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单词 Shone
1, The lamp in the window shone away for hours.
2, The burglar shone his torch into the dark room.
3, My headlights shone over a broad ditch of water.
4, He buffed the wood until it shone.
5, Her hair shone like burnished copper.
6, A pale wintry sun shone through the clouds.
7, The lights shone like diamonds.
8, She flashed/shone the torch into the dark room.
9, The dining table shone with silver and crystal.
10, The dark polished wood shone like glass.
11, The rays of lamp shone out through the window.
12, The ice melted when the sun shone on it.
13, A bright star shone in the East.
14, The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.
15, A bright moon shone high overhead.
16, He shone his lantern into the dark room.
17, His eyes shone with an unearthly light.
18, The water shone in the sunlight.
19, Juliet's eyes shone with happiness.
20, Her thick,[http:///shone.html] black hair shone with lustre.
21, We shone our torches around the cavern.
22, The morning/afternoon/evening sunlight shone through the curtains.
23, The evening sunlight shone aslant through the window.
24, The sun shone bright and warm.
25, A ray of sunshine shone through a gap in the clouds.
26, The sun shone fiercely down and it grew hotter and hotter.
27, The light shone up.
28, It was foggy and the sun shone feebly through the murk.
29, The only light over the deep black sea was the blink shone from the beacon.
30, It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone like new.
1, The lamp in the window shone away for hours.
2, The burglar shone his torch into the dark room.
3, My headlights shone over a broad ditch of water.
4, He buffed the wood until it shone.
5, Her hair shone like burnished copper.
6, A pale wintry sun shone through the clouds.
7, The lights shone like diamonds.
8, She flashed/shone the torch into the dark room.
9, The dark polished wood shone like glass.
10, The rays of lamp shone out through the window.
11, A bright star shone in the East.
12, The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.
13, A bright moon shone high overhead.
14, He shone his lantern into the dark room.
15, His eyes shone with an unearthly light.
16, The water shone in the sunlight.
17, Juliet's eyes shone with happiness.
18, Her thick, black hair shone with lustre.
19, We shone our torches around the cavern.
20, The morning/afternoon/evening sunlight shone through the curtains.
21, The sun shone bright and warm.
22, The only light over the deep black sea was the blink shone from the beacon.
23, A ray of sunshine shone through a gap in the clouds.
24, The sun shone fiercely down and it grew hotter and hotter.
25, The light shone up.
26, It was foggy and the sun shone feebly through the murk.
27, It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone like new.
28, They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
29, The red sun, rising in the east, shone on the happy village.
30, The parquet floors shone like mirrors.
31, They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
32, The red sun, rising in the east, shone on the happy village.
33, Her eyes shone in the lamplight.
34, He polished the brass till it shone.
35, Someone shone a light in my face.
36, A billion stars shone in the night sky.
37, Her blue eyes shone and caught the light.
38, The sun shone all afternoon.
39, The parquet floors shone like mirrors.
40, He shone the light on the water.
41, His dark eyes shone with excitement.
42, The sun shone faintly through the clouds.
43, The clouds parted and the sun shone through.
44, Her eyes shone with tears.
45, He shone a flashlight in the boy's face.
46, The sun shone full on her face.
47, A beam of sunlight shone in through the window.
48, The clouds thinned and the moon shone through.
49, The moon shone brightly in the sky.
50, A square of light shone from the skylight.
51, The moonlight shone on the calm sea.
52, The sun shone through a rent in the clouds.
53, Love and pride shone from her eyes.
54, Drops of dew shone on the grass.
55, I've never shone at tennis.
56, Sunlight shone in through the window.
57, The sun shone and the mist dissipated.
58, He shone the flashlight around the cellar.
59, He shone a light inside and saw nothing amiss.
60, He shone in an examination.
31, Her eyes shone with tears.
32, The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.
33, Light shone through a slit under the door.
34, The watchman shone his torch at us.
35, The sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky.
36, The sun shone down.
37, A light shone out of the dark wall of the house.
38, We stopped the work when the setting sun shone in.
61, The hot sun shone down on the scene.
62, The afternoon sun shone full on her.
63, A brilliant sun shone through the trees.
64, The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.
65, Her old professional skills shone through.
66, The police shone a searchlight on the house.
67, Her eyes shone with delight.
68, A powerful torch shone in their direction.
69, I hate lights being shone in my face.
70, A few scattered lights shone on the horizon.
71, The road shone frostily under the full moon.
72, The sun shone through a break in the clouds.http://
73, His face shone with excitement.
74, The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.
75, Her eyes shone with happiness.
76, The dark wood shone like glass.
77, The light shone on his face.
78, Light shone through a slit under the door.
79, The watchman shone his torch at us.
80, I shone my torch through the crack.
81, Marion polished the table until it shone.
82, The clouds parted and the sun shone .
83, The doctor's voice had come alive and his small eyes shone.
84, The sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky.
85, The sun shone on the sea and the waves danced and sparkled.
86, The headlights shone on empty streets as we drove through the town.
87, Her goodness shone through.
88, The sun shone brightly.
89, The stars shone like points of light in the sky.
90, The sun shone down.
91, Her spoken English is not very good, but her meaning shone through without doubt.
92, A light shone out of the dark wall of the house.
93, We stopped the work when the setting sun shone in.
94, For a few short weeks the sun shone and the fields turned gold.
95, The intruders turned and ran as the police shone their torches full on them.
96, One of the men shone a torch in his face.
97, The moon shone, shedding a ghostly light on the fields.
98, She shone her light on the sleeping child to see that all was well.
99, The sun shone through the leaves, casting/throwing shadows on the lawn.
100, The sun shone over a wide grassy valley.
101, Tony's eyes shone like stars.
102, His voice thickened as he spoke, his eyes shone.
102, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
103, The sun shone on her lovely face and hair.
104, The yellow light shone on the wall clock.
105, On the opposite side, daylight shone through glass doors.
106, He polished the piano until the wood shone.
107, The Sergeant's long sword shone silver.
108, The knife shone in his gloved hand.
109, Sun shone through a gentle breeze.
110, Their eyes shone like tiny lamps in the firelight.
111, The summer sun shone warmly on the Cadillac Eldorado.
112, A solitary light shone in the street.
113, The moon shone overhead like a new dime.
114, The bright afternoon sun shone upon the glancing waters.
115, His essential humanity had always shone through.
116, One pale light shone at an upstairs window.
117, It shone like a snail trail but with none of that gossamer impermanence.
118, Across the earth between rows shone dry silver trails, sticky to sight, where the slugs had been.
119, Tarnished metal shone through his musculature as he walked through the fire.
120, The sun shone, the birds sang, and in every corner of the garden there was something interesting to look at.
121, It shone with gold and gleamed with ivory and sparkled with jewels.
122, It seemed a touch ill-suited to the Town Hall on Tuesday night but at least the music shone through.
123, I shone a torch into the water hoping to attract a curious dorado to the light.
124, Outside the moon shone down brightly, casting a weird pale light over the cottages and the trees and fields beyond.
125, When the clouds thinned, and the bright moon shone through, the dead arms of the elms seemed to beckon.
126, So bright it shone, so radiant with truth and discovery!
127, Twenty-two steps. On the landing a soft light shone into the dark from the corridor, as in memory.
128, His fur shone and his claws and teeth were in perfect condition.
129, Facing Mathis, some of the real ring rust shone through.
130, The sky was clear and a full moon shone, lighting the landscape.
131, Hencke shone the torch in the direction of the sound.
132, They kept on walking, however,[http://] and at night the moon came out and shone brightly.
133, A simple gold circlet held the veil in place, beneath which guileless blue eyes shone with a gentle womanly strength.
134, The burnished copper shone bravely, having only the previous night survived unscathed a particularly concerted attack upon its person.
135, Below us the landscape shone in great brown-and-white patterns like the coat of a well-groomed piebald horse.
136, She was holding a candle and her eyes shone in its light and her gleaming hair fell like silk on her shoulders.
137, The experts claim it's not a vintage year, so the spotlight has shone firmly on the models.
138, It's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone. John Steinbeck 
139, Clear yellow sunlight shone through the window-panes, making a pattern of diamonds on the plasterwork.
140, The sky was still blue, the sun still shone, somewhere near by a lark gibbered away.
141, And all the garments he was clothed in were not only untainted but still shone with their first newness and original brightness.
142, The wolf's yellow eyes shone, and he ran into the myrtle bushes, pulled Bertha out, and ate her.
143, Instead, from the spangled endless night that dimmed the hall, meanings shone.
144, Now, on a bright September morning, the sun shone warmly on the terrible little group that crossed the prison yard.
145, The faint glow of a match shone through the door from the house.
146, He turned on the torch and shone it round the shed.
147, She was smiling and her whole face shone as if candles had been lit inside her.
148, Hanging red lights shone on leatherette couches and framed relief pictures of vintage cars. Pop music pounded from the jukebox.
149, Bog grass on lower ground shone orange, emerald green or gold.
150, Her dark hair shone in the light from the candles.
151, I had not shone at school but I believed that I could do better than their lowly estimation of my capability.
152, As the men cleared away the dishes, a three-quarter moon rose and shone through the windows that looked toward the meadow.
153, Hanging red lights shone on leatherette couches and framed relief pictures of vintage cars.
154, John found a torch and shone it at the engine cowling.
155, The sun shone brightly as we cruised over the jungle north of camp and turned south to line up on row three.
156, There was a copper kettle boiling on one hob and a china teapot on the other and the stove shone clean.
157, One evening the stars came out and the whole sky shone as clear as polished jet.
158, The warm sunshine of autumn shone on the fields, and on the trees the leaves were red and gold.
159, His eyes roved to the perimeter fences where the lights still shone as if in defiance of the coming day.
160, Abruptly the full moon passed across the gaping wound in their roof and no longer shone directly into the room.
161, The steep, shingled roof shone in varying shades of grey, and there was the terrace in front.
162, Like brilliant sapphires, they shone vividly under long,[http://] dark eyelashes and gently curving eyebrows.
163, Her face was pale and tragic in the lamplight; her bright eyes shone like amber held up to the light.
164, But the stores group, Kingfisher shone out like a beacon in the dull market.
165, Henry was a boy who left no stone unturned, and he got a torch and shone the beam inside.
166, Its beams shone through a gap in the pastel blue curtains.
167, For a moment his attractiveness shone so powerfully that it almost sabotaged the warning bells sounding strident alarm inside Charity's head.
168, Now, with your help, World Vision is looking to repeat the success at Shone.
169, When it looked as though he was breathing his last, Beria's face shone with delight.
170, The always dim lights were not working, but the soldiers no longer shone their flashlights into our faces.
171, Then we waited for signs of movement in the kitchen, where a single light-bulb shone.
172, Last night she had washed her hair in the metal tub, and today it shone.
173, The one unshaded light bulb shone continuously down at her, and she was kept in complete silence.
174, Thorunn shone in an ivory silk off-the-shoulder gown with full train and matching headband.
175, The little animals though fat were lithe; they were heavy, their coats shone, opulent and dense.
176, Izzie played her pipe softly, breathily, while the sun shone through the stained-glass angel on to her face.
177, Through the tall leaded windows the bright span of water flittered and shone.
178, But maybe even to her husband she shone against the log wall like a saint in a niche.
179, Its fabric shifted in the light, cords sliding across one another, and the light shone through and between them.
180, Though bone dry, they shone in an evening sun that dazzled us, as we linked up the infrequent holds.
181, One member shone out from this picture of lethargy and petty corruption.
182, Among those white-robed girls this young enchantress must have shone out like a diamond in white flax.
183, The winter sun shone on her brown hair and there was the trace of a smile on her lips.
184, The sun was behind him and she could see the glare that shone on his bald pate.
185, Next and Matalan are among the few retailers to have shone over the past year as their peers have suffered.
186, Dim lights shone in brown parlour windows and there was a trail of yellow in the purpling sky behind the chimneys.
187, He scrubbed the panes until his reflection shone in them, spotless.
188, Dirty grey clouds tumbled across the sky above the slate roof, now the only thing that shone, glazed with rain.
189, The blazing lights of the casino shone out across the bay.
190, They reminded me of the color of the creek bed when the sun shone on it.
191, A half moon shone through the dark, flying clouds on to the wild and empty moor.
192, His vision of a fairer,[Sentencedict] kinder society shone like a beacon in those final selfless words.
193, My well-worn schoolboy shoes were polished until they shone like glass.
194, It came in two colours, medium brown or medium grey; it shone with a slightly oily sheen.
195, The original finish of highly polished golden brass soon deteriorated, but initially at least shone a bright yellow.
196, The light from the launderette had shone upon him like an arc lamp.
197, Some faces shone white in the moonlight that was coming up behind a copse.
198, Sugar shone on his mouth, spilled as he thrust into the dancers, his moist lips reddened.
199, Yesterday the sun shone until everything he beheld revealed its dazzle.
200, I shone in the reflection of her green-eyed, black-haired, gypsy beauty.
201, On that occasion it was my little brother Jerry who shone.
202, There was a skim of grease that shone in the fluorescent light of the Kitchen.
203, He lighted a lamp whose glow shone blue through the cloth wall and threw huge windmill shadows among the rafters.
204, His behaviour in the aftermath of the Hillsborough disaster was exemplary, his character shone through.
205, He shone a flashlight at the trucks and shouted at them.
206, The Professor shone his torch in through the crack and nodded.
207, But his determination to collect another green jacket shone through.
208, He fed it lots of oil and wiped at it all the time with an oily rag so it shone.
209, The sun, as if ashamed of its late arrival, shone its hardest and hottest.
210, Everything was dark except for a single patch where the moon shone through the skylight on to the wall.
211, Above shone the stars and the rings; below lay a dimly visible sea of clouds.
212, The little piece of moon, like a chip of eggshell, shone in the sky over us.
213, She heard the car come up the lane and stepped into the sunlight and her face shone.
214, His lips were intensely smiling and his false teeth shone.
215, Behind them three fixed candles like the candles on an altar shone on a wall of living red.
216, She made it clear she was making hay while the sun shone.
217, Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man. Thomas Jefferson 
218, Even when he was trying to be a criminal, the low moral fibre shone through.
219, Ahead of him blue light shone out of the open hatchway.
220, Her skin complemented her hair; she had an olive complexion which shone like burnished gold.
221, She shimmered and shone like a precious jewel, a princess.
222, He shone his torch ahead but all he could see was its bright reflection against the shiny damp wall.
223, The decorations shone on the walls and I loosened the buttons of my tunic and slipped my tie down a few inches.
224, My knees were tapped with hammers, cookie cutters were rolled over my skin,[] flashlights were shone in my eyes.
225, The light from the oil-lamp shone on the brass plate.
226, The lights on the scaffolding shone, unwinking in the still air.
227, But the reserve through which that attractive generosity and warmth powerfully shone was, for him, an impenetrable and necessary protection.
228, Because the sun shone so brightly the slate roof blazed like a slab of silver.
229, Through scattered clouds the sun shone brightly upon the calm blue sea.
230, But, as of old, his smooth face fairly shone with affable ease.
231, The moon rose high in the sky and shone unfalteringly into the woods, a silver goddess that I felt like worshipping.
232, On the landing a soft light shone into the dark from the corridor, as in memory.
233, Surely it was odd that no light at all shone in the corridor?
234, She lay on the bed and pulled the coverlet up over herself and the golden Satan shone behind her closed eyes.
235, It was a balmy night with a full moon and the city shone Picasso blue.
236, A light shone through a chink in the curtains of a window above the garage door.
237, For the first time that holiday, the sun shone in an unbroken blue sky.
238, The door to the sitting room was ajar, and a wedge of light shone out across the stairs.
239, Appearing magically out of shadow, suddenly she shone there before them, the focus of light and warmth and refuge.
240, His preparation shone through during his interview with Donahoe last Friday.
241, The mahogany work tables, mottled by youthful mis-experiment, shone with a rich dark patina.
242, Strangely, the sun also shone, though it turned a dusty red, blotted out by the dark wings of vultures.
243, Sun shone, warm breezes blew, and the plane trees behind the Cages grew greener and more leafy with each hour.
244, Houses white as virgins breathed their stony breaths and expanded their bellies until every polished name-plaque turned to the sun and shone.
245, A full moon shone through silvery clouds[ ], adding a dreamy air to the scene.
246, For Jack, it was a joy to watch her walk; her step was light and happiness shone from her.
247, Her eyes shone and her chest rose and fell quickly.
248, A shaft of brilliant sunlight shone through the dusty attic window.
249, It shone for the world like a tray of diamonds.
250, He shone his hand-lamp into the car and then, without speaking, opened the gate across a side road.
251, Gay broad leaves shone and swung in rhyme.
252, Already the moon shone quite clear on the high ground on either side.
253, The faint glow of a lamp shone through the canvas.
254, On the horizon the bony hills shone like picked bleached bones piled high.
255, An observer would only see light that shone directly at him.
256, The sun shone on him pitilessly , by day - only the king night gave him shade.
257, She advised that he make hay while the sun shone.
258, A light shone out from an open door at its gable end.
259, Against the peaceful landscape, the pale, decaying tints of the copses, the blue air of the horizon, and the lichened stile-boards, these staring vermilion words shone forth.
260, Interpreted correctly, these two words form an expression meaning that Moses was enlightened, that "the skin of his face shone" (as with a gloriole ), as the KJV has it.
261, In the same chapter Jesus went into the Temple and his power shone through as he cleaned it out to make it a house of prayer once more.




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