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单词 Larva
1 A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly.
2 A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly.
3 The tadpole is the larva of the frog.
4 bacillus, bacilli * larva, larvae * criterion,[] criteria.
5 The larva hatches out and lives in the soil.
6 A larva metamorphose into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly.
7 After six weeks, the larva emerges as a fully-grown beetle.
8 There are three stages - larva, nymph and adult - each of which quite often feeds off a different host.
9 An ant-lion larva lies in wait at the bottom of its specially constructed pit.
10 The sea squirt larva is not the only filter-feeder with such a significant rod in its back.
11 When the larva first began to develop from the egg, its cells were segregated into two groups.
12 The entire body of the larva is being dismembered and reassembled.
13 The larva moults to give rise to the four-legged nymph, which, after five more days, becomes the adult mite.
14 Escamoles are the larva and pupa stage of the red ant.
15 The particular larva around which a mussel pearl forms lives in its adult stage in the eider duck.
16 The well-wrapped single egg then hatches, and the larva eats its home as its parent leaves.
17 Thus a dragonfly and its larva are both voracious eaters of their fellow creatures.
18 The average Vadinamian looks like an over-sized larva, boneless and segmented.
19 Make sketches of the larva or pupa, remembering to write the date in each drawing.
20 This larva eventually settles down on a rock, usually chalk or limestone, and grows the two valves of its shell.
21 The flat, free-swimming, ciliated larva of a coelenterate.
22 The larva hatches from the egg.
23 Silkworms are the larva of the mulberry silk moth.
24 Fertilization is external, producing free - living planula larva.
25 Backswimmer hunts larva . Now he's caught it.
26 It'shows the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly.
27 This, at least, is some suggestion of a backbone, but the larva does not keep it for very long.
28 It removes the cap of the cell containing a rotting larva, and it throws the larva away.
29 Fourteen days is the length of the life cycle from egg to larva to pupa to adult.
30 The complete set of drawings will show how much the larva grows.
31 The results indicated that the fertilized eggs in blastula stage and yolk-sac larva of Paralichthys olivaceus were more sensitive to algal toxin than those in other development stages.
32 Proteins extraction from the larva of Dendrolimus punctatus with a buffer solution method was studied.
33 I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly.
34 For Penaeus larva, the utilizable proportion of the food decreases with the raising of the diet density,[] and remains at a lower level in further raising of the density.
35 Leafminers are insect larva in the following four orders: Lepidoptera , Diptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, which mine and feed between leave layers.
36 Conclusion Do our best to try to remove the accumulated water and sullage in these tyres before the first generation of larva emergercing in early spring.
37 In these two sites, the benthic animal community were mainly composed of oligochaeta and chironmus larva, they were adaptive to low concentration DO and were resistive to organic pollution.
38 The genomic DNA polymorphism of 13 Antheraea pernyi cultivars from 4 larva skin color was detected with RAPD markers.
39 The mulberry silkworm belongs to Bombycidae. It is an insect of complete metamorphosis. There are four stages of its life: egg, larva, pupa and moth.
40 The larva of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other grain products and are often raised for bird feed.
41 The larva of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other products and are often for bird feed .
42 A larva of several tortricid moths, especially the spruce budworm , that devours plant buds.
43 The five points method and diagonal method were the optimum sampling pattern for adults in the fields, the method of font Z for larva and the diagonal method for eggs.
44 Objective To define the antiviral activity of Musca domestica larva homogenate.
45 The parasitic larva of a trematode worm, having a tail that disappears in the adult stage.
46 Last May a study published by Cornell University showed that pollen from some strains of corn with built-in pesticides can kill the larva of the Monarch butterfly, a pest by nobody's standards.
47 All of mast cells in larva, adult bufonidae and adult bullfrog were proved to be the mucosal mast cell (MMC), which contributed to be first defense in skin mucosal immunity.
48 Objective To study the immunological and antibacterial activity of hemolymph from housefly larva.
49 The results showed that Erigonidium graminicola and Theridium octomaculatum were the most important predatory enemies of both egg and larva of Pieris rapae in autumn cabbage fields.
50 A magnified shot shows the head of a tiger swallowtail butterfly larva.
51 The Bombyx mori is one member of the holometabolous class of insects, which possesses four distinguished developmental stages, i. e. , egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
52 When a person drinks the water, the cyclops is dissolved by the acidity of the stomach, and the larva is activated and penetrates the gut wall.
53 Chironomus larva(red worm) is a new problem existed in urban water supply treatment and some summarizations are conducted on the present existed methods.
54 The aquatic, wormlike larva of the caddis fly, enclosed in a cylindrical case covered with grains of sand, fragments of shell, and other debris.
55 The contents of blood's ALA, CYS, GLU of the Over - Wintering Larva were increased 94.6 % , 80.2 % , and 19.6 % , respectively.
56 Although early instar larvae were present in the host larval hemocoel, only one parasitoid survived to come out of host larva for pupation, killing the larva in the process.
57 The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth.
58 Results from this report shows that the elm bark beetle appears in two generations per year on elm tree and the winter is passed in last instar larva in Karamay. The female lays 46—75 eggs.
59 The fish feed on benthos, larva of aquatic insect and other fishes.
60 Otherwise, the optimal theoretical sampling number of the larva and the sequential sampling model were obtained.
61 The larva is ingested by a water flea (cyclop), where it develops and becomes infective in two weeks.
62 The indoor experiment shows, it is feasible to utilize Beauveria bassiana carried by Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao to infect Monochamus alternatus larva voluntarily.
63 The result of the same insecticide against different popution instar larva of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis were difference.
64 The larva attacks the young leaves and buds of Michelia figo and Magnolia grandiflora.
65 Important changes in the embryo or larva will probably entail changes in the mature animal.
66 Objective : To explore the possibility of immune prevention of larva migrans of Toxocara canis.
67 Chironomus larva(red worm) has become a new problem in the water supply plant because it is difficult to be effectively removed by conventional methods.
68 It is suggested that the mechanism of ADZ making encysted larva lethal is inhibiting metabolism of glycogen, RNA, and DNA,[ ] and ATP production.
69 The free-swimming first stage of the larva of certain crustaceans,() having an unsegmented body with three pairs of appendages and a single median eye.
70 Then, last year, he was sent an unusual fish larva.
71 It can not only cause the acute toxicity to fishes, but also cause the fish embryo - larva teratogenicity. At the same time it is mutagen to fishes.
72 A larva that feeds on and is destructive to cabbage, especially the bright-green larva of the cabbage butterfly.
73 An Asian silkworm, the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia, that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk.
74 This paper focused on the larva growth rate, mortality, pupation rate, nutritional component of Tenebrio molitor L.
75 On the 3rd day, the larva was able to swim in the water, few started feeding with rotifer.
76 However, oviposition is very rare with no vitality, so the mites arc ovoviviparous. and produce larva or protonympb.
77 When a person drinks the water, the cyclop is killed by the acidity of the stomach and the larva is freed and penetrates the gut wall.
78 Some energy traders look instead to woolly worms, small fuzzy caterpillars that are the larva of the Isabella tiger moth, as predictors of winter weather.
79 This paper studied the toxicity effect of Ni, Hg and PCP on Chironomus Larva.
80 The titi is to the gamin what the moth is to the larva; the same being endowed with wings and soaring.
81 The hatching membrane which was composed of chorion and fertilization membrane was the primary egg membrane, and protected the embryo development from harm material till the larva hatched.
82 The egg and hookworm larva pollution rates of soil and water samples also decreased obviously, but the enterobius infection rates decreased slightly.
83 Each egg hatches and releases a microscopic free-living larva called a miracidium.
84 The probability of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus entering room was extremely low. The larva breed mainly in calm and clean water of pond, pool, bottomland and ditch etc.
85 The otolith diameter of larva starvation group that could also be continual deposition under stagnated of body length.
86 In response to the appearance of chironomus larva(red worm) pollution it has become a new problem in water treatment.
87 These insects are masters of disguise, acquiring false eyespots in their larva stage to give them a snakelike look.
88 The larva and diet of phytophagous coccinellids indicate that that they are the most ancestral group of Coccinellidae evolving from ancestors like chrysomelids.
89 The paper also makes suggestions and gives directions for future research on chironomus larva pollution.
90 The emergence of an adult insect from a pupal case or an insect larva egg.
91 Objective : To analysis the composition, seasonal variation of commmon flies and percentage of larva of flies.
92 Objective Through experiment on animals to explore the existence of larva trichinella spiralistrichinella spiralis in advance.
93 Objective To screen Gram-negative bacteria in the midguts of lab-reared Anopheles sinensis at 3 development stages (larva, unfed adult and engorged adult).
94 If you do decide to use the comb in your trap check it often for wax moth larva and wax moths to prevent a major infestation.
95 The defoliation was related to thelarvae density and the length of larva.
96 There existed obvious differences of EST isoenzyme between larva phase and adult phase and different isoenzyme zymogram in each intraspecific clade.
97 The larva is ingested by a water flea (cyclops), where it develops and becomes infective in two weeks.
98 We prevent chafer larva in nursery with 33% furation pelletized granule and 50% phoxim oil concentrate and get best result.
99 In conclusion, in the late stage of parasitization, the parasitoid larva, with the help of teratocytes, utilized up most of the host nutrients for its own development and growth.
100 ORHarm was also expressed in different developmental stages of egg, larva, pupa and imago.
101 Human sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease infected by plerocercoid larva (sparganum) of Spirometra species.
102 To observe mosquito larva density degression rate (), both hydrophytes and fishes death rate.
103 Nicotine concentration has significantly passive correlation with number and dying time of Pieris canidia saparrman larva foraging four vegetables.
104 To define the antiviral activity of M. domestica larva hemolymph.
105 The effective removal of Chironomus larva (red worm) from drinking water in conventional water treatment process has become one of the problems that puzzle the normal operation in water works.
106 The abdomen under the wings of the butterfly still represents the larva.
107 Copepoda was harmful to crab larva in early stage, but became natural food for the crab larvae in later stage.
108 The interference control effects of causing death by toxicity on egg and small larva of Pieris rapae were lower than the effects of repelling adults and deterring egg laying.
109 Adult phototaxis and first instar larva eat rotten organic matter.
110 The researchers, Manuel Leal and Brian Powell, exposed tropical lizards in Puerto Rico known as Anolis evermanni to a blue disc. Beneath the disc was some tasty prey — a freshly killed worm larva.
111 Objective To study the antiviral activity of Musca domestica larva hemolymph .
112 The results showed the egg laying amount of the present age was reduced, the population density of larva was also cut down.
113 Its adult stage , taking the fourth generation as the example , lasts 6.25 ( 3 - 14 ) , egg , 4.64 ( 4 - 6 ), larva, 11.92 ( 10 - 15 ) and pupa , 13.83 ( 11 - 18 ) days.
114 The firefly is a holometabolic insect, passing through the stages of being an egg, being a larva, molting , and pupation.




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