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单词 Painlessly
1. The laser beam heals the eye painlessly.
2. Mr O'Sullivan filled an enormous cavity completely painlessly, while a video screen showed a blow-up of the tooth being worked on.
3. It's better that they go quickly and painlessly.
4. After the surgery, she could move her arms painlessly.
5. The idea that the inflation genie can be painlessly rebottled has no historic precedent.
6. Inwardness is what an Englishman quite simply has, painlessly, as a birthright.
7. Nobody can bring us swiftly, painlessly into the promised land.
8. If an animal is badly injured, often the kindest thing to do is to destroy it painlessly.
9. They have managed to refinance their debts and even obtain modest amounts of new money fairly painlessly.
10. Should none of these treatments work and other fish shows signs of distress, it is probably kinder to painlessly destroy.
11. There is no way to reduce the deficit more efficiently and more painlessly than with a higher rate of economic growth.
12. This was a thinly disguised device designed to give Harleston the opportunity to ease Jeffries out painlessly and to find a replacement.
13. Simulations are a good way of getting children reading painlessly in a real-life situation.
14. Even when removed, the growths may return, and any badly affected fish should be painlessly destroyed.
15. Translate the following sentence into Chinese, ' Our odyssey proves that a few people who don't know a cardamom pod from a lima bean can create an Indian meal almost painlessly.
16. Local anesthetics, such as the Novocain dentists use to painlessly extract a tooth, numb axon tips around the injection site, preventing the cells from firing electrical impulses.
17. Each baby needs enough anesthesia to get through the surgery painlessly.
18. People dozing in orbit see streaks and bursts of bright colour caused by high-energy cosmic rays painlessly slamming into their retinas.
19. When I recall these events after 40 years, I see not only revolt, but also the great illusion that it might be possible to outfox the Kremlin and painlessly move society from communism to democracy.
20. This reversal of position was often accomplished pleasantly and painlessly.




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