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单词 Continuation
1. War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means. 
2. He argued for a continuation of the search.
3. The continuation of the meeting was delayed until the next day.
4. War is famously'the continuation of policy by other means '.
5. The years 2000 - 01 saw the continuation of the university's planned expansion.
6. The present economic policy is a continuation of the earlier one.
7. This road is a continuation of the motorway.
8. Her new book is a continuation of her autobiography.
9. Continuation of play after the tea interval was ruled out by rain.
10. It would just be a continuation of previous visits he has made to Israel.
11. The continuation of the strike caused a lot of poverty.
12. They are anxious to ensure the continuation of the economic reform programme.
13. This year saw a continuation in the upward trend in sales.
14. He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year.
15. It's just a continuation of the bigger river,[ ] but called by a different name.
16. His research could be seen as a natural continuation of the work done by Professor Lang.
17. The Baltic Sea is a continuation of the North Sea.
18. There are plans to build a continuation of the by-pass next year.
19. I took it for a continuation.
20. Surely the neo-realists would not hope for the continuation of war and poverty just because it gave them good material.
21. With the continuation of the disorders into 1968, the administration shifted its emphasis - to that of riot control.
22. The truce also provided for the continuation of discussions about a permanent peace between the two realms.
23. It's the coalition forces who are to blame for the continuation of the war.
24. In a very real sense, post - war repression was the continuation of the war.
25. The success of the project depends critically on the continuation of this funding.
26. In the first place, the scheme only operates for five years, with no guarantee of continuation.
27. In this way, the naming and shaming crisis is a continuation of the Tony Martin story.
28. What could we point to if some one chose the latter continuation, to show that he was wrong?
29. Any diminution in the number of survivors would imperil the chance for continuation.
30. There seems to be nothing in the early stages of the series which could support one continuation against the other.
1. The continuation of the meeting was delayed until the next day.
2. War is famously'the continuation of policy by other means '.
3. The years 2000 - 01 saw the continuation of the university's planned expansion.
4. It's the coalition forces who are to blame for the continuation of the war.
5. The present economic policy is a continuation of the earlier one.
6. In a very real sense, post - war repression was the continuation of the war.
7. His research could be seen as a natural continuation of the work done by Professor Lang.
31. The continuation order has no bearing on arrangements for next year's pay settlement.
32. A continuation of the softly, softly approach, raising rates in quarter-point increments, therefore seems appropriate.
33. They favor continuation of Puerto Rico's status as a U.S. commonwealth.
34. After completing your continuation training you will be drafted to a seagoing vessel for up to two and a half years.
35. Continuation of this trend will eventually require investment in capacity expansion in the Middle East.
36. He got into trouble once too often and wound up in continuation school.
37. By a 45-vote majority the Congress supported the continuation of the monetary reform policy freezing an estimated US$115,000 million in private financial assets.
38. So, a sort of ignominious continuation - Elvis Costello's thirty-third album!
39. The two issued a joint statement calling for the continuation of negotiations between the two blocs.
40. The Centre supports the continuation of limited ivory trading, in defiance of an international ban.
41. Anything less is not a change but only a continuation of the flux.
42. This was evidenced by the continuation of her long-established teaching methods and forms of classroom organisation between sessions with the advisory teacher.
43. A continuation of wartime industrial conscription was a popular choice.
44. This consideration has resulted in continuation of the same procedures with some minor modifications for the second phase of pilot schemes.
45. His benefit package may include the payment of school fees for his children and the continuation of pension arrangements.
46. In any case, the continuation of the war was forcing the revolution to dig much deeper than the topsoil of reforms.
47. The path least likely to cause trouble appears to be the continuation of direct rule from Westminster.
48. Take the track which is a continuation of the access road to the Arnside Knott car park.
49. Most of all, Nixon justified the continuation of the war by raising the issue of the POWs held by Hanoi.
50. But while the Raiders enjoyed this victory, they also understand the need for continuation.
51. Observers have pointed to the potential contradictions of a self-help project which is heavily reliant for its continuation on external funding.
52. This policy of constant education must inevitably extend to the continuation of the educational process beyond normal school-leaving age.
53. The past 30 years has seen a continuation of the break-up of the old landlord and tenant system.
54. The Faculty sees no logic in basing the fuel scale charge on cost and therefore supports the continuation of the present system.
55. A referendum on Pinochet's continuation in power was put to the voters.
56. What is happening now is a continuation of the colonial war that Moscow relaunched in 1999 to get Putin elected.
57. The plan provided for large-scale modernization and renovation of public housing and the continuation of some housing subsidies for new construction.
58. This would weaken the fight against oppression and allow a continuation of oppressive practices.
59. The continuation of farming is not so much the objective of the Directive but the means to attain its objectives.
60. At the same time limited continuation of guerrilla activity would continue indefinitely.
61. The continuation of family traditions is important to many immigrants.
62. The Gulf of Mexico is a continuation of the Caribbean Sea.
63. These works can be partly seen as a continuation of the nineteenth-century tradition of exotic genre such as depictions of slave girls.
64. It enables borders to be woven as an integral part of the carpet allowing continuation of the design without mitred corners.
65. Repeated statements to this effect at previous summits had been followed by inaction and the continuation of intra-community trade barriers.
66. The Conservative achievement in the 1980s was to put Labour on the defensive by presenting Thatcherism as a continuation of historic Conservatism.
67. In addition, Fortunatus's panegyrics are a revival, if not a continuation, of the form in which Sidonius had excelled.
68. Radical plans for the railway network will be pushed through in parallel with the continuation of the huge road-building programme.
69. Thank you for questioning the continuation of this anti-communist triumphalism.
70. There is, however, a need for a further continuation order, for entirely technical reasons.
71. Mr Venables is pleading for a continuation of a court injunction preventing his removal from White Hart Lane by the board.
72. Note that continuation lines may be indicated by entering a hyphen sign after any of the closing square brackets.
73. Representatives of the defence industries of the four countries also lobbied for the continuation of the project.
74. The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota.
75. Sudden bleeding or continuation of lochia.
76. This lesson is a continuation of our last lesson.
77. This Form includes the following Continuation Sheet(s).
78. This is the continuation of the story.
79. Wave equation downward and upward continuation filtering.
80. Comma,'',[Sentence dictionary] or a valid expression continuation expected.
81. Traffic network has strong extensity and Continuation.
82. It is simply your Continuation Day.
83. Sima Biao's Xuhanshu (continuation of historiography of han dynasty)was annotated by Liu Zhao. As an annotation bookmaking , it's a distinguished achievement in Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasties.
84. We could expect a continuation of the inverse relation between yields and the dollar.
85. The new RACE service is a continuation of HP's work with DISA.The approach gives DISA customers a new way to pay for computing power.
86. But as the core of the method based on an instabile downward continuation operator, the method is of inefficacy in application.
87. In 2009 Erika Harrsch developed the project "United States of North America" which is a continuation with the Monarch Butterfly subject, this time opening up a dialogue on nationality and immigration.
88. In the viewpoint of continuation, security principle of building has extended wildly in its extension and intension under the theory frame of continuable architecture.
89. Now , turn to page 88 for the continuation of this story.
90. Probing into brand inchoation, continuation and innovation in retail trade becomes importance writings which are best full of challenge and determination in the retail theory position.
91. Go walk with the strikers, and you'll start to feel that the strike is less an about-face from July's atmosphere than a continuation of it.
92. If an expression extends beyond a single line, you must use the line continuation character.
93. Modern Druidism (a. k. a. Modern Druidry) is a continuation of the 18th-century revival and is thus thought to have some, though not many, connections to the Ancient Religion.
94. Based on double square - root operator wavefield continuation , the author developed a new prestack velocity analysis method.
95. Traditional values emphasise conventional family life and the continuation of blood lines.
96. Rest, the short-term technical indicators are still good continuation of a rebound in the afternoon.
97. The study results show that these methods are very effective to solve BVP. Especially, the fixed-point method and the continuation method can save computing time and memory element.
98. The sixth chapter is about Ned Kelly and his legend living into a fully Kelly literature, and the continuation of such legend in ANZAC during the First World War.
99. The results of field test showed that adopting cascade geophone pattern can be results of good continuation of phase, enhanced amplitude and high signal-to-noise ratio on the records.
100. A non-interior continuation method is proposed. The global linear convergence and local quadratic convergence of the algorithm are obtained.
101. This is a continuation of the collaboration with the Oryx / Signavio team in providing web-based editing of BPMN2 processes.
102. By offering a stateful programming model without giving up the scalability inherent in statelessness,[http:///continuation.html] continuation servers make Web application development much easier.
103. Moreover, continuation training courses were also arranged for 76 in - service Probationary Station Officers.
104. As for a working theory, the best we could do on short notice was to assume that this attack was a continuation of the earlier one on the Saudi National Guard headquarters.
105. The basic pattern is to obtain the Continuation from the current request, call suspend(), and wait until your asynchronous event arrives.
106. On a double fault you go to sudden-death elimination. It's Continuation Rule 113-D.
107. A preferential continuation operator derived from Wiener filter and Green's equivalent layer principles is used to separate the anomaly caused by the shall.
108. In flowcharting, a connector that indicates a point at which a flowline is broken for continuation at another point.
109. In addition, the continuation sheets will be numbered to indicate the number of continuation sheet(s) in a carnet.
110. When the CLP encounters the line continuation character, it reads the next line and concatenates both lines.
111. Compared care institutions, the continuation of active capital position more to restore market confidence.
112. After the continuation opens, carry forward traditional constructionion, transfer constructionion distillation, select its essence, throw away its dreg to develop.
113. In the end, whether or not we welcome the continuation of the old shamanistic relation between the gravely ill and their doctors, it is probably humanly inevitable.
114. In the meantime, a continuation of public comment can only ruin us all around.
115. Continuation of the Guvnor repository currently part of the Drools project.
116. For a generation that knew only violence growing up, these aggressive games offer a logical continuation to lives lived in hardscrabble conditions.
117. These two boundary value problems can be easily solved by using the conformal mapping and the harmonic function continuation techniques.
118. Anamorphism is usually considered a form of Illusion or Trompe loeil, but is really the logical mathematical continuation of Perspective.
119. The interfusion and continuation of design and art have advanced the popular of art.
120. Fourier finite difference operator can be adopted to ensure good fidelity of seismic wave field in wave field continuation of complicated geology structure, bringing high quality image.
121. On the contrary, downward continuation is one of the most difficult operations in conversion and processing of potential field, because of the high frequency oscillation effect.
122. Lenin quoted Clausewitz, " War is the continuation of politics by other means. "
123. In fact, it's been six years since they had such negotiations," he said, adding that the February 2 Quartet meeting is a continuation of international efforts to support the peace initiative.
124. The states of an action include progression, continuation, and completion. In Chinese adverbs and aspectual particles are often used to express the state of an action.
125. Many Americans see Japan's economic juggernaut as a continuation of war by other means.
126. Trade creditors are likely to be interested in an enterprise over a shorter period than lenders unless they are dependent upon the continuation of the enterprise as a major customer.
127. Continuation power flow method, the strong tool of voltage stability analysis, can overcome the problem of singularity of Jacobin matrix when running close to collapse point.
128. Yes, this continuation ( line , move ) was elaborated by grandmaster X.
129. The founding fathers compromised , permitting the continuation of the slave trade through 1808.
130. The method of regularization and the technique of upper and lower solutions are employed to show the local existence and the continuation of the positive classical solution of the above problem.
131. It, s a continuation which terrified in another way of the sacker : Attack from the predatory loaner!
132. So,[http:///continuation.html] the problem of reactive power constrains of generator at slack bus should be considered when calculating the load margin and critical voltage by using the method of continuation power flow.
133. "Eight of coagulation factor" is in most healthy people may be unfamiliar words, but it's in hemophiliacs is the continuation of life, hope.
134. A price formation that can either signal a reversal or a continuation of price movement.
135. Tail docked at approximately second joint, appears to be a continuation of the spine, and is carried only slightly above the horizontal when the dog is alert.
136. During designs for rebuilding and continuation, there are succession and even more creation in inosculation of traditional and modern building.
137. But from judicial practice, the verdict overthrows first instance procedure, led the case to a condition of untried and makes a defendant confronted with the continuation of taking into custody.
138. If you use continuation servers pervasively, the user experience will change.
139. This scenario will prove out a continuation of a downtrend.
140. The gland wall is a continuation of the carotid wall and consists of intima ultima.
141. Prestack migration of common shot records is very sensitive to the velocity input, and demands a kind of continuation formula which can adapt to both vertical and lateral velocity variations.
142. Aeromagnetic data downward continuation to sea level instead of marine magnetic survey data can improve use capability of survey data.
143. His hosts briefed him about theDarwinplan, explaining it as continuation of a longstanding military partnership under the ANZUS Treaty signed in 1951.
144. The May number of the magazine will contain an exciting continuation of the story.
145. We always consider the Chinese revolution ( as ) a continuation of the Great october Socialist Revolution.
146. In stroke play, the ball the player hit out of bounds was a wrong ball, and the ball played under Rule 27-1 was a continuation of the play of that wrong ball.
147. The campaigns of Democrats Baraka Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton dismissed the McCain plan as a continuation of George Bush's policies.
148. Several lessons learnt from the effort to expand treatment have provided us with valuable guidance for the continuation of efforts towards universal access to treatment.
149. The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.
150. If a line begins with a single space, it is considered a continuation of the previous line (even if the previous line is a comment) and the single leading space is removed.
151. This follow-up edition presents a continuation and expansion of the techniques presented in Scale Studies, with a special emphasis on chordal concepts.
152. Micromagnetic anomaly can be separated from strong background field by applying wavenumber -domain up-down continuation to the processing of aeromagnetic data in L area.
153. The system has high accuracy and resolution ratio, automation degree is high. It has continuation and peak value collecting function, can store and printing text result.
154. Crude stabilization is the continuation of routine oil - gas Separation.
155. Now the main methods of calculating the power system transmission capability are continuation power flow calculating method (CPF method) and optimal power flow calculating method (OPF method).
156. The transition time allows for the continuation of the days activities for breakfast or dinner.
157. Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology.
158. Listen in to this station tomorrow for the continuation of the story.
159. Many traders forecast a continuation of the market's recent bearish trend.
160. In the last, we give some suggestions to raise their continuation property.
161. Note: The backslash character at the end of the first line in the command shown above is used only as a mechanism to indicate a line continuation.
162. What we'll see in the future is, in fact, a continuation of that trend.
162. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
163. A lot of his viewpoints, which were considered heterodox , were greatly influenced by Pre-Qin Confucianism, that is, they are either the succession, or development or continuation of Confucianism.
164. A continuation of the " muddle through " approach could lead the world into an unmanageable economic crisis.
165. Spenser's continuation and divergence from the Arthurian romance tradition are discussed in order to clarify the dialectical equiponderant relationship between romance and allegory of the poem.
166. The grinding-classification plays the continuation to open after the vital role, Its target fit and unfit quality directly are affecting the Ore-dressing plant economy, the technical specification.
167. In artistic activities, the reception of the appreciator is the subject of art events. The existence, continuation and development of art life can be accomplished only by the receptors.
168. A value of -1 specifies that the continuation of the equation is right-aligned.
169. War is a mere continuation of political policy in the field of force.
170. We review the basic principle, formalism, and philosophy of Bayesian inference and discuss its application in the context of the analytic continuation problem.
171. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period is the continuation and development of the Late Tang Dynasty opposite to the splittism.
172. Hope that the ant can be your distribution center for emotions, good continuation Harbour.
173. This is the final level at which to recognize an inferior vena cava interruption with azygos or hemizygos continuation.
174. The Red Sea is a geologic continuation of the valley.
175. In flowcharting, a connector which illustrates continuation of a broken flowline.
176. Families regard the investment in a home as a necessary investment in the continuation of the family line.
177. To analyze power flow solvability, a continuation power flow tool parameterizing branch parameters of contingencies is applied.
178. This paper is a continuation of the author's On Point Contact Drive delivered at the Bevel and Hypoid Gear Meeting in 1975, which will soon be published in ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLAGATAE SINICA.
179. This paper in the continuation of discussion of some essential issues in optical crystallography.
180. Tucson appearance in a dynamic fashion is still continuation of the design.
181. Jingdezhen kiln, in a long period, is the world ceramic culture shining center, is China civilization continuation card.




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