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单词 Advances
1. Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps. 
2. Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps. 
3. She resisted his amorous advances .
4. There have been great advances in the treatment of cancer.
5. He made amorous advances to one of his students.
6. She accused her boss of making advances to her.
7. She always advances against difficulties.
8. He made advances to her.
9. Share prices showed significant advances today.
10. Military technology advances by fits and starts.
11. She rejected his unwelcome advances.
12. Amanda had rejected his amorous advances.
13. A colleague made unwelcome sexual advances towards her.
14. He had made advances to one of his students.
15. Most research proceeds by small incremental advances.
16. Recent advances in genetics have raised moral questions.
17. Technology advances by fits and starts.
18. She rejected his sexual advances.
19. Technological advances are the chief agents of change.
20. The country has made great advances since independence.
21. She refused his advances.
22. Advances in technology would, it was hoped, improve the quality of life.
23. The bank has made some heavy advances to the business.
24. Advances in microchip technology have made these cameras smaller and cheaper and affordable to the mass market.
25. Technological advances in computing and telecommunications will reduce the need for many people to travel to work.
26. Recent advances in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.
27. Research on animals has led to some important medical advances.
28. Older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.
29. My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.
30. Research in the field of genito-urinary medicine has led to significant health advances in the last decade.
1. She resisted his amorous advances .
2. There have been great advances in the treatment of cancer.
3. Research on animals has led to some important medical advances.
4. Older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.
31. Advances in chip technology have made it possible to pack even more circuits on a chip.
32. Recent advances in information technology have led to important changes in the operation of offices.
33. These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science.
34. This button advances the tape to the beginning of the next track.
35. It was under the emperor Justinian that these advances were made.
36. She repulsed his advances.
37. Despite all the advances in modern medicine, demand for alternative therapies and faith healing keeps growing.
38. Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s.
39. As autumn advances the days close in and the hours of light become fewer and fewer.
40. We need more money if we are to make any further advances in this area of science.
41. The witness said that he 'went berserk' when she rejected his sexual advances .
42. Advances in technology have improved crop yields by over 30%.
43. She spurned his advances.
44. He made bold advances to a woman sitting next to him.
45. As regards a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.
46. There were huge advances in aviation technology during World War Two.
47. It is beyond dispute that advances in medicine have enabled people to live longer.
48. Recent advances in biotechnology have raised serious moral questions.
49. I do not think this presentation advances the arguments.
50. These advances always share certain characteristics: 1.
51. Secondly, there have been important conceptual advances.
52. Competition among capitalist entrepreneurs fostered these rapid advances.
53. Mary rejected Tony's amorous advances.
54. His career developed as a series of rapid advances.
55. Moreover,[http:///advances.html] technological advances compound engine makers' problems.
56. Conclusion Future advances will depend largely on molecular biologists and palaeontologists, although no data-source should be neglected.
57. Barclaycard, for example, has an international rescue number and will arrange emergency cash advances or replacement cards.
58. Wild animals are not alone in suffering from some of the technological advances of modern agriculture.
59. It seems quite likely for I recall from courting days that my own amorous advances met with much the same response.
60. Medical advances in recent years have made male and female sterilisation simpler and more acceptable to many people.
61. If they read a few textbooks they would find out that more major medical advances have depended on animal studies.
62. As the dust settles, significant advances can be seen in three areas.
63. They are also encouraged to make connections between medical and scientific advances and changes in human society.
64. At the same time, great advances have been made in finding out how best to use the many drugs now available.
65. However, affluence and technological advances have created new kinds of safety hazards for people who live in Western society.
66. There was a degree of continuity in the sense that specific advances in understanding were achieved from within a magical framework.
67. Likewise, during the frigid eras of ice sheet advances, numerous brief episodes of extreme warming occurred.
68. One might believe that, in common with advances made in the understanding of many other diseases, we now know better.
69. Major advances in overcoming this difficulty have been made by using antibodies to distinguish between cells that seem very similar.
70. The First World War saw enormous advances in flight technology, and Glasgow was a major centre for aircraft production.
71. Like all great software advances, in retrospect it was obvious: the very desktop to which the knowledge worker was bound.
72. The latter, meanwhile, settled in and around Madrid and concentrated upon advances elsewhere.
73. The Population Council also announced it had set up a new company, Advances for Choice, to sell the drug.
74. Thus research into colonic motor function remains a challenging and potentially rewarding area where progress has been facilitated by recent technological advances.
75. To its credit, the clock boasted two important new advances.
76. One answer lies in the technological advances that make it possible to operate with fewer people.
77. To the majority of performers, cash advances of any substance were a rarity, contracts a thing only of myth.
78. He is quite insistent in his amorous advances despite the patent lack of response.
79. Mergers, cutting down, restructuring, and technological advances have increased the intensity of the winds of change.
80. I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. Henry David Thoreau 
81. It doesn't stop there though, it advances into the basic components of a computer.
82. Advances in portable computers are an important factor that is likely to lead to increased use of mobile data communication.
83. The progress made since 1970 came about through a number of technical advances.
84. Salutary, because I am made more aware of the advances made in developing the nursing role in health care.
84. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
85. As it turned out, this rejection of Hopper's advances was the wisest career move Nicholson ever made.
86. Specifically, the impact of recent advances by blacks in local government is assessed.
87. But have they? Experts disagree on whether advances in technology have helped or hurt human communication.
88. In the broader market, declining issues led advances 15-13 on volume of 675 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange.
89. Organisational studies Recent advances in information technology have led to important changes in the operation of offices.
90. Yet these earlier occupants would marvel at the advances in crop production.
91. Being purely quantitative measures, they fail to illuminate qualitative advances.
92. She refused his advances and confounded a multitude of scholars assembled by him to overcome her scruples.
93. To some extent the advances made in our primary schools in the wake of the Plowden Report have been squandered.
94. Recent advances in remote sensing and computer based processing of digital imagery may overcome such problems.
95. In certain cases, a prior mortgagee may make further advances to the mortgagor which will rank in priority to subsequent mortgages.
96. Advances in medical science have eliminated the need for many patients to spend long periods of time in hospital.
97. In spite of this he was sexually very experienced and attractive to women and found it difficult to turn down their advances.
98. These fears were, strongest at a time when great advances in social security were coinciding with great economic progress.
99. For example, the computer industry and telecommunications are now converging as technology advances.
100. Those who were dubious or just cautious missed out on historic advances in financial asset values.
101. Properly used, it seems to me that quantitative methods can only lead to advances in our subject.
102. Far from portraying the scientists as all-knowing seers, Hafner and Lyon show how their biggest advances came through serendipity.
103. However, the current situation is likely to change over the next few years, as major advances in technology take place.
104. The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.
105. Even the washing machine and tumble drier have long been overtaken by advances in white goods technology.
106. Production becomes more important to the leader as his or her rating advances on the horizontal scale.
107. The paracelsian mercurials represented one of the small handful of important therapeutic advances made before the present century.
108. Lincoln was not an abolitionist, advocating instead that slavery be allowed no further advances.
109. Significant advances will be marked by the confirmation of bold conjectures or the falsification of cautious conjectures.
110. This examines the impact of deregulation and advances in technology on the operations of financial firms.
111. And advances in computer screens mean many can display as many as 64 million shades of color.
112. And they have tried to ensure that the reading level continually advances.
113. Nine people have been charged with conspiring to obtain mortgage advances by deception from various building societies.
114. Despite all the technological advances of science, it seemed survival still depended on the action of a man.
115. From the first, these universal histories represented both scientific advances and political and religious challenges.
116. In 1913, advances in smelting technology led to the closing of the furnace at the Rusk prison.
117. Banks also make other currency advances to traders, multinational corporations and sovereign governments.
118. Some of them were closely connected with those already in existence but they also sprang from advances in science and technology.
119. This unlikely concoction was one of the more important pharmacological advances in the history of medicine, albeit for the wrong reasons.
120. Its development has led to great advances in the miniaturisation of electronic components. 13.
121. The last 20 years have seen enormous advances in communications technology.
122. He had also threatened to make false claims of homosexual advances.
123. California advances all sorts of reasons why Mr Clinton should not bother.
124. It was made possible by the explosion of production, of resources, food, scientific information, and medical advances.
125. Other medical advances were often the subject of rather more hesitation.
126. The gathering and concentration of craft workers into the temples seems to have stimulated technical advances of many kinds.
127. Significant technological advances in underwater excavation and recovery are proving a mixed blessing in the field of marine archaeology.
128. On the other hand, past concerns have been solved by technological advances.
129. Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character. George Bernard Shaw 
130. The remaining three elements are variants of benefiting from technical advances made abroad.
131. While this step awaits technical advances, cleaner fuels for cars and lorries, such as methanol, are urged for immediate use.
132. The Halifax is currently offering advances of up to 97 per cent of the value of the property.
133. Douglas made notable advances in archaeological method fully appreciating the value of dating by association within and between grave groups.
134. The State advances two primary arguments in support of its system of compulsory education.
135. However(), I don't see the point of fighting off one set of advances only to capitulate to the next.
136. Advances in molecular biology in recent years have served to emphasize the possible relationships between homoeopathy, immunology and genetics.
137. Even with these advances I am sure that diabetic care will focus on helping patients to care for themselves effectively.
138. Money both big advances against royalties and generous royalty rates once a record began to make a profit-were powerful inducements.
139. In theoretical physics, the search for logical self-consistency has always been more important in making advances than experimental results.
140. Biotechs are among those expected to attract a whack of capital as the Baby Boomers age and the study of genomics advances.
141. It is only by renting your equipment that you can keep fully up to date with advances in home entertainment technology.
142. They blew their cash on Monopoly-money advances for a few celebs.
143. The fundamental advances have come theoretically through discoveries about the properties of various non-linear difference and differential equations.
144. Certainly, as regards astronomy, no advances were made; in fact,[/advances.html] just the opposite occurred.
145. You may also negotiate cash advances from your bank, using the bill of exchange as security.
146. News and Views articles inform non-specialist readers about new scientific advances, sometimes in the form of a conference report.
147. All these advances have been real, even when dogged by the ills of which I told you.
148. But it makes advances, also in the traditional relationship an artist has with a record company.
149. The clearing banks used to change their interest rates on advances and deposits automatically by the same amount that Bank rate changed.
150. Advances in computer technology are now so fast only computers themselves can keep pace with the data.
151. Producing qualified workers is a project that gets progressively more difficult as economic development advances.
152. The bathrooms were welcomed with delight, and standards of popular cleanliness made great advances.
153. When she declined his advances, he entrusted her to a matron of a sinful house.
154. Freedom to charge higher rents will reopen some doors but the court orders still necessary to remove tenants could block real advances.
155. The buy-out advances Nissan's supply chain restructuring and gives Vantec independence to pursue third party business aggressively.
156. They therefore had a monopoly on technological advances and the dynamics of capitalist production.
157. In recent years, however, the situation has been changing significantly, and psychologists have made important advances.
158. The essential design of a grand piano, apart from incremental technical advances, has not changed for more than a century.
159. Most of this century's scientific advances stemmed from intellectual curiosity, not a desire to patent.
160. There had been enormous economic advances, which had been possible only on a basis of mutual assistance.
161. Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
162. Stockholm: Sharp gains in Volvo and Ericsson shares dominated a moderate session in which prices generally fell back from early advances.
163. Competition and complementarity between systems are being stressed, together with an assessment of likely technological advances.
164. Music when it advances into more subtle and profound regions[], explores new emotions that will never be encompassed by words.
165. Materials Technology Division showed significant advances over last year which are particularly gratifying given the management attention focused on this business.
166. He hesitates, then advances with a degree of caution uncommon with him.
167. Technological advances will soon allow users to send colour pictures, music and even video clips instead of just plain text.
168. As such it must rank as one of the most fundamental scientific advances of the century.
169. Dr Martineau had written an article about advances in medicine over the last five years.
170. Those whose husbands were away went in constant dread of advances made to them by Allied soldiers in the area.
171. Slow advances in the police investigation came as the outpouring of condolences to Bill Cosby and his family continued.
172. Technological advances have taken much of the drudgery out of the assembly line and car plant.
173. The ever-increasing flow of scientific and technological advances is of little significance to a rural population living at or below subsistence level.
174. Advances in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years.
174. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
175. In high spirits, his father was talking about the immense advances made in forensic science in recent years.
176. These advances, which have had an impact in both basic and applied research, are again spread widely among the disciplines.
177. Research processes vary between and within discipline; most really significant advances in knowledge come about through the application of several techniques.
178. Such advances are helping to chip away local employer prejudice against recruiting from the estate.
179. She had on several occasions fobbed off my clumsy advances with great ease and much friendliness.
180. And thanks to two recent advances, researchers had hopes of probing these tiny anomalies.
181. Walks. The body advances, while the mind flutters around it like a bird. Jules Renard 
182. He advances gaily to the archbishop.
183. It leads to the dramatic advances in astronomical photography.
184. They hailed the advances audio has made.
185. Much of this conceptual material will become invalid as our knowledge of cardiac function advances.
186. Innovation. Purposeful creativity that effects change and advances the business.
187. The captain made her advances that filled her with sickening dismay.
188. These civic advances came at a price already beginning to be evident before the Civil War.
189. This subject has made appreciable advances in the past few years.
190. Recent advances in reproductive endocrinology are primarily due to the development of radioimmunoassay.
191. The advances in communications altered the nature of information processing.
192. The ignition - distributor vacuum - advance mechanism advances the spark during part - throttle operation.
192. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
193. There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data on suspected terrorists.
194. While Germany slowly dismembers Czechoslovakia and Japan advances in to China Italy has grander plans.




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