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单词 Unaided
1. She can no longer walk unaided.
2. She professed that she could do nothing unaided.
3. Did she produce this work unaided?
4. The baby cannot sit unaided she has to be propped up on pillows.
5. The two explorers attempted an unaided walk across the South Pole.
6. He can now walk unaided.
7. Jerry cannot stand up unaided.
8. No man unaided could kill Medusa.
9. Tissues should be able to support themselves unaided before sutures are removed.
10. It was not unusual for him, unaided, to drink two bottles of wine in as many hours.
11. The act of digging a garden bed unaided helps to counter self-doubts and public preconceptions about blind people's capabilities.
12. Made an unaided attempt to climb the sheer cliff.
13. That comet is invisible to the unaided eye.
14. He captured a lion unaided by anyone.
15. She brought us up completely unaided.
16. Since his accident, he hasn't been able to walk unaided.
17. There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reach the North Pole unaided.
18. However, the more subtle the judgement, the greater the dangers inherent in reliance on unaided intuition.
19. The symptoms are usually quite acute and can be seen with the unaided eye.
20. It was clear that he was in no condition to get himself home unaided.
21. Once made explicit in this way judgment policies can be used to help reach a consensus when unaided discussion fails.
22. One, a grade-school boy with spindly arms and legs, rode, unaided, a stationary bicycle.
23. There are plenty of things which exist and are indisputably real, despite not being perceptible to your unaided senses.
24. They checked whether the person could take even a breath or two unaided and determined what muscles the patient used for breathing.
25. Basil also remembers he smoked a pipe which he managed to fill and light with matches, entirely unaided.
26. He had to reach safety in the next few seconds, by his own unaided efforts.
27. Another wall of the same crystal - unbreakable by any unaided human body - stretched across the chamber close by.
28. He showed immense physical courage in fighting the illness which left him unable to walk again unaided.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. Upon successful completion, the salesperson is then entrusted to sell the washing machines and dryers unaided.
30. It's surprising how many mistakes an otherwise intelligent person can make when left to execute a document unaided.
1. Since his accident, he hasn't been able to walk unaided.
31. Inez climbed into the cab unaided.
32. Patients recover slowly, over a number of days, but remain ataxic with many unable to walk unaided.
33. Inclusions in I 1 diamonds often are seen to the unaided eye.
34. For starters, try scanning for Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye or binoculars.
35. If you can't see the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye, try binoculars.
36. This fungus can just be detected by the unaided eye.
37. But the gruff, burly Rochester insists on getting home unaided although he is in great pain.
38. A nearby star, visible with the unaided eye, is ringed with two rocky asteroid belts and an outer icy halo, making it a three-ring cosmic circus.
39. It was discomposed into 3 relatively unaided subsystems: the basic data-base, the bicycles data-base, the joint between the user and the system.
40. If mucus plugs became very watery, your phlegm would sometimes float upward unaided where it can be spit out.
41. Most cells are too small to be detected by the unaided human eyes.
42. He made his way down the aircraft steps unaided but moved shakily as he did so.
43. Gross crystalline imperfections like twinning are apparent to the unaided eye.
44. Yet the US has proved unable to achieve what It'seeks unaided.
45. That legendary hero captured the enemy's stronghold unaided by anyone.
46. She would pray for him, sitting up in bed unaided, her head lifted(), her voice steady.
47. He did it unaided.
48. By the way, there's a second galaxy — M33, in the constellation Triangulum – that some experienced observers have glimpsed with the unaided eye, under perfect sky conditions.
49. Orange Peel - A roughened surface that is visible to the unaided eye.
50. Perhaps the future role of the sedimentary petrologist will be as an interpreter and an arbiter of cases too complex for the machine to decide unaided .
51. For starters, try scanning for the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye or binoculars.
52. The existence of God can be proved by the unaided reason.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 9:36:31