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单词 pole
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Geography, Physics, Electricitypole1 /pəʊl $ poʊl/ ●●● W3 noun [countable]  1  stick/post 棒/杆D a long stick or post usually made of wood or metal, often set upright in the ground to support something 杆,柱,竿 a telephone pole 电话线杆2  HEGSGthe most northern or most southern point on a planet, especially the Earth 〔行星的〕地极;〔尤指地球的〕北[南]极 the distance from pole to equator 地极到赤道的距离the North/South Pole Amundsen’s expedition was the first to reach the South Pole. 阿蒙森的探险队是最早到达南极的队伍。 →4  See picture of 见图 GLOBE3  be poles apart DIFFERENTtwo people or things that are poles apart are as different from each other as it is possible to be 〔两人或两事物〕截然相反,大相径庭 Both are brilliant pianists, though they’re poles apart in style. 他们两位都是卓越的钢琴家,然而在风格上却大相径庭。4  opposite ideas/beliefs 相反的观点/信仰OPPOSITE/REVERSE one of two situations, ideas, or opinions that are the complete opposite of each other 〔两种情况、观念或意见〕截然相反的两极之一;极端at one pole/at opposite poles We have enormous wealth at one pole, and poverty and misery at the other. 我们一方面有着巨大的财富,另一方面又存在着贫穷和困苦。 Washington and Beijing are at opposite poles (=think in two completely different ways) on this issue. 在这个问题上,华盛顿和北京看法完全不同。5  electrical 电的 a) HPone of two points at the ends of a magnet where its power is the strongest 磁极 b) HPEone of the two points at which wires can be attached to a battery in order to use its electricity 电极Examples from the Corpuspole• Chain mail was made first by coiling links around a pole and then fully constructed by interlinking.• a fishing pole• a flag pole• Alexei dragged his coat off what remained of the lantern pole.• At one pole in the debate is keeping our personal freedoms, and at the other is reducing crime.• Pike pole with D-shaped handles is extended for victim to reach.• They begin to go through motions of dancing, holding on to the steel poles that support the ceiling, jerking mechanically.• They like roosting on telegraph poles.• The top of the pole had been severed, and his hat had fallen out of sight into the space below the staging.• Amundsen's expedition was the first to reach the pole.• The other boy walked around the house poking the walls with a thick pole.• When he looked down he felt as if his own feet were stuck in the soft muck like two poles.the North/South Pole• Joseph Harker Is there anything intrinsically upward about the north pole?• Once into the southern hemisphere the lines of latitude would become shorter and finally vanish at the south pole.• He's also planned a route to the south pole of Mars.Related topics: Sportpole2 verb [intransitive, transitive] British English  DSPUSHto push a boat along in the water using a pole 用篙撑(船)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspole• As soon as we cast off from the boathouse Dennis started poling downstream like a maniac.• They were all set to poling now, and it was hard work navigating the flatboat upstream.• Contrary to what she expected they poled upriver, far away from the rowboat Amy had found.• Peter poled upstream, away from other people.• They were cleaned of frozen mud, made ready, and we all clambered aboard, Bowyer's soldiers poling us across.Related topics: Nationality & racePole noun [countable]  SANsomeone from Poland 波兰人Origin Pole (1500-1600) German Polish Poljane “people who live in fields, Poles”, from pole “field” pole1 1. Old English pal, from Latin palus; → PALE32. (1300-1400) Latin polus, from Greek polospole1 nounpole2 verbPole nounChinese  a long stick or post Corpus usually




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