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单词 Advancement
1 His advancement to major came two years ago.
2 He is in steady advancement.
3 He cared little for social advancement.
4 The new system leaves less opportunity for personal advancement.
5 Most parents are anxious for their children's advancement.
6 Your advancement depends on your worth ——your ability.
7 There are good opportunities for advancement within the company.
8 The job offers good opportunities for advancement.
9 Hopes of advancement in the company may curb any inclination to deviate from the requirements of superiors.
10 His new contribution to the advancement of physiology was well appreciated.
11 He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party.
12 ..her work for the advancement of the status of women.
13 The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning.
14 There are good opportunities for advancement if you have the right skills.
15 She's chosen career advancement instead of having children - does that make her a liberated woman?
16 Does the position offer room for advancement?
17 Advancement to supervisory positions is highly competitive.
18 However, formal education is usually necessary for advancement.
19 Its aim may be the advancement of knowledge and understanding, without obvious practical implications.
20 Advancement may be accelerated by participation in company training programs to gain a broader knowledge of company policy and operations.
21 There is also evidence that bureaucratic advancement may be obtained by successful efforts to cut back on departmental expenditure.
22 You can earn advancement to leading cook and then to petty officer cook or caterer.
23 Chances of advancement are good although you may have to move agencies to get it.
24 None of us should ever underestimate the degree of difficulty women face in career advancement.
25 Our new policies are designed to break down artificial barriers to women's advancement.
26 Many people are forced to move from one city to another in search of better jobs or career advancement.
27 The absence of the Lesothan men creates further opportunity for Lesothan economic advancement.
28 Knowledge of their applications is vital to upgrade managerial skills and to enhance advancement opportunities.
29 Labour had disappointed many of its supporters, who closely identified the party with the advancement of the welfare state.
30 Money thus facilitates trade and specialisation, two key conditions for the economic advancement of any society or nation.
1 His advancement to major came two years ago.
2 He is in steady advancement.
3 He cared little for social advancement.
4 None of us should ever underestimate the degree of difficulty women face in career advancement.
5 The new system leaves less opportunity for personal advancement.
6 There are good opportunities for advancement within the company.
7 Our new policies are designed to break down artificial barriers to women's advancement.
8 His new contribution to the advancement of physiology was well appreciated.
9 The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning.
31 Advancement opportunities for construction managers vary depending upon the size and type of company for which one works.
32 For most estimators, advancement takes the form of higher pay and prestige.
33 The next highest figures were 17 percent who put benefits above wages, and another 17 percent who preferred career advancement opportunities.
33 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
34 It was the major enabler for social mobility and advancement.
35 The city is committed to the advancement of modern management systems and performance measurement.
36 And not a liberalism that merely acquiesces as it looks to personal advancement, the Clinton caboose.
37 From Wall Street lawyers and brokers to school officials, the search for private advancement replaces any sense of public service.
38 Some younger son from among Leicester's tenants, placed by a dutiful father where he could readily get advancement.
39 And there's no way to chronicle the advancement of women without looking at the backward pull of violence.
40 The knock-on effect of the advancement of the women's game has also led to refreshing developments at girls' level.
41 The path that the young academic must follow who wants tenure, and still more advancement and fame,() is clearly marked.
42 The effect was to trigger off a largely middle-class uprising designed to break the chains hampering economic growth and professional advancement.
43 The middle class is growing and the military is no longer the only path to advancement for the poor but able.
44 Friendship has a lot more to do with hiring and advancement.
45 Advancement is easier in large firms that employ several levels of administrative services managers.
46 Career advancement opportunities came in at 12 percent and benefits 10 percent.
47 Albright will be lowering yet another barrier to the advancement of women in public life.
48 Eliza does marry for her advancement, after all, but does not sacrifice her self-respect to do so.
49 No longer will the path to advancement be assured by currying favor with a few influential bosses.
50 This programme aims to promote economic and social advancement and to encourage reconciliation between the two traditions.
51 Plynus's desire for advancement is seen against economic trends which entice people from their duties.
52 Unionised workers sought employment security and income advancement primarily within their respective enterprises.
53 Charles was able to use his family connection for his own personal advancement.
54 Both the capability-building priority and the unusual time commitments bore serious risks to their professional advancement and reward.
55 Some assistant principals hold this position for several years to prepare for advancement to principal; others are career assistant principals.
56 I do know that I don't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement.
57 Continued rapid advancement in technology will make further belt-tightening possible.
58 Although experience, ability, and leadership are emphasized for promotion, advancement may be accelerated by this type of special study.
59 That kind of curriculum vitae brings a reward in terms of career advancement, with the inevitable monetary gains.
60 It promotes the idea that advancement is by acceptance rather than enterprise or originality.
61 It is vital that the teaching profession has full confidence in the processes of career development and advancement.
62 There are some good opportunities for advancement if only you can grab them quickly.
63 Many find themselves in low-paid part-time employment(http://), with few prospects for real security or advancement.
64 A scholar in the great Confucian tradition, Le Thanh Tong devoted much of his energy to the advancement of learning.
65 Jobs became the stepping-stones for social advancement and personal fulfillment.
66 An engineering or architectural degree is often required for advancement to supervisory positions.
67 Far more career plans reflected concerns for acquiring the strategy and related client skills so essential to advancement within the firm.
68 Tamils felt deprived of access to government and of their traditional route to advancement, jobs in the civil service.
69 The real job growth and opportunities for rapid advancement will be found in three types of small, entrepreneurial companies.
70 Career advancement and annual bonuses depended more on developing and deploying strategy skills than change management skills.
71 We will reinforce the rights of the individual in the world of work, and break down artificial barriers to advancement.
72 In Britain also, several types of paraprofessional training programmes have been developed that provide useful avenues for career advancement.
73 Working hard is a personal objective, to obtain job satisfaction and potential rewards of career advancement.
74 We are also committed to breaking down artificial barriers to women's advancement based on prejudice or lack of imagination.
75 Without collective advancement there can be no genuine individual advancement, but only uprooting.
76 Supertitles are the greatest advancement in opera production in the last 50 years.
77 Not only did he know their ways and problems but was committed to their advancement.
78 The possession of Aquitaine and, after 1279, Ponthieu also gave opportunities for individual advancement in the king-duke's service.
79 Career advancement can be accelerated by completion of certification programs offered by the associations listed below.
80 He also promotes his staff according to merit, rather than by pursuing the traditional path of steady, age-linked advancement.
81 Despite the breakneck advancement of women on one level, traditionally sexist assumptions and time-honored bigotry remain enshrined on another.
82 Computer literacy and at least a rudimentary knowledge of statistics for business will be critical for advancement or even to survive!
83 For many young academics they provide the first step in the ladder of publications, now an essential requisite for career advancement.
84 The advancement of artificial intelligence is unarguably accelerating.
85 This is an inexorable law governing social advancement.
86 The radius represents the advancement index.
87 There were side issues in the advancement of naturalism.
88 It is undividable society's advancement for law and morality.
89 The company constantly identify and promote excellent employees for job rotation and exposure for job advancement.
90 But religious zealotry would also get in the way of rationality and therefore scientific advancement.
91 But, in the present Russia eyes covetously as well as the rejection in the situation which withdraws troops completely from Georgia, accelerates Ukraine to join NATO's advancement is inopportune.
92 The designing of information follows the principles of objectivity, systematicness, purposefulness, humanization and advancement.
93 This paper systematically formulates the theory of the five step advancement of hydrogen atomic spectrum and introduces the development of quantum physics from this perspective.
93 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
94 It leads to the disorder of polygraph application and holdback the advancement of the technology in judicial proceedings.
95 With the advancement of social economy, conventional methodology for forest resource survey fails to meet the requirements of the development of modern forestry due to its inherent limitations.
96 The Gilded age is like fertile soil to American modern newspapering, at the same time, the development of newspapering promote greatly the advancement of the industrial society.
97 Efforts to conserve the environment sometimes clash with the advancement of technology.
98 And as the gap increases, poor peasants are becoming marginalized in higher education, closing off one of their best opportunities for advancement.
99 Over the past several years, significant advancement has been achieved in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, especially in nonmyeloablative stem cell transplantation (NST).
100 In this paper, advancement on the migration, transformation and release control of Chromium in coal combustion process is presented from several important aspects.
101 An international non - profit , professional association for the advancement of technology.
102 Thus, it can be safely asserted that, with the advancement of human society, the division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist will be more apparent.
103 Each graduate school sets its own requirements advancement to candidacy for a degree.
104 China"s peasant population cardinal number big, China"s industrialization advancement is unitary, causes to solve the fanner to be unemployed the question difficulty to enlarge.
105 Constructs the modernized society and in the political modernization advancement in our country, the government credit question more and more becomes the key question and the attention key.
106 Taking the poetry in Tang as the criterion, he made the detailed standards of creation, targeting at the four themes of the poetry "Farewell", "Chanting", "Advancement", and "Antiphony".
107 Objective : To make a review of the advancement of reconstruction of eyelid.
108 Numerical control system technology progressing by leaps and bounds has provided the condition for the numerical control engine bed technology advancement.
109 US progressivism historically advocates the advancement of labor rights and social justice.
110 The advancement of selective mono functional group protection of dihydric alcohol in recent years was reviewed with 21 references.
111 We have entered in new era of technological advancement and social primitiveness . the force that drives man is that of material gain otherwise he is drained.
112 With the advancement of pluralistic aesthetics in "the Silver Age" after the October Revolution, a literary Renaissance occurred in the 1920's.
113 Forget Gene Kelly, Michael Jackson or Dirty Dancing, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has announced the winners of its science dance-off contest.
114 Based on the advancement of the downcomer, some opinions of the downcomer research were presented.
115 I confess that I can hardly venture, at my age, to look for such advancement.
116 This paper introduces the research background of mini natural gas liquefier(MNGL), analyzes the liquefaction cycle for MNGL, reports its current advancement and projects for the bright future.
117 From pathohistology, neurobiology, pharmacology aspects, this article reviewed recent advancement of neurotransmitters in LES.
118 The present invention is directed to a stylet device to allow easy advancement of a tube through complex passages of body cavities.
119 Taken collectively, these proposals center on three issues: personnel selection, advancement system and retirement plan.
120 Theory of lao-tse's inaction is the essence of human wisdom, but as the constitutional ideas can be regarded as the results of modem culturally political advancement.
121 Through reviewing pertinent literature, we discussed the therapeutic advancement of glossopharyngeal neuralgia and the preponderance of transcranial endoscopic approach of glossopharyngeal neurotomy.
122 21st century is an era of rapid advancement for avigation and spaceflight technology.
123 The other main obstacle to the economic advancement of the Africans is the industrial colour bar by which all the better jobs of industry are reserved for whites only.
124 City is the collecting centre of advanced productive forces, urbanization is the main carrier of social civilization and advancement.
125 Studying on seism and geology and historical earthquake activity obtained some advancement in Anhui recent years.
126 Henceforward, the later generations can and strength from it for further advancement.
127 To facilitate this advancement, BP and GE will collaborate on power, carbon capture and sequestration technologies.
128 A recent advancement in storage technologies called de-duplication is a precursor to memory sharing in Linux and other hypervisors.
129 Therefore , it proves that the originality, advancement and practicability the constructive teaching design theory in practice.
130 Through position evaluation, we can build up a position system within an organization, which provides a ground for the government officials' career advancement channels.
131 Among his most valuable works are the Novum Organum and the Advancement of Learning.
132 It was reported that Soya could against cancer, angiocardiopathy, osteoporosis and micrangium hyperplasy, even intellective advancement.
133 Now irregular degree of Philips curve is enlarging and the economic system has finished conversion, all this is affinitive with its advancement.
134 Examples will also be shown of advancement of hot tear predictions in steel castings.
135 A seemingly harmless collection of information from the advancement of the Human Genome Project.
136 Insisting on the advancement must require college education to adapt to Chinese advanced productive power and advanced cultural development continually.
137 So said U.C. Berkeley's Matthew Walker February 21st at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Diego.
138 Applied computer science in a modern technology, whose development is accompanied by the advancement of engineering technology.
139 Compare job content, fit within the job and organization's culture, opportunities for advancement and compensation before saying "yes".
140 Leading by example and influencing is the driver to motivate advancement.
141 Advancement of the outer ring over the inner ring radially compresses the latter thereby resulting in swaging of the pipe.
142 The wide application of signal processing technology, computer technology, microwave device, integrated circuit and so on ensures advancement of radar performance.
143 The maximun binding changes of the acetylcholine receptor on rat lateral pterygoid muscle after the function mandibular advancement.
144 This article reviewed the advancement of internal iliac artery embolization of pelvic hemorrhagic disease.
145 Taking one with another, these effect mostly include resource collocating effect, technology advancement effect, wealth effect and investment demand effect.
146 The price for it comprises the sacrifice that is imperative for historical advancement and the wasted human vitality as a result of the misguide of certain illusory things.
147 The normal route of advancement in the kitchen is from cook to specialty chef headexecutive chef.
148 Genericode started within the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) specification Universal Business Language (UBL) technical committee (see Resources).
149 Transnational company's transplacement competition and cooperative competition changed domestic competitive situation, which pull the advancement of industry performance.
150 Nowadays the multipolarization of the world structure is not merely a purely objective course and tendency, but the integration of the objective advancement and the subjective value.
151 We also have some good projects on land titling, because women's lack of access to land is one of the significant barriers to economic advancement.
152 We've known about fusion since 1920, when Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington and the British Association for the Advancement of Science conjectured that that's why the sun shines.
153 The rising and booming oil painting market push the advancement of oil painting art and pullulation of some distinguished young and middle-aged artists in Shanghai.
154 The development of high education will not only promote local consumption and economic development, but also boost the advancement to local ethnic culture and the building of spiritual civilization.
155 This paper reviews the advancement of mechanism of plant cytoplasmic male sterility.
156 The school equipment work party affairs worker troop construction is completes the school equipment work party building work, the advancement work innovation important basis.
157 Therefore, its application are very wide. This paper is trying to present electrofluorination technical characteristic, advancement, synthesis applications, ...
158 With the advancement of globalization, translation has become more and more important and there is an increasing interest in translation quality within the discipline of translation studies.
159 This article presents the recent advancement of research into cellular and molecular mechanism of sulfur mustard (SM) induced lesions and summarizes several hypotheses.
160 As far as Africans are concerned, both these avenues of advancement are deliberately curtailed by legislation.
161 Always too outspoken, Graham had made enemies in the chief's office, and at thirty-nine, further advancement was unlikely.
162 Newtown construction is a key way for the urbanized advancement in Shanghai.
163 Going beyond fair trade(), GGP enables people to buy fairly traded products while at the same time promoting the comprehensive advancement of marginalized communities around the world.
164 As the leading ailment of hereditary diseases, neurogenetic diseases have upgraded to level of gene concerned their etiology and pathogenesis with the advancement of molecular genetics.
165 Advancement historiography is the essential reflection of history process in comparison with the existed advancement historiography, circulation historiography and retroversion historiography.
166 The method of waiting the balance of accounts is:Cash or advancement.
167 What is more essential, the telecommunication equipment is different with the water and electricity warm disposable investment, it needs to promote along with the technology advancement incessancy .
168 Abstract: Newtown construction is a key way for the urbanized advancement in Shanghai.
169 The study for rural public goods supply system opens up new avenues, but also for the advancement of performance budget provides an empirical basis.
170 This article commented the advancement of tissue engineering technology in urology.
171 The Paleontological Society is an international organization devoted exclusively to the advancement of the science of paleontology through the dissemination of research by publication and meetings.
172 The actual need of power system and the advancement of modern technologies greatly promote the development of fault current limiting technology, with some new topologies appearing continuously.
173 After close on Saturday therewith, advancement goes to the 6 th this month.
174 With the improvement of mobile phone's performance and the advancement of people's level of living, the market need of the mobile game made by J2ME becomes greater and greater.
175 The advancement of material technology reduces the weight of auto, promotes fuel economic effectiveness, cut down the manufacturing cost.
176 Thalberg's German immigrant mother responded by devoting herself fanatically to his well - being and advancement.
177 Please consult our mandibular advancement device comparison table if you are unsure about suitability.
178 Its continuing economic modernisation and technological advancement is giving the Chinese people new confidence in themselves.
179 It needs greater support through financing, programs, tax policy and technology advancement.
180 The way-out for the advancement of our countrys logistics is to apply the notion of integration and to provide integrated logistics service.
181 Automatic and adjustable micrometric advancement of cake cutting device, remote controlled from the control board.
182 The progressiveness of human development also determines the progressiveness of human rights advancement.
183 The advancement of artificial intelligence is unarguably accelerating the studies of robots.
184 Depend on technology advancement, deep process, and finish machining,(sentence dictionary) the company carried out apace development.
185 The punch has a length greater than a cross-section of the part such that further advancement of the punch through the part punches an exit hole in the part opposite the entry hole.
186 Speeds up the advancement agricultural technology service systematization, the exploration establishment agricultural technology service benignity operational mechanism.
187 The advancement of mobile database system meets the requirement of data process in mobile computing environment.
188 The more sunshine days in early spring were beneficial to the advancement of the first warble dates, and the more sunshine days in autumn were beneficial to the delay of the last warble dates.
189 Must take the farmers' income question, increases the farmers' income to take the advancement agriculture and the rural economic structure adjustment elementary object by any means possible.
190 The paper reviews the recent advancement of the etiology, epizootiology, diagnostics and control of the disease.
191 "DNA Profiling or "Genetic Fingerprinting" is a major advancement in forensics.
192 The advancement in the research of chitin and chitosan's chemical modification is generalized.
193 Methods By summarized current situation and advancement of serum fibrotic markers, ultrasound, CT and MRI in assessing liver fibrosis, we investigated their value and limitations.
194 The Society for Endocrinology aims to promote the advancement of public education in endocrinology.
195 This paper is trying to present electrofluorination technical characteristic, advancement, synthesis applications, and mechanism research.
196 Due to the further study of knowledge management and technological advancement, the complexity theory needs to be enriched in order to be adjusted to new concepts, environment and technology.
197 The several points of the Dred Scott decision, in connection with Senator Douglas's "care not" policy, constitute the piece of machinery in its present state of advancement.
198 OBJECTIVE: To review the advancement of drug therapy for leucoderma and evaluate clinical efficacy and the safety.
199 To me, however, Jin-Jiang Tower was not only another business triumph but also a clear indicator of China's rapid advancement and expansion.
200 With the advancement of our society and the development of science and research, knowledge has been in geometric progression growth.
201 Objective To review the relation between alpha fetoprotein (AFP) and gastric carcinoma as well as the advancement of literatures about the alpha fetoprotein-producing gastric carcinoma (AFPGC).
202 A minimum of a bachelor's degree in education will open the doors to your teaching career, though advancement might require a master's degree or doctorate.
203 The modern related FDI theory thought generally that the technology advancement effect of FDI was bigger than the function of the capital transfer . the practice of our country had proven this point.
204 The advancement running time carries on the computation take the time piece as the unit.
205 Even so, one needn't necessarily be a liberal-arts graduate to regard as distinctly and speciously utilitarian the idea that higher education is, above all, a route to economic advancement.
206 The security market of China has shown its implacability in effective allocation of resources and advancement of socialist market economy.
207 In the process of the rapid advancement of urbanization, changes in public expectations are an important exogenous variable for the reform and development of government.
208 Seeks the technology advancement and the downriver technology development cooperation.
209 The industrial colony is in the present industrialization advancement one kind of universal phenomenon, has strongly continues the competitive advantage.
210 Technological advancement is the source of economic growth in the long run. Moreover, it is the result of market selection to a higher degree.
211 This "proof of concept" ISRU experiment—even if it produces only one milliwatt of power – will mark a critical milestone in the advancement of humankind on the space frontier.
212 In recent years, technology of ultrasonic therapy steps into a new development days and makes innovative progress in some aspects along with the advancement of electronic technology.
213 In tranquility seek your true nature. In selflessness find nobility and advancement.
214 The System S architecture represents a significant advancement in the relationship between queries and data as well as in computing system organization and capability.
215 Along with the advancement of missilery,(/advancement.html) the requirement for the precision of positional measuring system is in incessant development.
216 According to a report by the Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) (2005), the gender divide exists in many countries.
217 It was reported that Soya could guard against cancer, angiocardiopathy, osteoporosis and micrangium hyperplasy, even intellective advancement.
218 Small business affords workers on-the-job training for possible advancement into more skilled employment.
219 The normal route of advancement in the kitchen is from cook to specialty chef to head chef to executive chef.
220 It is necessary that feudal patriarchy would oppress and persecute the spirit of innovation and advancement.
221 Invent and create the crystal being human being sapiential, and the advancement of society they have been driven developing.
222 We should use information upgrade industrial sector and to promote the advancement of productive forces.
223 In this report, we describe closure of the meningomyelocele defect using a bilateral advancement V-Y fasciocutaneous flap in two babies. This advancement flap closure is safe, simple and effective.
224 With the advancement of industrialization and urbanization, the intensity of requisitioning rural land is becoming stronger and stronger, which brings about more and more land-lost peasants.
225 Due to the advancement of technology, many operations require the assistance of computers, thus Visual Display Terminal (VDT) is a crucial part of business operation.
226 Incorporated into each magazine is an automatic film advance with automatic advancement to the first frame.
227 With all one's strength the advancement great winter preparatory work.
228 With the continuous advancement of technology, design, D-type power amplifier performance is also moving into the Class AB amplifier.
229 With advancement in radiobiology, the respective molecular mechanisms underlying cell kinetics alteration and DNA damage repair is being revealed gradually and takes on many obvious similarities.
230 The advancement of good new ideas is hampered by the careerism of scientists.
231 Line feed : Advancement of paper in an image setter or printer by one line.
232 The gelatification of steamed bread is a crucial problem to restrict advancement of steamed bread industrialisation.
233 The breakthrough advancement of exploration in recent years on granitic type, remelting porphyritic type and syntectic porphyritic type ore deposits was discussed in detail.
234 Construction of the urban center and city structure has undoubtedly promoted Shanghais modernized advancement and has an effect as yet.
235 The X series represents Black Widow's commitment to the advancement of vehicle security technology.
236 Many of his tasks take the form of self-training without advancement.
237 However, along with progress of work's advancement, 2 astronaut's movements is getting more and more skilled dexterously .
238 Uncomfortable situations may arise after the break - up when career advancement issues come into play.
239 Unlike the mandibular advancement devices, it is not intended to bring the lower jaw forward.
240 The peasant laborer is in our country modernization advancement inevitable product.
241 Human cognitive development therefore is the forerunner of human rights advancement.
242 Article 32 of the EIT Law provides that enterprises can receive accelerated depreciation allowance where the fixed assets become obsolete due to technology advancement.
243 Total Airway Obstruction After Maxillomandibular Advancement Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
244 Pingdingshan heat power group is monopolized in nature and has apparent developing advancement.
245 Professor Fishman says that virtual reality has the potential to accelerate scientific advancement.
246 In the 1820 s, America's population was still moving ever westward in search of opportunities and advancement.
247 Rymer chairs the advisory committee for an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) pilot project that offers independent science experts to judges.
248 Because innovation and advancement of technique is accomplished by human being, rivalship of technique depends on rivalship of human being after all.
249 And these problems are the network advancement viatic that restricting estate intermediary main factor.
250 High position advancement genioplasty and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
251 Pathological change is chronic and continual advancement, patients can emerge renal inadequacy, uraemia. excitatory autacoid and cytotoxic drug have bad curative effect and major adverse reaction.
252 The technical advancement of CRT back projection and LCD front projection are mainly introduced.
253 Asia Pacific Academy of Optometry (APAO) is a professional organization devoted to the professionals in Optometry in the Asia-Pacific region for their professional advancement and life development.
254 Society for Endocrinology aims to promote the advancement of public education in endocrinology.
255 But with the advancement of computer technology and the level of cryptanalysis, these two algorithms have proven difficult to adapt to the new security requirements.
256 The paper reviews the advancement and dissemination of Burton - Kebler function and MoTbleB revised function.
257 If excessively pursues urbanized the advancement, will be able to cause to the ecological environment to destroy, also disadvantageously will use the human society the sustainable development.
258 Thereby, the advancement of duality theories is a big milestone in functional analysis.
259 In summary, the IEEE - 488 bus represents quite an advancement in intelligent data acquisition systems.
260 With the development of immune theory and advancement of experimental methods, scholars have recognized the action of immune system in the pathologic process of corneal alkaline burns.
261 The accumulation fund system which is divided into six modules meets the requirement of advancement, expansibility, and transportability.
262 Throughout the five years of the Directorate he had been scheming and working for self - advancement.




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