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单词 Marvel
1 We paused to marvel at the view.
2 It's a marvel that he escaped unhurt.
3 The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.
4 One can only marvel at the way the building has been constructed.
5 He's a marvel of patience.
6 Your room is a marvel of neatness and order.
7 I never cease to marvel at his stupidity.
8 This miniature TV is the latest technological marvel from Japan.
9 Visitors to Rome marvel over the beauty of the city.
10 I marvel that she agreed to do something so dangerous.
11 It's a marvel how they've managed to build the tunnel so quickly.
12 It's a marvel that he wasn't killed in the car crash.
13 The bridge is an engineering marvel.
14 Here are some Marvel comic characters.
15 The marvel is that more is different.
16 The linguini with mussels marinara was yet another marvel.
17 We marvel at its stupidity, its gullibility.
18 Ordinarily we could marvel and celebrate without any deeper pang of fear.
19 His solo was a marvel of sound, subtlety, and musicality.
20 We're using a Matrox Marvel card and this has an external connection pod.
21 I marvel at the way so great a power is falling so gentle on the earth.
22 It's not the young lovers I marvel at, but the older ones, such as one couple I see regularly.
23 Close inspection makes one marvel at the intricate perfection of nature opposed to the finest fashion houses.
24 I marvel, too, at the confidence exhibited by the hosts of such shows.
25 Marvel at the products of the local potteries at Norton and Crambeck.
26 She works so hard in spite of her illness: she's a marvel!
27 I don't know how he did it - he's an absolute marvel!
28 He could do one poem with sixty verses without pause, and Sir Emmanuel would listen and marvel at his ability.
29 Presented with a diagram of the alimentary canal, he tended to marvel at its artistry rather than study its efficiency.
30 Until the combine appeared, the self-binder had been the mechanical marvel of the farm machinery industry for forty years.
1 We paused to marvel at the view.
2 The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.
3 One can only marvel at the way the building has been constructed.
31 I walked down it from the top to bottom and could only marvel at the way it had been constructed.
32 And the engineering marvel turned out to be a slow-motion natural disaster.
33 As we flipped to side B, we could only marvel at this peculiar resurgence of vinyl.
34 Sarah Wood was another medal marvel in the 16 years age group.
35 And I marvel at how two conflicting philosophies could shoot out in opposite directions and then somehow manage to connect.
36 Comics stores across the country have been shuttered,() and even the mighty Marvel Comics has filed for bankruptcy protection.
37 It was as if all creation conspired here to show people the mystery and the marvel of love.
38 Yet these earlier occupants would marvel at the advances in crop production.
39 By 1875 Atchison could boast of a railroad bridge spanning the Missouri, a mechanical marvel that turned in order to open.
40 I could only sit and marvel that some things are the same the world over.
41 The attraction here is the chance to hear the stuff live and to marvel at the harmonies and pristine sound.
42 A properly working Macintosh is a marvel, but a Macintosh with an undiagnosed software problem is slow torture.
43 And that was the marvel that sent my spirits soaring!
44 I marvel who these wretches could be, moving in such numbers, and so heavily armed.
45 At Cheltenham there are leeks to marvel at ... and onions which would make any eye water.
46 Suddenly every finger was a marvel and a joy to him.
47 These true-life oases in the middle of a desert are a marvel of nature.
47 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
48 Nope, Patricia Marvel says, in this town, you really have to have a gimmick.
49 In retrospect I marvel at how the problem arose and was resolved.
50 A marvel of subtlety, sophistication and seemingly telepathic interplay, the album eschews the standard variations-on- a-theme jazz approach.
51 And it is not the only marvel to perish in this continent.
52 Sleep-deprived viewers in altered states of consciousness can marvel at the jaw-dropping splendor of animated Cecil B.. DeMille shots.
53 Champion recovered from cancer during 1979 / 80 to make a recovery that the whole nation could marvel at.
54 Under the concentrated fire from front and flank, the marvel is that any escaped.
55 Another generation will grow accustomed to their beauty, and no longer marvel at them.
56 But all parties marvel at the way Meier has managed to take advantage of the site.
57 Aldo Leopold was neither the first nor the last to marvel at them.
58 The Minneapolis Marvel has left an indelible imprint on her.
59 Stanley Gascgoine, a green marvel with a two-pronged attack, left foot, right foot or head.
60 And yet I would marvel as he accepted police escorts to whisk him past screaming teenyboppers to court at Wimbledon.
61 But such wonder, such admiration, has its firmest basis in the discovery by faith of the marvel that is man.
62 Indeed, anyone who has seen her perform can not fail to marvel.
63 They continue to marvel at his 6-foot-5 build, amazing speed and quickness and superior skills.
64 Viewers are excused the demanding task of following the logic of a Horizon exposition; the important thing is to marvel.
65 A tea-bag, a spoon of Marvel milk-powder, and the green plastic mug was steaming triumphantly by my side.
66 Shut eyes, tranquilize down to need marvel to appear.
67 Yet so eccentric that all marvel at her.
68 Mr. Thomas Marvel hated roomy shoes.
69 They heard Marvel squeal like a caught leveret.
70 You marvel at his capacity for work.
71 The abattoir was once a marvel.
72 I marvel at the felicity of his style.
73 They may love her or fear for her, but mostly they simply marvel at her existence, at the delicious unlikeliness of such platinum innocence.
74 A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England, the scanning electron microscope.
75 Sir Lawrence's subtle narrative a marvel of concision, even over more than 500 pages.
76 In the Marvel Comics adaptation of Star Wars, the confrontation remains intact, but Jabba is a tall humanoid with a walrus-like face, a scraggly topknot, and a bright uniform.
77 Today visitors come by the thousands - the great and simple of - all in a spirit of marvel.
78 A Barman, a policeman(http://), and a cabman awaited the Invisible Man's arrival after hiding Marvel.
79 Indeed, the Serengeti ecosystem provides a paradise of animal life that a marvel to behold.
80 Will they succeed or will the Predators eliminate the Marvel Universe one character at a time?
81 The American City of St. Louis, Missouri — often called the Gateway to the West — is perhaps best known for a towering, architectural marvel.
82 Want in the breeze of the night to marvel, knock to open lonesome heartstring for you.
83 But for now, I marvel at this saving grace, And Im full of praise once again.
84 With the Brain Builder, a combination of the Pete's Carbolic Acid and the Mind Marvel, you can have that grey matter for the small price of your physical prowess!
85 You have no choice but to marvel at the pureness and expressiveness of his golden pipes.
86 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel?
87 The kangaroo , with its long, muscular hind legs, is a marvel of fitness.
88 Personally, he did not attempt to analyse the marvel of a saintly woman.
89 Beta Ray Bill comes with the hover base, Captain Marvel comes with the control panel, The Wasp comes with the legs, Moon Knight comes with the left arm.
90 That's the question on the lips of Marvel fans after the events ofof M.
91 The latest film, based on the Marvel comic character, sees Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) fighting two new baddies, Venom and sandman.
92 Conan the Barbarian is also the title of a Gnome Press collection of stories published in 1954, a comic published by Marvel Comics beginning in 1970, and a film and its novelization in 1982.
93 Martin, who was extremely strong-headed, marvelled at the other's capacity for liquor, and ever and anon broke off to marvel at the other's conversation.
94 We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, the methods of testing a person's knowledgeability remain as primitive as ever they were.
95 Even now scientists marvel at the daring of general relativity.
96 Wonderful. I think my friends will marvel at the craftsmanship as well.
97 You must picture Mr. Thomas Marvel as a person of copious, flexible visage.
98 That's the question on the lips of Marvel fans after the events of House of M.
99 The oral contraceptive pill, known simply as "the pill, " is a marvel of modern chemistry.
100 She's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy.
101 That rock we were camped against was a marvel It was thirty feet high and thirty feet at base, a perfect square almost, and twisted trees arched over it and peeked down on us.
102 The oral contraceptive pill, known simply as "the pill, " is a marvel of modern chemistry. It's the most popular form of birth control in the United States.
103 MARVEL Space travel is one of the marvels of our time.
104 Niagara Falls is one of the greatest marvel in the world.
105 Thomson said the telephone was " the greatest marvel hitherto achieved by the electric telegraph ".
106 All the women , to sum up, agreed that she was a perfect marvel.
107 I think my friends will marvel at the craftsmanship as well.
108 This architectonic marvel has become the symbol of the city.
109 Barman, a policeman(http://), and a cabman awaited the Invisible Man's arrival after hiding Marvel.
110 Mr Marvel was suddenly whirled about and started marching off in a curious spasmodic manner.
111 As if willed to live by Diana's determination, Danae clung to life hour after hour, with the help of every medical machine and marvel her miniature body could endure.




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