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单词 Faithfully
1. The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.
2. He faithfully lived up to his promise.
3. He always performs his duties faithfully.
4. He had served the family faithfully for 40 years.
5. I promised you faithfully.
6. The old nurse had served the family faithfully for thirty years.
7. She promised faithfully that she would come.
8. She served the family faithfully for many years .
9. She wrote faithfully in her journal every day.
10. He has served the farm faithfully for 20 years.
11. The secretary copied the letter faithfully.
12. She faithfully repeated everything he had told her.
13. The film follows the book faithfully.
14. The movie follows the book faithfully.
15. He served the family faithfully for many years .
16. She promised faithfully not to tell anyone my secret.
17. We discharged our duties faithfully.
18. They faithfully observed the rules.
19. Ann faithfully promised never to tell my secret.
20. The book's characters are faithfully reproduced in the film.
21. They attended faithfully to their duties.
22. He followed the instructions faithfully.
23. Yours faithfully, Michael Moore(), London Business School.
24. He loves her faithfully.
25. I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.
26. Although he promised faithfully to come, I still didn't think he would.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years.
28. Every year, we faithfully make a trip up there to see him.
29. When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can.
30. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.
1. The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.
2. He faithfully lived up to his promise.
3. He always performs his duties faithfully.
4. He had served the family faithfully for 40 years.
5. I promised you faithfully.
6. He has served the farm faithfully for 20 years.
7. They faithfully observed the rules.
8. They attended faithfully to their duties.
9. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.
10. We took steps to ensure that rules should be faithfully carried.
31. We took steps to ensure that rules should be faithfully carried.
32. It was all there, faithfully recorded in his uncle's stiff and formal style.
33. He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.
34. So why do they stick with one female faithfully?
35. The outer world faithfully reflects our inner world.
36. Cast-metal cresting follows faithfully the traditional style.
37. You feel great if you work faithfully and efficiently. Dr T.P.Chia 
38. Such letters will close with Yours faithfully.
39. I copied the letter faithfully.
40. They seemed to require favorable weather to perform faithfully.
41. The Luggage followed faithfully, lid half open and menacing.
42. So what is new? Yours faithfully, Heinz Vuillermoz.
43. These are fluent, musical performances, but do not faithfully realize the composer's intentions.
44. If you repeat the basics faithfully, your business will prosper.
45. Purse-strings, whether tightly or slackly held, tend faithfully to trace lines of power.
46. Many painters shared their Soviet counterpart's sincere belief in the continuing viability of faithfully recording what they saw.
47. His vision was direct, concrete and simple and he recorded faithfully the accidents of every-day life.
48. Since our beliefs create our experiences, Cathy's love life faithfully reflected her mixed-up beliefs.
49. With a large population of working Dakotas still ploughing faithfully on, the marketplace for turbo conversions has great potential.
50. In her youth she was a devout Catholic, faithfully performing the Stations of the Cross.
51. It's a great place to stay for the evening with much of the town's Medieval and Renaissance character faithfully preserved.
52. Picton-Howell's main mission in life was to record faithfully the minutes of the many meetings she attended.
53. When this is run the servos should faithfully follow the input commands.
54. In searching for Heather, he was faithfully reproducing her movements - and quite possibly her mistakes as well.
55. It will faithfully record your nightmarish, most avantgarde guitar parts - bass, rhythm or lead.
56. She performed her duties faithfully, reserving to herself the most menial tasks.
56. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
57. Every year we faithfully make a trip to see my parents.
58. Our team of ballot counters, undaunted by the mammoth task before them, faithfully recorded your favorites.
59. The pickup's stylus must faithfully track undulations which are smaller than the wavelength of light.
60. These were faithfully reported in the press a few days later so that readers knew the position of every member of the Cabinet.
61. All are credited with faithfully carrying out what was proclaimed as the ultimate post-cold war management remake.
62. References were frequently made to the original model to faithfully simulate the soft effect of the creases.
63. They must faithfully convey the historian's meaning and still be memorable for you. 3.
64. The San Francisco that you have slowly and faithfully trained me to know and adore cares nothing for sexual orientation.
65. A young woman does not mate faithfully with a wealthy tycoon.
66. Make it a firm arrangement faithfully followed, and do not allow all the other urgent distractions to crush out this opportunity.
67. In the end George ate all of his, but Libby faithfully saved a few and wrapped them in a paper bag.
68. The hermeneutics of the cross ought to lead us to quite different theological conclusions about living faithfully in the twilight of modernity.
69. A white T-shirt clung faithfully to the contoured steel of his pectoral muscles.
70. It seems almost needless to say nowadays that exposition repeats are faithfully observed.
71. Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can. Louisa May Alcott 
72. I jogged a few laps with Seb, got really warm and faithfully carried out my stretching routine.
73. Jessamy had promised faithfully not to open them until the morning of her birthday, and she had kept her promise.
74. Then he turned his attention to the small tape-recorder, which had faithfully copied the brief transmission.
75. Do those basics faithfully every day and you will succeed.
76. And this was faithfully reproduced in the ideas of the revolutionaries.
77. So from then on they learnt the discipline of budgeting and faithfully sent home the pound themselves.
78. So buy the best sealer you can find, and use it faithfully.
79. While gearing up for the event, Tamagni is faithfully skating around Miramar Reservoir.
80. You shouldn't use "Yours faithfully" - it's much too formal for this kind of letter.
81. His life has measured the ups and downs as faithfully as a seismograph.
82. Thanks also to anyone else involved who may read this letter. Yours faithfully.
83. He reported back faithfully to Theo, who had provided his train fare.
84. Trading faithfully witness the transnormal development history of "Tailong".
85. They promised faithfully to bear their confinement with patience.
86. Untold millions of believers have served him faithfully under despotic governments.
87. In order to express faithfully this intuitive impression[sentencedict .com], non-logical narrative forms are adopted in Pioneer Novels to present their sense of intuitionism.
88. Thirty-nine percent is, obviously, not perfect, though the women in the South African trial who used the gel most faithfully did better, achieving 54 percent protection.
89. F . the surface is smooth semitransparent, faithfully reflects the business card printing and membership card making.
90. Article 19 A trader who has obtained the temporary export licensing shall faithfully fill out an Application Form for License and affix its seal thereto when it applies for a license.
91. It is agreed that translation should transfer the original text as faithfully and correctly as possible.
92. We should devote ourselves assiduously and faithfully to the duties of our profession.
93. to follow instructions faithfully.
94. I stayed faithfully by him until his comedy was finished.
95. The Ebionites faithfully observed the Law of Moses, claiming that in doing so, they were following the example not only of James, Peter and the disciples, but of Jesus himself.
96. On the basis of large scale label corpus, the research faithfully reflects the panorama of the modern Chinese language phenomena.
97. In the UK, traditional valedictions have been mainly replaced by "Yours sincerely" or "Yours faithfully".
98. After all that Hezekiah had so faithfully done, Sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah. He laid siege to the fortified cities, thinking to conquer them for himself.
99. Consider the four skills of clear comprehension that are acquired when one practices faithfully and mindfully.
100. Most amazing is his musicality, his ability to respond to the score faithfully and yet creatively, playing with the music, moving in before and after the beat.
101. Apply and fill in the Sun Resources Club Application Blank faithfully.
102. Pinjra Begum was poisoned by the beautiful water she had faithfully pumped.
103. So many Americans faithfully and ignorantly believe our appointed and elected officials that run the government.
104. We have the honor to inform you that we have this day accorded Power of Procuration to Mr.R.G., who has faithfully assisted us for the last two years.
105. His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin.
106. It faithfully captures the elegant orderliness of social reality that grows out of the logic of human action.
107. For ten years now, Silas had faithfully denied himself all sexual indulgence, even self-administered.
108. Begum was poisoned by the beautiful water she had faithfully pumped.
109. This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.
110. 'I will faithfully,'replied the man,'if you will come with me.
111. He urges Timothy to carry out these duties faithfully and blamelessly until Christ's return.
112. Princeton theologians Archibald Alexander and Charles Hodge believed that their theology faithfully reflected Reformed beliefs and should be central in American Presbyterianism.
113. The environmental monitoring institution shall accept the trust and faithfully provide monitoring data.
114. Paul himself had suffered in Philippi for the sake of the Gospel (v. 2), but even that did not stop him from faithfully preaching the same message at Thessalonica.
115. He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer's commands.
116. So do you faithfully replicate the same work,[] or do you unfaithfully let the garden look after itself?
117. Our tolerate is to make the own heart dependable, we loyalty is to work of with all one's heart serve faithfully to the utmost a job, so we do what can also say with a clear conscience!
118. "Surely, " said Rose, "the poor child's story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him.
119. Long Zheng will be happy: we've got rid of the Add Fonts dialog that has served Windows faithfully for the last twenty years.
120. By the time I got home they had frayed so much they resembled two small sheep, but I wore them faithfully for two months until I had to scrub up for a party in Venice.
121. The Chinese Communist Party faithfully adheres to this Marxist - Leninist principle.
122. My answer showed that I had the drive and grit to serve Goldman Sachs faithfully - at least for the length of the two-year dogsbody analyst program.
123. Electroformed apertures reproduce the mandrel photo resist finish faithfully and do not require any further processing.
124. WILLIAM REHNQUIST: "That I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States ... "
124. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
125. This film faithfully documents the life in the prison, showing the heart-warming side of the prison.
126. Our country has always adhered faithfully to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
127. Welcome to the lingerie boutique clothing discount beauty shop eBay Second, we will serve you faithfully!
128. For the captured articles involved in the case, the department shall faithfully make a list of articles involved in the case, and dispose of them pursuant to the relevant state provisions.
129. My son still faithfully - and sometimes begrudgingly - practices what we named the "Egg Drill" and "Little Touches Drill" each day.
130. But even that did not stop him from faithfully preaching the same message at Thessalonica.




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