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单词 Chlorophyll
1. Chlorophyll is produced by the action of light on the plants'leaves.
2. Having lost its protein, the chlorophyll also breaks down, revealing the carotenoid pigments.
3. As the chlorophyll disappears during the autumn, the leaves turn fiery red, garnet or umber.
4. For most plants, most of the time, additional chlorophyll brings no benefit.
5. Plant cells carry chloroplasts: organelles containing the pigment chlorophyll, which they employ to entrap sunlight.
6. The chlorophyll traps make up their electron deficiency by grabbing them from water molecules sited close by.
7. The electrons of chlorophyll molecules become excited and are ferried across the photosynthesis membrane by electron-grabbing molecules called quinones.
8. The manufacture of chlorophyll in plants is activated by sunlight.
9. All are structurally similar to chlorophyll a of plants.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. The shagreen cell is two layer with chlorophyll.
11. Ingredient: Ocean chlorophyll, the essence Songzao, allantoin, mica Essence.
12. FA and TRIA could increase the content of chlorophyll.
13. The cells contained bacteria chlorophyll a and like-carotene.
14. Aging leaves also send back chlorophyll.
15. Chlorophyll had the phenomenon of magnetism induced emission.
16. Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis may be caused by etiolation, mutant blocks, or streptomycin.
17. Wheatgrass has antibiotic properties and is packed with chlorophyll as it is a plant.
18. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll contents of Haloxylon's photosynthetic shoots parasitized by Cistanche deserticola decreased(), the praline and MDA contents increased.
19. The effect of osmotic stress on chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics of spring wheat genotypes in seedling stage was studied by using OS1-FL modulated chlorophyll fluorometer.
20. Four sensors on the tractor-mounted unit scan the crop while you're travelling through, measuring chlorophyll content.
21. And then, maybe: The stinking goat on yonder hill Feeds all day on chlorophyll.
22. However, the assumption that productivity must be directly related to biomass or chlorophyll is a fallacy.
23. The green colour of the leaf is due to a substance called chlorophyll.
24. We watch them chew and spill a bitter spew of chlorophyll.
25. The colour change from green to yellow suggested that the key may lie in chlorophyll, the compound responsible for photosynthesis.
26. Light energy from the sun is absorbed by the chlorophyll in the leaves and the water molecules are split.
27. Is there some seasonal effect that influences the colour of the pigments in leaves after the chlorophyll has broken down?
28. Copper deficiency results in chlorosis, suggesting that copper may be involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll.
29. After analyzing CAO gene and CBN1 gene that are both considered critical genes for chlorophyll b biosynthesis, we considered that the decision should be made whether two genes are homologous or not.
30. It contains many tannic acid, TeaAlkaline, caffein and a few the composition such as a variety of balmy oil, vitamins, chlorophyll.
31. Test of water nurture indicaded that Zn, Mn promoting action showed raising root activity, chlorophyll content and cotton plant enzyme activity and thus promoted nutrient abso...
32. Effects of low temperature stress on chlorophyll fluorescence of eggplant(Solanum melongena L. ) seedlings were investigated in this experiment.
33. It may be coloured with chlorophyll or not more than 0.015 % of a suitable green soap dye.
34. Any of various parasitic herbs of the genus Orobanche, having purplish or yellowish flowers and small scalelike leaves that lack chlorophyll. Broomrape grows on the roots of various plants.
35. If the loss of chlorophyll is considered to be an irreversible process, holo-mycoheterotrophism has very likely emerged only once in the tribe Burmannieae.
36. At the optimum concentration, the growth , chlorophyll a content, oxygen releasing of Chlorella pyrenoidosa chick had significant increasement compared to the contrast.
37. Its deep green color comes from its natural pigments - chlorophyll, phycocyanin, and carotenoids.
38. The model was applied to predict the chlorophyll a concentration in the Yuqiao Reservoir.
39. Discrimination technology for bacillariophyta and pyrrophyta was established by chlorophyll fluorescence excitation spectra of phytoplankton.
40. Compounds having five-membered heterocyclic rings include chlorophyll, hemoglobin, indigo, tryptophan, and certain polymers.
41. Ingredient: Porphyrin chlorophyll - protein in Cyanobacteria with special and strong fluorescence Nontoxic. Used as molecular fluorescent probe. ...
42. The food that contains a lot ofcellulose or chlorophyll has alexipharmic function, eat more conduce to remove the noxiousness material that accumulates inside body.
43. The new data, however, suggest that chlorophyll derived from bacteriochlorophyll , not the other way around.
44. The dynamic tendency of the chlorophyll of the bagging fruits is extraordinary similar to the contrasting ones, but the dynamic pattern of carotinoid changes.
45. The active iron content of leaves positively correlate to degree of chlorosis and chlorophyll content, it can be a reference index to screen Fe-efficient grapevine genotype.
46. The effects of severing stolon on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Sabina vulgaris were measured with portable fluorometer (MINI PAM).
47. The green stuff on the occasional freak potato chip is chlorophyll.
48. Photophysical processes of the chlorophyll derivative photosensitizer CPD3 were investigated under two-photon excitation(TPE) induced by a femtosecond pulse laser.
49. The number of chloroplast and chlorophyll content in the dodecaploid are more than hexaploid, stomatal density are lower than hexaploid.
50. The ethephon treatment increased the contents of chlorophyll in leaves.
51. Under different light intensity, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, and quality of Taraxacum mongolicum were studied.
52. There were extremely significant positive correlations between contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid.
53. Any of various leafless , annual parasitic herbs of the genus Cuscuta that lack chlorophyll and have slender, twining, yellow or reddish stems and small whitish flowers.
54. Spinach, broccoli or parsley are perfect healthy baby food, they are source of Ferrum (which milk alone can not accomplish), electrolyte and chlorophyll.
55. The content of soluble protein in albescent leaves decreased when thealbescent line of wheat turned albescent. Its decreasing range showed a negative correlation with the content of chlorophyll.
56. With the increase on treated time, the growth of Chlamydomonas sajiao Lewin was inhibited. The content of chlorophyll decreased in Chlamydomonas sajiao Lewin, but the content of protein increased.
57. The effects of the different light intensity on the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in microcystic aeruginosa were studied by using unmodulated chlorophyll fluorometer.
58. Leaf nitrogen content induces remarkable effect on chlorophyll and soluble protein content.
59. Chlorella: This single-celled algae is packed with chlorophyll, enzymes, and anti-oxidants.
60. The spectral reflectance and concentration of chlorophyll - a are measured instantaneously in the Fuhai Lake.
61. Amino acid is the primary resource to synthesize protein, ferment, chlorophyll and other protoplasm.
62. The dissolubility sugar, cellulose, protein, chlorophyll and amino acids of stems and leaves in healthy and diseased plants of Onobrychic viciae folia were tested and analyzed.
63. The multiple correlation coefficients (R2) between estimated and observed rice leaf chlorophyll contents of the two varieties were 0.641 and 0.818 respectively.
64. Among those, conspicuous changes can be detected only in chlorophyll a, ammonia-nitrogen and active phosphorus.
65. The plant height compound leaf number chlorophyll content and total leaf area were significantly increased.
66. In this paper, changes of rape anhydrase activity and chlorophyll content under nutrient stress were studied.
67. Besides, chlorophyll content, soluble protein, thylakoid membrane lipids fatty acid instauration and activity of Violaxanthin de-epoxidase(VDE)were all decreased with the progress of senescence.
68. Albino seedling is the typical chlorophyll - deficient mutation in plants.
69. The change of chlorophyll fluorescence in flag leaves of indica rice was analysed under light and temperature stress and during recovery by PAM pulse modulation fluoremeter.
70. C4H5N, having an odor similar to chloroform. It is the parent compound of hemoglobin, chlorophyll , and many other complex,() biologically active substances.
71. In this study, after obtaining lots of chlorophyll deficient mutants, a gene relation to photorespiration was cloned and the functions were studied.
72. The results showed that the varieties with drought resistant had narrower leaf, higher chlorophyll content of leaf and more chaeta in up and down epidermal of leaf.
73. A five-membered heterocyclic ring compound, C4H5N, having an odor similar to chloroform. It is the parent compound of hemoglobin, chlorophyll, and many other complex, biologically active substances.
74. Chloroplast pigments, gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics and leaf orientation were extensively studied in soybean leaves from emergency to full expansion.
75. Protein and chlorophyll contents increased with the rise inleaf position.
76. Employed with different water absorbent can not change the sweet peppers chlorophyll fluorescence of the daily variation tendency, but only the slightly change in value.
77. In most plants, xanthophylls function as accessory pigments in photosynthesis: they absorb light at wavelengths where chlorophyll has low absorption and pass the absorbed energy to chlorophyll.
78. The concentrations of chlorophyll and carotenoid of leaves presented S-shape change.
79. This peak appeared before the fast degradation of chlorophyll and protein.
80. Chlorophyll breaks down, and as the green color fades, the other pigments, the yellows, oranges, and reds become visible.
81. It is found in porphyrins, and is essential for chlorophyll synthesis.
82. RED IS THE NEW GREEN Researchers working with cyanobacteria may have extracted a new variety of chlorophyll that can use more near-infrared light than is typical for oxygenic photosynthetic organisms.
83. Fish Gelatin, Glycerol , Essential oil of orange, Copper Chlorophyll.
84. The diel variability of chlorophyll A maximum was obvious and may be related to zooplankton grazing.
85. A method of extracting several pigments in blue-green algae of Taihu Lake including Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Phycocyain, Oscillaxanthin and Myxoxanthophyll is introduced.
86. At seeding stage, chlorophyll content and SOD activity decreased, while soluble protein, soluble sugar, praline, amino acid content and MDA content increased.
87. Finally, the possibility of determining drought resistance of sugarcane varieties through chlorophyll a fluorescence induction kinetics was discussed.
88. It is well known that the chlorophyll A is a primary pigment involved in the photosynthesis process of plants.
89. When there's a lot of chlorophyll around, they see a lot of green light.
90. The field experiments were conducted for two consecutive growth seasons using SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter to quantitate the maturity of fresh flue-cured tobacco leaf.
91. Furthermore, there was positive correlation between yields at maturity and chlorophyll or active iron content in young leaves, and the differences in yields of CRIFs tre...
92. There was a significant positive correlation between chlorophyll a content and primary productivity.
93. The paper studied the effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid(ALA) on chlorophyll a, photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll fluorescence dynamics of Anthurium andraeanum.
94. Methods The photosynthesis curves of light intensity, chlorophyll fluorescence parameter of different light intensity and inductivity of non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in 3.
95. It has been observed that mercury depressed the germinant rate of wheat and its seedling growth, decreased its transpiration and chlorophyll content.
96. Effects pollution of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) , Hg ~ ( 2 + ) and Cr ~ ( 6 + ) on chlorophyll content of tissue cultured Dioscorea zingiberensis was measured.
97. Furthermore, with the deficiency of the chlorophyll content allocation of photosynthetic electron transport to photorespiration was enhanced.
98. Partially purified chlorophyll was used to prepare pheophorbide (Ph Eide) by chlorophyllase hydrolysis and selective acidic hydrolysis methods.
99. The structure of the chlorophyll molecule is known . It consists ofporphyrin.
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100. It is precisely because many of the leaves contain chlorophyll is green.
101. Satellites can currently measure sea temperature, sea height and chlorophyll concentrations.
102. Chlorophyll, Milk Protein, Algae Extract, Aloe Vera, Wheat Protein, Yarrow Flowers Extract, Orange Peel Extract.
103. Bacteriochlorophyll Any of several types of chlorophyll found in photosynthetic bacteria, such as the purple bacteria.
104. An incr eased leaf weight ratio (LWR) and inter-veinal chlorosis evidenced in boron deficient leaves may indicate excessive carbohydrate accumulation, leading to a decline in chlorophyll content.
105. The function of magnesium in the chlorophyll structure is well known and documented.
106. In this paper, the first experiment of generating the phase conjugated backward wave by degenerate four-wave mixing in chlorophyll solution is reported.
107. The stability of Chlorophyll in Euonymus japonica under different light, temperature and Oxygen conditions are studied.
108. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass also helps to purify the liver.
109. Nettle is rich in iodine, minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll and nourishes thyroid gland.
110. Water stress decreased the chlorophyll contents, stomatic density, and stomatic size of ginger leaves, and reduced the root activity and magnitude of bleeding sap of ginger roots.
111. Gelatin, Glycerol , Essential oil of orange, Titanium dioxide, Copper Chlorophyll.
112. No significant difference in mineral element contents and the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence was found between normal tree and degenerated tree.
113. Tianma, which Blanco is saprophytic upright perennial herbs, whole-plant without leaves, does not contain chlorophyll.
114. Dodder:any of various leafless, annual parasitic herbs of the genus Cuscuta that lack chlorophyll and have slender, twining, yellow or reddish stems and small whitish flowers.
115. With the same top dressing fertilizer mixture treatments, the contents of chlorophyll in leaves and nutrient qualities of fruit might diluted by more water.
116. From 18 - 43 days after flowering ( DAF ) , Chlorophyll was contained in amyloplasts of soybean cotyledon cells.
117. Any of the numerous algae of the division Chlorophyta, such as spirogyra and sea lettuce, that have chlorophyll unmasked by other pigments.
118. The seasonal variation of Pn in English walnut was affected by transpiration rate, chlorophyll content, leaf temperature and intercellular CO2 concentration.
119. Effects of sucrose fatty acid ester (SFE) on the activity of Superoxide Dismutase(SOD), chlorophyll and yield of soybean (Glycine max. ) had been studied.
120. After the seedlings treated low temperature the sensitivities of root conductivity, etiolated seedlings, chlorophyll fluorescence of leaves in Maxiangu were also less-sensitive than in Gulchao.
121. Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll.
122. The support vector machine (SVM) was combined with genetic algorithm (GA) to establish a model for predicting short-term chlorophyll a concentration nonlinear time series.
123. There were no significant differences in contents of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid between male sterile lines and maintainers .
124. The biomass of Chlorella vulgaris was increased without influence on its chlorophyll content when nitrate was used as nitrogen source.
125. Chlorophyll-Protein binding capacity, intermediate products of Chlorophyll degradation and POD activity were measured to determine the green keeping mechanism of Pak Choi heat treatment.
126. The influences of rare earth micro fertilizer on leaf photosynthetic rate, the content of chlorophyll and protein were studied respectively in peach ( Prunus persica ).
127. The relationship between conjugated system and chemical reaction of chlorophyll derivative was discussed.
128. According to analysis of the modern medical scientist, drunk dozens of chlorophyll resistant to diseases such as arthritis, allergic rhinitis, rheumatism, diabetes, high blood pressure.
129. The results showed that the nitrate reductase activity, net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll contents and bleeding rate rose with increasing nitrogen levels.
129. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
130. The disease causes varying degrees of destruction of the chlorophyll.
131. According to scientific analysis, each band contains only one pigment. Scientists named the 4 types of pigments carotene, xanthophylls, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b respectively.
132. The paper studied the variational process of leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll density (CH. D) and Hyperspectral data with growing period.
133. There were higher concentration of chlorophyll a and phytoplankton abundance in the autumn and summer than in the winter and spring.
134. The chlorophyll existing in vegetables is removed using a mini-column filled with Celite 545.
135. Make up, can divide into carotenoid kind, anthracene quinone, naphthalene quinones , kinds of flavonoids, ginger flavin kind, indigo kind, chlorophyll 7 altogether according to chemistry.
136. The results indicated anthocyanidin contents in the top and middle part and underneath leaves increased with the time changing, while chlorophyll contents decreased.
137. The colorants of green plants consist of chlorophyll, xanthophyll and carotene.
138. The invention discloses a method for preparation of antenna chlorophyll and especially to a method for preparation of antenna chlorophyll and its products with Mentha spicata as raw materials.
139. Nitrogen fertilizer might play an important role in the nitrate reductase activity, net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll contents and bleeding rate of hybrid rice.
140. The characteristic red-brown pigment of brown algae that masks the plant's CHLOROPHYLL.
141. When etiolated wheat seedlings were illuminated, chlorophyll appeared immediately, but no photophosphorylation activity could be found.
142. A green sea slug appears to be part animal, part plant. It's the first critter discovered to produce the plant pigment chlorophyll.
143. The results showed that potassium application could raise the SPAD-502 chlorophyll test value, promote citrus tree growth, increase fruit yield and improve quality.
144. Ingredient: Ocean chlorophyll, the red algae essence, magnetic solution of pure water, marine primordiale factor.
145. There is no significant correlation ship in chlorophyll a, b and c.
146. The results show, with increasing metal concentration, the growth of Azolla is inhibited, the content of chlorophyll decreases and the soluble proteins are affected in some degrees.
147. Finally, the chlorophyll content of each pixel in image was estimated by the fitted model, and the distribution of chlorophyll content in the tea plant's leaf was described by pseudo-color map.
148. Party of these organisms are plants, mostly algae, and contain chlorophyll.
149. A review and summary was made of the investigation and studies on chlorophyll a and primary productivity conducted by the Chinese scientists in the Yellow Sea since the 70's.
150. The results indicate that the content of chlorophyll and carotinoid fall distinctly , and the earlier the fruit is bagged , the less .
151. With the increase of concentration of salt stress, chlorophyll content of Festuca arundinacea L decreased.
152. The yellow colour seen in some autumn trees results from the loss of chlorophyll simply unmasking the yellow carotinoids that were there all along.
153. One of the direct reasons for bad colouration of Feizixiao is that the chlorophyll content in Nuomizi fruit peel is much lower than that of Feizixiao during the ripening period.
153. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
154. Light striking any one of the pigment molecules is funneled to a special chlorophyll a molecule, termed a reaction-center chlorophyll, which directly participates in photosynthesis.
155. In this way, the light flux received by PMT is the fluorescence produced by chlorophyll - a.
156. In milk stage and maturity stage, Chlorophyll content of PGR4 treatment was the highest and had a minimum magnitude of decrease, and PGR3 treatment took second place.
157. Chlorosis The loss of chlorophyll from plants resulting in yellow ( chlorotic ) leaves.
158. The chlorophyll and cancer cells located in the subcapsular sinuses and peritrabecular sinuses of the lymph nodes, while there were no them in medullary sinuses and efferent lymphatic vessels.
159. High concentrations of copper would reduce the biomass and chlorophyll contents of ryegrass, and increase the contents of free proline and malonyl dialdehyde in ryegrass.
160. The simulated experiments were conducted to study effects of chloromethane included DCM, CF and CT on wheat seedling chlorophyll and soil respiration.
161. The dynamic change of chlorophyll, carotenoid, cyanin and flavonoid of variously colored fruit sweet pepper varieties is studied.
162. "I think this is a very important new development and is the first new type of chlorophyll discovered in an oxygenic organism in sixty years, " he wrote via e-mail.




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