one noticed them leave?
44. Her mind was taken up with puzzling over a fact which had become increasingly clear the longer she stayed in the apartment.
45. That was the most puzzling aspect of the whole affair, Alexei thought.
46. These workshops are particularly valuable on a historical site that may be indistinct, puzzling and confusing, or extremely complicated.
47. But it has remained as puzzling to modern historians as it was shocking to contemporaries.
48. At this point, I should like to clarify a question or two which the reader may find puzzling,() such as anti-semitism.
49. She was still puzzling over the problem when she saw Joanna's car coming towards her.
50. The police are investigating the puzzling death of a man found on the freeway.
51. Now we see only puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we shall see face to face.
52. These are deep and puzzling questions which will be addressed later in this chapter.
53. He even fired his secretary of state for trying to discuss this puzzling situation with the cabinet.
54. They come to the university with limited experience in applying knowledge, puzzling over solutions, solving problems.
55. Most puzzling was the fact that Mason waited a week to report the crime.
56. Alzheimer's disease is one of medicine's most puzzling and feared illnesses.
57. The results of these experiments were, to say the least, puzzling to the researchers.
58. This was a result of his puzzling over how they made moral decisions.
59. If such non-locality seems puzzling, be prepared for much greater shocks to come. 1.
60. Some of the results of the experiments were puzzling to researchers.
61. The fact that many people still do not understand this basic concept is both puzzling and troubling.
62. The men are recalled with a deliberate and puzzling emotional inconsistency.
63. At home we were soon given the answer to a question which had been puzzling us: Who had saved us?
64. It explains the otherwise puzzling presence of the second, or false, pair of vocal cords.
65. He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts.
66. His explanation was circuitous and puzzling.
67. God is indeed a puzzling figure in her work.
68. The explanation was circuitous and puzzling.
69. I'm still puzzling over it.
70. The vapor lock of light oil swing arm , which is a technical issue to be solved, has been puzzling the people related to oil.
71. Fantastic and grotesque elements that have widespread distribution in myths are especially puzzling.
72. What expatiated by him are the puzzling, bemusement and distress of the generation of youths, who grown up in today's society, to the world.
73. I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.
74. This is puzzling because self-interested children might be expected to behave in precisely the opposite way.
75. This is one of the most puzzling cases I have ever run up against.
76. Mow Sun Wong is a puzzling decision that has had little if any influence.
77. No biographer has been able to explain these puzzling words.
78. They are puzzling through the mazy new rules of the game.
79. It is puzzling too that some scandals of past years are treated so sketchily.
80. Moreover "Van Norman" would still be puzzling, since "Van" calls for a place-name.
81. The puzzling behavior of friends and co - workers finally became comprehensible.
82. Owing to the long history, there are some puzzling problems in historical literature recordation.
83. But the lawyer, Dan Tench, cracked it after a day of puzzling.
84. Some experimentalists may suddenly see an underlying order in nature's most puzzling process.
85. Tangram is puzzling game, including seven pieces of geometric dissections which are separated from a square. It can compose and piece up to over 1,000 Graphics.
86. Boiler water treatment - Additives to treat can provide puzzling flavor results.
87. The Nenets report other curious changes - fewer mosquitoes and a puzzling increase in gadflies.
88. As a little silly girl, I used to sit in the dooryard, watching and puzzling how the rain fell in the middle of the house.
89. What was that mysterious thing? No biographer has been able to explain these puzzling words.
90. "Are you his dormitory?"For the puzzling cachinnation , the teacher be also make careless.
91. The refinery continuously explores new approaches to defeat the emulsification in the processing of atmospheric straight run diesel fuel by caustic washing, which is puzzling refinerys.
92. A universe shaped like a Bugle may sound odd, but it could help explain some puzzling observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation: the relic radiation left over from the big bang.
93. The final piece of this puzzling jigsaw is Linda's gym assistant Chad Feldheimer, played by Pitt with a blithe goofball goodness.
94. The content was mainly related to the the schematic symbol's alter, the operation of terrain and geographical object's property table, authorizing the graphic entity and some other puzzling problems.
95. This shifting register contributes to what is, in the end,(http:///puzzling.html) a rather puzzling read.
96. A sub-satellite of the Saturnian moon would explain two of the most puzzling features of Iapetus.
97. According to the cuneiform tablets, Sumerians found God's most puzzling act to be the creation from dust of the first two human beings.
98. The Regent found the idea odd-as he had the puzzling gerontocracy the Robotech Masters had favored.
99. If we follow the Path patiently and with diligence, train and purify ourselves one day realize it within ourselves-without taxing ourselves with puzzling and high-sounding words.
100. Even more puzzling is the ban on short selling German financial stocks.




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