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单词 Exploring
1 After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral.
2 We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.
3 It is certainly a strategy worth exploring.
4 They were exploring the Amazon jungle.
5 The cat walked round, exploring its new environment.
6 We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.
7 There's no better way of exploring the region.
8 The children have gone exploring in the woods.
9 This idea is worth exploring in some detail.
10 Caving means exploring the passages underneath the hills.
11 Divers exploring the wreck managed to salvage some coins and jewellery.
12 This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.
13 Progress in science cannot be made without exploring blind alleys.
14 Even the most unlikely avenues are worth exploring.
15 Progress can not be made without exploring blind alleys.
16 This point is worth exploring in a little detail.
17 We spent a week exploring the Oregon coastline.
18 Exploring old mines and ghost towns.
19 Fien is exploring his options and could transfer.
20 Kirchberg is extremely well positioned for exploring the Tyrol, yet it remains unspoilt and reasonable priced.
21 Restless cars and people, mostly young, roved aimlessly, exploring the summer night.
22 He saw scientists and thinkers as exploring the unknown,[] pushing forward their place in the universe.
23 It is ideal for exploring by steamer, bathing and water-skiing.
24 Designing Minds is a weekly column exploring home and design issues, ideas and resources.
25 The programme includes seminars exploring opportunities from the viewpoints of both franchisors and franchisees.
26 For walkers there is the excitement of exploring Dartmoor National Park and the miles of scenic coastal path.
27 We enjoyed exploring all the islands, and loved the ferry journeys thereto.
28 Markowitz's two-parameter model spawned an academic industry engaged in exploring the ramifications of the investor behaviour implied in the original formulation.
29 Thus understanding the social world of vulnerable elderly people involves exploring the meaning of death in a personal way.
30 When getting drunk or belligerent became too exhausting, I went out exploring on layovers.
1 After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral.
2 We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.
3 They were exploring the Amazon jungle.
4 This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.
31 Ministers are at ease with the former, they are friends exploring a situation.
32 But he is also exploring various tax reforms that would reduce rates and simplify the system.
33 Exploring the village, we came across a statue outside the church.
34 Kodak is exploring either selling its copier unit or setting a joint venture or strategic alliance.
35 It's through exploring our differences that we learn to respect one another.
36 Over the last year many people around the diocese have been exploring the Catholic faith, with a view to becoming Catholics themselves.
37 The Linshalm is well placed for exploring Kaprun and the surrounding area.
38 For Thomas Jefferson, exploring the western part of the continent had the same fascination that exploring space had for later Presidents.
39 Under Dauntless's watchful eye, Cleo prowled around the attic, exploring.
40 That experience sparked a gathering of works by more than 200 artists exploring the human experience of death and loss.
41 In the second half we consider the practical side of exploring the island of Madeira.
42 There is an active local historical society and members are delighted to meet visitors exploring the area.
43 In exploring this issue it is useful to watch out for two aspects of theoretical interpretation.
44 Spend the afternoon exploring the many shops and galleries, or take a leisurely boat cruise.
45 In exploring the ways in which young people are guided into employment, Bates recognises that.
46 We expect more outdoor recreation, exploring the local hills and fjords.
47 His isolated Ottery childhood had provided few opportunities for exploring the possibilities of friendship.
48 There have been many experiments demonstrating the validity of this principle and exploring detailed variables such as the timing and quality of feedback.
49 These are worth exploring on a short but pleasant walk from the village.
50 The Flandrau Science Center goes back and forth with a pair of presentations exploring both the Jurassic past and the intergalactic future.
51 Coleridge uses his poetic creativity to achieve his end, questioning, exploring and explaining.
52 It is, therefore,[http:///exploring.html] worth exploring in some detail their role.
53 Exploring the terrain or even setting up camp leave too many things wide open.
54 They are committed to exploring the idea of the Internet as a public space.
55 An advanced course develops existing expertise - exploring factors that influence the customer, business, produce and sales-person.
56 She frowned, hazily exploring the area near her face with one hand.
57 One refers to the page that appears when you start your browser and acts as your home base for exploring the Web.
58 Exploring the house on the following day or the day after that, she had ventured into the Deathbed Room.
59 Scientists are now exploring ways of limiting this, including reactivating disused sewage seepage fields in the area.
60 Other scenarios come to mind when exploring further areas of development for the partnership.
61 His friends thought he was crazy when he told them he was going to spend his entire vacation exploring a cave.
62 A vital ingredient for exploring these five questions is imagination, and to that I now turn.
63 Once Mark knew he was leaving and exploring new possibilities, his back pain went away and his enthusiasm returned.
64 Something outside her, mysterious and huge, put out a kindly exploring hand and touched her.
65 The town makes an ideal base for exploring the surrounding countryside.
66 This vast cultivation and re-design of the body provides an unprecedented laboratory for exploring the limits of human possibility.
67 Wahtever the true story, Folly Fellowship members took full advantage of the chance to spend an afternoon exploring Stancombe Park.
68 A day spent exploring the environs of Keld is a day to remember.
69 His mind used to wander through that garden as if exploring a new world born from a collision of stars.
70 The afternoon is yours for further exploring, until a farewell dinner party during the evening.
71 One of his hands, meanwhile, was exploring her back, inside her red shirt.
72 At the same time she kept tossing her head and patting her hair, exploring its new tidied sleekness.
73 When my colleagues at Roslin first began exploring genetic engineering in the early 1980s, pharming was not their only target.
74 By exploring and changing our inner world, we begin to transform our outer world.
75 We are therefore exploring inner space in a vehicle which is alien and with only limited knowledge of its controls.
76 Essentially, we were exploring subjective experiences of work and pointing to the fact that these experiences become objective reality.
77 Almost immediately after researchers began exploring this question, however, they hit a series of snags.
78 Freud acknowledges the unconscious and provides a means of exploring it and of living with it.
79 Of course, such insistence on exploring the logical steps of design and analysis may seem a gospel of perfection.
80 Drawing, like writing, can be a vehicle for exploring your feelings.
81 Spend the evening exploring the honeymoon capital of the world, staying overnight at Your Host Motor Inn.
82 However,[] opportunities still exist and the contacts listed here should help in exploring various possibilities.
83 Meanwhile, Green Tree Financial Corp. is exploring issuance of securities backed by consumer loans, traders said.
84 If he continues exploring, he may bump into something really nasty and die.
85 In both, Gironella is exploring the characters of the sitters as suggested in their portraits rather than the formal, painterly qualities.
86 You may forget about this entirely, or you may spend some time exploring possibilities in a rather inconsequential way.
87 This thus stands as a starting point for exploring the potential of complex semiotics as a mode of analysis of the photographic.
88 I notice George lightly touching the temporal lobe, exploring for scar tissue once more.
89 By exploring these events in detail, will we raise false hopes that athletics is a special path to mystic insight?
90 Before exploring why let me clarify what I am not saying.
91 Far better to spend some money exploring this new medium than to ignore the biggest competitive threat since television.
92 It departs on October 13, with another trip exploring the Amazon leaving on November 12.
93 The project will also be exploring how identity, the self-concept, changes in response to educational and occupational experiences during adolescence.
94 Chapter 10 is devoted to exploring issues in the production and comprehension of speech.
95 I have consistently maintained that the canoe is the traditional craft for exploring wilderness areas without disturbing wildlife.
96 Jana's work is based on the belief that exploring creative expression is one way of finding and strengthening our inner power.
97 The rain sent many scurrying for cover and raincoats as they began exploring the city.
98 But instead of exploring a deal, Park had the emissary arrested and executed.
99 Today the team is exploring how best to exhibit their findings.
100 And shipping lines are exploring the technique as a way of stripping paint and barnacles from hulls.
101 What the book does attempt to do is to provide a framework of problems and ideas, exploring major themes.
102 To and from school, on mundane errands, and finally for the pleasure of exploring.
103 They are attracted to novel situations and appear to derive satisfaction from exploring new aspects of their environment.
104 In the initial centuries of Bel Shanaar's long reign the Elves busied themselves rebuilding their land and exploring the surrounding world.
105 Teachers interested in exploring this source of funding for small research studies should contact.
106 Before exploring this suggestion further, it will be necessary to address certain issues that I have glossed over.
107 This might be successfully exploited by exploring the past from the viewpoint of the object under scrutiny.
108 He is exploring closer links with Diocesan and other denominational youth bodies which overlap in their aims.
109 He has always been something of a loner. restlessly exploring different avenues of improvisation.
110 The Red Studio and the views of Matisse at work show an artist exploring the relationship between real and fictive worlds.
111 Exploring Hidden Processes: what goes on in the heads of pupils doing simple addition calculations?
112 Caerleon serves as a centre both for walkers and motorists exploring the beautiful countryside of the Usk valley and eastern Gwent.
113 During layovers I spent less time lounging by the pool and more time exploring.
114 In exploring why this should be, this introduction seeks to identify the choices for contemporary reformers.
115 One day I hope to return and spend several weeks exploring County Galway.
116 From a secure base parish musicians can be adventurous in exploring new music and in experimenting with differing styles.
117 Restlessly exploring with an eager tongue, she eased his jacket from his shoulders.
118 There is a choice of over 260 walks exploring 85 different areas throughout the country.
119 The Staff Development Group is exploring the possibility of extending the observation and self-evaluation process to review and sustain these developments.
120 Both were engaged in the same kind of activity, in exploring accounts of the world through participation in a conversation.
121 I successfully blocked one of the main avenues they were exploring.
122 We are therefore shifting some of our attention to exploring the opportunities for reducing morbidity.
123 A rental car is the best bet for exploring Meteora in depth.
124 We are positively exploring various ways in which the organisation can make information from the archive more generally available.
125 It was a way of learning about each other, a way of exploring the possibilities between them.
126 We basked in the easygoing atmosphere, where our welcome included the offer of a kayak for exploring the bay next day.
127 Only by exploring these patterns, their causes and effects, is there any possibility of breaking them once and for all.
128 Impatient with committee work, he was at his best when exploring new paths and communicating his enthusiasms to others.
129 But the most effective way of exploring this difficult question is not in abstract, supra-historical terms.
130 Time was also spent exploring the consequences of the overdose and finding alternative ways of coping with similar problems in the future.
131 That is, the press reports were exploring the boundary of legitimate behaviour by women.
132 She may feel cautious about exploring certain themes in her pretend play such as coping with aggression.
133 The steering group is exploring the needs for after school care and is looking at possible locations for schemes.
134 A sprinkling of hot tears fell on to his exploring lips.
135 Inland the wild and vast Presely Hills which dominate the area are well worth exploring.
136 But when you talk I stray back to your ankles in a fantasy of exploring there with my tongue.
137 Astronauts are pioneering in exploring space.
138 We hiked the Grand Canyon, exploring Indian cliff dwellings.
139 You are exploring the frontiers in science.
140 Chicago is perfectly-placed for exploring the US by rail.
141 Exploring a jungle alive with wild animals is hazardous.
142 Since silicate melts and aluminosilicate melts are the main components of naturalmagma,[sentence dictionary] the study of their structure is very important to exploring the properties ofmagma and the igneous processes.
143 EEG ( electroencephalography ) and MEG ( magnetoencephalongraphy ) are noninvasive methods for exploring the neural electrical activities of brain.
144 So, the hotspot is appeared on how to realize the survival of modern culture heritage with exploring the"immateriality"theory in it.
145 Los Angeles , Santa Monica , Oakland and, naturally, Berkeley are exploring similar moves.
146 And PetroChina officials are exploring new shale gas and coal-bed methane opportunities over the country.
147 As a result, manned deep-sea exploration is incredibly inefficient. Imagine exploring all of Africa with only five Jeeps.
148 They earn points by exploring the site and these points can then be used to kit out their Zui avatar.
149 Capote doesn't shrink from exploring the brutality of the killers, but he also forces us to consider their wounded humanity.
150 I'll take a deeper look at each of these tasks at the conceptual level before exploring their implementations in Mahout.
151 Small world model provides a new aspect and method for exploring the topological structure and intrinsic characters of urban road network.
152 All the above results suggest taurine improves the locomotive activity and exploring ability of stressed mice, and shows some anxiolytic effect.
153 Hence the article designs preliminary schemes respectively as the result of penetratingly exploring the ideas of cyber-fairs and cyber-associations.
154 Moreover, through further analysis research to practice exploring content, the penman obtained some beneficial enlightenment, and utilized it in chemistry teaching.
155 The third part completes the discussion of representation issue in this novel by exploring the pathetic fallacy in the representation of the surrounding world.
156 It's been such an interesting process of self-reflection and discipline, exploring the multifaceted manifestations of fear .
157 Collaborating with experimentalist Ibrahim Karaman, a world expert on shape memory alloys, the duo is exploring forms of Cobalt-Nickel-Gallium alloys that they believe will work at high temperatures.
158 They want the Big Scream ride at the amusement park, or sleeping under the stars at a dude ranch, or exploring a city.
159 And this thesis probe into, from the design methodological perspective, exploring the relationship between modern domestic lifestyles and domestic appliance innovative design.
160 Marine biologists exploring this coastline over the last eight years as part of the Census of Marine Life have found more than 500 species of crabs, shrimps, lobsters, and other Decapoda.
161 Deby and Gaddafi have also worked together on saving the rapidly shrinking Lake Chad, and exploring how the African Union can become more involved in conflict-resolution.
162 While exploring novel methods, the author developed several systems of automatic text summarization.
163 Although archaeologists have been exploring Egypt for some 200 years, Hawass says only a third of what lies underground in Saqqara has been discovered.
164 This paper aims at exploring the cross-linguistic influence on discourse level in Chinese college students ESL writings.
165 Development of oceanography is with understanding, utilizing exploring and protecting the ocean in which marine geology is necessary for mankind.
166 Zooming and panning are navigational tools for exploring 2 D and 3 D information.
167 After studying the mental mechanism of language source and evolution through exploring the "past" of anthropogenesis and its development, we can grasp the process of language evolution.
168 This present thesis analyzes Pasternak s Doctor Zhivago from the perspective of symbolism, exploring symbolism and its meaning in this novel.
169 The design ideology, exploring environment, the function flowing of the real time alarm process computer aided system and it' s application in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station are introduced.
170 The final projects are the culmination of the semester's work, and find eleven MIT students exploring themes of peace in an unpeaceful time, in their work listed below.
171 Or you can go exploring for fossils of the earliest residents of the Gobi - dinosaurs.
172 The reflection method is applied in exploring the ground in west picking area of Xinji No.
172 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
173 On the base of four kinds and five configurations, the paper is the description of eight vagary sights and it is the discovery of cause of formation. It is named "Queering Scape and Exploring Secret".
174 A mirror of humanity , art expresses highly personal ideas while exploring materiality at a human scale.
175 They are exploring some of the world's last unknown waters.
176 It is required to have a comprehensive understanding of procedural knowledge before exploring how to design procedural knowledge's instructional game.
177 Directed by cinematographer-turned-director Gu Changwei, "Love for life" is a drama exploring how AIDS impacts a rural Chinese village.
178 Objective To provide experimental data by exploring the anatomic structure of adult corpus penis vein and lymphatic vessel and the length after releasing penile superficial ligament.
179 Contestation on shortcoming of traditional grads theory induced exploring logic point of the generalized-grads theory.
180 Emphasizes the problem of representation, exploring the issue of how 3-D objects should be encoded so as to efficiently recognize them from 2-D images.
181 Exploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler.
182 She remembered clearly that day when she'd gone exploring the rockpools.
183 We tried to direct undergraduates to carry out the originative exploring experiment instruction in experimental design.
184 There's nothing to stop you from doing a bit of exploring further afield.
185 In exploring the origin of the Austronesian language-speaking peoples, many scholars opine that they have relations with both the Yue and the Pu groups in ancient China.
186 As an important genre of modern art, Fauvism excels all the former schools in exploring colors. It has achieved colors'liberation and has being impacted on the various modern schools.
187 The release of the new images coincides with the opening of a week-long celebration of the Cassini mission, which has been exploring the Saturnian for the last five years.
188 An ant was busily exploring the uncharted territory of Paul's suntanned wrist.
189 Since the first stable N-Heterocyclic carbene is found, there are many work done on exploring its basic chemical properties and catalysis application, in particularly the homogeneous reaction.
190 Based on respective thinking interest and research direction, investigators have made a fruitful study on exploring the brainteaser of competitive advantage from various angles.
191 Through exploring the behavior-based robot control technology,() a behavior-based mobile robot control system was designed to carry out multiple objective mission.
192 It should be strengthened in selecting and appointing the leaders of rural hospitals, in reforming of the personnel and dispensatory system and in exploring the social insurance for the unemployment.
193 Lu Ling is a spirit explorer shouldering the task of exploring people's spirit world.
194 An advanced research on technology of isolation, purification and inspection is meaningful for making use of the rich resource of Zanthoxylum L and exploring new products.
195 This paper applied the nor- equilibrium analysis to farmland irrigation supply, exploring the source of the predicament to the farmland irrigation supply.
196 Coalfield burning does great harm to coal exploring, pit building and mine opening up.
197 The researchers who study English teaching from the perspective of students' learning have written articles to discuss self-access learning, cooperative learning, and exploring learning.
198 Methods of exploring the real number roots of a real coefficient polynomial are procedurally given.
199 China is exploring the rubble of the global economy in hopes of accelerating its own rise.
200 So don't overlook countertops, stairwells or even the balcony. By exploring new, naughty places for a nooky, you'll be making some very steamy memories of your own.
201 A magnetic attraction might be fleeting, but it could be worth exploring.
202 It provided a good foundation for exploring fed-batch process in fermentor.
203 With accurate simulations,[] the team can continue exploring applications in integrated circuits and supercomputing.
204 NASA will continue to support the 11 planetary missionscurrently exploring our solar system, and will complete launch preparations forthe groundbreaking Mars Science Laboratory.
205 I am relatively open - minded and enjoy exploring every facet of life.
206 Objective:To understand the meal nutrimental level of the Chronic Keshan Disease and provide the reference data for exploring the pathogeny .
207 Correctly understanding the meaning and nature of corruption, fully exploring corruption's hazard and orientating roots are the premise and foundation for the anti-corruption work.
208 Recognition of these characteristics is beneficial to exploring the law of bight r education development, providing helpful historical reference to contemporary higher education reform.
209 While exploring the ocean aboard his high-speed scooter sub, the deep-sea diver has found one of the treasure keys leading to the sunken city of Atlantis!
210 As CICIG agents were exploring the question of motive, the investigation took, as Castresana put it, a series of "stupefying turns.
211 The sea culture in Xia and Shang Dynasties presented as hazy sea conscious, sea god worship, sea travel and taking sea as shelter, exploring offshore resources and certain sail ability.
212 By exploring the con nation, expression and ideological roots of illusional space, the paper shows the high unity of the spirit and form in illusional space.
213 Because inquiry learning curriculum is still at exploring and pilot stage at present, to further investigation of this problem, have certain foresightedness.
214 OR structures are the first ones to employ photo-reactivetechnology at an architectural scale, exploring its applicability to the fields of construction and design.
215 LI Hui (2000) The Advance of Genetics Studies on Phenylthiocarbamide Tasting. Exploring Researches on Evolution and Genetics. Shanghai: Institute of Genetics.
216 Captain James Cook, after exploring South Georgia in 1775, dutifully reported an "island of ice" that he briefly mistook for the southern continent he had been sent to find.
217 The foundation said grant recipient Eric Lam at Rutgers University in New Jersey is exploring tomatoes as a antiviral drug delivery system.
218 Yiding Li is always pursuing improvement in exploring exterior expressive style and inner deep feelings of music.
219 Truth of Life-My Trichotomy of Epistemology, written by Mr. Zhou Deyi, is an excellent academic book exploring harmony philosophy.
220 ASA is exploring how to enhance its global outreach and undoubtedly there will be cross-fertilization between societies like the ASA and CSA.
221 Useful for exploring diverse mathematical algorithms, the open source computer algebra system known as Axiom is released under a modified Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license.
222 The outfit of the exploring party took only half a month.
223 Objective : Exploring the correlations of spiritual belief and coping style.
224 Focusing on the possibility of exploring the saturated unitary fatty alcohol as a thermal energy storage phase change material(PCM),[] 1 octadecanol was investigated by the calorimetry.




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