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单词 Mosaic
1 I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.
2 Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.
3 The forest floor was a mosaic of autumn colours.
4 A mosaic of fields, rivers and woods lay below us.
5 The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.
6 Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.
7 Mosaic wall tiles dominate one of the hall's bathrooms.
8 I was a mosaic of contusions.
9 Mosaic murals sparkling with Venetian glass tiles.
10 The ethnic mosaic of the neighborhoods.
11 A clownish mosaic of shifting hues attired the Harlequin.
12 One of the most notable features of this mosaic is its. variable quality of draughtsmanship and execution.
13 Like illusionistic painting in general,[] this technique of mosaic was meant for the distant view.
14 After laying, the gaps between the individual mosaic pieces are filled with grout.
15 Some features of another mosaic, again from Cirencester, can also be compared with those of the pavement from the Avenue.
16 She clumped across the star-patterned mosaic towards the walk-in cupboard where the ski-gear was kept.
17 Imagine the mosaic of development that might have resulted to serve the visitors and draw even more.
18 The embryo is thus a chimaera, a mosaic of two different kinds of cells.
19 Nor can mosaic pavements offer any guidance, since their themes are commonly drawn from classical mythology.
20 Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.
21 Archaeologists have worked for years to piece together the huge mosaic.
22 The east wall of the mosque is covered with a beautiful mosaic.
23 The present structure was built in 1843 and has recently been refurbished with a mosaic inspired by local school children..
24 The pillars are no exception to the general style. Mosaic pictures cover every inch of wall.
25 The other elevations of the cathedral are also decorated with marble veneer, carving and mosaic.
26 Eric Hahn will replace Marc Andreessen, the 26-year-old wonder boy who helped to write the Mosaic browser.
27 Spyglass, of Naperville, Ill., is best known for its Mosaic browser software for the Internet.
28 To interpret his significance they turned to the Hebrew sacred books, the Mosaic law as well as the prophetic writings.
29 Another pavement, from Verulamium, also suggests some affinity with the Lion and Stag mosaic.
30 She first confirmed Watson's hypothesis that in the tobacco mosaic virus small protein sub-units were arranged in a helical fashion.
1 I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.
2 Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.
3 Archaeologists have worked for years to piece together the huge mosaic.
4 The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.
31 Other omissions include small fragments of mosaic and mosaics which were very poorly recorded.
32 The trilobites produced the mosaic eye which has been retained by the insects.
33 Mosaic C from North Hill and mosaic 7 both have flowers with elongated petals in their central squares.
34 Kathleen Kinder has written a book on Mosaic Knitting which is a particular form of striped slip.
35 These discrepancies are better highlighted by the difference mosaic shown as Fig. 11.
36 The superior quality of this mosaic -like many mosaics in when compared with those in Britain, is self-evident.
37 The mosaic postdates this period, although the style is quite similar.
38 On closer inspection, however, the Middleborough mosaic does reveal some inconsistencies.
39 A mosaic paving of an early floor has been excavated in two sections.
40 It is difficult to make a case, however, for any such mosaic in the west country before c. 170.
41 The maximum possible wall and vault area inside is covered by mosaic or, in poorer churches, by fresco paintings.
42 This mosaic provides even fewer indications of date than does that from Wemberham.
43 In some respects this mosaic appears also to have been influenced by pavements in the western part of the province.
44 The items range from huge Roman mosaic floors to delicate Anglo-Saxon gold rings and glass work.
45 St George in tiny mosaic patterns of blue and gold while the dragon was in fiery red and yellow.
46 But a forgery could always claim to be written by Moses in the same terms as an authentic Mosaic document.
47 It dutifully underscores the mosaic imagery of flat, two-dimensional space and silhouetted figures.
48 Such blasphemers by the Mosaic law were to be stoned to death and for his part he could freely consent to it.
49 Chahine Yavroyan's sound-design is a mosaic of distant gunfire, creaking hulks and elegiac music.
50 It seems certain that pavement K, Woodchester is of the same period as the Orpheus mosaic, i.e. c. 310-325.
51 Then himself, standing in the middle of the mosaic, either coming back from Yzordderrex or preparing to depart.
52 The mosaic spares none of the pertinent details of this ill-fated assignation.
53 Certainly, it is unlikely to have been the only figured panel in the mosaic.
54 The excavation of a Roman town house revealed fragments of a mosaic floor.
55 To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final.
56 A floor of polished marble, a domed ceiling of gold mosaic.
57 Precision-cut, liberated from the leadline, the mosaic edges refract the light in scintillating, unpredictable ways.
58 The Chedworth mosaic also possesses an outer border of continuous swastika meander.
59 In the midday sun the flooded paddies formed a mirrored mosaic across which tropical clouds scudded in fragmented disarray.
60 The similarity of the central flower in mosaic 7 with that in the same position in mosaic C is more compelling.
61 There seems to be a lot of work still needed, but the pedal boat is only part of the mosaic.
62 The wall was painted with little squares to give the appearance of mosaic.
63 Charlie found himself mesmerised by the mosaic patterns that covered the inner walls, their tiny squares making up life-size portraits.
64 The walls were painted with rectangular panels and borders, and mosaic floors formed pictures.
65 For example, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes and tobacco are very susceptible to attacks from the Cucumber Mosaic Virus.
66 Inside the brick walls have niches, originally with mosaic covering.
67 The novel's quest-story takes us into a mosaic of texts, parodies, translations, allusions and fragmentary quotations.
68 Planted last fall, the garden is a mosaic of colors.
69 I am like the painter of that mosaic, the small pieces are falling into place and I need your help.
70 There are no such useful comparisons for the Chedworth mosaic.
71 The development of different methods of handling land transfer, especially inter-generational land transfer, introduced further variations within the cultural mosaic.
72 The town of Brading has a Roman villa with fine mosaic floors and a medieval church.
73 Frequently we abstract from this covenant by singling out the Ten Commandments and ignoring much of the remainder of the Mosaic code.
74 Originally the cathedral was decorated all over, inside and out, with mosaic[sentencedict .com], stucco painting and inlay.
75 There are both native woodland and conifer plantations which gives a rich mosaic of habitats for wildlife.
76 If the abstract, mosaic, Plot portfolio and so forth.
77 otherwise known as the dreaded tobacco mosaic virus.
78 The mosaic is sometimes scarcely visible.
79 It causes an infection called wheat streak mosaic virus.
80 Stones including marble, granite, lime Stonesand stone(), mosaic.
81 What did Matthew believe about the Mosaic Law?
82 In many varieties PVX evokes an interveinal mosaic.
83 What was Matthew's view of the Mosaic Law?
84 Mosaic variegated light green, ovate, quilted. Standard.
85 Experimental results show the calculation speed and the mosaic effect of this algorithm are both well.
86 That something, now called the tobacco mosaic virus, appears on this page (magnified and colorized).
87 The Mosaic law belongs to the former era and believers are no longer under the law (see esp. 3:15–4:7).
88 Ever since the discovery of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in 1892, over three hundred viruses attacking plants have been described.
89 For example, a bicycle tire in a bitmap image is made up of a mosaic of pixels in that location.
90 The mosaic method of the multi-viewpoint image by using the most remote line of scenery on the vertical-mid-plan provide a quick, practical means to obtain the mult...
91 The term chimaera refers to an organism a mosaic, has more than one cell type.
92 PSV disease gradients were often observed from black locust mosaic trees into peanut fields.
93 And yet modern Christians do not consider adherence to the Mosaic Law necessary or perhaps even virtuous.
94 The color flow of the portal vein revealed no color, red, mosaic or filling defect.
95 Introduced a example that the whole structure into mosaic structure for the computer monitor shell.
96 Conclusions Using mosaic external fixator to extend ulnar is a simple and effective method for treatment of forearm deformity due to ulnar osteochondroma.
97 Fang - hua stone mosaic Factory is a large marble mosaic professional manufacturers.
98 Many economically important plant viruses mosaic virusmosaic virus – are seed - transmitted.
99 The mosaic worms of Paragonimus westermani were reported in this paper.
100 Our primary products: natural stone mosaic, luxury metal mosaic, glass mosaic series, etc.
101 But it is the brightest star at the left of this well-composed, starry mosaic spanning about 23 degrees across the northern sky asterism dubbed the Little Dipper.
102 For want of a better word it will now be used in this book to identify the racial religion set up by the Levites on their perversion of the "Mosaic Law."
103 Ondaatje's novels prominently reflected hybrid language and multi-language voice, Mosaic Genre, Style Simulation, and Parody, make the novels be a carnival square.
104 It is a mosaic of water and vegetation, overflown by darting dragonflies and skimmed by spiders that walk on water.
105 Tobacco mosaic is a severe worldwide disease and capable of greatly reducing tobacco quality and yield.
106 Any attempt to reimpose the Mosaic civil laws or their penalties fails to understand the typological, temporary, national character of the Old (Mosaic) covenant.
107 Double light blue pansy. Mosaic variegated green, white and pink, heart - shaped. Semiminiature.
108 The stamping function of the pre-Messianic Sabbath was bound up with the eschatologically forward-looking position of the covenant community (whether pre-fall or Mosaic).
109 We also agree that in both the pre-fall and Mosaic theocracies, the Sabbath served as a sign to stamp cultural activity as bound for the eschatological Sabbath consummation.
110 This method is successfully applied into the automatic identifying system for the fabric contexture model, and a higher mosaic speed and a better mosaic effect are achieved.
111 This was a private picture without admitting TDL, attractions and goods of Disney and all were mosaic pictures, when he tried goods of the souvenir shop in various ways he looked so pleased.
112 Shares of Mosaic, a maker of fertiliser, have been swept by one acquisition rumour after another.
113 The thesis also gives some special functions to enhance the image effect, for instance, blur, mosaic, spray, mono-noise and color noise, etc.
114 Molecular virologist Paul Ahlquist and co-workers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, investigated virus replication in a research workhorse known as brome mosaic virus (BMV).
115 Make sure the grout doesn't show on your mosaic hand mirror.
116 Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus.
117 Besides, mosaic still can be applied at room of TV wall, children, protect eyesight, open eye shot to increase life interest again already.
118 Using traditional Chinese classic window arris hollow out design elements, blue Mosaic. Creative original, the craftsmanship, set practical, art, appreciate, the collection as one.
119 The term chimaera refers to an organism which , a mosaic, has more than one cell type.
120 Those who want detailed legislation for new covenant Sabbath observance are in danger of putting themselves back in bondage to the Mosaic Law.
121 The mosaic of landforms and habitat types creates superlative scenic vistas.
122 This is a cross between a white mosaic and an ebony.
123 Objective To evaluate the value of DSA image mosaic in arteriography in lower extremities.
124 And alongside the massive walls of an early Christian church, I could make out the double circle of pillars of a Baptistery in the centre of a perfectly preserved intricate mosaic floor.
125 Methods: The number of X and Y chromosomes of the ejaculated spermatozoa from the patient with mosaic 46, XY/47, XXY was analysed by X/Y dual fluorescence in-situ hybridization(FISH).
126 And plants are rife with TLRs. Tobacco has one called N protein that is required for fighting tobacco mosaic virus. The weed Arabidopsis has more than 200.
127 Virus templates in virus-enabled rechargeable battery mainly deal with M13 bacteriophage virus and tobacco mosaic virus.
128 Hopeful, ablaze in tonal the beauty that revealed Moroccan ceramic tile and mosaic, sapphirine color, blue-black with light green color innovation goes a kind of unusual elegant combination.
129 The inhibition of plant activator protein on RNA and coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) was studied.
130 Preliminary report of field trials on the control of tobacco mosaic virus diseasevirus agents Duxiao etc.
131 The minimum spanning tree(MST) was used to obtain the best connected-component of the image set to recover the transformation between images and project the images into the mosaic frame.
132 Mosaic tridimensional embossed pattern, 4-color oxidated technical large flora pattern.
132 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
133 Christianity, for example, distinguishes the Mosaic Law which educates but confines from the liberating grace available through faith in Christ.
134 Watermelon mosaic disease was found in watermelon, Citrullus vulgaris, on Hainan Island, with an incidence of 10—30%.
135 This year, we say goodbye together to the mosaic age of homosexuality.
136 Learn how to clean the grout for a mosaic tiled hand mirror at home in this free crafting video.
137 The core digital image scanner is a typical example of utilizing the technology of image mosaic.
138 A black locust mosaic tree was another primary source of PSV in peanut.
139 A black and white image, taken in visible light with the wide-angle camera, is used to fill in parts of the mosaic.
140 Around 1916, it added in a circle round the top of the mosaic of the four small stars, following a Mercedes "Mercedes" word.
141 Rescue and mosaic analysis experiments suggested that HLB - 1 regulated synaptic functions in a cell nonautonomously way.
142 The study on landscape mosaic structure provides valuable information for rationale management of the environmental resources and has been one of the key study areas in landscape ecology as a whole.
143 This mosaic of M31 merges 330 individual images taken bySwift's Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope.
144 For ethnics who want to add their culture to the mosaic that is America.
145 A porcelain mosaic tiled wall and plastic in chartreuse give this kitchen a refreshing, modern look.
146 This paper proposes a fast mosaic algorithm based on scan line filling. The experiments show that the proposed approach greatly improves the efficiency and is very valuable to practice.
147 Landscape mosaic structure mainly refers to the distribution of patches, which are different in size and shape in space owing to the interaction of various ecological activities.
148 Erythrocyte membrane glycoproteins have been important factors in development of the mosaic model.
149 Agrobacterium - mediated transformation of pepper B 162 with coat protein gene of cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV - CP ) was studied.
150 If a sponge is added on the mosaic gold cloth, the decoration made of the mosaic gold cloth has the stereoscopic impression and strengthens the performance.
151 The mosaic diseases found on beans, hyacinth dolichos and cowpeas in Guan- zhong Plain in Shaanxi is caused by CMV. The virus belongs to the leguminous systematic group.
152 Geography itself protects the mosaic of Uygur culture in Hotan, in far southwestern Xinjiang.
153 If we want to transcend the teacher mosaic culture, we must cre.
154 Results: Patchy consolidation, ground glass opacity, wedge-shaped shadow, "mosaic oligemia" etc can be seen on plain CT.
155 The mosaic floor had large white and black tesserae which formed a great circle with some square-shaped decorations.
156 The chitosan oligosaccharide Schiff base phosphonate has better activity for resisting tobacco mosaic virus.
157 The influence of meteorological conditions on the occurrence and development of tobacco mosaic virus(...
158 Aline Siyi was identified with resistance to maize dwarf mosaic B and adult stage.
159 The ores with a high oxidation rate contains arsenic and stibium, and the mosaic size of silver minerals in it is quite fine.
160 By reviving the stonecutter 's art of the Florantine mosaic, and other techniques from the 17th and 18th centuries, Russian restorers have reproduced the room's amber panels and artworks.
161 Quite by chance , an apse and some mosaic fragments were brought to light in 1891.
162 In the Zhejiang University[http://], where he found a ladybug teaches genetic mosaic splash dominant phenomenon.
163 The total protein composition and the thylakoid membranes polypeptide composition of tobacco leaves infected by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) or treated with Ningnanmycin were studied.
164 Mosaic can be used as subroutine to your program for numerical calculation.
165 It is very important to understand the laws of Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) inactivation under different water bodies and temperatures.
166 A direct-view large-screen display system, with the construction of mosaic AC plasma display panels, used in the areas of alphanumerics and graphics, has been fabricated.
167 Thirdly, we analyze cumulative error of multiple images. The method of combination of neighbor small image stitch and mosaic is presented with the global strategy for fast image mosaic.
168 Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus is a small, icosahedral plant virus which worsens the symptoms of infection by Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV).
169 The monopartite genome of tobacco mosaic virus is a plus - strand RNA molecule of 6395 nucleotides.
170 Consume clew: The most popular this year mosaic colour is the department that mix scene and metallic color department, aureate with argent the delegate that is vogue and avant-courier .
171 The identification results of cell ploidy in the material induced showed that most strains were mosaic with diploid and tetraploid cells at average levels of 79.4% and 20.6% respectively.
172 This icosahedron was created from a mosaic of images taken by the Voyager spacecrafts.
173 Advocate toilet can according to master idea, to create unique individual character space that wash gargle, blue Mosaic of fantasy and white pure combination, build a clinking youth.
174 In the pavement was inserted a small and most exquisite mosaic.
175 The mosaic column emitter type drip irrigation pipe is widely used in water-saving irrigation fields , such as greenhouse, grapery planting, farmland planting, city greening and deserts greening etc.
176 The results showed that TMV spread mainly by clipping with very high efficiency, and clipping was the most important and effective approach of tobacco mosaic spreading in floating seedbed system.
177 The main reasons of low output and quality were infected by Dasheen mosaic virus ( DMV ) in Araceae.
178 The invention provides a semiconductor component and a method for manufacturing a metal-insulator-metal capacitor in a mosaic structure.
179 Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is one of the main tobacco diseases in the world, it can reduce tobacco yield to 30-50%, causing great economic losses.
180 Stimulated by cathode ray, this synthetic diamondproduces strong blue-white fluorescence and displays its specific cathodoluminescent geometric patterns, growth subdivisions and mosaic structure.
181 Mosaic is one of the most widely distributed sugarcane diseases.
182 It is found that samples with higher mechanical strength are characterized by interceptive on mosaic structure.
183 Patches mosaic structure of community is due to gap formation and lead species diversity.
184 Turnip mosaic virus ( TuMV ) is one of the most important pathogens on cruciferae crops.
185 A member of an ancient Jewish sect that emphasized strict interpretation and observance of the Mosaic law in both its oral and written form.
186 Recent development of micro particle retention technology such as the mosaic system, cationic mi-cro particle technology and silica nanoparticle was briefly introduced in this paper.
187 a design in mosaic.
188 The result is a patchwork mosaic of bone without an even lamellar structure.
189 Chinese cabbage leaf blade and leaf stalk of Brassica Chinensis systematically infected with Ribgrass Mosaic virus was separately made by the freezing cut transection.
190 Objective To explore the effect of using mosaic external fixator to treat the forearm deformity due to ulnar osteochondroma.
191 Image mosaic deal the problem how to create a seamless and high quality image which has high resolution and big eyeshot compared with a single image through registry a series of overlap image.
192 The city's mosaic culture results in great diversity in the arts.
193 The influence of meteorological conditions on the occurrence and development of tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) in Northeast Fujian is analyzed.
194 Conclusion Primary Mosaic - shaped musculoskeletal flap for cranioplasty combine decompression can reduce ICP and rate of post - operation complication ,[http:///mosaic.html] avoid secondary operation.
195 This paper presents a video mosaics system based on TMS320DM642, the key problems such as video mosaic, selection of hardware resources, working routine and etc are discussed in detail.
196 Studying and exploring the new techniques to prevent and control tobacco mosaic have become the point to which lots of researchers is paying attention.
197 Enchase the two areas using Mosaic of ENVI, wetland distribution map of the Nansihu Lake Area was achieved(2)Wetland information extraction of the Yellow River Delta.
198 And discussed design for jewelry structure of the link structure, function structure, mosaic structure and screw structure from the respective of effect and processing technology.
199 The traditional explanation is on the right track: the Decalogue is clearly set apart from the rest of the Mosaic legislation.
200 Fast twice a week – Fasting was not commanded in the Mosaic Law except for the fast on the Day of Atonement.
201 Our company mainly deals with following products: stone mosaic, stainless steel mosaic.
202 A strain of tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) was found in some parts of Guangxi region.
203 Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud.
204 He followed that up a year later with a mosaic using just as many toothpicks dedicated to Antonio Gaudi, the Spanish architect famous for constructions including Barcelona's Sagrada Familia church.
205 Unlike the rest of the Mosaic corpus of laws, the Decalogue was written directly by the finger of God, on tablets of stone, and placed inside the ark of the covenant.
206 The coat protein gene of tobacco mosaic virus strain OM have been combined with the 35S promoter and terminator of cauliflower mosaic virus as a chimeric gene.
207 Customers can also tailor Meilunmeihuan mosaic murals, parquet patterns , Yaoxian, Trim and other works of art.
208 Natural Stones Including Marble, Travertine, Limestone, Onyx Stones and Antiquated Mosaic Tiles.
209 Meanwhile, Rogers and John Castello of State University of New York in Syracuse have isolated a plant virus called tomato mosaic virus from Greenland glacial ice up to 140, 000 years old.
210 All cherry red spot, 68.06 percent of petechia and 68.35 percent of gastric mucosal erosion accompany mosaic.
211 Mosaic may have been made in the 4th century A.D. by North African artists.
212 The model has been applied successfully to optical image automatic fast mosaic system on some military aerial camera remote slope photo-graphy.
213 Owing to the changes of mediums, paintings change from encaustic , mosaic, secco, fresco, and tempera to oil painting.
214 Used in ceramic tile, Mosaic facing juncture, because not bibulous, winter won't frozen, expansion, can prevent ceramic tile, Mosaic of spalling.
215 The most popular now is the sort of colour and lustre the bright-coloured, mosaic that has intertropical and jungly flavor very much, particularly beautiful.
216 This fresh-looking lunar crater (arrowed) appears significantly brighter, and thus inherently bluer, in a mosaic of blue-light and near-infrared images from the Clementine spacecraft.
217 The polar orbital satellite multitrack mosaic imagery is an important part in the operational application of polar orbital satellite.
218 Because the Mosaic Law has been "nailed to the cross", Paul tells the Colossians not to be intimidated by legalists (v. 16).
219 You can also use mosaic film after turning roast Yin-Yang is the result of a clear, sharp outside positive II , and by the positive print, corrosion or stamping pressure concavoconvex version.
220 New special effects for graphics including embossing, mosaic, watercolor and more.
221 We consider that damage layers on near perfect crystal consist of polycrystal layer, mosaic structure layer and distorted layer.
222 Was the Sabbath in force for the people of God prior to the giving of the Mosaic Law?
223 Poplar-based smallholder agroforestry has transformed the flood plains of Siyang County into a mosaic of green activity on the landscape.
224 Two strains of turnip mosaic virus were identified on rape in Kiangsu.
225 The balcony uses natural stone, brick or mosaic more, because marble is easy efflorescent ,[] and granite is heavier.
226 This one will fit better as one tile in a larger mosaic.
227 Netscape 1.0 was written as an alternative browser to NCSA Mosaic.
228 The VAG - BA copolymer latex can be used as mosaic floor adhesive.
229 One mosaic variation clon of Citrus microcarpa was found by authors, which presented different yellow green inlays on leaves, shoots and fruits.
230 Granite Tile, Marble Tile, paves granites , curbstone, Bluestone Tile, Slate Tile, Granite Countertops, Mosaic.
231 Through experiments, the method is proven to be with relative high precision on three-dimensional image mosaic and space length measuring error is less than 0.091%.
232 This chinchilla is a mosaic with white and violet fur.
233 Other possibilities to explain the virgin birth include Mary being a genetic mosaic, formed from twins that fused into one body while maintaining chromosomes from both, Y and all.
234 The main dish is an unblemished lamb slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Mosaic Law. The Feast of the Passover commemorates the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
235 Recombinant DNA technology, transgenic technology is also a matter of fact in the molecular level to create the mosaic.
236 The core of this thesis is the analysis in detail of the music, and the definition of the form as a single movement free style FantasiaAbstractwith mult-themes and multi-phrases in mosaic structure.
237 Meanwhile scientists from the University Maryland scientists used the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), a virus found on tobacco plants, to create the anode.
238 On the basis of investigation, the symptom and development regularity of the mosaic virus in L. chinense var. rubrum under the different cultivated ways were represented.
239 Nonobjective pattern formed by mosaic in a single bell-like lantern.
240 Natives and visitors alike feel the benefits of this rich cultural mosaic.
241 Natural Stones Including Marble, Travertine, Limestone, Onyx Stones and Antiquated Mosaic Tiles Marble.
242 Turnip mosaic virus is a worldwide popular kind of plant virus, which caused serious damages to the crop production.
243 Wisdom, in Ben Sira's view, is synonymous with the fear of God, and sometimes is confounded in his mind with the Mosaic law.
244 In receiving real - time video, mosaic imaging shall be generated in real time.
245 'Lubaoshi'is a new summer squash F1 hybrid developed by crossing mosaic leaf summer squash inbred line 94011 as female parent with dark green skin summer squash inbred line 94001 as male parent.
246 This mosaic of M31 merges 330 individual images taken by the Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope aboard NASA's Swift spacecraft.
247 To the one side wall in besmear becomes nacarat , outside bath crock build closing is blue mosaic, the table is yellow.
248 If the picture is diversified perfectible effect when it appear, such as the mosaic or window shade, then your program look very agility and your program is all the more specialization.
249 This icosahedron was created from a mosaic of images taken by the Viking spacecrafts.
250 The results show that the algorithm can correct the adjacent camera image brightness and color difference effectively, and makes a good improvement for image mosaic at later period.
251 He has used a mixture of mosaic, collage and felt-tip pen.
252 Fundamental key is one azure , the floor tile of blue mosaic, bice.
253 The fractal characteristics of forest landscape on mosaic structure model at Baiyun region in Guangzhou was analyzed using fractals.
254 The mosaic consists of a metal plate covered with insulating material.
255 The prototype basin has undergone mosaic, cross, drape and mosaic four superimposed processes.
256 In the paper, an improved algorithm based on special column is presented, which also needs the color information to mosaic images.
257 The fluorescence labeling technique of phycoerythrin and application for the immunoassay of Tobacco mosaic Virus were studied in this research using it as a labeling probe.
258 But following blindly always takes place in this culture. Flowing mosaic culture can fuse the advantages of the two cultures. Teachers' ability of handling the curriculum ...
259 VFB could induce the host to have resistance against diseases, and strengthen its antiviral capability to tobacco mosaic tobamovirus(TMV).




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