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单词 Existential
1. Existential questions requir-ing religious answers still persist.
2. We were definitely going for the existential crime-drama thing.
3. For some reason, maybe just an existential weariness, U. S. steel companies stopped doing these things.
4. By the same token, we find less existential angst than in much western art.
5. Existential propositions are not really necessary - logically necessary - for a complete description of the world.
6. These characters would never escape their existential lots, or move freely from one class to another.
7. If, however, an existential claim is expressed in such a manner, then it can be paraphrased in terms of valid inference.
8. You will go through our comic, existential garden with your shears and you will never water the lupins.
9. The existential sentence strongly suggests that there is nothing metaphorical about this experience for Lok.
10. The electric light was an invention with profound existential consequences.
11. Suppose we begin with an existential hypothesis, without being able to point to any confirming evidence.
12. William did not go West on an existential errand; the end of his journey was known.
13. I recognize no human moral authority outside my existential self.
14. Among right-wing circles this perception simply intensified their existential feeling of Angst, of having lost their bearings.
15. This struck me as one of those existential moments in the life of a happily married woman.
16. Existential propositions, contextually indispensable though they might be, are not logically essential for a complete description of the world.
17. Initially, it was the existential absurdity of his predicament that reduced Sooty to silence.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Existential claims are more naturally expressed within the context of a specific domain of discourse.
19. "What if there's nothing left at all?" he cries, lost in some intense existential angst.
20. The same theory may take on quite different political, moral and even existential meanings according to particular circumstances of context and conjuncture.
21. The main problem here is what to do with the existential quantifier.
22. At one level, there is a clearly visible opposition between a historical and an existential perspective.
23. But does such an analysis of concepts enable us to gain a clearer insight into the meaning of existential propositions?
24. The epistemological version involves an assumption that all significant existential claims can be translated into claims about potential knowledge.
25. For Rosenberg, faced with the realities of the world, the canvas would become the site of an existential encounter.
26. Maybe writer / director Michael Mann thought he was creating an existential male menopause movie masquerading as a cops-and-robbers drama.
27. There is no need to deny the importance of existential affirmation as the locus of meaning in individual cases.
28. Chicks dig any guy who looks like some one with existential dirt on their cheeks.
29. She suspects me of a form of vanity in sidling up to the existential questions.
30. Communication is a social practice and even if systematic distortion is removed, existential determination is not.
1. Existential questions requir-ing religious answers still persist.
31. He could only regard her existential pain as a cup of instant coffee to be sweetened with saccharin.
32. Inevitably this raises a question about the logical structure of existential propositions in general.
33. It is clearly not a property of ontological objects, despite the fact that singular existential propositions can make perfectly good sense.
34. Similarly, negative existential propositions can be reproduced in terms of, and are theoretically interchangeable with, certain conjunctions of negative singular propositions.
35. Are we feeling existential this morning?
36. Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy.
37. It's a form of existential aerobics, a moving meditation.
38. What does Existential therapy look like in practice?
39. Your key planet Saturn is compromised by a quincunx from Neptune now putting you in an unsolvable existential dilemma.
40. The existential issues of terminal cancer patients with major depressive disorder are death, self-awareness, dignity, meaning and meaninglessness, autonomy and choice, and relations.
41. I'll also sketch out some comparisons between existential psychotherapy and religious consolation.
42. The formalized axiomlogy construct the new foundation for research an existential conditions of the possible worlds.
43. He expounded his view of freedom in his existential philosophy.
44. Karl Jaspers tries his best to make the existential philosophy towards transcendent dimension.
45. It has all-too extensive experience in it; and it has a political system that can cope with disgruntlement without suffering existential doubts.
46. The concept of Dasein is the core of Heidegger's existential philosophy.
47. The paper tries to give a general review and investigation of Professor Thaddaeus Hang's contribution to the Existential Philosophy research.
47. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
48. This time the difference was about Atl é tico's existential angst.
49. But, beingness alone from time remote can not meet the requirements of the existential difference itself. Difference requires the world itself to have its internal restrictions.
50. The term is a vague one and before proceeding farther allow me to offer a fairly uninformative definition of existential psychotherapy.
51. The verbs, with the number of 78 and appearing 178 times totally can be divided into three types of volitive auxiliary, existential verbs and action verbs.
52. A statement asserting the existence of a trend is existential, not universal.
53. The existential unity of nature and man is actualized through human socially and historically generation.
54. So education returning to existential ontology represents as returning to its undistorted intendment.
55. Any logic which uses the existential quantifier or the universal quantifier is said to be a predicate logic.
56. The existential approach of discrimination of Semantic Presupposition and Semantic Entailment.
57. Maslow was very influenced by existential philosophy, and he was also drawn to the study of mystical experiences, both from Western and Eastern religious traditions.
58. Through the study of mineragraphy and electron probe microanalysis, we found the existential status of silver having two types-visible and invisible, with mainly visible silver.
59. It is the ancient Greek nation with its social customs and existential philosophy to our work philosophy presents a problem.
60. Obviously, from Heidegger"s view of freedom, we can obtain the essence of his thought and understand his existential philosophy better."
61. Thus, we have feminist psychology, Marxist psychology, existential psychology, and so forth.
62. From the existential philosophy of human, and life philosophy, she reveals the eternal spiritual difficulty which human faces, so it has the clear modern realization and philosophical character.
63. This paper analyses the existential problems of the scaly chain stoker, and introduces two types of the light chain stokers , which operate more economically and safely.
64. All of this is the individual factor, the existential element.
65. In terminology of approximately existential philosophy, the ancient Greek techno-myths analyzed the thought of technological metaphysics that was under the atmosphere of Greek tragedy.
66. Paul Tillich, a well known American existential theologian. He not only proposed 'Ultimate Concern', but also found out many unique theoretical viewpoints in the religious aesthetics.
67. The crisis has onlyincreased the urgency of some existential questions.
68. This thesis will expatiate the underlying existential text of Tess from the visual angle of dramatis personae , Tess and D'Urberville.
69. The thesis aims to analyze Samuel Beckett splays using an existential concept - alienation, emphasizing the me.
70. I'll turn now from meaninglessness to another ultimate concerns: Existential Isolation. First we need to discriminate between the several uses of isolation in our profession.
71. The Existential Philosophy still belongs to the philosophy of "ontology".
72. Theoretical boundary between existential philosophy and speculative philosophy is just the essential difference between the modern Western philosophy and contemporary philosophy.
73. We show that it is secure against existential forgeable on adaptively chosen message and ID attack under the random oracle.
74. In the second chapter, we intuitively and phenomenological explain the ontological of death in existential philosophy. And we feel the death is axiomatic.
75. Tillich constructs his cultural theology from man's existential situation with an ontological approach.
76. But It is a very simple understanding on Existence, so the contemporary Existential Philosophy stress es that Existence must be a be humans category in which the reflection can get involved.
77. Williams' historical figures are endowed with the symbolical pattern of mythological archetype which results from "existential historicism".sentencedict .com
78. That was hyperbole - but the existential threat from climate change is all too real.
79. Are you getting existential on us, or is this Wall of Weird material?
80. Formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters which are precisely what artists are concerned with.
81. Merleau - Ponty Shit is a bowel movement of the lived and existential body.
82. The philosophy based on the transcendental existence was departed into three parts: existential philosophy of Greek, modern metaphysical and the existential philosophy of Heidergger.
83. The people who "exist before death" reveal the existential philosophy that only in face of impending death can human beings have a profound awareness of their existence.
84. Tillich starts his thinking of utopia from man's existential situation ontologically.
85. A phenomenology of religion must be both existential and hermeneutical.
86. Linguistics have been arguing about some ideas in English existential sentence.
87. Before leaving on his journey, Henderson is also caught in the familiar existential dilemma of Bellow's heroes: yearning for order and meaning in his life, he finds only chaos and meaninglessness.
88. Methods of pyrolysis gas chromatography, infrared spectrum and Mossbauer spectroscopy have been used for the study of the existential state of iron in green vitriols and its preparations.
89. These three principles echo the absurdness of the world and solitude of individual in atheistic existential literature.
90. It analyzes its usages of mechanism and the effects of Mans cognitive on the generation of existential sentences in English and Chinese from the point of the Mans perception and information encoding.
91. His youthful enthusiasm is soon replaced by deep depression and existential questions like: What do I really want?
92. As other branches of theology, eschatology was explained according to the private, individual, and existential method.
93. Sathe pro-moted"Inter-literature"and he created a modern magazine in order to study society, politics and literature with the point of view of existential philosophy.
94. According to the principle, the thesis divides the verbs in existential sentences into one- valence and bivalent verbs and describes them through grammar and semantic frames.
95. This paper discusses two controversial issues of the English existential definiteness and agreement.
96. All the jubilation that follows can sound like an attempt to forget whatever existential threat the Scherzo poses.
97. Existential literature is a reflection of existential philosophy in literature.
98. The essence of existence is a kind of open state that demonstrates through self introspection. The existence which combines the externalism with inhereatism is a historical existential way.
99. In an attempt to go beyond Husserl's essentialist approach,(Sentencedict) his pupil Martin Heidegger posited an existential theory of hermeneutics in Being and Time.
100. As subject has its existential specification, freedom not only has its character of will, but also has the entire "self" as the agent.
101. Furthermore, this narrative strategy also uncovers Flaubert 's playful attitude towards the existential nihil, and thus helps the writer transcend and poeticize reality.
102. Existential issue has acquired research achievements of plenty against the analytical philosophy.
103. Iran is seen as an existential threat, and that has raised speculation that Israel might launch a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.
104. In the novel, Murdoch employed various literary devices to illuminate the existential subject and the central theme, such as a well-knit overall structure and different images with symbolic meanings.
105. You recognize a theme familiar to existential philosophy: truth contrary to morality.




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